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File: 435 KB, 1200x945, 3330973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3175201 No.3175201 [Reply] [Original] West Coast US

Unyuu~ tier

>> No.3175204
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>> No.3175216

What is an "Unyuu~"?

>> No.3175217

Okuu is my wife.

>> No.3175225

Okuu is cheap tier.

>> No.3175238



>> No.3175297 [SPOILER] 
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Delicious Okuu~

>> No.3175310
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So I hear Okuu has an unblockable melee that shuts down any attempt to jump at her.

>> No.3175313
File: 94 KB, 867x775, hinaunyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's delicious! That's all you need to know!

>> No.3175319

what the-!?!


>> No.3175331

Yeah, I would say good games, but I really don't find constantly mashing Utsuho's standard B over and over again and using that retardedly fast and far ranged wing move "good". Maybe that's just how she plays, but its more annoying than challenging. I started playing real sloppy at the end simply because I was getting sick of flying around through those 1/3 the screen covering fireballs.

>> No.3175333


You heard correct

>> No.3175340

Sure is BAWWW around here.

>> No.3175344

That's pretty much just how Okuu plays. It's like complaining about Patchy using 5C every second attack. If the characters had other good moves, maybe they would use them.

>> No.3175367


Just being honest. I got trounced 10+ matches in a row by someone earlier and got perfected almost every time. Did I whine then? Nope. I probably could have won a match or two if I wanted to spend 5-10 minutes per match staying far away and just grazing through the fireballs and chipping you down. But you know what? That shit ain't fun.

Ain't saying its skilless, and I recognize that I should be able to find a better way though, but either way, its more annoying than anything, which is why I quit. I'd rather be perfected by someone every round than go through that.

>> No.3175377

"GG" has a really bad connotation to me. Probably from a few years ago when I still played Starcraft.

>> No.3175398

well it could mean alot of things

>> No.3175408

gamers worldwide recognize only one gg meaning, though

>> No.3175430

You could always say "Nice game"

>> No.3175431

I'd normally agree with the guy you're responding to, but Okuu really is stupid to fight. She has no corner pressure, no crush strings, and is slower than molasses, but she gets absurd priority and damage in exchange, making her the simplest character in the game to play. She's also probably the worst offender when it comes to retarded overly defensive gameplay, since she beats all but a couple characters hands down in danmaku and her cape shuts down any aerial approaches. The game devolves into a low stakes game of rock throwing.

>> No.3175446
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Welcome to a New Metagame - Beating SWR's Guile.

>> No.3175453


I generally don't like "GG" or even "Good Games", mostly because its almost required for good sportsmanship. You feel like you have to say it, even if its really not true at all. And because of that, any time someone says that, it kinda feels like they are saying it just because they are supposed to.

Of course, if there's some other commentary in addition, it doesn't come off as so forced.

>> No.3175471


Protip: To beat Utsusho Pick Yuyuko. Press C. Enjoy your endless Utsusho tears

>> No.3175475

OP is probably still waiting wwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.3175476
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Where can I get this new release? Torrents?


>> No.3175484

Figured that out yesterday.

Now for the other 90% of the cast!

>> No.3175485
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>> No.3175488

I accept your offering and reward your generous behavior.

>> No.3175490

Patchy too. The "metagame" (as far as that can apply to a game that's likely to get shit all for tournament play) looks like it's gonna have some pretty damn extreme counterpicks if Utsuho turns out to be usable in high level play. Maybe it'll turn out to be a RPS situation with Utsuho, Utsuho's counters, and everyone else, since Yuyuko and Patchy are pretty low tier otherwise.

>> No.3175497

I agree with that.
Playing Utsuho once every connection is fine, but too many scrubs choose to main her.
It's a near sure-fire bet that someone who picks her in first round is just going to spam.

>> No.3175500

RPS in a fighting game....? Not so good...

>> No.3175504

Is there a hack to make the hitboxes smaller?

