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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3195306 No.3195306 [Reply] [Original]

So I was dragged along to see the Cove, I thought it was about flipper or some shit.

I came out with an absolute disgust in my love of Japanese culture, seriously, wtf, how the fuck can the Japanese be so corrupt, selling Mercury laced food to school children is fucked (WHO reccomendations is 0.2 PPM, this shit they were feeding to kids had over 2000 PPM), Killing thousands upon thousands of whales and dolphins because "They eat all the fish in the sea" (read: Because we are baaaawing that the west tells us what to do because we were pwned in WW2) and the media blackout from the government on enviromental issues in Japan (people in the cities didn't even know Japan still is whaling, or did not actually know that Japan hunts over 25,000 dolphins on it's own shores each year) oh yeah, and they don't label dolphin meat dolphin meat in Japan because people in Japan don't think of dolphins as an edible thing, so they label it pretending it's other types of meat.

I love how the movie sided with my view that "Greenpeace are greedy faggots that don't do anything" though.

>> No.3195314

sugoi monogatari, aniki.

>> No.3195329

>>selling Mercury laced food to school children is fucked

Doesn't Japan have on of the longest average life spans in the world? It can't be that much of an issue.

Also, who cares about whales and dolphins? They're just animals.

>> No.3195339

Dolphins are not special creatures.

Fuck them.

Literally, if you're into that. But I meant metaphorically.

>> No.3195344

Intelligent animals.

>> No.3195360

Back to school, kid.

>> No.3195373

Compared to what?
I hope you're joking.

>> No.3195381

So you can eat retarded people?
Last time I checked, mammals were animals.

>> No.3195383


So dolphins are plants?

>> No.3195390

>my love of Japanese culture


>> No.3195399

It is a recent plan to feed mercury laced meat to school children because "whaling is a Japanese national pasttime" (read: The Americans made us start after WW2 because we were pwned and had no food).

look up Minamata disease broski, Japanese dropping dead all over the place due to mercury is a common thing.


Very very smart animals that are self aware and are able to converse their thoughts with humans using "sign language"

>> No.3195408

Fuck you!

>> No.3195426


pretty much every other animal?

Dolphins are often considered to be the smartest things on the planet next to humans bro

>> No.3195429

You should keep in mind that documentaries like that are always very biased so you shouldn't base your entire opinion on one film.

>> No.3195432

Minamata disease has been around in Japan for around 50 years, it isn't like it's anything new, and the country still has the highest life expectancy.

How do you determine whether an animal is 'aware' or not? Just because it isn't as unintelligent as a cow or a pig means it deserves to live?

>> No.3195446


>pretty much every other animal?

Big deal, they're still complete idiots lined up against humans.

They don't get human rights.

>> No.3195451 [DELETED] 

Okay let me get this straight. You can eat something unless is intelligent and self-aware right? Then retarded humans or human "vegetables" are editable?

>> No.3195448

I don't think it's really a secret that the japanese government is corrupt as fuck and their fishing and whaling practices are against international law.

Remember there is pretty much a media blackout in Japan on the effects of Smoking because the government is pretty much running the tobacco industry.

>> No.3195457

Okay let me get this straight. You can eat something unless is intelligent and self-aware right? Then retarded humans or human "vegetables" are edible?

>> No.3195464

Dolphins are considered amongst the most intelligent nonhuman animals, but not the next most intelligent thing after humans, as that is relatively difficult to determine.

>> No.3195465


Technically, all humans are edible.

It's just whether you want to eat them or not. Also, you have to cook them thoroughly, as raw human blood is damaging to the stomach lining.

>> No.3195468

>government is corrupt as fuck
Like everywhere in the world?

>> No.3195471

Dolphins are gay mammals and whaling is a national pasttime of many cultures

Greenpeace are a bunch of retarded greedy "ecoterrorists"

I don't care about the sea at all, I hate almost everything that exists in it so I am glad japanese people do me the favor of eating everything disgusting.

