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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 417x412, dia038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
320027 No.320027 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys, 17 hours without wondering why we can't see Nao again.
What now?

>> No.320046

oh god I want to squeeze her ass

>> No.320054

We are going to meet Nao after maintenance?

>> No.320057

I... I don't know. I really don't know. ;_;

>> No.320058

I want to buy this cash card shit but I don't know where to look in bestbuy

>> No.320059

furiously masturbate?

>> No.320060

Well, I guess I'll get back on my 70 mage.

>> No.320069

More like MabiSHIT.

>> No.320073


Warlock > Mage

>> No.320088
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I quit the game due that


>> No.320086

Needs more Mabinogi porn.

>> No.320096

Curiously, that's the one class I hate playing.

>> No.320105

Shit wait what? The 20 highest players in the game after the highest player gets 14000 Nexon cash? How many rebirths is that?!

>> No.320114
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>> No.320106

Her azure eyes remind everyone o.... HOLY SHIT THATS A HUGE RACK

>> No.320120

Lets see do I want frost nova and blink or do I want multiple pets for different situations, dots, fear, AOE Fear, HP->MP conversion, more dots, life taps, and the ability to steal enemy players souls and put them in a rock. Tough choice.

>> No.320132


>> No.320130
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We all do. We all do.

>> No.320138
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>> No.320142

like 2 5000 each we assume

>> No.320149
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It's always wherever they happen to sell prepaid phone cards. Find that, you find Nexon cards.

>> No.320158

thanks for delicious Nao ass, and now I need to go call a ride to see if he can take me to bestbuy and then a asian market for some fucking dried seaweed

>> No.320160


I'm just wondering how to buy one of these without looking like a faggot. Maybe I'll just buy some cheap junk and throw a card in and pretend it fell in there by accident.

>> No.320163

how about you just buy it?

>> No.320164
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Also I hear church girl in Dunbarton is a succubus. True/false?

>> No.320172
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mai waifu

>> No.320177

If you feel comfortable buying a card with a scantly clad anime girl on it then you need to learn shame.

>> No.320178


>> No.320181
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>> No.320184

NA only game is pig disgusting.

>> No.320190

It's really the utter lack of OHSHITIDONTWANNADIE abilities that got me at first. I mean, you've got... sacrifice. If your voidwalker is out. That's pretty much it, yeah?

Mages have frost nova + blink + ice block. Hunters have feign death. Paladins have bubbles. Warriors have intimidating shout. Priests have PW:Shield and psychic scream. Shamans... guess they don't have so much, though there is ravenclaw, and the fact that they're mail+shield+healing+instant area snare+ghost wolf. Rogues, of course, have vanish, gouge, kidney shot, sprint, evasion. Am I forgetting anything?

>> No.320192


>> No.320210

I just fapped to nagisa from pretty cure being fucked by a centipede. Shame is not in my vocabulary.

>> No.320213
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This outfit...every NPC should wear this outfit.

>> No.320219


>> No.320228

Voidwalker is good to have out just for the shield if you're a destruction or affliction warlock. I think the succubus seduce can also be used if you've got someone on you. Also, death coil.

>> No.320231


>> No.320235
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Unshaven?! y u do dis?

>> No.320265

Where's that anon that was writing a Mabinogi story like GM? We were fondling Nao's tits and stuff.

>> No.320300
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I also prefer rua

>> No.320332

Take a little kid with you. Tell him to tell you to buy the card for him at the register.

Or buy it online.

>> No.320424
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>> No.320451

You will tell me the sauce of this, won't you anon?

>> No.320455

Anyone who's played the Korean version will probably have seen her at one point in their travels.

Fuck she's hot. And classy. A deadly combination.

>> No.320464

Are there any doujin of Rua?

>> No.320490

This looks familiar. I once saw a video/flash comic type thing advertising a game about 5 girls that looked similar to that. I don't think it was mabinogi though, because I remember guns or airplanes, or some sort of mechanical thing.

I do know they had black dresses and a heavy rose motif in their clothing, and pretty sure they had red hair. It was a couple years ago though.

>> No.320542
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is this from mabinogi?

>> No.320562


>> No.320553

I'm afraid I don't know, found it on /v/.

>> No.320606

After wearing Eiry down a bit with some steady friction, I decided I couldn't wait any longer and ended up breaking her. Only takes a pound or two to bust a little girl like that.
So what do I do now? I have a ruined loli in my backpack and don't know what to do with her. Any chance I could trade her in for Ibbie?