>> No.3175511

Iamp also has some ridiculous matchups and it sees serious tournament play regardless.
SWR also had its share of tournament play. It wasn't really taken that seriously, unlike iamp, but it was there nonetheless. And I'm sure Soku will have its share.
Also, Patchy and Yuyuko low tier?
In SWR, absolutely.
In Soku? As far as I can tell so far, hell fucking no. They buffed the shit out of Yuyuko, she can handle herself pretty damn well now. Patchy, I dunno. She remains pretty unchanged.

>> No.3175529

>They buffed the shit out of Yuyuko, she can handle herself pretty damn well now.
Details? The wiki says nothing about Yuyuko getting a buff.

>> No.3175537


I'm glad it's not just me then. I kinda feel like a douche complaining about a character. I know I should just find a way around it, but fighting her is just so god damned annoying.

In retrospect, though, I think a lot of my rage came from a few occasions where I almost beat her, and a lag spike causes my blocking/grazing to give out for that crucial split second. Not that I claim it was lag's fault I lost so much (they would have stomped me into the ground regardless). It was more like the icing on the cake.

That said, I'm (semi) fine with her playing that way. I just had to rage-quit to cool down from the annoyance.

>> No.3175591


You know, guys, this is actually supposed to be a netplay thread. The discussion is fascinating, but someone needs to post an IP and play the damn game.

>> No.3175608
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No we have to cry about Utsuho

>> No.3175613


I think most people have either turned in for the night, or are played out right now. That said...

Us West Coast. Its 3-fucking-am, so I'm starting to get sloppy.

>> No.3175614

It says nothing about specific buffs because I didn't feel the need to mention them all, though some attack descriptions were changed to reflect their new properties.
Here's what I can think of off the top of my head
6A is now a shitload faster and reaches a bit higher, meaning it will chain from 2A or 5A, greatly increasing damage from on pokes, and 6A's overall useability.
66B is now a lot faster as well, and while it always did reach ridiculously high, its slow speed made it kinda shitty. Now you can easily stop people jumping out of corner pressure or on wakeup, or people trying to graze bullets in low air.
Her butterflies do more damage, as do ghosts.
5b now homes in on the opponent's position, in addition to already covering a huge area.

Her new spellcards are pretty good. I'm having trouble landing the 5 card fanswipes, but 3 card rockstar is very good on fanspin hit, which you couldn't link anything to normally, unless it CH.
New skillcards are actually useful. Fanswipe is a good way to add melee to her bullets without leaving you punishable on block like fanspin does, and C version can be used as a reversal.
Her 5A is also now a high hit, not a mid, which makes a huge difference in her mix-up game.

That's about it for specific Yuyu buffs, but there were also general game buffs that helps every, but yuyu more than others. I.E. 4A now using your 5A at any range. Yuyuko 5A is fucking god tier, but her f5a is useless against incoming air attacks, and is really slow on recovery. 4A allows you to abuse her 5A as much as you want to stop people poking out of corner pressure or shit like loliball.

She got really, really better. And everyone else that was top tier got nerfed, so it contrasts as well.

>> No.3175620

EU, Im pretty low tier.

>> No.3175768
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That might work on newbies, but I could always throw out some 6Bs. Works just like Yuyuko's 6C, and thanks to her wisps it never trades and stays out forever. Only a matter of time before the fat ghost trips herself on it, and if she's too scared of it, all the more power to Okuu.

Any Utsuho player uses a strategy not unlike what >>3175431 says. Basically, she uses her extremely good bullets to force opponents into making very poor movement decisions, which eventually leads into... well, you get the point.

However, she does have some blockstings, but they're not airtight like Tenshi's or Reisens. Again, they're designed to catch poor reactions and punish you painfully for it. Once she has you so scared of moving, you'll eventually get cornered where she -can- do some blockstrings to crush you if you don't graze out, or go into leg grabbing. Scare you, make you do something dumb, punish you, repeat ad naseum.

