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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 303 KB, 635x1024, uto4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31863835 No.31863835 [Reply] [Original]

cute mochi making

>> No.31863886

she has fanart already?

>> No.31865238

Always has been.

>> No.31870262

I'll make mochi in her cute cunny.

>> No.31871653

I love this cute tenshi.

>> No.31872369
File: 2.80 MB, 246x264, uto2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uto love

>> No.31872444

want an angry version of this

>> No.31872450

>the ribbon choker on her neck has physics applied to it
>her twintails don't
Fucking hack of a rigger.

>> No.31873261

going by horoscopes, she seems like a genuine INTJ especially with all the background info taken into mind

>> No.31874060
File: 708 KB, 916x1000, ErFFDXBVEAAEnwZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God for being born in the same era as Uto!

>> No.31875992

>dead thread
Stream is about to start fags.

>> No.31876008


>> No.31876028

Yeah let's see how much viewers she can get today that she's competing with her direct rival.

>> No.31876106

>she read my comment
Holy Shit... I'm on cloud 9 right now...

>> No.31876546

Oh god.... muh-

>> No.31876945

this is the first time a vtuber reads my comment

>> No.31877018

Now it hurts more....

>> No.31877057


>> No.31877119

>play hanako game
Haha it will be awkward.

>> No.31877214

I miss her playthrough

>> No.31877529

I love DeepL

>> No.31878062

Holy fuck, her PC's loaded.

>> No.31878092

Knowing that things cost more in Japan, she must got the money we estimated from the last month, maybe even more.

>> No.31878247

how much did Aqua work for Diamond rank?

>> No.31878426

A lot.

>> No.31878512


>> No.31878788


>> No.31878857


>> No.31878874

>H E Y M O O N A

>> No.31878924

>Tenshi is a nousagi
Now we need a tenshi ogey edit

>> No.31878944

She said 1080 last December, what a liar.

>> No.31878979

Uto means rabbit jump

>> No.31879026

That's what she had before, the new one has a 3090, probably a 5950 and 64gb ram. She said recently that her previous pc was for general gaming, but not streaming.

>> No.31879215

>she fucking fulfilled my request to say 「あ」
I'm dead, thank you forever!

>> No.31879246

You are lower than the seanigs falseflagging the chinks, congrats!

>> No.31879273

Thanks man. It's a once in a lifetime thing, I won't do it again, I swear.

>> No.31879298

>No SC's coming in

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, it seems filthy SEA niggers who're not even members are left in her chat

>> No.31879304

she already played with shion

>> No.31879382

Off collab? Now wonder she's a follower.

>> No.31879481

FPS Tenshi

>> No.31879532

Well, she definitely "Get Over it", that game.

>> No.31879793

>Off collab
No, random off stream game. Not off collab

>> No.31879797

Well, that takes me back.

>> No.31879829

Oh yeah, thanks for the clarification man.

>> No.31879953

>"Hate that fag Ollie"

>> No.31879956

Well, there goes the possibility for a L4D2 stream...

>> No.31879993


>> No.31880198

>That smile

>> No.31880234

Oh man, that "flying" was the cutest shit I've seen for this day, man.

>> No.31880253

F**tfags btfo lmao.

>> No.31880332
File: 24 KB, 364x364, gosmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute knees though

>> No.31880375

Well she has legs for days.

>> No.31880496
File: 227 KB, 336x1003, Angel legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right!

>> No.31880773

I can't hear this music without thinking of getting over it now. Like the grunting and everything.

Did our new daughter say what game is next?

>> No.31880816

here >>31879481

>> No.31881040

Karaoke soon, muh bredahs.

>> No.31881200

>spics BTFO
>Jerries BTFO

>> No.31881427

>she likes Jujutsu Kaisen, Kimetsu no Yaiba, and Yakusoku no Neverland
>she hasn't watched Jojo at all
Rate her tastes.

>> No.31881470

>>she hasn't watched Jojo at all

>> No.31881548


>> No.31881595

>Harry Potter watchalong is green lit

>> No.31881633

>"pogchamp" is banned

>> No.31881666

Guess I'll have a new ringtone soon.

>> No.31881686


>> No.31881732

clipfags field trip

>> No.31881762

She's SO getting a boost tomorrow.

>> No.31881856

5-10k subs tmr, 20k till EOW

>> No.31881869

>Oya Oya
Oh breh....

>> No.31881990

Oh boy, I'm being spoiled tonight with this kinda!ASMR stream.

>> No.31882105

>ringfit tomorrow
Prepare the lube!

>> No.31882157
File: 284 KB, 1440x2205, Eq9nwn9VoAIioIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31882186

dang, she's so good at pandering.

>> No.31882326

I want her to get more popular so she doesn't have to pander to seaniggers all the time

>> No.31885449

>Muh seaanigerrrs
Waito piggu

>> No.31886829

You mean human being.

>> No.31888832


>> No.31889859

Now we just need 1999 more like this.

>> No.31891840

Please do not lewd my precious pure tenshi.

>> No.31896243

>no stream tomorrow
I miss her...

>> No.31897978

>Post a Loli Uto sketch to get a few likes
>Only got 10
>One of them is Uto
Life is good anons~

>> No.31898148

Link it bro.

>> No.31898287

Is it this one?

>> No.31898398

>someone on chat asks her if she wants to do a second run of Getting Over It
>no, no getin obah itto, no
Jar Oji-san gave her PTSD

>> No.31898688

It was hilarious.
When someone mentioned that Jump King was like GOI, she instantly declined.

>> No.31899237

How the hell she got 300k so fast? Because of English lessons and youtube recommendation algorithms?

>> No.31899428

Before, it was mostly powered with Nabi and Ame boost.
Nowadays, it's due to clippers and word spreading out faster (more fans=faster spread).

>> No.31899508

people will say the sister boost, but it's because she's actually good enough to capitalize on it.
Most sisters could only dream of getting this far

>> No.31899578

It's not that one, I'm still stuck at 10 kek
It's an original design for Aoi Kabocha-chan I wanted to make, still unfinished but gonna post the link once I finish, looking pretty good so far

>> No.31901795

I'll be expecting it then.
Godspeed, anon.

>> No.31902012

God, it is still so fucking bullshit that her Sekiro playthrough had to be pulled. I loved it so much and want to see it again but there's no clips or anything of it, which sucks donkey balls.
Does anyone have a link to the unlisted video or something? I swear, this is fucking bullshit. God damn Fromsoftware and Youtube.

>> No.31902265

here's an unlisted archive

>> No.31903835

Thanks, i was struggling to look for this. The guy’s channel has the most generic fucking name so it was like trying to find a needle in a pile of cow shit covered in hay.

>> No.31905853

I forgot that she has no stream today... It seems I've been conditioned too...

>> No.31906249

I know that feeling.
And I hate it.

>> No.31908724

Same. Yesterday I immediately went to check for her 12am stream the moment it was time despite knowing it was going to be later. Knew that she was not streaming but still anticipated and feel terrible to not seeing a schedule stream from her and had to search for any others Hololive stream to ease the pain. Thank god for Gura’s.

>> No.31909318

One thing EN has an edge over most, is that they actually post scheds beforehand.

>> No.31909449

She did that before but seemed to have stopped. Might be afraid that she’ll oversleep. I thought it was going to be a weekly thing where every Friday she has member only stream/karaoke.
But she’s indie so it’s hard to expect full on dedication with weekly schedule.

>> No.31909900

I heard that she's been playing APEX with Shion. When did she say that or where was this source from? It sounds interesting since she and Aqua will probably hit it off well given their respective personality and skills in that game.