>> No.320611

You have to keep her until level 26. I hope you didn't want those 3 inventory slots she takes up.

>> No.320616

No. Repair her you douchebag.

>> No.320631

>> Needs more Mabinogi porn.

Visit gelbooru.com for that.

>> No.320639

There be promotions.

>> No.321027
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Soon, :3 face

>> No.321030


>> No.321176

i'm not paying for this shit lol and why should you?

>> No.321206


>> No.321220

just went to a CVS and jesus christ the fucking faggots stole all of them but the $25 ones so I went a bought one but to not look like a faggot I bought it with a pack of gum, now what do I do?

>> No.321224

Because its a game we enjoy?

>> No.321230

Yeah, she's a concubine you meet in Gen 2.

>> No.321227


Chew the gum.

>> No.321241

Jump in the lake.

>> No.321238

Are cards the only way to do it, or can I just use paypal or something?

>> No.321254

got 25,000 nexon cash, now when do I get to meet Nao?

>> No.321270

I'm sorry, it takes 30,000 Nexon Cash to meet Nao

>> No.321276

How many of you guys are actually rebirthing after patch? Rather shouldn't you wait until Saturday after you age so you can get your free AP points or do you really want to be back to a loli that much.
...ok stupid question.

>> No.321285

I'm going to wait until I'm 18 to rebirth probably.

When is a good time to rebirth, anyways?

>> No.321296

Where the hell do I get this Nexon Cash you speak of.

>> No.321304

Does the free game only extend as far as 1 character, no rebirths?

>> No.321306


>> No.321308


>> No.321332

do you want 5 free AP or 3 or 4 free AP

>> No.321343

Take a right. Go 5 and a half miles southeast.
You're gonna see a guy in a yellow poncho. His name is Hank.
He'll take you to the whopper Lair. That's where you go.

>> No.321358

Fuck that, I'm using my credit card.

>> No.321377

You can use Paypal or Credit cards.

Were it possible, loli 4 ever. Premium cards give option of either rebirth or change look.

Exactly. One character, no rebirths.

Word on the street says level 35. Whether this is the most efficient level to rebirth at has yet to be tested.

>> No.321393


20 After Nao gives you a "Special Present" for your 20th birthday

>> No.321411

ass grab present?

>> No.321416

Damn, I'm already almost 35. ;_;

Fuck yeah! 20 it is then!

I don't mind playing hard modo for 7 more weeks if I'm going to get rewarded by Nao.

>> No.321440

how much are premium rebirths?

>> No.321443

You underestimate us. I bought a volume of Ichigo Mashimaro at a bookstore just because I could.

>> No.321457

You can also rebirth to 17 and go from there.

>> No.321460

What section are these cards located in Target?

>> No.321474

giftcards or phonecards, that's where I got mine at a CVS/Pharamchy; they have like 5 things of cards and all but 25 dollar ones were sold out

>> No.321481

Yes, but you miss out on the fun of using little kids as strawmen. Ever tried to get a kid to buy some porn for you?

>> No.321483

Leveling in Ciar at 35 is still... the same. Around 15% per 3 runs with massive jewgold cashing.

>> No.321488

guys I almost forgot, didn't tablecat say he was getting the guild package thing so we can finally fucking join hotglue?

>> No.321491

I didn't think of that! Anonymous, you sure are smart.

>> No.321499

My character turns 20 on Saturday.

I'll let you guys know how special Nao's present for me is. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.321505

Try Ciar Basic, the exp is so fluid, you'll drown in it.

>> No.321509


Agreed, there's no way I could endure the walk of shame to the cash register. Knowing my luck, the cashier would be some hot college girl too. Fuck I'd use the card to cut my wrists.

>> No.321513

The USD equivalent of a rebirth on the Korean version is around $6 for a basic card and $9 for a premium one. I'm expecting the NA version to be the same amount.

Near the music CDs and DVDs.

>> No.321526

the equivalent is actually $5 if you compare it to japanese prices which are more accurate

>> No.321517

Nao's presents are only part of the nao service package which you have to buy with nexon cash

>> No.321535

How's the jewgolds. What I need are jewgolds at the moment. As I didn't grind enough to break Emain Macha seal I might as well drown in jewgolds.

