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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3190391 No.3190391 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, post your favorite VN-producing companies.

While I like Type-Moon, Key, and Nitro+, I adore Unisonshift Blossom. Their idealistic stories + Noizi Ito's gorgeous art = WIN!

>> No.3190405

>Noizi Ito's gorgeous art
More like Noizi Ito's rehash of a rehash generic art, amiright?

>> No.3190416

Because I'm one of those lazy fools who can't be arsed to learn Japanese, my choices are limited. I'll just say Key and be done with it.

>> No.3190432

UGUU~ am a kawaie yet!?

>> No.3190438

hmm yuzu-soft, purple software and marmalade are my favorites

>> No.3190443

Cute girl. I'd cook her spaghetti, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3190450

Your posts just get shittier and shittier, don't they?

>> No.3190455 [DELETED] 

You realize that isn't the real jones, right?

>> No.3190457
File: 192 KB, 1600x1200, 1250752748025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this, right?

>> No.3190462

Of course. I'm no budgerigar, but I do know a thing or two.

>> No.3190486


Now now, that's a bit too harsh.

Let's just say that Jonesy's posts are of a lower quality than the average /a/non's.

>> No.3190492
File: 210 KB, 1039x1214, 52b265b0bece049de0edae3101fe693f0ad32ca7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio from ONE had the best voice ever.

>> No.3190504

Princess Soft and Kogado Studios

>> No.3190508

My, aren't we in a good mood tonight.

>> No.3190515
File: 65 KB, 800x600, 298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clochette, yuzu-soft, and すたじお緑茶. I like my generic moe eroge.

>> No.3190519


>> No.3190522

Alicesoft because they produce games with the reasonable price.

>> No.3190528


>> No.3190531

Whoever the hell makes Princess Maker. God damn do I love that game so much...

>> No.3190538


>> No.3190627

AXL is pretty good too.

>> No.3191654

I'm just in the downloading phase, but there are several companies that seem good.

Little Witch
May-Be Soft
MBS Truth
Shining Star
Studio Ring
Nekoneko soft
Saga Planets
Softhouse Chara

And that is probably only half of the companies that seem interesting. Makes me wonder why so few companies are talked about here (well apart from the lack of translations for most of them)

Then again my judgment is based on screenshots in this case. So it might be a lot fewer companies that actually do a good story.

>> No.3191660
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>> No.3191662

liarsoft for Fappan
nitroplus for artwork
type moon for THIS VIDEOGAME IS HORRIBLE WHY CAN'T I STOP, hey this girl with pigtails is kinda .....isn't it sad.

>> No.3191800

GIGA, Black-cyc, Akabeesoft2, âge, Eushully, pretty basic but they are my favorites and make stories that I like, and also have likeable art. Offcourse there are craploads of VNs that I havent read from many studios so there is bound to be increase in that list.

>> No.3191820

This, motherfucking âge.

AB2 is not bad either.

>> No.3191842
File: 1.57 MB, 3164x4088, 96fcacedd12e95ce63628cb761dd1f84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice Soft motherfucker. This thread can't be complete without Alice Soft.

>> No.3191843


>> No.3191846


>> No.3191852
File: 32 KB, 799x598, kara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Innocent Grey. When it comes to detective stories they easily surpass everyone else. Also only very few other VN come even close to the awesomeness of Kara no Shoujo.

It's a shame that they basically get ignored here. There may not be any translations out yet, but with all these people here who claim to read moon it really makes me wonder.

>> No.3191857

I've seen Innocent Grey talked about quite a few times.

>> No.3191862

Leaf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Giga

>> No.3191866

Alice Soft.

>> No.3191868

It's been forever since Leaf made something good.

>> No.3191872

Shit > Leaf

>> No.3191877


I just finished downloading Kara no Shoujo. Going to start on it soon.

I watched the opening video earlier, and I must say, the music is great.

>> No.3191876

NO U ;_;

>> No.3191880

Yeah, wish they would still make something like Shizuka, Kizuato or Kusari.

Still Leaf ain't complete shit as they have good art in my opinion.

>> No.3191882

I always seem to miss them, but I'm also not very often here.

>> No.3191886


Opening video, BTW:


This song is pure sex. Why are VN openings always so damn good?

>> No.3191888

You will love it. Have you played Cartagra before?

>> No.3191891


I haven't started on it yet since there was an English translation project for it. (I'll probably learn enough Japanese to play it before that project ever finishes though)

I haven't played an Innocent Grey title yet, so I don't know what to expect.

>> No.3191895

Fuck yeah Cartarga. Dont you think Rin was pretty fucking moe when she slurs her words?

>> No.3191909

Recently I've been quite fond of Light.
Especially Gunjo and Tapestry, I really like the way the POV change from the main character to one of the female character several times during their eroge.
It gives more "meat" to the female cast.

>> No.3191913

Nitro+ is up there, jast has a winner. Black cyc is another winner.

Studios I've grown to like over time, Alice soft, I have a lot of waifus from them... Atelier Kaguya has also grown on me, delicious smut. And a few others that's already been mentioned.

>> No.3191918

Just note that the main cast of Cartagra will also play a role in Kara, so you might want to play it first. However, the main stories are not connected, so it doesn't really matter that much. (I also began with Kara.)

Yes, though it couldn't motivate me enough to play her own game from Nagomibako. At least not past the first few scense.

>> No.3191934

My favourite eroge company is Liar-soft - one of the reasons I like them so much is that they pretty much ignore what everyone else is doing and just make whatever the hell they feel like instead of following imaginary trends. Much like Alice-soft does, I admit, but I don't like Alice-soft that much.

After that, XUSE. XUSE only have a few mega-hits (Saihate no IMA, Eien no Aselia, Seinarukana) but I just love their overall aesthetic - XUSE games look and feel good; even the low-budget sexromps have something to them that makes them a hell of a lot more interesting than other sexromps.

Finally, the doujin group #define. It's a small doujin circle seemingly run by HARE (Soshite Ashita no Sekai yori, Tenshi no Tamago, Shinigami no Seppun etc.) - their titles are high quality of doujin works; they're made available on stuff like dlsite so they're always easy to get and, again, have a very nice aesthetic about them. Saimin Jikken is one of my favourite doujin games because of this.