>> No.31910136

She said it during her SC reading yesterday.

>> No.31910154

She didn't say she's "Playing APEX with Shion". It was more like she got into a random match alongside Shion in APEX. An off stream random match.

It was in her 10Q stream.

>> No.31910188

Shion followed her on Twitter after the game.

>> No.31910391

That pretty cool. Hope they had fun.

>> No.31910519
File: 193 KB, 940x786, gQtABUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31910762

So if Ame is her “cousin”, what does that make Haachama? Her younger cousin? This is why Ame should have said she was her step sister then we could have at least have Haachama as the cousin and the family LARP would make more sense.

>> No.31910806

>No clippers clipped a part that I'm looking for

Anyone know what time this happened?
>Chat: I'm cry
>Uto: Why? Don't cry
>Uto: Here, gift for you
>Uto: My smile

>> No.31910879

Shit, now you made me remember her singing Ame a Happy Birthday yesterday, while still recognizing her as her "sister".
Shit's sad, man.

>> No.31910898

To be fair though, it'll happen to indies, there's not much artistic inspiration to go around. She either copies some art from twitter which happens to be also a copy of an art from another or just copy pastas something she saw on youtube.

>> No.31910903

Same here. I’m looking through her stream for her mention of Shion and Apex cause I missed her previous stream. Oh well, its good to catch up anyway. More views and ad revenue for her.

>> No.31910951

she was already an established vtuber

>> No.31910960

Didn’t the original picture come from something else, twitch or something? That or Plus Tic Nee, like her other one. Imagine hating reference to stuff she is a fan of, seriously. She’s a big fan of Hololive too.

>> No.31911132

Even holos do the same thing, anon.
Don't give it too much thought.

>> No.31911153

Really? On the SC reading stream? Do you have the timestamp?
I’m not surprise since she is a fan of hers. She even brought Nabi’s book.

>> No.31911157

She wasn't a 'vtuber' in essence that she didn't have an avatar. She was a 'gamer' that streamed her games on youtube. She got to 40K before dropping to 35K then had an avatar reveal, she got back to 40-45K when 'blue leech' started. This gained the attention of clippers and it started a landslide from that.

>> No.31911203

can a corporate slave even acknowledge other as sister without high-ups pissing off?

>> No.31911303

It seem to be more of a preference. Moona for example was free to admit and collabe with her “sisters” and Polchii and the Turkey were having fun talking about their “family”. I still think it was more of a way for Amelia to just shut up her retarded fanbase who kept spamming hers and Uto’s stream with that shit. Right now it died down significantly and more people are just watching Uto because of her, although still because of her similarity, and the toxicity for that at least died down. Only really dumbfucks are the one screaming about disowning or something, trying to rile up both base.

>> No.31911450

Can't do it for you now (due to reasons), but I can tell you that it took place during the early parts of the stream (around 20 minutes or less). You can tell when chat is telling her it's her birthday, while she corrects them (like that time during GOI).

>> No.31911498

Good enough. Thanks.

>> No.31911683
File: 28 KB, 526x273, 1609275829624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This "familial relations" thing seems to be a big thing in SEA

>> No.31911801

Anon, it's been a thing everywhere.
Even JPs considers Haachama and Watchaama as long lost sisters.

>> No.31911944 [DELETED] 

Found it. It was at 31:18 of her 10Q stream. Damn that’s cute and heartwarming, especially given how Ame during her birthday stream was nervous as shit.

>> No.31911990

Cute huh?
Nothing can top that smile as a gift segment though. Had a huge grin on my face when she did it.

>> No.31912006

>>31911450 #
Found it. It was at 31:18 of her 10Q stream. Damn that’s cute and heartwarming, especially given how Ame during her birthday stream was nervous as shiT and worried that no one would care. It was a fun stream though, loved that she tried to sing SSS even if she had no confidence in herself.

>> No.31912058

The first step into having confidence is actually trying and committing. Ame'll get the hang of it one day.

>> No.31912185

Her voice isn’t bad. Its just that she’s probably not use to extending her vocal chords and it doesn’t help that its a JP song and she doesn’t speak any Japanese. Her English songs are fine.
It reminds me of Coco when she tried singing back in her earlier days and when she had little confidence as well. All Ame need is more practice and maybe someone to coach and teach her. Maybe not even have to be a pro coach, even Gura, Calli or Kiara could help.

>> No.31912445

She doesn't even need to sing the JP version, since there's already an EN version. Of course, if she insists on the JP version, then go, more power to her I say.
Plus, they're probably already helping her out, since it's pretty much confirmed by now that they communicate with each other off-stream.

>> No.31913505

>the schizos in the anti thread tried to doxx her
>turns out she's a bigger saint than they expected
El mao.

>> No.31913855

Tenshimp vid reacting to Tenshi:

>> No.31914693

Cringe, yet relatable.

>> No.31915998

Her antis are so desperate they're grasping at the tiniest straws or just straight up making up bullshit. It's actually pretty funny.

>> No.31917779 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately, as she is still growing there will be more and more rrats that will cling to her. She’s still growing face and I wouldn’t be surprise if one she gets to and even surpass some Hololive member(she’ll be reaching 400k by the end of this month if she keeps doing as she is) shit will start to hit the fan and no doubt there will be “raids” and fucking death threats. Luckily it seems Uto isn’t stupid and seems to understand how most of this shit works, which once again makes me love her even more cause she’s not just a cute face but a fucking genius with much of the ground works she has laid out.
By having her chat being mostly filled with EOPs she has pretty much added a barrier to prevent JP cucks from attempting to spam and raid and by not being able to understand and having a bunch of overly strict mods she can control the retarded EOPs that might try to also attempt. Even if they are to hate her, she has also solidify herself as a Hololive fan so its at least guarantee she has sympathy from fellow fans and that she’s quickly making fans with a bunch of Hololive member is also protection.

I don’t care if it is intentional or not, but this really is an absolute fucking genius.

>> No.31917881
File: 86 KB, 689x719, uto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All according to her plan. Uto love

>> No.31917920 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately, as she is still growing there will be more and more rrats that will cling to her. She’s still growing fast and I wouldn’t be surprise if oncebshe gets to and even surpass some Hololive member(she’ll be reaching 400k by the end of this month if she keeps doing as she is) shit will start to hit the fan and no doubt there will be “raids”, death threats and other usual bullshit. Luckily it seems Uto isn’t stupid and seems to understand how most of this shit works, which once again makes me love her even more cause she’s not just a cute face but a fucking genius with much of the ground works she has laid out.
By having her chat being mostly filled with EOPs she has pretty much added a barrier to prevent JP cucks from attempting to spam and raid and by not being able to understand and having a bunch of overly strict mods she can also control the retarded EOPs that might try to also attempt anything stupid. Recently her mods are getting alot more stricter and moved much faster, especially when something hits the threshold of stupid. And even if they are to hate her, she has also solidify herself as a Hololive fan so its at least guarantee she has sympathy from fellow fans and especially with the known fact that she’s quickly making friends with a bunch of Hololive member is also great protection.

I don’t care if it is intentional or not, if this girl is just super lucky but she really is an absolute fucking genius regardless.