>> No.3175867
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Kero Kero

>> No.3175912
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Posting your IP included with an open port as OP and nothing else on 4chan

>> No.3175923

So, where does utsuho stand in comparison to other characters?

Good? Bad? Cirno?

>> No.3175926


Hey Aya teach me how to be good with Chernobyl-tan.

>> No.3175935

Caution!! Tier.

>> No.3175937

Still up; still good for a match.
West US/Low-mid tier

>> No.3175949

looking for australian host

>> No.3175963

Post IPs, please. ;_;

>> No.3175969

Well, might as well host,
maybe I'll get some of the few cards I'm still missing., EU

>> No.3175970

I'll host tomorrow, East Coast AU, if anybody's looking for a game in the not-too distant future.

>> No.3175972

My favourite spellcards in this game..

Reimu - Fantasy Heaven (If only for it's secret)
Sakuya - THE WORLD
Utsuho - Giga Flare
Suwako - Snakes (Shun Goku Satsu)

>> No.3175986

GGs thanks for the games, sorry about the lag, you're really good.

>> No.3175988


That's enough for me. I'm getting too groggy to really even keep my eyes open. Good night /jp/

>> No.3175997


Yeah, good games. I'm so sleepy I forgot my manners.

>> No.3176017


Thanks, exactly right level for me
Full unlock

>> No.3176029

The controls felt a bit slow, but no noticeable lag. GG.

I know about the unlock, I just prefer unlocking them myself.
Also, rehosting:, EU

>> No.3176049
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>> No.3176056

Fun games, but I need to work on some of my cards.

>> No.3176059

Likewise. GGs.

>> No.3176075

Doesn't seem like all characters are unlocked

>> No.3176077
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>> No.3176099 [DELETED] 


Utsuho has a lot of strengths, but weaknesses as well. Great bullets, great melee, but shit in the air and if someone is constantly in her face.

Of course, the latter reason why she's weak could be turned into an advantage if the opponent is mindlessly mashing away. But against calculatingly aggressive players, she fares horrible against.

>> No.3176133
File: 71 KB, 128x256, Th10Suwako01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3176134


Utsuho has a lot of strengths, but weaknesses as well. She has great bullets and melee, but suffers from horrible movement, is shitty in the air, and can't do much if someone is constantly in her face.

Of course, the latter reason why she's weak could be turned into an advantage if the opponent is mindlessly mashing away. But against calculatingly aggressive players, she fares horrible against.

>> No.3176143

You need to reference SWR properly to get them. Go check the touhou wiki under misc.

>> No.3176153


>> No.3176332

Looking for hosts.

>> No.3176347

how to download for free from Rapidshare/Megaupload/Megaporn/Megavideo/Hotfile/Netload

*)fill stupid captcha
*)fill a valid Rapidshare/Megaupload/Megaporn/Megavideo/Hotfile/Netload link
*)download the file full speed for free
*)share the free link with your friends


>> No.3176363 East Coast
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.01 - Spectators: OK
Advanced Yukari/Patchouli
Been a while, /jp/.

>> No.3176420


>> No.3176480 EC

low-mid tier, Utsuho makes my game crash

>> No.3176495

gg, but I cant take more lag games like that.

rehosting, west coast.

>> No.3176503

Whoops, sorry, didn't read the crash part.
Because it really is way too laggy.

>> No.3176505


>> No.3176508


Okay which one of you didn't read that Utsuho makes my game crash.


>> No.3176515


No worries.

>> No.3176651

sorry, Lae, Id like to continue, I gotta go to work. gg. keep working on it.

>> No.3176663

Goddamn I love Meiling's "You are already dead" 5 card spell.

THAT should've gotten HnK music

>> No.3176681

It's been like 3 days that I play China and I still haven't unlocked it. I'm still wondering what the fuck I'm supposed to do.

