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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 1005x600, datneet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3182200 No.3182200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Discuss current NEET activities here.

>> No.3182221
File: 72 KB, 900x702, neets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3182226

Every day I wake up hoping today will be the day that I will become a NEET. Instead I am a coward, I accept jobs offered to me, and I'm too afraid to drop out of college even though i've been going for 7 years.

I am used. I am a coward. There is no pride in being someone's proverbial bitch. Don't let anyone else try to convince you otherwise. I salute you NEETs, and one day I hope to join your ranks.

>> No.3182234

I had sex with two guys a while ago, my ass hurts. I can taste the mixture of semen and poop in my mouth. What should I do?

>> No.3182237
File: 151 KB, 1115x1400, datneetpee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that.

>> No.3182250

OP's picture is a sign that /jp/ is beginning to move in the right direction once more. Reissuing our declaration of purpose in commemoration of this thread.

>Hello, my beautiful /jp/. This is Anonymous, and it’s time we had a talk. Did you know, there are those amongst us who would shatter our hopes of peace, order, and security. These radical malcontents don’t care about you, they don’t care about /jp/! All they care about is fulfilling their own selfish desires. Let’s take a tally of these agitators, shall we?

>There are of course, the trolls. Those anarchistic ruffians who roam the board, preying on any and all, saging, reporting.

>The so-called Normalfags. Don’t be fooled by their superficially otaku behavior or supposed connections to the "Real World". These gainfully employed pseudo-intellectuals are nothing more than common wage-slaves with access to some antiquated bathroom technology. Wage-slaves, who have had the audacity to claim this 4chan’s most important Wapanese installation, /jp/, as their own personal club house.

>And don’t be fooled /jp/, those who have left the Normalfags, branded Ronery, are just as
dangerous; even more so, being in exile.

>And what about the subhuman invaders from /a/? The frighteningly furious bawwson, bird and anontalk spam? And last but not least, the hideously prevalent tripfaggot circlejerk, that has completely overrun the entire Front Page.

>Jobs, education, social lives. They're all around us, I know, I know. But not for long, sweet /jp/. Not for long. Oh, no. The True NEETs will restore peace, order, and prosperity, to this great board. And those who oppose us will be removed. Forever. But for now, my /jp/, we must part.

>Restoring the greatest board on the 4chan to its former glory, well, heh heh, well, that takes time, even for the True NEETs. Until we meet again, this is your rectifier, Anonymous, signing off.

>> No.3182252

Am I late for the NEET meeting?

>> No.3182255

True NEETs love 2d and hate 3d. You're just a normalfag homosexual who doesn't deserve to post here. Get out.

>> No.3182273
File: 42 KB, 700x389, 1239959405712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wakeup 6am to take dump then go back to sleep
wakeup 1pm, eat lunch, get on computer or go out
eat dinner 5pm, get back on computer
go to sleep 3am

work? lol....not hikki since i go out to people watch

>> No.3182279

NEET isn't social status guys, stop pretending it is.

>> No.3182287

Wake up -> piss on floor -> 4chan -> shit on floor -> bed

>> No.3182283

Feels surprisingly good to be a normalfag, man.

>> No.3182304

Don't you guys need to scream at your parents or something every now and then?

>> No.3182325


True NEETs don't go to sleep before dawn.

>> No.3182326

I'll forgive you for giving voice to such falsehoods in your ignorance, normalfaggot. You've been extensively conditioned by school, work and society to place the judgement of your peers ahead of your own dispositions and happiness, to the point of being effectively brainwashed.

Can you really call yourself happy when you spend the majority of your time (in the best years of your life) surrounded by people you don't like, doing things you don't like for money that you won't be able to spend anyway?

You'll understand my words some day, assuming you embrace the path of a True NEET.

>> No.3182332
File: 215 KB, 1280x960, toiletfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is moot going to make toilet-pissing a bannable offense?

>> No.3182335


>> No.3182338

Oh you.

>> No.3182348

It's not like moot is monitoring our bathrooms or anything.


>> No.3182352

Can you really call yourself happy when you spend the majority of your time (in the best years of your life) surrounded by piss and shit you don't like, begging people you don't like for money that you won't be able to spend anyway because you are to scared to leave your room?

>> No.3182360

I am glad that I am not a drain/leech/parasite on the hard work of others.