>> No.31918088

Unfortunately, as she is still growing there will be more and more rrats that will cling to her. She’s still growing fast and I wouldn’t be surprise if once she gets to and even surpass some Hololive member(she’ll be reaching 400k by the end of this month if she keeps doing as she is) shit will start to hit the fan and no doubt there will be “raids”, death threats and other usual bullshit. Luckily it seems Uto isn’t stupid and seems to understand how most of this shit works, which once again makes me love her even more cause she’s not just a cute face but a fucking genius with much of the ground works she has laid out.
By having her chat being mostly filled with EOPs she has pretty much added a barrier to prevent JP cucks from attempting to spam and raid and by not being able to understand and having a bunch of overly strict mods she can also control the retarded EOPs that might try to also attempt anything stupid. Recently her mods are getting alot more stricter and moved much faster, especially when something hits the threshold of stupid. And even if they are to hate her, she has also solidify herself as a Hololive fan so its at least guarantee she has sympathy from fellow fans and especially with the known fact that she’s quickly making friends with a bunch of Hololive member is also great protection.

I don’t care if it is intentional or not, if this girl is just super lucky but she really is an absolute fucking genius regardless.

>> No.31918220

Just imagine how smart her kids would be with me.

>> No.31918807

Sweet Jesus, anonchama. Wtf have you been doing?

>> No.31919233

Who is Ame? Watson Amelia?

>> No.31919279

How knew?

>> No.31919525

I'm amazed how the bait thread progressively became pro-Tenshi by the end.

>> No.31920439

Who is the best tenshi Uto, Kanatan or Lily?

>> No.31920602

Scary isn’t it? I’m actually pretty scared of the power of this Tenshi yet can’t keep myself away from her. So this is how all those Nazzys, Italian cucks and Boris felt when they got dominated by a Charismatic leader. It seems every new information revealed about her just makes me more and more madly in love with her. Even her doxxs gain her more plus than minus cause she is a damn cute Japanese girl and not some ugly ass EOP tranny.

>> No.31921169

There was this book "Perfume" that came to my mind after watching her for so long, the things that people can do when feeling "pure love"...
Like, I never did TL before cause even tho I can I'm hella lazy, but there was something of her that made me do it this time... It's even more interesting when you factor in that I'm a sociopath, so never too attached to anyone

>> No.31921790


>> No.31922537

Chowa, since she's in heaven now.

>> No.31922787


>I want to play APEX
>It's been a while since I played APEX
>I played APEX with Shion once.

She played a random match with Shion, they haven't 'collabed', it was random. Doubt Shion knew about her at that time.

>> No.31924267


Present for you

>> No.31924466

Imagine cumming on her face when she smiled.

>> No.31924729

Gg men

>> No.31925132
File: 293 KB, 735x709, Pure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you, anon.

>> No.31925252

so I got a question:
she is independent, meaning she contacted the artist/modeler, paid them and got all the equipment, model and such by herself?

other than collabs she's better off by herself then, without org

>> No.31926023

Seems like she has her sister as support/staff/mod or something. Some of her twitter english sentences looks more polished than some of her youtube titles. A stream made yesterday is titled Cristmass while another stream today is titled Christmas, and others.

Also Twiteer.

>> No.31926481

her rig is so fucking smooth. i wonder how much does it cost.

>> No.31926634

She lucked out on getting a first time rigger who put his best on her model and it proved beneficial to both of them. The rigger is Takeka Fungi and even he’s saying because of Uto’s recent popularity he’s getting a ton of commission work.

>> No.31927449

>paid them and got all the equipment, model and such by herself
Well either her parents are rich or she has a pooled money from friends. It's pretty clear she has 1 or more than 1 person behind the scenes.

>> No.31927702

She slept with both the artist and rigger, in exchange for the avatar.
Source: trust me bro.

>> No.31927712

Or she saved money from the past activities and maybe got a bit of help from her parents.

>> No.31927798

Uto and Nabi-mama having hot incest sex does sound fucking delicious though.

>> No.31929330 [DELETED] 

she's on discord voice chat atm

>> No.31929609

I dont interact with shitpools. As long as she’s streaming today is all I care about. I’m watching for her, not autistic faggots.

>> No.31929891

Who is she talking with?

>> No.31930373

she's talking with all of discord who joined the karaoke channel
going to sing right now

>> No.31930401


I bet she's talking to some SEA Nigger who didn't even join her membership.

>> No.31930445

Anything as long as she gains more fan. I don’t care as long as she’s successful and makes money, and that she can stream today.

>> No.31930504

oof I meant she's holding a public karaoke and qna event on her official fan discord

>> No.31930566

But she talks in english or only jap?

>> No.31930659

Whatever. I still hate discord more than I want a surprise karaoke. If it’ll get her more simps, all the better.

>> No.31930683

it was both
but it's the translator who's singing karoke lol

>> No.31931041

>More simps
>fan discord

It's full of never membered neckbeards

>> No.31933791
File: 424 KB, 561x643, ponsuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a second...
that artstyle look familiar

>> No.31938231

It looks like she reached Diamond in Apex solo queueing

>> No.31941678

Looking forward to Apex and member karaoke tomorrow! UTO LOVE

>> No.31953897
File: 292 KB, 1370x2048, ErMtpoXVQAEcQfE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 2 1/2 hours more...

>> No.31956002

>dat smug tenshi thumbnail
She's getting bold.

>> No.31959413


>> No.31959748

is it just me or the stream kinda lagging

>> No.31959803

Is she colorblind?
Judging by her color accessibility option.

>> No.31960068

Stream is indeed, very laggy.

>> No.31960222

she alt tabbed

>> No.31960408

she needs to cap her fps

>> No.31961219

Fuck...what the hell is Gura doing? Why the fuck is she streaming at this time right now, seriously? Its damn unfair cause I’m torn between the two of my favorites. On one hand I’ve been waiting for hellalong for Uto’s Apex stream but on the other, Gura’s streaming.

>> No.31961258

why not both?

>> No.31961343

Yeah but it still sucks ass because this mean most people are with Gura, which mean less people for Uto and that sucks because she’s doing her best to show her stuff.
One is cute and peaceful while the other is cute and intense. God damnmit.

>> No.31961462

>Not having multiple monitor
>Not running dual app on phone
No excuses.

>> No.31961508

is she pretending to be bad? no way she'd get diamond and all those badges even with premades

>> No.31961588

She's not doing bad. Seems to be more case of bad luck since she keeps getting sneaked up on. It reminds me of Aqua's play through when she has a bad day. Makes me want to root for her harder.
That's what I'm doing. But I still find myself hoping that Gura will hurry up and finish streaming at least since her up means she's got a hold of most of Uto's viewers and paypigs. I was happy she streamed a little after Calli but Gura really took me my surprise. Dammit shark...

>> No.31961653

Your wish is fucking granted, now focus on Uto.

>> No.31961729

Thank god. Hopefully the paypigs will give be there too and SC Uto's stream.

>> No.31961781

She's being much more passive and less situationally aware than how she usually plays in the past

>> No.31962039

Seriously did not expect Gura to stream at this time. Hell, she never even stream at this time either. It really sucks cause it seems as if Uto set her scheduling carefully at a time when most of the popular ENs are off but damn if not Gura having some random ass guerrilla stream.
Seriously talk about bad luck cause Uto has to actually fight her for viewers but its still amazing that she's holding the fort with 3-4k viewers. I love both, but it really does piss me off the unfortunate timing.

>> No.31962134


>> No.31963918

shut up, nigger

>> No.31963988

No (you)

>> No.31964633

>hit 300k yesterday
>at 323k now
seriously how the fuck?

>> No.31964683

She hit 300k a few days ago.