>> No.3176721

I see I'm not the only one who hears YOU WA SHOCK every time that move is used.

Also, I can't help but imagine Meiling going "JAOOOOOO~" every time she uses her comet kick. Meiling needs to get a move like the one Jam has at :20 in this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMPyGE7qLjs

>> No.3176723

use the unlocked score123.dat

>> No.3176730

What about no?

>> No.3176749

Have you beat Story Mode yet?

>> No.3176764

Yeah, of course.

>> No.3176819
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>> No.3176947


>> No.3177069

So do you guys play with the weather path or what?

>> No.3177090

>> No.3177109

I would if anyone else on /jp/ did. As it is, I just put up with it.

>> No.3177111



>> No.3177120
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Hey, thanks for playing with me even though I'm such an awful player. I noticed that you were a little... bored during the last fight, but hey, that's understandable. I hope the next time we meet I'll be a little more challenging for you.

>> No.3177126

More like downloaded the save file.

>> No.3177168

I've been playing since saturday and only today unlocked Youmu's new 5 card super. Just keep playing, you'll eventually get it.

>> No.3177235
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>> No.3177271

GGs, but I'm not gonna bother you anymore. Cirno can NOT beat Youmu. It just won't happen.
I also just plain lack certain skills as a player, like corner pressure; I just can't do it. I know Chiruno HAS a pressure game since Magister could do it pretty well and I still have the replays to prove it's possible, but I don't really even know what my problem is with this crap. Pressure in that sense isn't even something that involves knowing your opponent, it just involves being able to press buttons fast enough that they can't react. There definitely is some timing involved - which I was stupid enough to get caught in EVERY TIME - but that's not the part that's my problem since even against a beginner I can't get a corner combo going at all.

At least alt. 214B/C can get her out of corner pressure if timed right, so that's a start. Guess I'm off to practice.

>> No.3177273

GGs, it was fun playing you. Awesome finish.

>> No.3177310

Anyone have tips for a new player (started just last night) using Youmu?

(Note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl3SUPmGPKo I'm pretty bad)

>> No.3177331

You are obviously better than me, but you got tired near the end, didn't you? makes sense, sinse I fought you right after some other guy.
Best training I've had in a long time, I just hope you didn't actually get worse from playing with me.
Also, my first double KO.

>> No.3177349


I was watching those matches, the China vs. Utsuho was a great fight.

>> No.3177353

I'm glad I could be entertaining.

>> No.3177407
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>> No.3177436 EU

>> No.3177493
average/average-low tier

>> No.3177520
File: 960 KB, 1024x1024, 1224973145458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US West Coast Hostan

Beginning Suwako
Intermediate Alice and Yukari

>> No.3177619

Lowish, average at best, tier.


>> No.3177677

>>3177493 here

gg whoever it was on the youmu vs youmu... yuyuko was an abuse, i don't know what to do to avoid all her shit :(

>> No.3177690

You probably should ask somewhere else.

http:// at . com/om -- ICARE. Do you?

>> No.3177727 EU - low/middle tier I guess.

>> No.3177748

Not working.

>> No.3177769


>> No.3177805

I've been looking everywhere and I can't find this game anywhere. I have Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, and this looks like fun. HALP PLZ

>> No.3177821

Feel like an idiot for asking but: how do I spectate?

>> No.3177831

Testing connection, I seem to lag out halfway through matches T.T

>> No.3177841

Ugh the lag made the matches difficult, great Youmu though, I gotta learn to use less danmaku and a bit more melee.

>> No.3177848


You lagged out halfway of the match.

>> No.3177856

Yea, it actually crashed on me, normally it would just super desync

>> No.3177859

GGs Final Agent, I only felt lag in the last set of matches (spectators, maybe?)

>> No.3177873 eu
low/mid, just for fun.

>> No.3177874

Just join a server, if the interface asks a second question in moonspeak, the match is already happening and if you select yes you go in as spectator.

