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3189871 No.3189871 [Reply] [Original]

Which should I play first, KiraKira or YMK?

>> No.3189882


>> No.3189880

YMK as it's shorter.

>> No.3189884

Kira Kira.

>> No.3189898
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YMK Aeka route
YMK Nekoko route
bitch about no Aya route like the rest of us

>> No.3189982

YMK is better but also shorter. It's up to you.

>> No.3190095
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>YMK is better

>> No.3190110


What Osaka said.

>> No.3190115


>YMK Aeka route
>YMK Nekoko route
>bitch about no Puff route like the rest of us

>> No.3190149

But you'd be missing the best route and best heroine?! Why would you do that!?

>> No.3190158

You guys got to be trolls because YMK is a fucking joke. Sorry, but unless you want 1 dimensional characters all around (save for maybe the gay guy, Aya and the parents) and a tripe, poorly executed story, then yeah, it has Kira beat.
I'd rather play through all of FSN than a single segment of YMK.

>> No.3190180


I can agree with this. And you guys know how much I love Bleach/stay night.

>> No.3190184

2ch vote results of 2005(?)

3....Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
7....Sharin no Kuni
10..School Days
11..Tears to Tiarra
20..Tomoyo After

>> No.3190183


>> No.3190187

>I'd rather play through all of FSN than a single segment of YMK.
Your saying that as if it's a bad thing...

>> No.3190200

Oh wow, a shitty fandisk beat out Sharin? That's just sad, Japan

>> No.3190203

Mizuki's route is way better than Aeka's.

>> No.3190206


That shitty fandisc also featured sex with Rider.

>> No.3190219

Pig disgusting.

>> No.3190232

No Ilya means I don't care.

>> No.3190239
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>3....Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

More proof Type-Moon fanboys are completely delusional.

>> No.3190284

btw you can youtube for 2ch results [year] and watch a video compilation of the vote

>> No.3190358

And Kira Kira's story isn't poorly executed? You have to sit through the incredibly long and boring common path before you get to anything decent. And while 3 of the 4 routes are pretty good none of them are outstanding. Not to mention that it never delivers with the musical premise, instead leaving it as nothing more than a gimmick.

I'm not saying that it's a bad game but it certainly has a lot of flaws holding it back.

>> No.3190372

hahahaha no, you sound like a very butthurt one to me aniki

>> No.3190382

Even with that, it's still leaps and bounds better than what YMK ever set to accomplish.

>> No.3190427

Jerking off? I think they both accomplish that very well!

>> No.3190475

The common path is fucking awesome.

>> No.3190499

Play YMK for the fag and Nekoko.

Play Kira Kira for trap protagonist and Tomo.

Man up and play both at the same time.

>> No.3190530
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No! I have an UNserious Lolita complex!


>> No.3192050

>And Kira Kira's story isn't poorly executed?
If anything, the first half (and even then others seem to like that part more). You can't say that Kirari's normal route was poorly executed. What you think of the other routes, that's up to you, but they were laid out better and more well thought out than how YMK did it.
YMK suffered with it's story by crippling the characters and that's bullshit.

As for the musical aspect, that's give and take. It plays a major theme depending on where you end up. And if you really want more music, there's about 6 CDs of KiraKira out there waiting for you ...and a couple doujin copies.

>> No.3192078

Well, if you lust after small girls but never screw them, that could be viewed as not serious.

>> No.3192086

I always fail when I try that.
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>> No.3192243

one day theres gonna be a VN with a loli route and when you start getting anywhere a fbiloggedyourip.jpg pops up!

>> No.3192247

...so, how long have you been under that rock?

>> No.3192255

That's anticlimactic.

>> No.3192280

Kira Kira, because there are a lot less people here who played that in my opinion.

>> No.3192290
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