>> No.321539

Also, are the Ruairi fags going to make a guild as well? Or do I have to strike out on my own and weave my way through the darkness of gaiafags and maplestory morons?

>> No.321540

lol faggot actually have some courage, I got lucky and it was some guy in his twenties who looked like he didn't give a fuck about what I bought.

>> No.321552

Regardless, over the years I've become proficient at powerlevel suppression, to ruin all the work so blatantly, I'm not sure I can.

>> No.321554

I'd buy Nao's service package, if you know what I mean.

>> No.321561

you can just lie and say it's for a sister.

>> No.321564

At the end of the day cashiers don't remember half of the things they've sold to people.

But if it's that much of an issue just tell them that it's a present for someone else.

>> No.321573

People are too self-conscious. Store clerks don't give a damn what you buy. Hell, they don't even pay attention half the time.

>> No.321574

Buy a pack of cigarettes and some extra-large condoms along with the card.

>> No.321580


Then he'll probably ask for her username and phone number and if she's single.

Or if he's smart he'll see through my charade and realize that women don't play video games.

>> No.321587
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Forgot my Pic

>> No.321590

i heard buying a service activates the mainstream quests, but does buying a rebirth also do that or do I have to do both?

>> No.321592

Why are her tits so round compared to the cubes we're given?

>> No.321608

Well, there's QUALITY, but I'm not sure if more than two members are active.

>> No.321602

molesta la brestas

>> No.321607

>nao service package
>buy with nexon cash

That whore.

>> No.321611

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.

>> No.321620

Because She's a goddess.

>> No.321625

We are of one mind. I dare not take the risk and how fucking lame would you feel lying about buying a card for a sister, fuck that.

>> No.321627

>looked like he didn't give a fuck about what I bought.
This is key. Most people DON'T give a fuck about what you're buying. They're just trying to get through a day at the register. There's more on their mind than why a fat neckbeard is buying animated child porn, a game labeled 5-13, and three pounds of jerky.

>> No.321628

Tablecat apparently broke up the guild and stopped playing for awhile.

Still seeing him posting though.

New Hotglue guild master is Zephiris

>> No.321629

People actually play on ruiari? I made an alt (behoimi-chan) there just for fun, but only one person has even friended me.

>> No.321639

Ooh, Mabinogi
Played it for a while, good game but is overflown with all kinds of retards and morons you can imagine, fucking mumorpuguhs

>> No.321640

Because she's special, she's endowed with additional polygons.
Also, her boobs bounce, while ours don't. Ever noticed that?

>> No.321650

When I made an alt, I saw that Mari was getting like 40% more traffic than the other servers. Enjoy ur overcrowding.

>> No.321652

Guess he's got tired of it.
As did I. Not logging half as much hours as I used to.

>> No.321654
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>> No.321678

I wouldn't count on him quitting.

Probably waiting for cash shop or taking a break from GRINDAN.

But hell, what would I know.

>> No.321670

Fucking hell, and here I thought that Nexon wasted cash for this game since no one will pay for it. . .

And then of all people here in the internets, I find out that it is anonymous who is actually willing to spend jewgolds.

>> No.321671

You could be a child bringing up porn, cigarettes and booze and the cashier wouldn't notice till the cash register asked them for a birth date (and even then there is a chance they will just type in a random DoB and continue on).

>> No.321675


>> No.321683

My GOD, man, why do you need to many passes?!

>> No.321687

Don't you get some kind of title at 40 or 50?

>> No.321689

we wish to always be the little girl

>> No.321700

That wasn't the point of the screenshot.

But Ciar Beginner runs (GRINDAN), which I've done countless times.

>> No.321703

Does IME even work in the American version?

>> No.321704


>> No.321705

I saw that there are marriages in this game. Does Mabinogi allow little girls to marry each other? Or just male/female marriages?

>> No.321708

male/female only, I'm afraid.

>> No.321717

Dude, all the little girls are guys (including you). Do you really want to be married?

>> No.321723

Nope, I've copied and pasted some jap song titles in and they come up as gibberish.

>> No.321727

I know what the point was, but still, my god man.

>> No.321728
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>> No.321736


I dont think so

>> No.321749

I'm thinking Sacchin.

>> No.321740

who is this?

>> No.321762

I want to marry for the bonuses. I also don't want my loli character to be touched by a male character.

>> No.321768
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...actually, yeah, I wouldn't mind.

