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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 628x485, crosschannelniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3189494 No.3189494 [Reply] [Original]


Hell yes.

>> No.3189501

I should get to downloading this.

>> No.3189504

I'm glad it's almost done

>> No.3189517

Hey guys, remember this? The main reason I got interested in Cross Channel.

>> No.3189524


>> No.3189529

Awesome, I've been holding off on playing the partial patches in hopes of the final one being released soon. Looks like my patience has paid off.

>> No.3189546

so many good vn's are coming out.

>> No.3189550

So what's it about, anyway?

>> No.3189555


>> No.3189560

Gunjo Gakuen (Deep Blue School) is a facility designed to gather and isolate those students who got a high score on an adaptation exam (Scoring high on this exam indicates that the student is less likely to be able to be adapted to the society) mandated by the government.

After a failed summer vacation with other members of the school's broadcasting club, Taichi Kurosu and some of the other club members return to the city, only to find that all living creatures within it except for the club members have completely vanished. In order to confirm the status of the outside world, Taichi decides to gather other club members to help Misato Miyasumi, the president of the broadcasting club, who is trying to set up a broadcasting antenna to contact any possible survivors. However, Taichi soon discovers that the world is actually repeating the week after they found the others vanished…

>> No.3189563

I've already read this, and wasn't too impressed with it, but I'm looking forward to seeing /jp/'s reaction to it.

I really wish people would learn what the apostrophe is used for.

>> No.3189603

I played this when it first came out a while back. Honestly, I thought it was mediocre. The flash game was amusing, but if you're going to put 10-30 hours into reading something you might as well use that time to read something good, like Kazoku Keikaku or Shuffle.

>> No.3189612

>read something good, like Kazoku Keikaku or Shuffle.
Oh you.

>> No.3189618

>I thought it was mediocre
I thought so t-
>something good, like Kazoku Keikaku or Shuffle
Aw. I was hoping a non-troll would agree with me.

>> No.3189634


Too bad everyone agrees the anime is better.

>> No.3189638

I don't. You're lacking at least one (though, other people agree with me too) to say "everyone".

>> No.3189655

>read something good, like Kazoku Keikaku or Shuffle.
lol wut

>> No.3189667


I heard they were both shit.

>> No.3189668

got 1540 meters.

>> No.3189669

Haha, oh wow. Guess I'll go ahead and uninstall it now then. The anime was generic crap.

Thanks for saving me time.

>> No.3189672

You're welcome.

>> No.3189674

Did you play the Primula route? Only good one in the game imo. (Need nerines route completed first)

>> No.3189699
File: 45 KB, 707x408, nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nostalgia bomb

>> No.3189941

Cross Channel sucks, man.

>> No.3190261

Nanaca is an impure slut.

>> No.3191505


I actually tend to add a 's to acronyms myself, not because I don't know what it stands for, but because I feel like plural of an acronym looks wrong without it.

vns would look it was 3 words shrunk into 3 letters.

Perhaps vn:s is better?

>> No.3191513

Did you really need to bump this dead thread just to say that?

>> No.3191519

I played it a while ago in moonspeak and will probably read it again in english to see if I missed something.
Honestly I really loved it but it's not for everyone.

>> No.3191608

I love the fuck out of Cross Channel.

It's just... so different from all the other VNs I've read.

The writing, mostly. If you can't appreciate the awesome writing, you won't like Cross Channel. The writing and characterization turns what would normally be boring into something you can't stop reading.

>> No.3191634

Fuck and I haven't even started reading it yet.

>> No.3191648

I agree, it's constantly witty and entertaining.
Compared to most other VNs that are written in a really bland style, it's just really refreshing.
There's a real identity in the script, Taichi's characterization is godlike.

>> No.3191675
File: 91 KB, 640x480, nanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now listening to Crystal-clear.

>> No.3191679

This thread is a lie. And that project is a lie. I can't believe it.

>> No.3191684

Oh boy, I can't wait for the shitstorm when the next VN poll comes up.

>> No.3191722

That's why you write it VNs.

>> No.3191756
File: 41 KB, 654x595, 849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now listening to Diarize.