>> No.31964686
File: 183 KB, 595x509, Screenshot 2021-01-09 190446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any thoughts on this?, saw it on twitter

>> No.31964755

based, fuck artfags

>> No.31964852
File: 253 KB, 1320x1227, ErRSL1JVcAUt5WN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the translation

>> No.31964919

What kind of "rewards" are we talking about

>> No.31965056

fag brought it upon himself, literally got commisioned for a "IOU"

>> No.31965230

I shouldn't have looked into her previous life.
Her live2d really helps to emphasize her purity, but she's actually far from an angel.

>> No.31965288

from 5ch

The sins of angels.

・ 同僚に対する誹謗中傷と虚言癖を理由にある企業グループを解雇
  Dismissed from a corporate group for slandering a colleague and making false accusations.
・ 解雇された後、SNSで誹謗中傷を繰り返す
  After being fired, he repeatedly slandered his colleagues on social networking sites.
・ 天使に転生した後はサムネやメタタグを模倣してホロライブ関係者を偽装する
  After being reincarnated as an angel, he imitated thumbnails and meta tags to disguise himself as a holo-live person.
・ 模倣サムネイルを依頼していた絵師から詐欺行為を指摘される
  After being reincarnated as an angel, he disguised himself as someone related to Hololive by imitating thumbnails and meta tags.
  In addition, it turns out that the request for the copycat thumbnails was not for "reference" but for "rewriting.
・ 個人勢を装った企業勢である事もあわせて判明
  It was also revealed that they were companies disguised as individuals.


>> No.31965303

Please tell me someone here is planning on archiving the Karaoke and dropping it here. I'll probably miss it.

>> No.31965740
File: 24 KB, 602x282, 1609957287146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also from 5ch

>> No.31965857

this says more about how busy she is as a businessgirl

>> No.31965886

More doxxing shit huh. Just never ends with these fucking people.

>> No.31965937

The price of fame is starting to get to get to her. Good thing is most of her viewers are English only

>> No.31965978

It would help more if she has lawyers or something too. This is why it is more than important for indie vtubers to get companies or something cause you get shit like this spilled all over the place whether it is real or not.

>> No.31966061

>important for indie vtubers to get companies
if anything indies have a better chance of fighting this bullshit, companies throw their talents under the bus at first signs of trouble

>> No.31966068

Is this true?


>> No.31966111

Not surprising given all the shit thats been found out about her.

>> No.31966216

>artnigger harrassing a chuba
>she pays him off out of fear/irritation
>wtf why she was so rude to me???

>> No.31966240

So uh she suposedly comissioned art from some dude and then ghosted him?

>> No.31966252

Wait, so isn’t it so much as the guy was doing artwork for free or something and she promise to pay him but didn’t pay? Which artwork did he do for her? From the channel or thumbnail or what? If that is the case, then she just owes him money yeah? Otherwise if the same art wasn’t used at all, would he still be entitled to being paid?

>> No.31966272

go back your discord nigger

>> No.31966311

wake up anons. she's no angel, she's a succubus in disguise.

>> No.31966347

>>31966311 even better

>> No.31966373
File: 37 KB, 820x112, TICK TO-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31966428

TICK *cough TOCK

>> No.31966518

This isn't her first time having fame

>> No.31966606

Well, hopefully she’s prepared to take care of shit like this then. The longer stuff like this drags out, the worse it gets. If the guy is just asking for payment then if she pays him, should be the end of that. Not like she’s short on money.
It’s always a problem when you can give ammo for people to use against you, better to nip it at the bud. But once again, which artwork did he make for her and is she using it?

>> No.31966613

>Nonpayment of debt
It's over guys...

>> No.31966824

this is some shitty slander campaign, Tenshi wouldn't do shit like this

>> No.31966833

She already paid him though?
probably had too many things to juggle and forgot about him until he brought it up

>> No.31966852

Wait...so let me get this right. This guy first was drawing artwork free of charge and so the girl requested something from him telling him that she would pay later and he agreed. But he didn’t set any pay date and was more just telling her later is fine.
Then when she got famous he started hounding her on payment which she didn’t until it becomes real shit which she then finally pay him but now he’s still pissy about the whole situation even after apologies and shit?
Damn. Both of them are at fault here but this guy is just being a pretty big piece of shit about it too.

>> No.31966909

>2K new subscribers from start of live to end of live

Yeah, she's unclining.

>> No.31966977

>she commissioned some art from him
>forgot about it (probably with all the workload)
>she unfollowed him for reasons
>he contacted her about it
>she actually fulfilled her end of the bargain at this year
>guy throws a fit
>even notes that "she has many illustrators doing stuff for her since then"
>posts this
So.... he's troubled that he didn't get paid before, but now he's going bonkers after she paid him? Was there any contract that indicated any deadlines for payment? If not, then he is at fault here too for being an expecting dumbass. Doesn't help that he mentioned that "she doesn't use them any longer", which lowkey implies that he's salty for not even using his art (which she's free to use btw).
Put in mind that she already paid him, so this shit is ultimately pointless.

>> No.31967013

For a pure Tenshi she sure has a lot of controversy around her

>> No.31967023

Why did she ghost him? Might kill any rumors if she comes out with a good reason.

>> No.31967043

Welcome to the world of a 300k Vtuber, friend.

>> No.31967065

He's obviously more salty about her ignoring and ghosting him than the unpaid art, but it just gives him the perfect excuse

>> No.31967098

Chuubas sometimes start unfollowing people after they get popular

>> No.31967174

Which is still a pretty shit move cause he's basically trying to pull the same thing that Hitomi Chris' "boyfriend" place on his twitter tags, trying to gain fame by taking down someone who is now famous by being a vindictive asshole. Even his "hurr durr I want to protect future artist" is a load of crap. This especially the case if he was already gotten pay and apologies have been made what the fuck does he want?
This is why people need to cover up all loss ends, especially after they get famous.

>> No.31967228

Sometimes people think they are special to chuubas

>> No.31967245

I fell in love when I saw how based she was

>> No.31967328

She seems to be psychotic

>> No.31967355

People will keep turning a blind eye and finding excuses for their cutthroat chuuba, until something big explodes on their faces and more parties are left affected. Such is the way of things.

>> No.31967358

Wonder what the most ideal course of action would be here? Ignore it? Or give some sort of statement at a future stream?
Put in mind that, even if her fanbase is significantly dominated by overseas fans, it still hits different when the one stirring shit is from someone she can understand.

>> No.31967373

Amatsuka Uto’s misdeed(blue Ame)
・ She fired from streamer group because she repeated slander and falsehoods about her teammates.
(Search for "バーボンクラン あいざわ クビ", etc.)
・Even after fired, she repeatedly slanders others on SNS
・She mitates thumbnails and meta tags to disguise herself as a holo-live member.
・ The artist who commissioned the imitation thumbnails accuses her of not paying the fees.
・it turns out that the request was not for "reference" but for "rewriting".
・it turned out to be a corporation disguised as an individual.

>> No.31967378

Gura was streaming at that time. As if she would be able to beat the shark. Amelia, maybe, but to go up against Gura is suicide. In fact, she didn't start getting superchats until after Gura ended her stream. Bad luck today.

>> No.31967418

Foreigners are way less nasty than nips she's fine

>> No.31967484

They're all nothingburgers horribly misrepresented through and through
Literally grasping at straws

>> No.31967578 [DELETED] 

Depends. It is relatively small right now, same with the tags incident that can still be nipped at the bud. The guy already got his payment but he's doing what he's doing as more of a retaliation than anything no doubt trying to somehow get more from her and stir up enough controversy so that HE can get exposure. This is pretty common and unfortunately since Uto is an indie she doesn't have company back up to fight back in what can be seen as attempt of defamation. If she was with a company they could work something to make it hush hush and keep it down.
The best thing she could do now is probably acknowledge this, make an apology and show proof of pay or something. However, once again, this guy isn't taking any private apology and is actively seeking to cause shit so it's going to be tough. It's going to be hard to see if this will spiral out of control or just become nothing, since he is a no-name seeking attention for profit.