>> No.3177908

After extracting, go to the SWR wiki ( http://swr.mizuumi.net/index.php/Main_Page ) and download the latest patch (1.01) and follow the instructions for changing the configex123.ini.

>> No.3177939

So I've just got to join when I think the game's started?
That isn't so good - I want to gauge how good I have to be before I get killed.

>> No.3177936 [DELETED] 
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GGs, Hong.

>> No.3177953

damn, blank screen. can you rehost?

>> No.3177964
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GGs, Hong.

I vaguely remember having a few games with when SWR was just released. You're pretty fun to play against.

>> No.3177971

From a thread the other day:

Simply join a match (option 2 if you want to type it out, option 5 if you copied it to your clipboard) that's already in progress and hit the second option to the question that pops up (it's informing you that a match is in progress and asking if you want to spectate). If nothing is happening, that play must no longer be hosting or disallows spectators.

I think it asks the question every time, just in case you don't want to play and just want to spectate.

>> No.3177982


>> No.3177987

You will be good when you practice, and you practice by fighting, so don't be afraid of losing, because you can be sure as hell WILL lose at first.
A duck won't learn to swim if it won't even get its ass wet.

>> No.3178053
wearing a silly hat

>> No.3178084


Rehosting, still EU and lowish tier.

>> No.3178092

Sorry, but something is wrong with my button input, maybe its because of the lag. I can't play if I'm even shittier than usual.

>> No.3178108

are you EU?
it was very laggy

>> No.3178116

rehosted EU

>> No.3178117


>> No.3178122
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Ojou-sama tier.

>> No.3178125

There are two questions asked of you when you try to connect to an IP. The first is "Would you like to connect to this IP?", and the second, if that person is indeed hosting, is "Would you like to fight this person?"

If you select "no" for the second question, you'll go into standby and automatically start spectating once someone ELSE joins.

>> No.3178130

really GGs

>> No.3178140


>> No.3178156
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>> No.3178168

how do I patchouli

all I've figured out how to do is throw lots of bullets, watch the opponent graze them, then get pressured until I dead angle/gears super them away, then start over again

>> No.3178184 EU

>> No.3178211

>watch the opponent graze them

There's your problem. Throw some shit at them while going in for some melee moves and watch them graze that.

protip: you can't graze and block at the same time!

>> No.3178254


For the most part, Patchy's really slow and has bad melee, so a spot where I can jump-cancel a bullet and melee my opponent is pretty rare.

6DA and 6DC hit really low, and 6DB is grazable. j.6A is grazable, jA might be grazable, but it also has horrible range. j.2a is slow. f.5a is slow. 2a is small and slow. 3a is horrible on whiff and only hits low to the ground.

It seems like I have more than enough projectiles, but not the right tools to punish people for superjump grazing and then flying out of my pressure. If I fountain them when I knock them down, then I can jump back and cover a forward tech or I can stay there and cover a hj8 escape attempt. Not both.

Feels bad man.

>> No.3178262 EC

>> No.3178286

So is Hisoutensoku's soundtrack different from SWR's? I haven't seen any soundtrack rips anywhere.

>> No.3178342 [DELETED]

WC/EC Only. Preferably WC.

Learning Suwako Tier

>> No.3178387

You can get yourself some good cover and pressure with an easy 5C cancel into 421B/C from a neutral state. When they jump, j8A or j6A depending on height and when they run through j5a. When they defend, you get in a good position.
If you know that people will just jump out of your strings, just use a delayed A when you would normally use a bullet or use Patchus new melee skillcard.
When you get them down, theres nothing you can do but set up stuff and cover one side of a tech.

>> No.3178423

Try using a different skillcard.

22b/c Condensed Bubbles gives a nice defense, while allowing you to do more bullet pressure. Best used on knockdown.