>> No.3193972

It's like your really Battler!

>> No.3193989


This, I'm honestly hoping something like Baldr sky gets picked but I'm not about to bother arguing on it. Which is exactly what /jp/ is going to do when the poll opens up

>> No.3194007

Isn't Baldr Sky really long? And then there's Dive 2. Doesn't seem like a very good choice.

>> No.3194017

Very replayable, but not that long.

>> No.3194029

Anyone know how big the script file is?

>> No.3194037
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Not a very good choice because theirs a sequel...?

>> No.3194044
File: 58 KB, 800x600, snapshot20090821151124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dive 2

>> No.3194050

>Not a very good choice because theirs a sequel...?

>> No.3194053

I'll be voting for RuiTomo.

>> No.3194058

I'll be voting for Swan Song.

>> No.3194060

Swan Song is the best choice.

>> No.3194065

Muv Luv

>> No.3194067

Cross Channel is worse than Family Project, damn

>> No.3194068

Don't people get multiple votes, and also downvotes?

>> No.3194075

Your opinion is shit, fucking faggot.

>> No.3194076


>> No.3194084

Stuff I'm reading on swan song doesn't explain enough for me to understand what the fuck happens in it, past the earthquake. Is it horror...? romance..? action, mystery. Fuck what is it exactly

>> No.3194085

Not sure if I understand you correctly. Please explain.
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>> No.3194087 [DELETED] 

sup wats goin on her lulz
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>> No.3194091

>Romeo Tanaka cocksucker

>> No.3194108

Lord of the Flies, basically, except the characters aren't children.
Has some of the best character development I've seen in any VNs, especially Takuma and Yuka.
The writing is beautiful too.

>> No.3194121


I don't care about the writer at all, actually he made his share of shit, but anyone who call Cross Channel is either an utter illiterate retard or a troll.
Which one are you? Probably the former

>> No.3194126


Doesn't look like baldr is a major candidate if I'm reading this correctly, kinda surprising. Especially since some of the major ones are quite lame. But again, nothing more than an opinion

>> No.3194129

Voting for Swan Song.

>> No.3194148

Learn to write.

>> No.3194156
File: 170 KB, 1440x900, 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the strong contender there's also Hoshizora no Memoria.
Delicious WIZ art and best moe eroge of the year, pretty good story as well.

>> No.3194164

Damn. Those last three files are huge.

>> No.3194165


Not to try and start shit but I really REALLY hope a "moe eroge" isn't fucking picked.

>> No.3194167

I'll be voting up Saihate and down GSS or Hoshizora if they get too many votes

>> No.3194173

>down GSS

>> No.3194183

What? It's not very good. I mean, it's okay, but it's not great. There are better things needing translations.

Most people who have read GSS seem to agree with me.

>> No.3194186

I'm voting for GSS just to piss /jp/ off, and voting down whatever /jp/ mutually agrees is the best option

>> No.3194189

Why? Moe eroge are pretty rare in english.
It has a very good story which can be surprisingly touching and manages to be constantly entertaining,
You guys are just biased for some reason but it's easily in the top 3 eroge of the year for now, first would Baldr Sky of course.

>> No.3194200

GSS is /jp/'s favorite.

>> No.3194202

Among everyone who hasn't read it, yeah.

>> No.3194204

Mindead Blood > GSS

>> No.3194206


Sarcasm...? from the bitching I've seen I am one of the few people who enjoyed the game. Although the last time I said this a bunch of people showed up claiming they enjoyed it too so I really don't know anymore

>> No.3194207

Which is the majority of /jp/, making it the favorite.

>> No.3194210


Dark-translations is doing mindead next most likely, makes me very happy. That guys rather fast, I forget his name at the moment...

>> No.3194213

I played and enjoyed GSS.
But compared to Swan Song or some other eroge in that list?
It's just weaker, not bad but it's really not the same level.

>> No.3194215

If that's the thread I'm thinking about, most people said they enjoyed it, but didn't think it was amazing or anything, or deserving of a translation. That's what I'm saying, the majority of people who read it liked it but didn't think it was great or anything.