>> No.3195491

>Dolphins have been known to display almost all of the qualities which we would consider uniquely human, qualities that we would consider a mark of ‘higher’ intelligence. They are tool users, they are highly creative (perhaps even artistic), they enjoy recreational and social activities, from surfing (either on waves or around the prow of boats) to sex, and they have proven time and time again that they are self-aware. They’ve also formed symbiotic relationships with fisherman, and recent reports suggest that dolphins even have names for each other. But perhaps Douglas Adams said it best in the Hitchhiker’s Guide: “Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much... the wheel, New York, wars, and so on, whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely the dolphins believed themselves to be more intelligent than man for precisely the same reasons.”

Dolphins are smart, there was actually a push to make them the first animal apart from humans to be given human rights.

>> No.3195500

You're the reason Al Gore is right.

>> No.3195507

Dolphins are still leagues less intelligent than humans. Just because they aren't as dumb as other animals doesn't really mean that much, I don't see why people make such a big deal.

>> No.3195513

Why would a DOLPHIN get HUMAN rights? Should ELEPHANTS get DOG rights too?

>> No.3195520

blowhole sex

>> No.3195523

Japanese people can kill Japanese dolphins if Japanese people eat them. Welcome to national sovereignty. Amazing how killing animals is only wrong when they are creatures that white people find cute. Take your environmentalist racism elsewhere, please.

>> No.3195529

Oh boo fucking hoo, Japan is hunting dolphins and whales, how sad, let's make a documentary about it.

>> No.3195540

I think the violation of human rights even in our own countries is much more important than hunting and eating animals.

>> No.3195549

Whaling is a national pasttime of Japan is actually a lie, fabricated by their fishing industry.

Apart from very small whaling taking place in remote communities that actually had massive Shinto ceremonies for each whale they killed, commercial whaling did not start in Japan till the late 40s and 50s due to famine caused after WW2 and America forcing them to catch whales for food.

Whale/dolphin/large fish meat is laced with Mercury and is highly toxic so if you actually eat it, you are fucking your body to the exteme.

>> No.3195556


>Dolphins are smart, there was actually a push to make them the first animal apart from humans to be given human rights.

No that just means people are stupid. Possibly stupid as dolphins.

Also, what a load of propaganda shit. If Japanese people in general don't know/condone whaling and such, how does this reflect on Japanese culture as a whole? Obviously, you have no idea about world history if you think Japan is baaaawwing over WW2. The only similar thing they do is Hiroshima, and thats so they can pretend they're victims, and shrug off responsibility for all the shit they did in WW2.

>> No.3195561

Another Japanese whaling thread?

>> No.3195565

Maybe when your governments stop overfishing in ways that will wipe out fish stocks in vast swathes of ocean within about 10-20 years, then you can complain about Japans sustainable whale hunts for scientific purposes.

>> No.3195575

Tuna is a pretty large fish, you don't see Americans saying that shit is bad for you. Moreover, its only really a major problem if you eat it a lot.

>> No.3195580

You're the reason Hitler is right

>> No.3195586


This video is the only thing you need to see about japan's slaughter of whales and dolphins.

>> No.3195587

Dolphins are some of the biggest assholes in animalkind. They are just about the only species that regularly kills its own young for fun.

>> No.3195592


"Killing thousands upon thousands of whales and dolphins because "They eat all the fish in the sea""

Those aren't the whales people give a shit about. Also, load of propaganda, considering lots of whales don't eat fish, and it could have been countered if they actually tried. Instead, they just let it sit so it could be used as propaganda, and generalize it for all whaling.

>> No.3195593

>Maybe when Japan stop overfishing in ways that will wipe out fish stocks in vast swathes of ocean within about 10-20 years, then you can complain about Japans sustainable whale hunts for scientific purposes.