>> No.31967705

>make an apology
From experience, this is THE last thing she should do. It's like saying to the world that you DID do it, and that's usually enough for trolls as ammo.

>> No.31967780

Another option would also be to appease him, in a small way. He seems to want her to use the art, so another thing could be addressing it and start using the same art she already paid for parts of her channel. Reverse it on him and stick to her persona, cause while she is in the wrong at first she have already paid him and they should be even but he's not looking for that so make it so that he'll look like a fucking asshole by giving him the exposure he wants. However, that's also dangerous cause its assuming that if she does what he wants, i.e use his arts and make it like they're on good terms, he could still keep the bullshit narrative statement up and more people will find out BUT it will also work against him once again, she has already paid him and he's doing this to as more of a revenge to defame her.

>> No.31967882

>appease him
Problem with this is that this will empower him, like he has a special place in her circle.
Considering he already pulled this stunt, he's the least trustworthy individual to induct.

>> No.31967931

The ammo is already loaded. Regardless this will be used someway or another but the important thing is, like with the tags, it should not be able allowed to leave the shitholes sites like 5ch and 4chan and leek into where the casuals are. And if it did, it must be addressed in a way that shows that she is still in the right. While an apology might be too much, and pointless cause this guy is not looking for it, it is more important that if this shit leaves she has to be in the right.

>> No.31968106

Looks like she's already starting to clip off loose ends. I see where the art is from now. It was the same art from her Yoasobi cover. I though I remember the name of that person because I tried to look for his twitter when I was looking for the artwork for the video.

Damn, that was my favorite cover too. I knew I should have downloaded it when I had the chance and knew this shit was going to happen when I saw this guy's twitter being non-existent from the link.

>> No.31968182

Seems like a lot of shit happens in the shadows with this one. Might as well archive any content you value.

>> No.31968194

is that why she privated them? sounds like she's ahead of the curve again

>> No.31968236

>and leek into where the casuals are.
It's already leaked into twitter, it's only a matter of time for them to know, man.
Better ignore the whole thing unless directly addressed. She DID pay him in the end, so the burden is, logically, on the guy.

>> No.31968293

It all makes sense now. She has credit him and that cover was from before her debut. The same guy, his twitter was previous closed off when you try to check it. So it means that she's probably trying to work something out, or get rid of it lasting evidence. However, it will be more suspicious now, unfortunately. Her discord is also closed off too.
But even so, clever girl. As expected of someone I fell madly in love with.

>> No.31968525

>she sings every karaoke better than the last

>> No.31968802

It seems to be more remnants of her pass creepying back up yet again, than anything. That cover was the last of hers that she didn't removed with the rest of the videos. She need to take this as a lesson and maybe tie up all loose ends, and although it sucks, get rid of her past that could become food for rrats. It's also reason why most vtubers once again always start fresh for debut. But yeah, I love that fucking cover too. Does anyone have an archive of it or anything? I knew something like this was going to happen from pure instinct and knew I should have downloaded it but damn.

>> No.31968951


>> No.31969204

Uto blocked the illustrator after he begrudgingly paid the fee. Why?

>> No.31969264

wait, she already has a boyfriend

>> No.31969388

Just simp guys. Roommate should not affect your enjoyment at all unless you're a shizo.

>> No.31969478

Cutting off branches, no doubt. The guy admit she was apologizing but he was not going to simply let it go cause he doesn't think it is a small thing,

>> No.31969494

You keep posting the same thing in slightly different words. Why?
Just go back to 5ch

>> No.31969605

>No stop enjoying things

>> No.31969675

Good. I love NTR

>> No.31969688

I'm not affected. She's not even an idol for me to go full idolfag towards to anyway.

>> No.31969728

that's me :)

>> No.31969729

>now blocked
Your narrative keeps changing, rrat.

>> No.31969734

Oh hey anon remember me? Im a fan before you got famous
Hey anon long time no see, I told friends that I'm an associate of yours, could you post a tweet with my name on it so I can brag about it?
Hey anon, you didn't pay me for past works and now you're not even tweeting my name, you;'re making me angry
Anon, you have quite a following now. It would be a shame if I tell them you still owe me money

>> No.31969762

>"Im a big fan but she didn't pay me!!"
Fuck off.

>> No.31969881

Oh hey anon, I know that you paid me in full recently. and that's great! But... I'm still angry!
So anon, just let me just post this on social media and YT to show how offended I am about you paying me.
What? You paid me already so it doesn't count anymore? That's cute, anon~

>> No.31969978

It's funny because he also put out a statement that she already paid him and even ask forgivuness przz but he is basically saying he is not willing to forgive and must do this the honor of his and other artist. If he was smart he would not mention that and he could have done way more damage but now it just makes him look like a total asshole.

>> No.31970326

Well no shit he's throwing a fit, he got used as a tool and thrown away when he was no longer useful despite all the support he gave her free of charge. That reeks of shitty character so he wants to warn other people about what kind of girl she really is. You simps have such a warped perception, I bet you'd defend Amber Heard if she had a cute Live2D.

>> No.31970391

>Now, and specially because Uto has a lot of fans and is receiving illustrations from many different people, I thought that that I didn't want this to happen to anyone else so I wrote this.

It's laughable how much the guy tries to convince others "it's not about him!", he "just wants the best for everyone!"
When at this point Uto could just use fanart and be done for life

>> No.31970471

>anti thread dies
>then all this happens here
It's funny how dedicated her haters are, like they are paid by someone, maybe a rival. It's also funny how miniscule every dirt they managed to find, or in this case the other party is at fault rather.

>> No.31970497

>free of charge.
Heh, didn't even bother reading the rest

>> No.31970530

I hope she actually ask the people who do the fanart for permission. But after this, I wouldn't be surprise if she's going to be more apprehensive when using fanarts since anyone now could do the same shit, saying they did it for free but wants to get paid now. If I was her, I try to maybe hold back on using fanarts for a while and document messages for permission like most Hololive members do on twitter.

>> No.31970543

>you'd defend Amber Heard
yes, weak should fear the strong

>> No.31970564

You mean her previous life or now? I mean she used underhanded tactics to kickstart this current career so I am not surprised by the stuff mentioned by 5ch.

>> No.31970596

Does it still count when she credits them in the vid's description?

>> No.31970640

I've said before, but this girl seem to be protected by some magic luck barrier that allows most of the narratives to be spun her way. It is terrifying and I'm getting such a major boner from all of it. I'm scared but so aroused.
This is what Charisma really is. I'm inclined to follow her to the end of the fucking earth. Now I understand how all those under Yakuza and Mafia rules work.

>> No.31970645

>Arimasen NGE OP
My fucking heart.

>> No.31970700

>Luck, Charisma
No, you're just deranged.

>> No.31970719

Like, the only thing I would ask for is credits, even then, being retweeted kinda works as well
I'm lamenting this the most since I was making fanart too

>> No.31970754

technicaly she shouldn't even ask since she's the owner of the character, but it's customary to do so

>> No.31970764

Or maybe you're the paid shill trying to damage control.