>> No.3194218

Voting for Flyable Heart.

>> No.3194222

Hoshizora no Memoria > Flyable Heart.

>> No.3194225

I thought Moon was utter shit, so I have a hard time believing ixrec doing GSS can be considered a waste of time. But yeah I guess if you compare it to baldr sky or Swan song...

But even then this is just another opinion war.

>> No.3194241

Doesn't "Script stats" refer to how much script is in the game? Swan song is barely double narcissu. And that games unbelievably short. At least it would be a fast translation then

>> No.3194244

Voting for Baldr Sky. If he translates Dive1, Dive2 will get translation eventually too

>> No.3194249

It's 1.16MB, which is a little longer than Shuffle!, 4x longer than Saya no Uta, and a little shorter than Cross Channel. If it's as good as people say, it really should be translated next, it'll be translated pretty fast.

>> No.3194291


>> No.3194301

So what's this I hear about Baldr Sky having action game elements?

>> No.3194302

You know guys, /jp/ would be in a serious disadvantage against /m/, with everyone voting and downing different stuff they like and don't like. If we keep on fighting on which VN to vote /m/uvluv will surely get the most votes.

>> No.3194303

You guys know muvluv was dropped off the list cause that guy from /m/ who is pretending to translate it told them he was still working on it

>> No.3194304

I have bad news for you, Anon.

>> No.3194308
File: 124 KB, 800x600, 111601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swan Song is pretty excellent.

>> No.3194314

Disregard >>3194302 then.

>> No.3194315

fuck whatever that other guy says

>> No.3194319

Didn't he put it back? That fag isn't even translating Extra first

>> No.3194321

So unless anyone manages to think of something we missed, the list of candidates will be the following 43:

3 days ~Michiteyuku Toki no Kanata de~
Baldr Force
Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory"
Beat Blades Haruka
Daibanchou/Big Bang Age
France Shoujo ~Une Fille Blanche~
Gore Screaming Show
Gunjou no Sora wo Koete
H2O: Footprints in the Sand
Haruka Ni Aogi Uruwashino
Hime Gari Dungeon Meister
Hoshizora no Memoria
Ikusa Megami Zero
Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora Ni
Kara no Shoujo
Kizuato Remake Edition
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO
Magical Language Lyrical☆Lisp (added for lulz)
Mugen Kairou 1
Narcissu: Side 2nd + Narcissu 3rd -Die Dritte Welt- (due to brevity, both will be counted as one game for voting purposes)
Never7 -the end of infinity-
12Riven -the Ψcliminal of integral-
Saihate no IMA
Secret Game -Killer Queen- Depth Edition (chosen edition for this entrant may change)
Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-
Shikkoku no Sharnoth ~what a beautiful tomorrow~
Shiokaze no Kieru Umi ni
Shoujo Mahou Gaku Little Witch Romanesque
Swan Song
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito
Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na
Yosuga no Sora - In solitude, where we are least alone

>> No.3194322

He should just give the already translated and edited text to ixrec and let him finish it. Doing the last half of muvluv wouldn't take him long at all

>> No.3194326


>> No.3194329

He's translated maybe 30% of unlimited, 40% of Alternative.

>> No.3194331

It has action game elements.

>> No.3194332

>Hoshizora no Memoria
I have a feeling this will win.

>> No.3194342


What the hell, looks like a top-side view level of super contra mixed with armored core

>> No.3194355

I loved that battle, especially the dialogue in the beginning.

Plus Restoration in the background.

>> No.3194372

It looks fucking awesome.

>> No.3194379

Thanks. I'm still a little torn between that and Hoshizora no Memoria, though.

>> No.3194405
File: 131 KB, 600x450, 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at them having spoilers in sample CGs at official site... altough everyone and their mother does know it... They should release atleast dive2 OP theme already, restoration being as good as it is.

But yeah, going to vote for baldr sky as it really deserves to get translation. besides we dont have any good hard sci-fi titles translated. the gameplay also is pretty addictive for some too.

>> No.3194419

Baldr Sky full OST where?

>> No.3194430

Why is this in the list.

