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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3184535 No.3184535 [Reply] [Original]

What do you all plan on doing on Cirno day?

>> No.3184538

Mm. Idunno.


>> No.3184539

Playing Cirno Racing

>> No.3184541

Making 99 threads about Cirno

>> No.3184544

I'm gonna fuck your mother in the ass.

>> No.3184545

I'm going to dress up as Cirno as walk through the mall shouting LOL SO RANDUM XD

>> No.3184548

play cirno racing, or pretend to play it if it's not out yet

>> No.3184550

This is the actual reason CR hasn't been released at c76, they're holding back until 9/9/9

>> No.3184556

i'm going to fap 9 times in one day to cirno doujins

>> No.3184573

what, for real? i thought they released it already

>> No.3184580


It's already out.

>> No.3184583

what anime is this

>> No.3184609


Janitors will delete all threads that day, Cirno Racing isn't coming out until C77, and nothing of impact will happen on 9/9.

Too bad, so sad.

>> No.3184626

Make a model of her out of quick-drying clay, then pack more of it around that into two halves to create a mold. I will then be able to create Cirnocicles at will. I was thinking watermelon flavor to start with.

>> No.3184638

id like source on that pls

>> No.3184653


Source in your moms ass, better reach deep faggot.

>> No.3184673


>> No.3184732

Ssou edggiii!~

>> No.3184764

look at that baka

>> No.3184820

I will be staying off /jp/.

>> No.3184825
File: 101 KB, 400x517, 1245860089301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Check /jp/ for Cirno gets, go LOOK AT THAT BAKA.

2. Eat ice cream.

3. Act like an idiot at school.

4. Play touhou.

>> No.3184952
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>> No.3184955
File: 16 KB, 328x307, 4567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as every time. frozening frogs.

>> No.3185078
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A true Cirno day list would look more like mine!

1. Eat ice cream
2. Finish Phantasmagoria nine times on lunatic with Cirno
3. Play 12.3 online, main Cirno
4. Freeze frogs
5. Play Cirno's Perfect Math Class as loud as possible
6. Get a ⑨ T-shirt, wear it at school
7. Generally act like an idiot
8. Browse /jp/, make nine Cirno threads
⑨. Fap

>> No.3185090


>> No.3185098

Nothing, since I fucking hate Cirno.

>> No.3185150


>> No.3185162

I was going to graffiti the ⑨ symbol on an underpass, but I don't think anyone would get the reference.

>> No.3185165

Same, OP.
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>> No.3185181

Semester starts soon. I can't miss early classes, or I'll have no fucking clue what's going on. Besides, my GPA is actually above 3 for once.