>> No.31970781

Where do you think you are Anon

>> No.31970782

>getting a yab at this time
Kek just read through all of it and think that it should just be a small issue if she paid the guy but apparently she just doesn't care enough until that guy made it a big issue. If he didn't made it a big issue he wouldn't got paid so it is not "just an artist was bitchy about people not paying for his work".
Notwithstanding this case she is just an opportunist. Not sure how many people are performing mental gymnast to convince themselves that she is not a leecher. In fact, she is the worst form of leecher because she leech and denied it. I would respect a leech if they are open about it and can take a joke for it from time to time.

>> No.31970816
File: 93 KB, 843x667, 4333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is also using tags, we should crucify her also.

>> No.31970837

wrong board?

>> No.31970872


>> No.31970880

That would still be a retarded move cause once again, shit like this will happen. There's no way to really remember every single artist of an artwork you like or want to use especially when half of them are no names. Either way, have proof that you gain consent from the artist is still the best way possible. Fanwork law in Japan is somewhat shaky.

>> No.31970984

>"N-no, u!!!!"

>> No.31970993

Looks like its begun. Man of man, this is going to be fun seeing which one will fall and which one will get away with it.
The guy seems more angry that she told him she doesn't know who she is and guess that pissed him off completely. His statement didn't say she wasn't going to pay him but that he was angry at her "irresponsibility". That's pretty understandable but he made it worse by trying to be vindictive and now he's really blacklisted.

>> No.31971057

It is not even half of what Pekora was getting by showing her chrome for a split second and you guys are crying about it. While in Pekora's case it is literally a nothing burger than caused the yab for uto the story actually holds water and she didn't pay the artist until it became a big issue, so I would say that the yab is pretty tame considered what she's actually done.

>> No.31971161

Yes. I treat all leecher the same, which is not watch them and laugh when people knew that they are bad guys.

I don't think people should care what the guy feels about the situation nor did they have to care about what Uto feels. In the end it is just in their mind and they can say whatever they want. The fact is that Uto did not pay an artist until the things get big. This raised a red flag.

>> No.31971179

>you guys are crying about it
No we don't, we laugh at the failed schizos who repeat their shit and think it causes anything to anyone.

>> No.31971198

Gotta feed and grow the rrats. I'm expecting more and more of this to come. The question is going to be will she now take preemptive measures to kill off anything that will become a yab in the future right now?
I was going to say that one yab would be the new emoticon she's gotten. That kneeling Haachama edit was definitely not that smart of an idea cause 1.it was fanwork and 2.it is too close to Hololive no matter how much you try to spin it. Let's watch and enjoy how this rolls out.

>> No.31971203
File: 100 KB, 750x1334, YGthZo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening from Japan! I'm a DeepL Devotee.

Don't worry, it's already widely known in the Japanese community that she was fired from her team for slander in a previous life, and that she has been violating the rights of Hololive fanart by altering it without permission and using it as a thumbnail.
Already disliked as a typical free-rider, there are almost no Japanese users to begin with! (walfie's illustration is a typical example).

Also, it has been discovered that she has had a staff member managing her direct mail since the beginning of Twitter, and it is not a new fact that she hides her corporate affiliation.(I'll attach the evidence.)
Why she have to hide the company they belong to is... let's not talk about that.

On an unrelated note, in recent years there has been a major problem with Chinese companies copying Japanese otaku culture.
When Coco was on fire in China, there were several leaks saying that Chinese companies posing as Japanese companies would enter the Vtuber market and that Hololive would regret abandoning China, so I'm worried!

Watson, who stubbornly doesn't follow her on Twitter, is well versed in the Japanese Vtuber environment and can be seen to be very clever. Really great!
Kiara, unfortunately, is not very clever!

Please continue to support Watson!


>> No.31971233

Tldr waht is this

>> No.31971251

>(one day)

>> No.31971268

>the rights of hololive fanart
Ina Lewds Matter!

>> No.31971315

rrats are starving...

>> No.31971323

They're saying that Uto is actually an entire company disguising as an indie vtuber. Something about how she have other people handling her stuff and I think something about Chinese trying to break into Japanese vtuber industry. Also Kiara is stupid, or something. Read the damn thing.

>> No.31971325

>When Coco was on fire in China, there were several leaks saying that Chinese companies posing as Japanese companies would enter the Vtuber market and that Hololive would regret abandoning China, so I'm worried!
Now that's a strong rrat. Also fuck off.

>> No.31971377

>knew that someone was leeching off holoEN by having same artist as Watson
>never heard about it since then since I am only watching holojp anyway
>suddenly a yab happened
>looked into it
>seems like the leech just recently changed her avatar
I would say she is very dedicated at leeching, changing the avatar at 200k followers just to leech on the EN. Good move since it is where the money's at. Though I would never pity a leecher when something happened to them and laugh at those who are defending her.

>> No.31971444

Why is it wrong to leech though? Vtubers a leeching of fans with superchats and memberships so who cares?

>> No.31971450

Where is it from originally?
>It's China
Looks like we are all drinking Chinese bat soup all along.

>> No.31971452

Her old one looks like Pekora. You think she chose Nabi because Pekora's artist was too expensive?

>> No.31971500

Of course it's Jyna. Couldn't have it been some Amerifat country. Why is it never Amerifat? It makes me angry that my country is not getting the recognition it deserve.

>> No.31971503

Not wrong to leech but pretending you are not leeching means you are fucking liar and people should be careful around you.

There is a SEAnig vtb company that clearly leeching hololive by calling themselves "MyHoloTV" and they are more respectable that this fake indie.

>> No.31971543

Probably. And the artist actually will choose who they are willing to draw for. She probably had so many skeletons in the previous life that some artists are avoiding her.

>> No.31971588

>it is the same person that trying to shift the focus away from the bad stuff for her
I hope you at least get the photo of her vagina as a reward.

>> No.31971602

I hope she's smart enough to turn those same skeletons into powder. Although, it'll be hard but I am shaking with exciting about how if she can and how it would turn out. I knew reaching the 300k mark will be when shit gets real.

>> No.31971619

She got her avatar at around 35k subs, she didn't even have a l2d before and her previous design looks similar to the current one.

>> No.31971647

Shhh, don't tell them, they will break down mentally that all their rrats were for nothing, lmao.

>> No.31971684

Want to see it? It's pretty nice. Every night that I pound her on top of the pile of money from the simps she calls me daddy with such a loud and cute voice.

>> No.31971719

Rrrrrat ogey

>> No.31971724

>"keywords":["VTuber","バーチャルメイド","バーチャルYoutuber","ホロライブ","白上フブキ","赤井はあと","ときのそら","ロボ子さん","大神ミオ","夜空メル","大空スバル","夏色まつり","さくらみこ","百鬼あやめ","紫咲シオン","アキ・ローゼンタール","アキロゼ","戌神ころね","猫又おかゆ","がおう","兎田ぺこら","白銀ノエル","不知火フレア","潤羽るしあ","宝鐘マリン","桐生ココ","姫森ルーナ","天音かなた","角巻わため","常闇トワ","Gawr Gura","Mori Calliope","Watson Amelia","Ninomae Ina'nis","Takanashi Kiara","雪花ラミィ","尾丸ポルカ","桃鈴ねね","獅白ぼたん","癒月ちょこ","湊あくあ"]
small difference

>> No.31971734

>Watson, who stubbornly doesn't follow her on Twitter, is well versed in the Japanese Vtuber environment and can be seen to be very clever. Really great!
Teafaggers really are dumb aren't they.

>> No.31971748

Gimme Mano Aloe tier rrats guys.

>> No.31971770

Uto loves my dick.

>> No.31971785

By your logic if someone kills someone else with a single bullet that's fine, but if they do it with 25 that's big yab.