>> No.3194455

It's not really a spoiler, though. Full OP single will be released in september 25, IIRC.

>> No.3194460


>> No.3194474
File: 195 KB, 850x1186, 201001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a rumor or something about Total Eclipse getting into game format. Was that true?

>> No.3194477

It's true.

>> No.3194480


>> No.3194482

Yes. Release: Never.

>> No.3194498


>> No.3194503

Seiji Kikuchi can draw nice feet when he wants

>> No.3194538

yep, not really spoiler, it's just not stated in game, but it's so damn obvious, and then again Kou is kinda dumb for not fiquring it out in dive1.... but thanks for that date, still wondering if they are ever going to release full OST, like that other anon.

>> No.3194742
File: 77 KB, 380x285, roydate3vj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The first reason is, after finishing MuvLuv (Extra and Unlimited), I've decided it was good, but not excellent, so it's off the list. Perhaps more importantly, I'm sick of the dialogue revolving around how to prevent /m/ from spamming my poll, rather than which of these VNs actually deserves to be tled.

>The second reason is that the CC project will be done within the week, and I'm thinking I'll close nominations one day after its formal completion, so if you know of any god-tier games that aren't on here, hurry up. But please, god-tier only. I can't stop you from nominating crap, but we'd all be better off if you didn't.

>> No.3194750

So some eroge can still be nominated?
Need more Moshiraba, seriously I don't undersand why it isn't on that list.

>> No.3194754

Hahaha oh wow
Why doesn't he just translate what he liked?

>> No.3194755

>please, god-tier only
That's Yosuga no Sora, GSS, and probably a bunch of other games I haven't played on that list with no chance of getting translated, no matter how much they're voted on.

>> No.3194757

Seconding this.

>> No.3194760

Sign up and post it, then.

>> No.3194761

Ixrec is no longer a true bro.

>> No.3194764

agree, Moshiraba should be there, someone go and nominate it?

>> No.3194765

This thread is now about Colonel Mustang.

>> No.3194766

Well, that eliminates more than half of the list.

>> No.3194769

It doesn't matter. Even though muvluv is my favourite eroge and I'd love to see it translated, if he doesn't think it's worth it then there's nothing to do. Now I'll just vote for Saihate no Ima or SS.

>> No.3194771

This translation stuff has seriously gone to his fucking head.

>> No.3194772

well, considering that best part of muv-luv is alternative, as he said extra and unlimted are only good.

>> No.3194773

Well he is right, Extra and Unlimited aren't excellent.
But nobody ever said they were, they are pretty good but in the end they are only the build-up to Alternative.

For comparison, Extra and UL would be Tsugumi, Sora, Sara and You's routes in Ever17, Alt would be a very long and even more awesome Coco's route.

>> No.3194789

But Alternative is like an answer arc to Extra's and Unlimited's question arcs
It's excellent but you gotta start somewhere

>> No.3194805

Well with Muv-Luv off, I predict either of the Baldr games will be the winners.

>> No.3194823

Most likely it will be close fight between Saihate, baldr sky and ruitomo as those seem to have most of the folowing. well there maybe suprises too, well see how it goes, when the voting starts.

>> No.3194824

When does voting start anyway?

>> No.3194825

It'll probably come down to /jp/ vs. /m/ like last time, I imagine.

>> No.3194827

crap forgot swan song as it seems to have some popularity too

>> No.3194829

Hoshizora seems to be pretty popular seeing the forum.
GSS has lots of fans in /jp/
And you shouldn't underestimate Himawari.

>> No.3194831

There's also Swan Song, which is the shortest of the four, that has a good chance as well.

>> No.3194845
File: 118 KB, 490x368, fight3fj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fullmetal Alchemist BL Doujin: Blue Bird Illusion.

Too bad Ixrec can't translate Chinese lol.

>> No.3194854

More BL games need to be translated. Otome games too.

>> No.3194877
File: 86 KB, 400x300, priddd2ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because homonculus Edward is hawt.

>> No.3194938

Oh, it got nominated

>> No.3194966
File: 136 KB, 613x1000, 1221131104977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done.
People here need to learn about the awesomeness of Tamami, hopefully it will be translated one day.