>> No.3195594


>> No.3195595

Large fish contains trace amounts. If I go to McDonald's in Japan and get a tasty whale burger, I'm not going to die of mercury poisoning.

>> No.3195609

2000ppm is not trace amounts broski, that is HIGHLY toxic.

>> No.3195613

So if dolphins get rights, we will be able to imprison them if they hurt another dolphin or a human right?

>> No.3195614

ITT, we ignore America's own problems in the food industry and demonize other countries because we are fags.

>> No.3195624

We're even then. I'm glad he finally /WRISTED himself in the end.

>> No.3195628

it's nice to know that /jp/ believes in Japans bullshit propaganda that is laughed at by the entire worlds marine scientific community.

>> No.3195635

What kind of weeaboos would we be if we didn't?

>> No.3195636

It's not like every serving of large fish in Japan contains 2000ppm, quit exaggerating.

>> No.3195638

If dolphins got human rights, we would have to arrest dolphins for hurting other dolphins.

Think about that for a while.

>> No.3195646

The real stick is that.

1. Japanese kills every fish known to man.
2. They are mighty tasty.
3. They do lots of stupid shit, that doesn't properly conserve.
4. So does everyone else (albeit on a smaller scale)
5. Gaijin news blows all of this out of proportion.

It's bad, but westerners and Australians exaggerate it, and ignore cultural customs.

It's no different than eating cat.

>> No.3195653

No, everything else is just propaganda against Japan. Seriously, who gives a shit about dolphins except PETAfags. Have you seen the kind of shit that comes out of their mouths?

>> No.3195661

The awesome kind.

>> No.3195664


>> No.3195672

<丶`∀´> eat cat does not have mercury

>> No.3195716

But cats are cute and cuddly, whereas Dolphins are mean, cold, and slippery.

Hell, even the Chinese are starting to stop eating cats.

>> No.3195735 [DELETED] 

That's a tough one.
Drink Coca-Cola!
http://www.AnønTalk.com/ICARE - Do you care? You should.

>> No.3195733
File: 35 KB, 480x640, its-beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd.

>> No.3195758


>> No.3195764


Minamata disease, mentioned in this very thread, was first witnessed in cats.

>> No.3195868

You want to talk about some real bullshit, just look at cattle. Americans kill and eat uncountable amounts of cows which are specifically raised in bovine death camps to die. Why doesn't India pressure the UN into saving one of the most sacred animals on earth? Green Peace, until you get your act together and save something that actually means something, you can go suck a dick.

>> No.3195871

Cows are delicious.

>> No.3195938

You do realise that average lifespans are taken by natural death?

so if a child dies of say...oh a blood clot to the brain because of mercury, that does not contribute to the national "longlivety"

and yeah, we should just wipe out all the fucking animals, they're just animals AMIRITE?

Cows are not endangered bro

lets clear this up

if whales and dolphins were as common as say...fucking tuna, no one would give a rats ass if they were being eaten except for vegetarian nutwhacks.

but guess what? they're endangered, and as a general rule of thumb, don't wipe shit out, because you can't unwipe them.

that simple.

and for people who think "who gives a shit, what have whales ever done for me?"

lets thing about this...dodo's, supposedly the most delicious thing in the world, except selfish bastards in the past decided to hunt em to extinction.

that's whats happening now.
you know why America, Australia, and all the european countries don't eat lots of whale? we used to you know, but now we hold back because we want to grow the farm, so to speak.

>> No.3195966

so to be more specific

the Japanese are being selfish cunts and not thinking ahead.

if they were patient, and regrow the whale population, the whole world could enjoy that omega 3 fatty goodness.

but no, they need their fix, and ruining the party for everyone.

so yeah, fuck Japan, save the whales, because before i die, i want to try a 450oz whale steak without fear of being arrested for some breach of international law.

>> No.3195974

What does it matter if dolphins die out? Is the world going to end? One day all like on earth will die out. And it's not like you shouldn't eat large fish because of the mercury, it's more like Japan needs to get mercury pollution under control.