Though considering what character I'm playing, I'd prefer her to be a spellcaster with a fondness for grayscale.

>> No.321781
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Hmmm i read that as Greyfield for a moment

>> No.321786

you guys going to still play if nexon doesn't that shit like they did with taiwan server and limit play to 2 hours a day unless you pay which then gets you 24hours a day?

>> No.321798

man wtf, that reminds me. i still can't believe he killed general forsythe in the game

>> No.321799


Isn't it like that over there cause people play vidya gaems excessively? Like in China, Korea, even Japan and those kind of places have a bad problem with this kinda stuff.

>> No.321800

They did the same shit in korea too.

>> No.321810

Bandwidth issues.

>> No.321807

isn't that only because in asia they have sweatshops of people for making money off of grindan MMOs?

>> No.321809

Does it really fucking matter at this point? Would you rather be married to a fellow Anon loli or a stupid Bleach/Narutard?

>> No.321824

my friend was bitching about grinding his music skill, so i wrote him an autoit script that will do it for him. does anonymous want the .exe or (like 10 line lolz) source code before i throw this shit out?

>> No.321812

Here's how I'm going to use the marriage system.
I have mai waifu's name camped on a male character in an alt account. When marriage is in and I'm sure I'll be sticking with my character, I'll get someone to log onto the alt account and marry my real character so I can have the title.

>> No.321814

I started on Ruairi, then made an alt on Mari to see what it was like. There I encountered timeouts, lag, and a high concentration of retards and weeaboos. Mari's a great server if you're a bard or a tailor, since you'll always have an audience or people to tailor with/sell clothes to.

Ruairi has less people by comparison, but there's also less idiots too. Overall the server's very relaxed and because of the amount of people has a hometown feel to it. Some /jp/ers who frequent it are Shinra, Endymis, and Reimu, and they're on most of the day.

>> No.321819

If I must be married, I'll marry myself.

>> No.321826

So how the hell do you guys deal with the mixed rooms in Ciar Normal (reg goblins and the archers)?

>> No.321831

I think reimu was the one who friended me. I suck and am fairly low level. Play with me sometime!

>> No.321833

Some odd thing in the marriage system will probably fuck up your plan...

>> No.321841

I failed and quoted wrong post?

>> No.321842

>>the game.

Guess what?

>> No.321844


hide in corner, use magic on whatever aggros, kill archers asap.

>> No.321858


What about those of us that are just cheap jews?

>> No.321859

If that were legal irl, it would solve a lot of arguments.

I gathered that most people joining through /jp/ were on Mari. That so?

>> No.321849

Well, it'll cut out the kids who can't pay for it unless they ask their parents for money.

>> No.321856

I hope you have magic to pick them off one at a time or at least lure them?

>> No.321860

Can two lolis get married, or is it heterofaggotry only?

>> No.321863

Agreed. If possible kill the archers first. ALWAYS go for the archers first.

>> No.321864

What he said.
Problem? Pay cards are easily obtained. At my friendly neighborhood Target, for example...

>> No.321869

I'm going to get a premium rebirth probably and buy Nao's support service if you know what I mean.

>> No.321872


me (Kinoh) and my other friend (Judi) Also play on Ruari, feel free to add us.

well, me at least....lolz.

>> No.321884

yeh, gonna waste jewgold on this game soon

who is Shinra anyway*ingame*?

>> No.321881

Speaking of friends.

Anyone notice that their friends list is glitched, and when you add new friends sometimes they don't show up as online or added, even when they accepted?

>> No.321899

It's nice place to be--if you can filter out the usual people in mmorperger (beggers, n00bs) and narutards and maple story migrants (underage b& more likely than not).
It's a trade-off.

>> No.321921
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Oh good, so I won't have to remake my loli.

Well, only got to level 13, anyway.

Named Knowledge, if anyone feels like bothering me when it's back up.

>> No.321927

Did you group them into a subsection? If so, you have to doubleclick on it to open it.

>> No.321934

although true to an extent in most mmorpgs, lag is REALLY killer in mabinogi seeing as pretty much anything can 1-2 shot you. if youre just starting id recommend NOT going to mari unless you just want to sit in town. i get a few spikes here and there, but ruairi isnt bad at all and theres plenty of /jp/fags (usually on ch 4) to hang out with.

>> No.321938

I didn't even know we could add subsections.

Naw, I just added all the /jp/ users I could find through Add Friend command and left them there.