>> No.3194994

So, could someone tell me bit more about moshiraba, what makes it so good anyway? Allways heard good things about it. Also it seems to contain ghost girl, so that alone makes it instant win for me.

>> No.3194999

The people doing G-senjou are doing a Chinese translation. Try to get them to do it.

>> No.3195039
File: 52 KB, 390x293, alshower0no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot Alphonse is hot.

>> No.3195047

Of course the original MuvLuv (EX/UL) isn't anything out of the ordinary! No one claimed that! Someone please tell him to play Alternative, even if he doesn't translate it.

If MuvLuv is out of the equation I guess I'll vote for Saihate.

>> No.3195057

It's a nakige, with great art and really good writing.
Basically the game starts with the main character, Kazuki, living with his 2 adopted sisters.
He is particularly close to the eldest one who has the same age as him.
One day he finally manages to confess to her and they start dating, but that girl, Akiho, suddenly feel sick and die.
The real story starts about 2 months after her death, Kazuki and his other sister Tsubasa try to move on, but Kazuki realizes that strange things are starting to happen around him.
Well to cut the story short, Akiho comes back as a ghost.
And the story grows from there, it's really good.

Other characters apart of Akiho and Tsubasa includes her best friends Tamami, a miko with a Kansai accent and lesbian tendency and Chihaya, a mysterious loli looking girl with the same voice as Mikuru from Haruhi.

That short summary doesn't give the game justice, it may seems generic but it's really, really well done.

>> No.3195066
File: 116 KB, 450x337, cat7ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to show you Lust in-game.

>> No.3195067

Throwing my vote up for Shikkoku no Sharnoth.

>> No.3195071

Show more Mustang.

>> No.3195073

oh thank you, sounds good in my opinion

>> No.3195074

Someone is already translating it.

>> No.3195078


>> No.3195086

Glad someone finally is.

>> No.3195090
File: 88 KB, 380x284, ques6oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Mustang is such a tease and Edward is moe.

>> No.3195092

there was thread about it few days ago, check archive for more info.

>> No.3195096


>> No.3195113

I see.

Changing it to Inganock, then. I have a copy of it sitting in my lap, but I can hold up a little longer for the translation.

>> No.3195128
File: 95 KB, 400x300, bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda miss Fuhrer.

Here's the archive for the new Sharnoth translator thread. Still unsure atm.

>> No.3195132

>please, god-tier only
so much for Pygmalion

>> No.3195172

Oh awesome. Hopefully we can get both Inganock and Sharnoth translated. Dunno about Celenaria, I'm getting different feel from it than other two.

>> No.3195198

I liked Celenaria better than Sharnoth personally.
But that's me.
It's kinda similar to Sky of Arcadia or Grandia if you played them.

>> No.3195209


I'd love to see all of Liar-soft's games translated.

>> No.3195228

If he only likes translating 'god-tier' stuff, why the fuck did he translate MOON.?

>> No.3195229

How are Forest and Kusarihime? Along with Inganock they're Liarsoft's best ranked games on ErogameScape.

>> No.3195238

He's a faggot.

>> No.3195243

So are we voting for baldr sky?

It is time for us to get some eroge with gameplay.

>> No.3195247

I have played Angel Bullet, Born Freaks and Megalaughter from them. Fun titles with gameplay.

Shogun8 too, but i didnt like that one

>> No.3195249

Might've taken some time to refine his tastes.

>> No.3195251

Does anyone have a torrent of Moshiaraba at hand? You guys got me interested.

>> No.3195253

I'm voting for Moshiraba and Swan Song.

>> No.3195261
File: 51 KB, 641x501, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Moon. wasn't that bad, bro. It had nice characters and good music.

Then again, 90's adventure games will always have a special place in my heart. Also, I wish to play arcade games with Youko-san.

>> No.3195291

Forest is great, but really convulsed and basically impossible to understand if you aren't really proficient in moonspeak.
Also a translation would be really hard or impossible since lots of the dialogs are sound only.

Kusari-hime is pretty good but the ending is kinda disappointing, not really a must play but it's stil good.