>> No.31971819

>Watson, who stubbornly doesn't follow her on Twitter, is well versed in the Japanese Vtuber environment and can be seen to be very clever. Really great!
>Well versed in the Japanese Vtuber environment


>> No.31971824

Looks like le reddit finally got wind of this. About time. Now the fun begins.

>> No.31971825

I saw all of this on 5ch a week ahead of you
it's literally all schizo takes, comforting to see our sites be so similar

>> No.31971848

I mean should they care about what she did before she start leeching? It is the "fans" that should look into it.

>> No.31971865

Watson herself wrote that post. She's really pissed.

>> No.31971926

Does that mean all the recent subs might actually be chinese bots? Come on, give me more narratives!! More food!

>> No.31971950

all me

>> No.31971965

Of course it's not wrong. Artists copy works all the time. It's not a problem until it becomes one. See Carlos Mencia and Shia LaBeouf, among others.
This leech should have been more subtle about it. But alas, she grew too big, too fast.

Gambare leech-chi! I'm rooting for you!

>> No.31971984

Seaniggers couldn't be rangebanned enough
you've shit up too many holo threads with the L-word already

>> No.31972061

There is actually a consideration for different sentences depends on that actually. If you killed a man with 25 bullets the sentence would be heavier than killing it with 1 bullet if foung guilty.

>> No.31972062

She was actually more subtle than most. No doubt she has people combing 5ch and these places. Why did you think she was able to kill it off so fast?
Her biggest problem was allowing it to leek to even the normalfags but luckily they're all retarded EOPs so it becomes nothing.

>> No.31972094

The "leech" narrative is starting to become stale, ngl.

>> No.31972102

>She was actually more subtle
Olympic level gymnast right here.

>> No.31972162

All it takes is for people to start talking about it outside of here, the cute tenshi image is pretty hard to maintain when you have all this baggage hanging around.

>> No.31972168


>> No.31972178

I hope the Chayna one will stay. I like it and since people hate chinks it'll stick easier to the walls.

>> No.31972213

Well, I guess it's over, now she will release some sort of apology and take a break

>> No.31972224

She dare to leech and at the same time deleted the evidence once she leeched enough, having dedicated braindead fans and antis. I would say she is qualified to run for an election.

>> No.31972227

Is that why she's working so hard to change her image in the recent games?

>> No.31972283

My bet is that she won't. She is shameless enough to do that judging by her track record.

I would bet 1:1 with all the money the people defending her here and you guys will be broke when this thing is over.

>> No.31972309

dat voice

>> No.31972333

No matter how she change her image, deep down her heart she is a bad person. Sure she can still earn a lot by sucking those stupid fans like the people defending her here dry but that is as far as she can go.

>> No.31972349

Look ESL, saying the word again and again won't make it any more true

>> No.31972353

Good I wish Uto would leech my D.

>> No.31972354

Remember her last "apology" and how she doxxed the shit out of the girl who crossed her? You should be hoping she does cause it will be fun.

>> No.31972378

>rrat rrat rrat rrat rrat
Oh boy, it really is a bunch of Zhangs propping this girl up, huh?

>> No.31972398

>Sure she can still earn a lot by sucking those stupid fans
Damn, you just described the entire vtuber industry in a single line. I like it.

>> No.31972403

>people on this site arguing about morals and ethic

>> No.31972426

unironically yes, but they all come from Hong Kong and Taiwan

>> No.31972429

Fuck you. I like my girl clean but her vagina wrecked.

>> No.31972439

Its almost like that's how they make money, right?

>> No.31972442

Alright. I know you've run out of argument but can you step up your name-calling game?

>> No.31972460

It's Zhangs using TW/HK VPNs, don't be fooled.

>> No.31972482

>she is just like other vtubers!
Yeah. Titty streamers are just like Forsen and Soda.

>> No.31972485

All vtubers lose their seiso after they debut, all of them. Look at the holos for example.

>> No.31972496

ESL SEAnigger, take a break please

>> No.31972516

Zhangs too.

>> No.31972520

we're on to you now, bugman

>> No.31972566

Anon I'm born from HK and no Zhang I know is smart enough to use Traditional Chinese

>> No.31972594

We got him! Get him, get him now before he can get away!

>> No.31972601

Your lack of creativity shouldn't distract you from the fact that Aizawa/Uto is a leech who had a fallout with her previous colleagues, running away from her old accounts and a shameless leecher who think she can get away with not paying an artist. Oh yeah by the way the Chink got her.

>> No.31972624


>> No.31972629

Oh nononono where are my wheelbarrows now? Gotta spam more to distract them from the fact that Uto is a fake Indie!

>> No.31972656

>Anon I'm born from HK and no Zhang I know is smart enough to use Traditional Chinese
There is a converter. Also if you are born in HK you shouldn't fucking speak Mandarin fucking larper.

>> No.31972668

I was wondering why there were people so adamantly defending this dishonest leech, but with the Zhang rrat it now makes a lot of sense.

>> No.31972700

Knowing that she's such a bitch actually turns me on, I like it

>> No.31972705

Stay with one rrat at a time pls. It makes it less obvious you're a full time shizo in these threads.

>> No.31972728


>> No.31972729

>This claim is disputed.

>> No.31972732

Gotta catch as much as possible. Need it to grow bigger otherwise it’ll starve.

>> No.31972782

Me too. And it also explained the shamlessness of her leeching off hololive.

>> No.31972814

literally a chinese knockoff, that's hilarious

>> No.31972833

Sorry I am not from global. You can suck my cock and continue defending her. A yab is a yab and we never defend the vtubers if they fucked up.

>> No.31972845

Ah, the hololive, that did the same until they were called out?

>> No.31972858

he's a zhang, overusing global memes is a clear indication of their bugman mind

>> No.31972877


>> No.31972888

Hololive is better than nijishit and that's a fact

>> No.31972892

>Never defend vtubers
Mano Aloe

>> No.31972901

leech... i must...

>> No.31972910

He’s talking about how holo use to use niji tags and vice versa.

>> No.31972969

holo and niji use each other's tag when collab-ing though

>> No.31972998

I thought 4chan would know better, but it turns out 4chan is just as dumb as Reddit when they were sucking HoloCN's dick.

>> No.31973052


>> No.31973111

reminder to do your uto jerkoff reps

>> No.31973130

Funny you mentioned her. She is the polar opposite of this leech.
>dissociate herself from hololive even though everyone keeps mentioning her relation with it
>even went all the way as to ask everyone to not talk about Aloe
>did not use any holo meta tag
>actually an innocent (by innocent it means that she is not mature enough due to her age) that got hurt by antis
>her yab is just her talking truth to about practice in a big corp (nijisanji), she never hurt/takes advantage of anyone
>actually needed money, but never beg for it
most importantly
>refused offers from Chinese company to take her in after the yab
As naïve as Triangle is, she actually has principles. And her songs are actually good.

>> No.31973133

That was only Choco and it was because she used the tags from her previous niji collab for her next stream without changing it. Either way Niji's made her apologize for leeching.

>> No.31973175

She is dumb but she is no leech, literally polar opposite of uto. No wonder Yagoo chose her instead of Ai*zawa in the audition.

>> No.31973177

>"It's okay when my precious hololive do it, they can do anything"

>> No.31973186

Only principle im seeing here is being anti chink, which is nothing special for a nip lol

>> No.31973200

LMAO that is not even a narrative.

>> No.31973228

>now Uto applied to cover and didn't get in
These rrats are evolving faster than Chernobyl mutants.

>> No.31973230

She is actively trying not to leech.