A majority of these names are displayed as offline/inviting even when they're online ingame.

>> No.321946

I would, but the game is down for maintenance and this thread will probably be gone by the time it's back up, so I'll end up forgetting.

>> No.321949

Oh ho? I might give it a visit on Ruairi sometime then.
Man, though, my loli's level 23 or so on Mari, I don't want more grindan and n00b quests...

>> No.321957 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 459x190, 1206590377714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm lolicon in my mabinogi?

>> No.321955

That's... rather odd. I've never encountered that problem before. Did this just happen recently or has it been happening since you started?

>> No.321956

I don't know how you guys can still be playing this. I say this as an MMOfag who has actually played previous Nexon games (the one I played the most was Nexus:TK which is about 11 or 12 years old now).

Mabinogi's combat system is shit. Shit, shit, shit. Besides being shit, it's not fun, and the synergy between teammates is extremely minimal. In most situations, it's best to just 1vs1 enemies even when in a group.

Yeah, it's fun to play as a loli and the music system was fun for a couple hours, but that's where the charm ends. I have no idea how any of you are playing beyond Level 25 or so, where it just turned into an unbearably boring grind.

>> No.321965


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.321977

I've started noticing it this week, when my list was packed full of entries, and I saw a person "offline" on my friend's list walking past me.

I found that If i delete friends who were in the Inviting status off my list, then re-added them, they appear as offline on my list immediately after.

Yeah, glitched.

>> No.321984
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Shinra is Shinra.

"I just swing my sword and things usually turn out okay."

lol, desolate Bangor is now RP town :3

>> No.321988

They could just have it set to "offline" so people won't bother them.

>> No.321989

They could just have it set to "offline" so people won't bother them.

>> No.321990

oh yeah, add me if you want my ign is reinforcu

>> No.321993


You were trolling, yeah?

>> No.321994


Same thing happened to me. It said Zephiris was offline when i was standing right next to him. I tried re-adding him, didn't work but i logged on this morning and it showed everyone just fine.

>> No.321998
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How are we to spend the night now, anon?

>> No.322002

Never thought of that.

But still doesn't explain why the Inviting status immediately switched to offline after deleting and re-adding.

Oh well, when guilds are in I can kiss friend's list goodbye, hopefully.

>> No.322005

That's also true. But that doesn't explain the "Inviting" status.

>> No.322012
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Then I have nothing to worry about.

Also, complementary Succubus

>> No.322043

This game died for me when my CB cowboy hat gift turned out to be pink. Motherfucking pink.

>> No.322051

I'm pretty sure Boku is looking for pinku equipment.

>> No.322056

pimp hat

what are the stats on it?

>> No.322070


Don't think they have stats, just appearance. If any stats it would be like 1 defense or something.

>> No.322076

Mine turned out Blue. If you're on Ruairi, I'll trade you.

>> No.322085

Nope! ^^

>> No.322090


That's nice of you but I'm on Nao. ...heh

>> No.322091
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why hallo thar

>> No.322116

God I fucking hate Barri Dungeon. It'd be such a nice place after Ciar if it weren't for the damn Ogre Warriors in the end.

>> No.322131
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>> No.322132
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lol xD

>> No.322145
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>> No.322152
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If I rebirth does that mean I get loli sword back?

>> No.322154

Good god, -51%. The lowest I've gotten was -5%.

Also, I wish glasses counted as an accessory or something instead of a hat. They might be worth the 130k then.

>> No.322162
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>> No.322165


>> No.322170

>exp -51.6%

What exactly were you doing that had you go down to that?

>> No.322177
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Christ, why you do dat?

>> No.322182
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>> No.322183


Well isn't it obvious?


>> No.322195

What happened to your mouth?!

>> No.322199

I've been to -100%. It was quite fun.

>> No.322215

Also Eiry promotions in >>320639 if anybody is looking for it.

>> No.322218
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I use a Geforce4 MX 4000 and I forgot too update drivers, I still get some graphic problems though like this.

>> No.322224

Everyone, repeat after me in-game.

>> No.322229
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>> No.322238

Power Ranger!

>> No.322241

How exactly do you get the "seduced a succubus" title?

>> No.322243


>> No.322245

Show her your cock.

>> No.322247

Surprise buttsex it

>> No.322252
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Liek dis

>> No.322254

What if we're loli and have no penis to give?