>> No.3195987

Fuck. The 'f' key isn't even anywhere near the 'k' key. I hate myself.

>> No.3195998

Make cows moe and we'll talk.

>> No.3196033

Make cows humans and then we'll talk.

>> No.3196040

Apart from the fact that removing an apex predator fucks up an ecosystem.

>> No.3196044

So, I've noticed this thread is full of environmental faggotry. How very sad.

Fuck a bunch of dolphins and whales. I don't care how smart the motherfucker is, I'm still gonna eat that bitch.

Also, fuck Greenpeace. And the U.N. And most especially fuck Al Gore, right up his whining attention-whore ass.

>> No.3196050

u mad?

>> No.3196052

This is why I hate whale fags. Durr hurr my animals are cute so they deserve more rights than black people.

>> No.3196055

Why has no one mentioned Sea Shepherd, the sea terrorists who ram their ships into other ships as toss acid at them?

>> No.3196070
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>>Cows are not endangered bro

And whales aren't considered sacred by a major religion that also happens to be the oldest surviving religion.

>>Make cows moe and we'll talk.

We've got plenty of moe cows, unlike those fat-ass disgusting whales.

>> No.3196074

>One day all like on earth will die out.
Is this supposed to be a valid point somehow? By that logic we shouldn't bother with any sort of laws, government, or civilization.

>> No.3196075

Without dolphins in an ecosystem it would become less stable, decreased fish stocks, more pressure on fish, negative cycle forms. I don't view environmentalism as something for kicks, necessary changes of humanity must be made to ensure it's future survival.

>> No.3196088

sure, i'll play ball.

>One day all like(life?) on earth will die out

and one day you will die, so are you living every day with that fact engrained into your mind, dictating your every action, justifying every morality?

hopefully not.
but to be frank "X is inevitable, so why fight it?" generally isn't a good argument, context can change this, as well as the magnitude in question, but generally, it's absurd as it holds no ground in both the practical world, and this of course, is an argument/discussion adressing the real, practical world.

>What does it matter if dolphins die out

foodchain bro, more fragile than you think.
Also, dolphins are fascinating, why not keep them around?
if you hate animals in general...well, then stick to the "foodchain" argument.
and yeah, humanity is a part of this "foodchain"

>it's not like you shouldn't eat large fish because of the mercury, it's more like Japan needs to get mercury pollution under control.

you mixed up two problems

problem 1: japan is hunting an endangered species to extinction, and have no reserves about it
problem 2: japan is selling heavily contaminated (mercury) meat to children.

so yes, while your statement is "true" (don't eat large fish if it's dripping with mercury, etc) it's not the distinct part (it's an indirect part) of the "dont hunt whales"
which, to be more precise, means this also is not an applicable argument due to missed relevance.

>> No.3196110 [DELETED] 

How come this always is asked here?
Drink Coca-Cola!
http://www.AnønTalk.com/ICARE - Do you care? You should.

>> No.3196106

I do stick to the food chain, if an animal near to where I live is capable of killing and eating me, it's free to try. Of course it'll be met with a shotgun blast to face, but hey, all animals protect themselves.

>> No.3196109

Indeed we shouldn't

>> No.3196114


>Hell, even the Chinese are starting to stop eating cats.

Yeah, because most of them are starting to get enough money to buy actual food not just shit like dogs and cats.
Chinese don't eat those animals because they want to, a fact that all the "omg those evil monsters eat cute cats" fags never understood.

>> No.3196133

USA's enviromental behaviour is more dangerous for both animals and humans. Plus healthy food was always a subject in USA. Why don't we start from our own countries first and then care about others?

>> No.3196134

>it's absurd as it holds no ground in both the practical world, and this of course, is an argument/discussion adressing the real, practical world.

should be

it's absurd as it holds no ground in the practical world, and this of course, is an argument/discussion adressing the real, practical world.

