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3181454 No.3181454 [Reply] [Original]

What is /jp/'s favorite touhou tune

Mine would be a tie between Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial and Necrofantasia

>> No.3181463

So many I can't possibly decide, I doubt anyone can.

>> No.3181470

I got 魔術師メリー as ringtone though.

>> No.3181472

Instead of making another pointless list thread of "my favorite>your favorite", why don't you explain to us the reasons you like these particular themes?

>> No.3181488

OP Here

Good idea

Luna Dial always pumped me up for the Sakuya fight so that's why it stuck with me the most, and Necrofantasia is just unbelievably catchy to me.

>> No.3181504

Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye
It has a very "mysterious" feeling to it.
Also it feels sort of gothic lolita-ish
It's my favorite touhou song ever.

>> No.3181528

Love the piano in it.

>> No.3181539


I personally perfer Ran's theme over Yukari's. Personally because it's still energetic like Yukari's. Plus I sorta like how it draws out.

>> No.3181591
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おてんば恋娘 of course!

>> No.3181595

Lullaby of Deserted Hell

That's my favorite stage theme from SA. It's got this lonely, forsaken feel to it -- which makes it oddly relaxing to listen to. I don't think I need to mention how appropriate the name is.

>> No.3181605

Fuck yeahr Necrofantasia. Why? Because it's the only song that makes earphones act like speakers. I mean, seriously, I can't put Necrofantasia in max volume, people hear it from like two meters distance. But when I actually put it on max volume, I discover how many different melodies it's composed of. It's almost like watching all the different waves of bullets in BoLaD flowing together.

>> No.3181610

Damn weird frequencies

>> No.3181628

Flowering Night

>> No.3181633

You mean Lulluby of DEMONIC Hell? That one is my favorite too, because it sounds very similar to Scarborough Fair.

>> No.3181637

Me too. I like the little piano thing at the beginning.

>> No.3181638

Heian Alien, because it's harsh, dark, different, and transforming.

It's not a top tier song in it's own right, but god damn, it's good game music.

>> No.3181681
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Really hard call. Currently Native Faith is one of them.

I'll explain Native Faith then. The tempo really brings the song out and the rapid succession of notes is almost even reminiscent of rain and water. Even though it has that childishness to it, it still manages to be an epic theme. Makes me wonder if ZUN is right when he calls it, "a piano piece from hell". I've never played the piano, so to any piano players, would this hold true?

>> No.3181692

Yeah, demonic. I guess whoever translated the track title was a dumbass.

Anyway, Scarborough Fair was probably why it sounded so familiar to me. I could never quite put my finger on what it reminded me of until you mentioned that.

>> No.3181742
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tengu is seeing ~ black eyes

shoot the bullet was my first and only touhou, and this thing is just burned into my mind permanently

>> No.3181782

Border of Life by Demetori. Then again I haven't listened to much Touhou music or even played much Touhou.

>> No.3182483

Tomorrow will be Special; Yesterday was not, Candid Friend, and Reincarnation in that order.

>> No.3182510

sugoi thread anikis

>> No.3182519

Most of the Demetori stuff is pretty good.

>> No.3182525

The Color of Earth is Yellow is haunting. If that doesn't count Septette for the Dead Princess

>> No.3182536

Fuck yeah, MIDI violins
That and Flowring Night are my favorite tracks from SWR, just because of the violins.

>> No.3182541

[東京アクティブNEETs] Next Flower ~prism Mix~/09 - Subterranean Suite

>> No.3182550

I'm slowly starting to wonder about these threads.
There is a "whats your fav theme/mine is" thread all the time, yet it is virtualle just your personal broadcast "I LIKE X" and nobody cares at all.

>> No.3182554

I'm not sure how to describe this, but whenever I hear Luna Dial, I imagine a giant clock in which the main melody represents the second hand and the notes of the accompaniment represent the minute hand. If that was what ZUN was going for, hats off to him.

... You haven't cleared all the scenes, have you? You're a better man than I if that's the case.

>> No.3182556
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>> No.3182570

Dream Battle

>> No.3182576
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My top-5 favourites:
1.Native Faith - the most intense and speedy piece in touhou, nuff said. (see also: dark side of fate)
2. Solar Sect of Wisdom - the part at the very start has awesome feel of anxiety and inevitability.
3.A Flowed-Studded Sake Dish - I've taken a great liking into this one not so long ago, don't know why. Maybe it has kindness the other themes lack.
4.The Primal Scene of Japan - the most breathtaking crescendo you can find.
5. U.N. Owen - crude insanity feel.

>> No.3182647
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1. Suwa foughten field
2. Riverside view
3. Border of life
4. Faith is for the Transient People
5. Dark Side of Fate

>> No.3182680

I always thought there was something vaguely clocklike or mechanical sounding about both of the stage 5 songs, at least.

>> No.3182691

Romantic Children period

>> No.3182685


>> No.3182822

Evening Star, Wonderful Heaven, Unfound Adventure

>> No.3182831

That song is simple (in a good way) and catchy

>> No.3183422


>> No.3183423

Fires of Hokkai
IMO, best Stage 6 music that prepares for the final boss.

