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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3176974 No.3176974 [Reply] [Original]

You're experts when it comes to telling sluts apart from pure virgins so I'd like to hear your opinions.

Every time I say that Anew (purple hair) is a slut, someone comments that Feldt (pink hair) is more slutty because she has had a crush on three guys so far. Anew has a boyfriend, which means she has had sex and is no longer a virgin. Feldt has never even seen a dick because all men she likes either reject her or don't realize she exists. So even though she's a virgin, she has most likely thought about having sex with at least one of them.

So who is more slutty - a girl who only has sex with her husbando until she dies, or a girl who has been interested in three different men?

>> No.3176992

Feldt probably schiliked herself like made in season 1 and when new Lockon came she probably came like the fist of the north star.

>> No.3176991

The one who actually had sex.

>> No.3176997

Neither of them are sluts.

>> No.3177003

You should leave /jp/

>> No.3177016 [DELETED] 

You should stop being retarded.

>> No.3177025

The latter. Might as well drop it here, Innovators have the most retarded names I've ever seen. Even Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way sounds good in comparison.

>> No.3177026

both of them are sluts

>> No.3177027

Both are sluts and 00 is one of the worst Gundam shows. You should feel bad for putting this much thought into it or for even caring in the first place.

>> No.3177039

But Feldt is mai waifu and I need to confirm her purity.

>> No.3177044

You should stop calling women sluts because they won't fuck you.

>> No.3177060

The average /jp/ resident has thought about having sex with a wide variety of 2D girls (and boys dressed as girls); the average /jp/ resident has not had sex, not even with a single girl.

Feldt is a slut <==> /jp/ is a slut
Anew is pure <==> /jp/ is pure

>> No.3177062


Interesting logic femanon

>> No.3177058

but I already have an OTP

>> No.3177072

The other way around. I would call anyone willing to fuck me a slut.

>> No.3177076




>> No.3177080

Men don't count. No matter how much they have sex, their minds and dicks stay the same. But when women have sex, their vaginas loosen and they slowly become corrupted sluts.

>> No.3177085

I'm a guy.
What now?
You're going to call me a faggot and don't give me any reasons why you think all women are sluts besides the fact that you can't get laid?

>> No.3177110

>But when women have sex, their vaginas loosen and they slowly become corrupted sluts.
That doesn't make any sense. Why do they become sluts.
Also NEWSFLASH WOMEN GET HORNY TOO of course they want to fuck.

>> No.3177115
File: 19 KB, 477x358, 1213031063990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only true answer here was "Go back to /m/ with your sad sacks of meat, faggot". jaypee, I'm disappoint.

>> No.3177123

Of course men count, why do you think people on this board choose to remain virgins?

>> No.3177131

You're all a bunch of hypocrytes /jp/
Guess why you can't get laid.
It's because you think all women are sluts.
Also don't give me that shit that you only love 2D. If you would fuck someone you'd drop that shit instantly.

>> No.3177140
File: 34 KB, 347x347, 1243023556179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3177150

The girl who throws herself at three guys is exhibiting slutty behavior, while the girl who is in a monogamous relationship is exhibiting good behavior.

>> No.3177159

You're an idiot if you believe it is difficult to fuck a woman. Even if you were the most hideous, disgusting person alive you could still get a hooker.

>> No.3177163

screaming at the mirror?

>> No.3177182

Over 12 yo=slut.

>> No.3177189

Everyone can get a hooker.
I'm talking about getting a women that's not a hooker and is not retarded like that chick that was 13 and wanted to have a baby.
No it's not. You're just too retarded and spoiled so you blame everything on someone or something else.

>> No.3177194

>Over 12 yo= not young enough to have sex with.

>> No.3177203

Feldt is so slutty she tried to hit on asexual Setsuna
that slut

>> No.3177214

1) Get woman.
2) Booze her up.
3) Free sex.

>> No.3177219

Get the fuck out already.

>> No.3177231

But then she'll hate you and call the police and you're going to go to jail.
How about having an actual relationship

>> No.3177252

If she calls the cops, she's a good girl. If she doesn't, she's a slut. Funny how the number of reported date rapes are so small.

>> No.3177340

Liar. She only told him to be careful.

>> No.3177361

nah, she knew what she was doing "marina-san will get mad"
But Setsuna's all like, "whatever, time for gundam"

>> No.3177377

Neither of them are sluts because they aren't real.

>> No.3177907
File: 94 KB, 263x367, Major.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the problem stems from the fact around episode 21 or 22, the creative staff started slitting their wrists to emo music and inking the show in their own blood. They started putting a really depressing tone of story, and the last 3 episodes they just started taking the axe to people.

The red headed Osama Bin Laden expy got away (who's really just a pathetic Major Montana Max wannabe), and even got to kill one of the two pilots that had meaningful character interactions (by the end of the season all we really have left is I AM A GUNDAM fucktard).

Point in case, Feldt and Anew are both hot for the Lockons. Had they not killed off the first Lockon (Neil), they likely would have had a really nice, blossomed relationship. Then of course we got punted into a corner by his brother, who apparently suffers from black lung just to show THEY ARE NOT THE SAME CHARACTER OMG. Even though they have all the same skills, look exactly the same... etc.

Anew? I never saw her. I never got that far. I was done with 00 by the end of season 1. I will say that Feldt ain't a slut, at least in my eyes. It's normal to have a crush on multiple people, and if you forget, the first person that actually showed at least some caring for her and got her to open up got killed by the Osama Bin Laden/Major Montana Max wannabe.

>> No.3177952

Gentleman, i love Gensokyo.

>> No.3178064

Anew is one ugly bitch.

>> No.3178094

Anew is a slut, a dead slut. Feldt is love, pure love.