>> No.3178444

GGs, did you give up or something happened to your keyboard?
I chose Meiling becase she is most fun to play with, and utsuho was too much for you.
Also, sorry for loliball spam.

>> No.3178451

Seems Im too shit tier for this.

>> No.3178472

Eh, I've seen worse players, and you know some good tricks. Just play online until you're the best.

>> No.3178544
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gg Isuzumi. I managed to win one match against you, yay.

>> No.3178555

GGs Nuke Loli

>> No.3178561 [DELETED] 

so NOT low tier

>> No.3178570


Ugh, I can't find a real efficient way to play as Utsuho and I absolutely forgot how to play as Alice.

>> No.3178578

It happens. You did a lot better against my Reimu though.

>> No.3178636

Newbie atai tier. Be gentle.

>> No.3178649


Sorry, my router restarted for some reason. New ip.

Newbie atai tier.

>> No.3178652

cannot connect
if feel for play again pls to say.

>> No.3178659

new IP also not to work.

>> No.3178672
File: 85 KB, 450x450, 8c83d2a6c2ed7a70a7c933e1c431308b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the Youmu player, good matches. I learned something new today: Cirno's snowball attack has a flaw in which she's completely open for an attack when she's done. Defending through it actually yields results. The way you killed me in the fourth match or so was epic.

>> No.3178675
File: 158 KB, 819x911, 4460aa7aa033c328331297ab76c09ace87a62bc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Youmu average/low tier

>> No.3178829


GG. Youmu is way too fast for Cirno.

>> No.3178843
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>> No.3178851

GGs, brah. Your Youmu is too strong for me.

>> No.3178865

GGs, I still have a lot to learn

>> No.3178960


>> No.3178961



>> No.3179021

US midwest. Average Marisa/Utsuho

>> No.3179106


Actually, there is a short moment when you can release the katamri snowball before hiting the border of the screen or before it breaks and guard yourself against counter attacks.

>> No.3179123


GGs Okuu player, trying to catch you was quite hard. I am more used to play close combat.

>> No.3179155

There are actually a decent amount of times when Cirno can let it roll and get the hell out of the way when shit gets tough. That really only applies if you're not rolling it from right in front of the opponent though, but the only reason anybody would do it so close is after a combo anyway. Besides, if you're using it like that her alt. 214 icedash works a lot better.

Well anyway, time to host this crap again:
US East, out of clever tier titles tier.

>> No.3179166

GGs, brah.
Imma watch Nanoha now.

>> No.3179170


That's the first time I've ever seen a draw on this game. You guys impressed me.

>> No.3179173

Good games, nice to see you improving



>> No.3179182

Ugh, good games. Sorry for my poor performance; for some reason, I was just entering in so many things incorrectly that I was getting quite frustrated. Like I didn't mean to end any of those dial-A combos in A. I was supposed to be doing 5AAA -> 3/5/6B -> 5/6C, but I kept on fucking up somehow.

Also, did not mean to input 22A on the blocked A strings at all. Thanks for indulging me with the games, though.

>> No.3179187

Errr...22C. Oops.

>> No.3179193



>> No.3179247


I give up. I'm too bad against you.

>> No.3179253


No worries, that's what practice is for.


>> No.3179258


Actually, I'm just bad at this game..

>> No.3179304


Yeah, that double KO was pretty amazing.

>> No.3179305

Sorry, the delay was kinda strong, I think that was my fault. GGs.

>> No.3179411


GG. Nice Cirno there.

>> No.3179420

Whoops, forgot my namefaggotry.
GGs, have to go for a little while now though.
But before I go, d-did I really just pressure you into a corner with Cirno? Oh goddamn, it's about TIME I unknowingly figured it out. It's all in the timing; thanks for helping me get it right, bro.

Be back to host again soon.

>> No.3179507

Begginer tier here, trying to host again.

If you don't want to play with a low tier player, then just connect to see if it works, please?