My favorites are Inganock and Forest but I'm not really the biggest Liar-soft fan.

>> No.3195292

Because he's still new to VNs. I wouldn't be surprised if MOON was his first ever VN.

>> No.3195310

What? god tier games only? I wanted to see Narcissu 2nd translated or maybe Air, what now?

>> No.3195323

Air is considered god tier in Japan if that help you.
Even Ryuukichi07 that many people here worship consider it as one of his favorite.

>> No.3195338

I'm surprised there seems to be no love for YU-NO. It is really long, though, so not a very good choice.

>> No.3195357

I am conflicted between some delicious Liarsoft and Baldr.

>> No.3195394
File: 72 KB, 390x293, spider9da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is also sound only. Do you know what they do for anime translation? Subtitle.

Since Sharnoth's status is pretty much hanging/unclear at this point, I believe those who like to see Liarsoft's non-orthodox, fantasy vn should vote for Inganock.

If you want hardcore mecha gameplay, go for Baldr Sky Dive1. For moe you can go to Hoshizora no Memoria or Himawari. For occult/mystery go for Ruitomo. Disaster/survival, Swan Song.

>> No.3195398
File: 409 KB, 640x480, FG092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a bad thing. Moon. is even older than certain /jp/ posters.

Ixrec is a cool (insane) bro though. Apparently he went straight for the ELPOD scenes as soon as he started translating Moon.

>> No.3195421

Baldr Sky also has some heavy sci-fi themes too, so if you like those in addition to gameplay and mecha, go for it. I would like to add that if you like horror/mystery Kara no Shoujo would be good choice.

>> No.3195434

Himawari also has lot of sci-fi and pretty intricate story, classifying as a moe eroge only would be very unfair.

>> No.3195438

There's also Flyable Heart for moe.

>> No.3195462

Moon. was made in '97. Not even Sion is that young.

>> No.3195473

You'd be surprised.

>> No.3195525
File: 164 KB, 916x1355, pridesketches25cw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you love Cross Channel, Saihate no Ima is the closest genre or successor. FSNfags can go for 11Eyes.

>> No.3195555

TLs where

>> No.3195619


Livejournal. I'm pretty sure somebody was doing a translation of this game awhile ago. Don't know how far it's progressed though.

>> No.3195741
File: 156 KB, 904x1355, pridesketches8wc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Some of the material/contents are locked due to livejournal faggotry (Friends-Only). The doujin circle consist of some Chinese campus students few years back, which has been disbanded due to C&D order from SquareEnix.

If any of you find the game iso, care to upload and share the link?

>> No.3195749 [DELETED] 

I cannot help you. Sorry.
Drink Coca-Cola!
http://www.AnønTalk.com/ICARE - Do you care? You should.

>> No.3195806

Isn't AIR already in the process of being (incredibly slowly) translated?

I'm all for getting it done, though. More KEY stuff the better.

>> No.3195814

It is.

>> No.3195822


about 5% done a year, so that would be about...

translation per day = one word? Somewhere in that area

>> No.3195828


>> No.3195856

Misuzu route is already done and clearly that is the only important route that is needed. I believe we dont need anymore air translation.

>> No.3195860

Oh you.

>> No.3195865

He's right, though. All the other routes are shitty.

>> No.3195876
File: 148 KB, 836x1247, edsketches26aq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIR and CLANNAD are left in awful state. I hope someone can pick KEY's Rewrite once it's released, and done with much enthusiasm comparable to WitchHunt (゚∀゚ )

Pic because Edward in pajama is hot.

>> No.3195883

I haven't watched air in at least 6 years, I only remember liking one character but I barely even remember what she looks like.

There was something about her mom being crazy cause she thought her other dead daughter was still alive?

>> No.3195895

Fuck Air, Little Busters! Rin route translation where?

>> No.3195902

The day after you die.

>> No.3195904

>I haven't watched air in at least 6 years
The anime is only four years old

>> No.3195911


impossible, 6 years felt like an understatement....

meh your probably right, NEET's like us have a horrible sense of time

>> No.3195920
File: 64 KB, 390x292, dis2vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I have no idea why you guys care about AIR. It's a bestiality game for fuck's sake.