>> No.3196141

Yeah because no one is trying to address the environmental issues in the US right now.

>> No.3196143

I eat cow, pig, chicken etc. Nothing I eat will be affected by dolphins dying out so why should I care?

>>"X is inevitable, so why fight it?"

If X has nothing to do with me, I don't care.

>>problem 2: japan is selling heavily contaminated (mercury) meat to children.

It really depends what kind of meat we're talking about, for example "Samples of Dall's porpoise, the most commonly harvested cetacean in Japan, had an average total mercury level of 1.26 ppm" 1.26ppm really isn't that heavily contaminated, and yes there are meats that are more contaminated, but Japan has been working on it and increasing awareness. And in the end, it's Japan's problem. Japan isn't a 3rd world country, it can take care of itself.

>> No.3196173

It does, but it's always funny seeing americanfags baaawing about other countries issues when they have their own. More like rape and hentai ban from EN.

>> No.3196175

>I eat cow, pig, chicken etc. Nothing I eat will be affected by dolphins dying out so why should I care?

Food chain bro. Lose a link in the chain, and you fuck up the natural order.

But for other reasons for example, I would like to see a Dodo bird.

But hey, I can't because some guys in the past had the bright idea to eat them all off the face of the planet.

>> No.3196183

>Dodo bird.
I've always wondered how one of these would have tasted.

>> No.3196188

Its a shame you cant see a dodo bird, but no one really gives a shit. Humanity will survive without it. It will survive without fucking dolphins too.

Fuck your opinion.

>> No.3196199

>>Lose a link in the chain, and you fuck up the natural order.

Not really, animals go extinct all the time. If dolphins went extinct its not like the entire food chain would be disrupted and the world would fall to chaos.

>> No.3196209

that would be true, except whales and infact, all sea life, is a shared resource by the world.

there are "territories" so to speak, but this is merely a set of boundries of which people can access this "shared resource"

to speak in a more quantitative sense...there are seperate bodies of land, which we can see each as an isolated reserve of "resources" but only one "sea" (of course, i am ignoring isolated inland bodies of water, for practical purposes)
taking resource X from land Y will not effect land Z
taking resource A from "sea" B will effect sea "B", because there is only one sea.

i'll put this into nerd terms

lets say you're playing a stratergy game, what you grow on land is managed by yourself, but the sea is of course, a shared resource.

if anything is farmed to 0 (or 1...i suppose), it will remain zero, but if it is anything above 0, it will increase over time, at a rate (in quantity per timeframe) proportional to the current value.

now, there are two players, both are managing their seperate land resources, but must share and manage equally the single "sea" resource

player 2 is farming the "sea" resource close to 0
it makes perfect sense for player 1 to get angry right?
not only is player 2 not thinking ahead, it's selfishly ruining this shared resource for not only him/herself but also for player 1.

>> No.3196219
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>if whales and dolphins were as common as say...fucking tuna
Tuna fishing is currently a much greater risk to environmental stability because of massive overfishing. Japanese dolphin hunts are sustainable because there is no massive demand. But because Amerikkkans actually eat tuna and don't consider it ~so kawaii~, they pretend that it's not an issue. Typical white people logic.

This whole thread is moot anyway, because the dumb fish are swimming in Japan's waters. Canada doesn't tell you what to do with your moose and bears, so show some respect for national sovereignty in kind, you imperialist dicks.

>> No.3196225

You know, USA pollutes the sea too... like half the globe does.

>> No.3196227

As pointed out before, apex predators are pretty fucking important to their ecosystems.

>> No.3196236


You only care because it's already extinct, if the Dodo bird was still alive you would give it no more attention then penguins or whatever.

>> No.3196238

To their ecosystem. It's an ecosystem that doesn't have to do with me. And besides, if the animals are already endangered, isn't that already severely affecting the ecosystem due to a lack of apex predators?

>> No.3196239

> Whales and dolphins.
> Fish.