>> No.322256
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You need the "Seduction" Dark Knight ability, which isn't available until Gen. 3.

Also, am I the only one who thinks the Succubus looks like Arc?

>> No.322259
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The lowest amount you can get is -99%. Thankfully, you don't go down a level if you reach it, but you do lose the ability to rise in place. Brown dire wolves kept pissing me off so I'd immediately rise up to take on them again, until I was milled down to 1HP. Then on the way to Tir, a grey wolf attacked me and I lost my hat, and because of a lost and found glitch it never came back. T_T

And after I had finally completed the quest, I was then given one to kill white dire wolves. D:

>> No.322277

>Get Ready! :-)

I like where this is going.

>> No.322286

I stand corrected.

>> No.322300
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>> No.322301

Yeah, I was bored so I kept trying to take on bears while bare-handed and ended up at -100% exp. Took a while to get back from that. But I had fun getting raped by bears multiple times.

>> No.322315

Trying to keep the fight fair by derobing as she did, eh?

>> No.322320
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Anyone know if the quests reset when you rebirth? Would suck if you cant redo them for easy exp.

>> No.322329

Did you cut her into 17 pieces?

>> No.322338

No. If you want Eiry long-term, you need to hold off on finishing the quest at level 26 until Emain Macha is opened. Hang out there for a while chatting people up and you'll be given a new quest. Works kind of like Deian's sheep quest. You go to an abandoned section of the city. Someone with their own sentient weapon attacks. You can't win. Just survive for the time limit.
By the time it's done, Eiry will be broken. Take her to the next quest marker, wait a few days, and she'll be fully repaired and upgraded with a cartridge system. She'll never be able to string together a coherent sentence again but the powers you get from the cartridge system are all top-tier boss killers.

>> No.322339

They don't.

>> No.322340


actually yeah, if you get set back to level 1 then do you get the AP from all those levels too? Cause you keep the current AP (or skills) right?

>> No.322363

>Then on the way to Tir, a grey wolf attacked me and I lost my hat, and because of a lost and found glitch it never came back.

Ahhh So there IS such a glitch. I thought that in VERY RARE occasions, a blessed weapon would disappear forever if you died. That being said, I want my fucking headband with +10 crit back damnit.

>> No.322368

A few hours late to reply to that, but you were probably thinking about Ibara.

>> No.322393

you get the ap from leveling, but you don't get the tutorial quests like the ones you got at the start

>> No.322387

>> lost my hat

Be thankful. If you were a touhou, you'd be dead.

>> No.322396


Goddamn, level 40? And I thought I could grind pretty hard...

>> No.322409

Very yes.

>> No.322410

I think how it works is if you check the lost and found of one town the items in the lost and found of another town get deleted. I technically wasn't in Tir yet(on the map, but before the bridges), but checked their lost and found anyway. Nothing. I went back to Dunbarton to check their lost and found and it was empty too.

>> No.322441


>> No.322472

Nope. Berceuse / Mari. It matched my Arish armor too. But now that that's gone I have a new hat with suffix of Smart Red Bear. I forget what the stats were but one of them was +10 Stamina which is enough to make me happy considering I love to heal other people even though it takes away a considerable amount of stamina.

>> No.322481

haha oh wow!
and i think i was lagging and doing bad with proxy to play this game.

>> No.322499

Holy crap, 40?! Where the hell do you gain exp? Im tired of grinding Ciar beginner.

>> No.322510


your grind fu is very high level!Where do you grind after 30??

I heard that rebirth only reset your age but not your level.

>> No.322513
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>> No.322520


doesnt healing only take stamina if youre healing yourself?

>> No.322525


holy shit lolwut?

>> No.322526


rank S firebolt? rofl

>> No.322537

I'm pretty sure rebirthing resets your age and level. I don't think people would pay for them if it didn't mean they got about 20ap from leveling the day they rebirth.

>> No.322531

Age AND level, but not skills, yes?

>> No.322542


see that right there is how you get the kill a golem in 1 hit title.

>> No.322554
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Could try Math Dungeon. The Hellhounds at the end are a joke, compared to the Kobold Archer spam you go through trying to get there. And there's only one floor.

>> No.322559

Ciar Basic is good exp if you can handle it solo/get a pass.

Even Ciar Beginner exp lvls aren't that bad because you can clear it so fast, great monies too. This is a good read in that regard.


>> No.322572

fuck,i m bored!