>> No.3183428

Septette for the Dead Princess in all forms and variations

>> No.3183431

Grave of Being would like to a have a word with you.

>> No.3183443

Diao ye Zong ~ Withered Leaf

>> No.3183476

UFO 4th stage 2:07
harasses me every fucking time

>> No.3184207

Mystic Oriental Dream ~ Ancient Temple
Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
Love-coloured Master Spark

can't choose :(

honorable mentions: Cemetery of Onbashira ~ Grave of Being and Mystic Oriental Love Consultation

>> No.3184215

Dichromatic Butterfly ~ Ancients

>> No.3184216

UI-70 – 恋色マスタースパーク

fuck yeah

>> No.3184219

Suwa Foughten Field

>> No.3184231

Candid Friend - the jingle at the start, the gentle rhythm of it, it's all good.

Crystallized Silver - Always seems to get overlooked, but this is THE Touhou tune for me: the one back where I first played and suddenly though 'Wow, this series is going to grow on me'.

Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17 - Prefer this to China's stage's theme. Not too fond of the intro, but everything after that is pure bliss.

>> No.3184255

Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
this song. This song.

>> No.3184269
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Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me

It's short, but it has an energetic and regal autumn feel to it.

>> No.3184277

Infinite Being

>> No.3184759

Satori Maiden - It sounds like the Palace of the Earth Spirits should sound. It's melancholy while being being upbeat. Self assured, but not too happy. I dunno. There's something desperate and elegantly sad about it though.

The Fantastic Legend of Tohno - This song IS fantasy. It's beautiful, serene, as if offering to spirit you away into Mayohiga. High flying and light hearted. It feels like the start of an adventure, but the small, but slower parts make you realize how alone you are in that journey.

Lullaby of Deserted Hell - It sounds morose and empty. There's really no feeling to it, I think. It's unassuming, and only there because it has to be. Kind of mournful. I feel like it doesn't care if you listen to it or not.

>> No.3184761

The Gensokyo the Gods Loved - Oh god I love this song. It's also fantasy-ish and light hearted. It's perfect. This song IS the perfect picture of untainted nature and beauty that is Gensokyo. It's like a false sense of security.

Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain - Perfect boss theme. Ominous, fast paced as if it's a warning. It's Aya saying "Don't get in my way," it really is a song to fight in front of a sunset to. It exemplifies danger while remaining elegant. It's very dramatic, but doesn't take itself seriously.

Green Eyed Jealousy - So wistful, so beautiful. It feels flowery to me. The chorus starts to get heavier, becoming less wistful and more desperate and sad. Like it's resigned to its fate, I guess. It sounds green to me, too. It's really dark, but sweet. It makes me pity Parsee.

>> No.3184769

Locked Girl - It's elegant and dreary at first. It makes you realize how alone Patchouli is(or seems to feel, I think), and it picks up when you realize how dangerous and powerful she is. I think there's something desperate, too, here, like it wants to break out of its shell. Like it's longing for something.

Phantom Ensemble - This song sounds sad to me, and not cheery and careless like it's supposed to. It's airy and flowy. It sounds very hopeful. The noisy middle of the song is a purge of emotions after being built up, like a catharsis. I think this one also sounds desperate and longing, too.

Septette for the Dead Princess - It's definitely regal and elegant. It's dark and definitely dangerous, as if daring you to for a challenge. I think it shows a softer and more sentimental side at the buildup though, like it wants to to take a break from being so ominous and strong. So it shows a bit of fatigue through all that elegant danger.

I put way too much effort into this

>> No.3184789

are you ZUN?

>> No.3184817
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>> No.3184831

Onigashima in the Fairyland ~ Missing Power: A dread filled song for an oni, something most humans dread. Basically, suika gonna beat some ass.

>> No.3184839

I want to kill all of you. I spend days thinking of the great serenade, the slicing of knife through flesh. It makes me feel alive. It makes me feel complete. Cutting a person apart is the most rewarding and invigorating feeling there is.

Give me your addresses

>> No.3184849

I live in right next to the mall in Christiansburg, virginia.

>> No.3184855

I live in Blacksburg, VA

>> No.3184872

sup virginia, bro.

>> No.3184881

tech student?

>> No.3185155

No matter how I look at it, this is always a complicated question to answer. Many of the themes are done in such a way they fit perfectly with the tone of the game they are in and the boss you are about to face and each of them can be ideal for the moment, but hard to judge outside their specific role.

For example, I fucking love Candid Friend, it's one of my favourite themes in the series but I have to admit outside of actually playing against Nitori it doesn't sound as good without the sound effects of Nitori's battle. Additionally, it fits the pace of Nitori's battle perfectly and has a perfect tone for her personality, it's a cheerful tune with a touch of loneliness.

The same can be said for many of the themes, stage and all. I often think people who don't actually play the games and just listen to the music and the remixes are missing on this.

>> No.3185265

Anyone knows the artist name of OP's pic?