>> No.3196240


And whales being endangered is pretty much our fault. We did a real number on them in the 19th century.

>> No.3196241

Everyone does, where else would we throw our shit?

>> No.3196242

Important for the current ecosystem. Something will fill the gap and create a new ecosystem just like how it has happened countless times in the past. Evolution, huh? What a funny concept.

>> No.3196244
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>that would be true, except whales and infact, all sea life, is a shared resource by the world.
Stop hunting migratory birds on your own property. I find them adorable, and as children of the sky, they are a resource to be treasured by people around the globe.

>> No.3196247

Oh cut the crap. Animals go extinct all the time and humanity wasn't always at fault. Life as a whole isn't THAT fragile.

>> No.3196252


You eat the fish that live in that ecosystem, you're then in that ecosystem as you interact with it. Just because you're on land you can still be in the ecosystem.

>> No.3196255

I don't eat fish.

>> No.3196256

According to most accounts, the dodo tasted horrible. People only ate them because they were easy as hell to catch.

>> No.3196267

>they don't label dolphin meat dolphin meat in Japan

So that's where the steaks in Persona 4 came from.

>> No.3196278

How can a bird possibly taste horrible?

>> No.3196284

The overpopulation of the humans is hazardous for the ecosystem. Help the ecosystem, kill yourselves today!

>> No.3196290


If it has a fowl flavor...

>> No.3196292


Plenty of people do. If we shouldn't care because we are not directly affected, then why should we do anything that is not of benefit to us, like charity work or similar actions.

>> No.3196305

God fucking damn, I shouldn't have snickered.

Also where the fuck is your avatar Arc? You're just not Arc without the avatar.

>> No.3196306

We do? I thought we were all NEETs here.

>> No.3196308

>If X has nothing to do with me, I don't care

well, speaking strictly in terms of variable "X" quite obviously it does have something to do with you.

unless you mean to say, in terms of this topic, whaling (fuck the spelling) has nothing to do with you? therefore you don't care about it? despite that, the fact is that this thread is riddled with your arguments/opinion.

>It really depends what kind of meat we're talking about

stop adverting the subject, it's been made clear from the start that the meat is "contaminated" with mercury, ie several hundred times the healthy amount.

>it's Japan's problem. Japan isn't a 3rd world country, it can take care of itself.

If it's selling contaminated mercury meat to children, then i think i'd rather say "hey, we gotta do something about that" rather than "fuck it, they can sort it out, it's their children"

a country isn't flawless simply because they aint a 3rd world country, it will have problems.

i have more to say about this, with a hypothetical "if they banned anime in america, etc"
but its lunch time, and i'm fucking hungry.
im out

>> No.3196311

What? Are you honestly trying to say something like there won't be any fish to eat if dolphins die out?

>> No.3196315

Ayn Rand would say you shouldn't give a shit about any of that stuff. A lot of people believe that shit too.

>> No.3196319

extinctions caused by humans are much more frequent than natural extinctions.

>> No.3196320

Charity is for people that have to find self satisfaction in helping others. Sad people, really.

>> No.3196321
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The sad thing is that this is what leftists actually believe.

>> No.3196326

Not in areas that naturally don't have dolphins, fish will diminish from the areas that do though. Then the pressure on the remaining fish will increase, and their numbers will decrease, creating a continuous negative cycle.

>> No.3196331

You are a fucking idiot. Do something about the food poisoning your own country does first.
People die on the streets because the health care system is horrible and the country is busy making wars.

>> No.3196332

>>stop adverting the subject, it's been made clear from the start that the meat is "contaminated" with mercury, ie several hundred times the healthy amount.

No, certain meats are contaminated several hundred times, and really what is the healthy amount of mercury to intake?

>>a country isn't flawless simply because they aint a 3rd world country, it will have problems.

So should we be focusing on the problems of a first world country that ultimately is going to take care of things their own way, or should we focus on real problems, like the millions of kids that die in 3rd world countries?