What does annon do now the server is down?

>> No.322576

I'm not really sure. Can anyone can confirm? I'm usually carrying a bunch of stam pots that I got from Ciar beginner so I don't really mind chugging those down.

>> No.322584

Rabbie is fun to solo, although a bit risky. The skeletons have a pretty big hole in their AI you can exploit, and they give 150xp apiece, and the red ones give 200. Its kind of crap for money, but there are a few good drops. Doing ciar is probably about the same xp/hour because you die less, but it just gets so goddamn boring after awhile.

>> No.322588

fapped and I might start playing UBW if it's not back up soon.

>> No.322592


i dunno, i finally got around to setting up my shoutcast server and waiting on my SAW 13 torrent.


>> No.322610

I went back to play Granado Espada only to find around half the clan to be new. I tried to grind but needless to say, it just isn't the same. I want to grind with my loli damnit ;_;

>> No.322611

masterbate to pictures of your sister

>> No.322628


My sister is old and have childrens,so no

but if you have a cute sister with pic, then i might fap to it.

>> No.322682

>have childrens
Your decision has already been made.

>> No.322683

So is there any way to transfer a character to another server? Other than remaking it of course.

The people on Mari are nothing but weeaboo faggots. I'm hoping Ruari will be different.

>> No.322684

Now that, is damage.

>> No.322697

Is that Phoenix Tail or Fire Rat Robe?

>> No.322698


Takes 8 stamina to heal yourself, none to heal others. Though, I haven't raised it, so that might change if you rank it up.

>> No.322721
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does anyone know if kitsune eyes are available with premium?

pic related

>> No.322735
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>> No.322743


Oh, excellent, that was what I was looking for, thanks.

>> No.322784
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Freaking bored!

>> No.322795

Masturbate to your sister's children.

>> No.322799
File: 121 KB, 847x800, 1204270593361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still bored....

>> No.322804

3d pig disgusting!

>> No.322805

Masturbate to uh...


>> No.322808
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>> No.322809

Sleep my good man! When we wake up it'll all be back! Sleep for 11 hours...

>> No.322832


Asian, afternoon...working..i m boss,bored.

>> No.322843

I prefer (vacant)

I also like (shy) because it looks like a konata face. And (warm) looks like an "ONEE-SAMAAAAAA~!" face.

>> No.322853

My favorite is NIPA~(laugh)
Need a way to hotkey that.

>> No.322884

I walk around for days in game with (vacant) on.

It helps that I don't ever have anyone to talk to in-game.

>> No.322919

When do we get (kusomiso) and (merupo)?

>> No.322931

I want (yukkuri)

>> No.322955

Are we able to repeat the quests the owl gives us after we rebirth? The shit that owl gives us was the best source for leveling.

>> No.322956

what if you already did the quest

>> No.322959


>> No.322974
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>> No.322980


time to waste moar time in ciar beginner dungeon yes?

>> No.322988

use commonsense, you aren't going to get the same quests because you already did them, this is the same character not a new one just reseted level and stuff.

>> No.322996
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>> No.323015

go back to fapping to loli porn, server will be up in about 10.5 more hours (supposedly).

>> No.323018

It takes really long but there's a comparable intelligent weapon you can get by filling the Book of Darkness. Problem is this is a 666 page quest and it appears randomly. For a size comparison, the advanced magic skills require you to fill 5-10 pages of their books.

A few tips for that if you get it. Don't bother with non-magical enemies. Unless it's something extremely high level that won't even be in the game for a few generations, an enemy has to have at least a bolt spell to count for a page. Fight in the arena but don't bother with rematches. You get a lot of pages from PvP, particularly spellcasters. Catch is that you won't get pages from the same player twice.

I'm hoping for that fateful meeting with the owl one day.

>> No.323032

Trying to get Rein II?

>> No.323043

All I know is when I get my rebirth card I'm picking a drill hair loli

>> No.323066

Well A's IS about stopping an MMO party with a pretty standard composition from completing a ridiculously long hunt quest.

>> No.323086

how much iz a rebirth?

>> No.323101

how u mine 4 rebith

>> No.323139

I heard its a waste to rebirth before hitting Level 35.
I guess I have to grind some more.

>> No.323216

The character cards were like 700 and 1000 points each on the japanese server. don't know what they will be on the american one.

>> No.324143

How much longer left guys?

>> No.324627

3h30m by my clocks