>> No.3195929

It's never coming bro. But I'll do her route and enjoy it for you.

>> No.3195930

you kinda answered your own question there buddy

>> No.3195939


If that's the case then 75% of hentai is bestiality

>> No.3196674 [DELETED] 

I have this iso in my backups somewhere.

>> No.3196699

Any updates?

>> No.3196715


Did you check or did you just decide to ask us instead?

>> No.3196724

I'm not reading this huge thread. Therefore I'm asking you.

>> No.3196730


I'm not referring to the thread, do you even know what this thread is based off of? Forget it just go to hell

>> No.3196745

More stats than you want to know:
CCA Set (Week 1): 40/40 (100%)
CCB Set (Week 2): 75/75 (100%) * 4 scripts in this set are not used but will be counted as finished.
CCC Set (Weeks 3 and 4): 125/125 (100%) * 2 scripts in this set are not used but will be counted as finished.
CCD Set (Weeks 5 and 6): 52/53 (98.11%) * 1 script in this set is not used but will be counted as finished.
Misc (Week 7): 0/2 (0%)

>> No.3196756

Yes, thank you.

>> No.3196780

Clannad is completely translated, it just needs some editing.

>> No.3196794

Is no one willing to edit it? Doesn't seem like it would be too hard. How much needs edited?

>> No.3196868

I've played through nearly the entire thing (working on After Story right now) and it's completely playable. There are some parts that are kinda rough, but it's not the worst translation I've played. The TL wiki is here: http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Clannad

>> No.3196883


You're in luck, I happen to have the game on a disc I made ages ago.


>> No.3197619


>> No.3197936

is that translated or not?

>> No.3198160

So much cancer in this thread. I hope the most awesome users in /jp/ don't forget their obligations that comes with their superior power levels and vote for either Swan Song, Gore Screaming Show or I/O.

>> No.3198164

>Gore Screaming Show
You haven't even played GSS have you? Go back to /b/ or /a/ or wherever you came from.

>> No.3198167


>> No.3198169

Speaking of I/O, torrent where?

>> No.3198187

Ed is far too cute for a guy.

>> No.3198237
File: 91 KB, 570x638, ya967950482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I'm voting YamiBro.

You guys already have your A+++ tier games coming anyways (Symphonic Rain, Cross Channel). But then again I don't use patches anymore, so yeah!

>> No.3198250
File: 70 KB, 390x293, sleeping2nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks alot. Posting all these images really pays out in the end. It's cool.

>> No.3198253

As much as I want to see it translated, I doubt it will. ;_;

>> No.3198258

That's exactly why we need some real deal game, not another dorama or comedy.
But at least I'm glad we could ban the pretentious artsy-fartsy fags whising for some ugly drawn Little Witch "games" out from some children's book

>> No.3198261

Fuck. Not the "real deal" guy again.

>> No.3198264
File: 58 KB, 390x296, standing1wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, I'm voting YamiBro.

>You guys already have your A+++ tier games coming anyways (Symphonic Rain, Cross Channel). But then again I don't use patches anymore, so yeah!

>> No.3198265

>real deal game
Not this shit again...

>> No.3198274

It's you again.

>> No.3198279

If Ixrec actually ever translates Magical Language Lyrical☆Lisp, I'll use that as an excuse to learn another language.
I don't see it pulling many votes, though, somehow.

>> No.3198324

Well there's much truth behind my words.
We recently got Kira Kira, FP, Shuffle and C+C, Symph Rain waiting in the pipeline for release.
So why should anybody vote for another game that has already been covered by said games? I just want to be able to replenish my real deal experience and I don't think I'm the only one on /jp/. The real deal community is waiting a 3/4 of a year of another real deal vidya with only Cartaga being in work though witouth any release date set in stone. G-senjou is more like a hybrid-game than a real deal package for real deal gamers and the translation progress will still have to last until the end of the year.

>> No.3198339

Please stop trolling, you're too good at it, it's scary. I'm beginning to think you may be serious.

>> No.3198464

>ugly drawn Little Witch "games