>> No.3196338


Helping your species is now considered a negative thing, why aren't you going on a killing spree then?

>> No.3196342

That's no problem then, it will be solved on its own.

>> No.3196358

Most of you would change your mind if you actually met a dolphin.

>> No.3196360

I love it when people use incomplete/misunderstood knowledge of ecology to justify apathy toward environmental issues. I'd rather not waste my time explaining everything to you, but I do recommend that you read up on the topic instead of relying on common misconceptions.

>> No.3196362

What the hell is it when someone wants to contribute even the most insignifcant shred of kindness to the ecosystem or another species they get lambasted and ostracized by some ignorant fuck.

tl;dr: Your human selfishness is showing.

>> No.3196373

Because Humans are the dominant species, and anything that does not directly benefit us is a threat to our survival. Therefore it must be eliminated.

>> No.3196378

Well dunno, maybe because things aren't black and white? Maybe because not helping others mean you don't go out of your way to harm them either?

>> No.3196391

Hi, welcome to /jp/ - Japan/General an otaku board for otaku topics. This place is full of selfish NEETs. You both must be new here.

>> No.3196396

In other words, you cant explain it because you will sound like an idiot.

>> No.3196402

That's hard. No dolphins in our parents' basements.

>> No.3196410
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>anything that does not directly benefit us is a threat to our survival.

>> No.3196420
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Because that "kindness" is often informed by cultural bias and unconscious racism, and comes at an immense economic and political cost. If you want to be kind, then pluck six pack rings off of seagull necks, but I'm sure that Japanese fishers or taxpayers would find any legal initiative protecting dolphins to be less-than-friendly.

>> No.3196422

There's a difference between the absence of giving charity and directly inflicting harm on people.

>> No.3196424
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like this?

>> No.3196452


Unrelated note, but I would like to say that if there were human 'cows' like this being used for meat and milk I would have no qualms about eating beef still. In fact I'd probably enjoy it immensely.

I'm sorry, Keine.

Now, on a related note...

People say that watching video feeds from slaughterhouses puts them off meat, but I wonder what they thought it was before that. A vegetable? Something that grew off trees?

It is flesh cut off from a living being. Something died so that it might give you life. If you can't come to grips with that, you'll have a hard and disappointing life to look forward to.

Butchering may be disgusting and messy, but that's life for you. Life is disgusting and messy, like giving birth or having sex.

>> No.3196460

You sound disturbingly similar to Fatal Pulse, Arc.

>> No.3196470

I always like explaining that point to vegans.

>> No.3196507

if that's true, then they got eliminated by the natural selection we'll have the same fate, anons.

>> No.3196513
File: 266 KB, 673x975, shunsuke..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I would vastly enjoy about human cows would be enamoring my guests with them before serving one as dinner.

For everyone who is ignorant about how beef gets put on your plate, I would gladly educate them for a free and give them dinner besides. In fact, I would even offer them a presharpened knife in case they'd like to start the proceedings by cutting her throat.

Of course, I'd butcher her up myself, to spare the guests the work. But they can watch. In fact, they'd HAVE to watch, especially after they finished petting the cute cow-girl and getting to know her name and what she likes. It's only fitting, after all.

>> No.3196536 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 320x240, 1250232444712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

>> No.3196548 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 293x260, freudwtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3196545

'Sup Fatal Pulse

Also, Fap

>> No.3196556


Can we fuck them, too?

>> No.3196565

Do you want semen in your meat?

>> No.3196573


It might add a salty texture.

>> No.3196578

Point taken.

>> No.3196584 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 240x200, 1241250465531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BOOF !AWEsomEEEE!!g4pQz5RFuPl

>> No.3196585
File: 119 KB, 600x800, 9eb469df29aa56b3e6a0f746691643efd6c1798b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First off, I'm going to have to clean the beef. I can't just cut strips off her corpse and toss them on the grill - butchery does not work that way.