>> No.31973262

Uto antis are holo fans isnt it obvious by now. Their monopoly is being threatened by an indie so they pull all this nonsense that doesnt affect her streaming whatsoever in an effort to villanize her. Just wait for new stream and all this shitpost and rrats will stop.

>> No.31973271

Yes they can

>> No.31973289

Shes a vtuber. Shes a leech by default.

>> No.31973308

Based Delta bro

>> No.31973324

Did she actually applied though. Thought auditions like that are confidential.

>> No.31973325

>blatantly ignoring 2 posts above you

>> No.31973328

lol zhang

>> No.31973341

those dislikes are getting out of hand
granted it could be temporary like the 5th gen janny thing

>> No.31973347

Hope y'all are having fun with all these back and forth yo.

>> No.31973348

It's so retarded because they good do collabs or whatever but noooo, seanigs/changs can't have that.
Also we just lost another member only karaoke stream and I'm angry.

>> No.31973353

>Shes a vtuber. Shes a leech by default.
Mate, she's not.

>> No.31973356

>Pointing out anti chink is zhang

>> No.31973384

I don't care about your samefagging. It was brought up weeks ago that holo used the same tactic when niji was bigger and they were called out on it. It has nothing to do with collabs.

>> No.31973387

She leeches of her senior, she leeches of hololive, she leeches to kizuna Ai, she would be leeching to her fans if she got longer.

>> No.31973427

??? Schizo you aren't even making sense anymore.

>> No.31973428

He knows that it is false that holo used niji tags. He just wanted to use this post >>31973177 to further his narrative here >>31973262

>> No.31973467

They are trying to make absurd claims to obscure the fact that their favourite indie (supported by Chink company) done a yab.

>> No.31973481

No u shizo stop shitposting my oishi.

>> No.31973506

>This claim is disputed

>> No.31973534

Ignoring the explanation of what actually happened doesn't make you right. It was only choco, you can even ask the nijiniggers.

>> No.31973535

I think we can all agree that triangle's pussy is still tighter than uto's

>> No.31973536

>Its only a narrative if it shits on uto

>> No.31973561

Yagoo knows who can be trusted and who can't. He is truly a visionary.

>> No.31973562

Sure brah. Just rewrite history like the good Jing you are.

>> No.31973581

My waifu Watame is pure!

>> No.31973603

Twist. Uto's bf is Delta.

>> No.31973608

I don't know but at least Delta hasn't taste Chink's dick unlike Uto.

>> No.31973652

>rewrite history
Lol were you even here when hololive is literally just Sora.

>> No.31973667

Ignore him. Hes just shitposting.

>> No.31973677

I like the zhang tactic that they brought up Aloe to divide the people even more in this thread when their rrats fell apart. Especially funny knowing they harassed her until she quit.

>> No.31973718

>if we keep pointing out all the rrats we come up people will stop liking her for sure
At least until next stream ;)

>> No.31973782

>At least until next stream ;)
The karaoke has ended?

>> No.31973801

About a half hour ago.

>> No.31974766

Her former colleagues who were slandered by her are still suffering.
UTO published her private information with offensive intentions. UTO will have to bear this cross forever. And to the illustrator, of course

>> No.31974838

You mean that cunt who was outed by her own moderator to be an abusive piece of shit?
You mean Uto posted her own sensitive information to hurt someone else?
Take your meds.

>> No.31975310

>You mean that cunt who was outed by her own moderator to be an abusive piece of shit?
zhang plant
>You mean Uto posted her own sensitive information to hurt someone else?
she was already sinking by that point, it wouldn't hurt her further to drag someone else down

>> No.31975792

What is the problem with hiding your corporate affiliation?
Of course, it could be a Chinese company, but it's also because in recent years, anti-social forces have entered the Japanese Vtuber market.

In Japan, anti-social forces are profiting from having female users broadcast their videos on adult sites. It is illegal, of course, but is the woman doing it voluntarily or is she being forced to do it by a third party? There is no way to prove it.

The same thing is happening in the Vtuber industry, where there is a rapid increase in the number of Vtubers who broadcast sexually explicit content, most of which leads them to external patron sites to purchase adult content.
The content includes live-action adult videos of women inside.

In Japan, anti-social forces are strictly controlled, and the companies that are involved are regarded as anti-social forces.
If the company is found out after collaborating with anti-social forces, all transactions with domestic companies could be voided.

hololive members will probably be instructed not to get involved until the identity of the company is known.

>> No.31976059

What the fuck is going on here? Guess we won't be able to have Uto threads anymore without chinks, 5ch rrats and other schizos raiding the threads?
Whatever, I'll always support this cute tenshi.

>> No.31976148

Maybe it will die down in a bit, still just a bunch of nothingburgers and rrats.

>> No.31976197

I wouldn't say faking indie is a nothing burger though. Soon enough Narukami will get his hand on the matter.

>> No.31976268

How about just fucking go to the vtuber thread to discuss her?

>> No.31976340

Any actual proof?

Could refer to a family member or friend who's helping with her social media.

>> No.31976390

anti's regular routine
let them die alone, just like shion's ubereat one

>> No.31976399

Which is why I say we wait for Narukami.

>> No.31976435

He's not exactly reliable but sure I guess.

>> No.31976456

t. chink

>> No.31976602

There are lots of mentally ill people in hololive but none of them is a bad person. Uto can't get in hololive because underneath that fake character she is actually a dishonest person.

>> No.31976748

Please, your meds.

>> No.31976927

who is this and how did she get so popular in such a short time ?

>> No.31976972

VIewbotting. I mean boosting with hololive metatags.

>> No.31976973

Oh no!

>> No.31977075

>Association with hololive, shoutout and tags
>Good design and l2d
>Known mama
>Good at games
>Already had a fanbase of 35k before debut
>Eigo reps
>Lots of clipfags
>Shilling everywhere

>> No.31977128

Don't forget the split personalities.

>> No.31977147

>she is popular mainly because she is cute.
She was cute few months ago but people didn't watch her. People watch her because of hololive.

>> No.31977166

they did Chang, you can't even do your digging right

>> No.31977208

I am not taking about them (JOPs), I am talking about you (EOPs).

>> No.31977213

She had a strong following and 38k subs before she debuted. People generally loved her when she was in vabon. The videos are privated now but the song covers she uploaded on her channel before her vtuber debut had hundreds of comments saying how much they love her.

>> No.31977370

She had an okay-ish following before her redesign, just that the big break is from her leeching hololive for EN viewers, not because of her cuteness or anything. Most indies are cute, some of them can even get bigger than her with the hololive tags if they are shameless enough.

>> No.31977465

but almost none of them have the talent stack she has combined with her preparation and strength of will

>> No.31977497

You just ignored my last sentence.

>> No.31977521

>muh tags
Fuck off.

>> No.31978545

totally agree with you

>> No.31979514

The one part I don't understand about the Chinese narrative. If it's a chinese company, why is she learning english and why doesn't she have a bilibili account?

I think she probably does have a company backing her, but I don't think it's chinese

>> No.31979768

it's likely just her family
she finished high school this year

>> No.31987434

Fuck off with this drama, i'm horny.
Has anyone created a Koikatsu character card for Uto?
I could edit Ame's but i'm too lazy.

>> No.31988216

Fuck you.
Post it if you edit Ame's.

>> No.31989544 [SPOILER] 
File: 318 KB, 608x485, 1610239577140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you people are pathetic. Get off the internet and go outside.

>> No.31989733

Do it. I believe in you.

>> No.31990829

Because of the draconian chinese streamer laws.

>> No.31991157

Leecher got what she deserved.