So it really doesn't matter. Yes, you can fuck them. I don't really think rape is applicable here, because they're animals and they can't give consent...right?

>> No.3196618

>>Of course, I'd butcher her up myself

No, I don't think you would. I think you're just trying to act tough on the internet. Nice try though, but you could have put a bit more work into your writing. Maybe next time you could go into detail how you'd kill your dinner and prepare it infront of your guests. If it'll make you feel better, I'm sure someone can start a Rider thread for you.

>> No.3196620
File: 81 KB, 595x842, 9eb469df29aa56b3e6a0f746691643efd6c1798b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although, if you want to fuck an animal that badly, I suppose Anon would vastly enjoy breakfasting over at my place, because all the milk would come directly from the source. And you're more than welcome to help yourself, of course.

Then around lunch-time we would kill her and get her all dressed up for supper.

>> No.3196626
File: 392 KB, 500x707, 9eb469df29aa56b3e6a0f746691643efd6c1798b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mentioned this to /k/ before, but going out on hunting trips with my uncles and my dad has made me singularly knowledgeable in butchery.

We usually dress and clean the deer for venison ourselves.

Tastes good, man.

>> No.3196629 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3196633
File: 225 KB, 623x900, 9eb469df29aa56b3e6a0f746691643efd6c1798b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of my more prosperous uncles has a boat so I also go fishing on occasion. It's mostly just a reason to get out on the briny and drink beer or smoke weed, though.

>> No.3196654

But it would take 18 years for them to mature, and then they would only give one or two meals. This doesn't seem like a sustainable operation.

>> No.3196673


I would assume that since they only have marginal similarities to humans, they would mature faster. SCIENCE! can make this happen, probably. And anyways, who says you can't kill and eat calves?

>> No.3196685


I'm not enough of a monster to kill a loli.

>> No.3196696


That's nice and all, but what game is that picture from? I need to know for my research on "milking."

>> No.3196704

Why must you make me fap so hard, and often Arc?

On a related note, I'm hungry now.

>> No.3196708


Oppai Baka.

It is about wonderful things.

>> No.3196713

Oppai Baka by Milktank.


>> No.3196747


Well, unfortunately we live in an imperfect world where humanized cows do not exist, or else I'd extend an invitation over these INTERNETS to a sociable, classy dinner party, along with any other Anons who felt like eating some tender beef.

>> No.3196755


Can we tenderize them ourselves by beating them?

>> No.3196765

If only we lived in a perfect world. I really want a pet humanized cow.

>> No.3196767
File: 157 KB, 766x851, 9eb469df29aa56b3e6a0f746691643efd6c1798b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell you what, you can even skin her and cut her horns off as trophies if you're up to it.

>> No.3196770

I'll tenderize you first

>> No.3196773

This thread took a strange and morbid turn O_O

>> No.3196779


Can /jp/ ever go a thread without gay innuendo coming up

>> No.3196782


If you fucked them(or got random strangers to fuck them), your pet cowgirl would give birth to more calves, and then you could sell them to jealous friends.

Or you could just take her into a pasture with some fully-grown bull if you're not entirely comfortable with bestiality.

>> No.3196785

Quite shocking, isn't it? X_X

>> No.3196791

this is /jp/, we're all gay here
if you arent gay you must get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.3196799

It's all fine if they look like us.

>> No.3196801


I'm a little bit gay, I assume that's what you mean

>> No.3196826


Well, they ARE livestock, so some people's jimmies might get all rustled if you perform bestiality on them. They might complain about the poor animals not being able to give consent, even if they WANT you to fuck them.
And also, you'd have to deal with PETAfags.

But what I suggest you do is make sure you fatten her up and keep her happy, or else she'll get sick and her milk will be poor.

>> No.3196839

If PETA comes trying to steal my fucking cowgirl, blood will be spilled.