>> No.3179515

Internal IP address, no need to give us that IP.
Just a FYI, polite sage.

>> No.3179521


Huh, really? Didn't know there was such thing. Thanks though.

>> No.3179522

Doesn't work, even tried 07500

>> No.3179526

External one doesn't work either.

>> No.3179535


Again...well, thanks guys.

>> No.3179548

Anyone else want to host? I haven't played against anyone else before, so I don't know what tier I am.

>> No.3179552

US Central

Busted A-button tier

>> No.3179580

Sigh...good games. It was fun having my relatively weak on defense Meiling get put through the gauntlet.

It was pretty annoying how I lost two matches because I didn't buffer 22C into my 5AAAA combo fast enough, though. You're a much more solid player than I am, and it was fun fighting you.

>> No.3179582

Great games there Guy. Best matches I've had in awhile

>> No.3179680

Anyone want to host?

>> No.3179703

i would but i dont want hackers giving me viruses

>> No.3179739 [DELETED] 

I do believe that OP is on to something here.
www.Yähøø.com - Do you Yahoo?
www.eBäy.com - Buy and sell online!
www.AnønTälk.com - Discuss anything anonymously!
www.Wikipediä.org - The free encyclopedia!

>> No.3179770

Trying if I could host

>> No.3179773

Not so newbie atai tier.

Viruses welcomed.

>> No.3179799
South America. Mid tier.

>> No.3179807


Sorry for the lag. Couldn't tolerate it. GG though

>> No.3179812

My hosting capabilities suck balls.

>> No.3179827
File: 200 KB, 597x600, 1216266677473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3179828

This isn't working.

Nor is this.

>> No.3179829

Can't connect to any of these god damn

>> No.3179840
West Coast US
Anybody with a pulse can beat me tier.

>> No.3179842 west canada average.

>> No.3179865

Can someone post the suwako sprite? I didn't save it ;_;

>> No.3179867

Please tell us your location when you host so we don't end up with horribly laggy games like that.

>> No.3179885


GG Okuu player, that was rape.

Rehosting. Newbie atai tier.

>> No.3179914


Accidentally hit escape, but i had to go after that game anyways, good games though!

>> No.3179930
File: 36 KB, 465x379, marisa, remilia - 1219123151438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East
I'm low level but I'm OK with getting trounced. Probably.

>> No.3179935

GGs Iced

With China's Kick SC, try to get your opponents to block low, then use it. It doesn't break guards, but it hits high, so someone crouching will still get destroyed by it, like that China/Aya match.

>> No.3179943


Sorry vvav, it's too laggy.


Newbie tier.

>> No.3179955

you're way above average www. gg.

>> No.3179962

Can't connect.

>> No.3179967


>> No.3179972

Ya, I noticed I had a couple really horribly laggy games in a row, so I figured it was probably on my end for a change. I think I fixed it, but we'll see.

>> No.3179976

rehosting. wc average.

>> No.3180012


A but laggy but good game. I need to actually sort out a deck...

>> No.3180014



>> No.3180025
File: 27 KB, 488x388, 1248645856322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mid or so tier

>> No.3180100

Alright, here we go.


>> No.3180103

Newbie tier.

Have some mercy.

>> No.3180204


GGs Utsuho player. Sorry to end it abruptly, but I can't stand the lag.

>> No.3180217


>> No.3180230

sure ok gg

>> No.3180239 : 7500 west coast

>> No.3180253

still hosting

>> No.3180259

Doesn't work.

>> No.3180260

Okay, yeah, my fault for the delay that first time. I cheesed you hella hard during that Haze. I feel bad, that was mechanics abuse to the maximum. You're better than most of the IRC players. I can't get Cirno to work for me, I should probably just stop. ;_;

>> No.3180261

cannot connect

>> No.3180264

none of these seem to be working

how do I set this up?

>> No.3180271



>> No.3180288


Sorry about that Meiling/Marisa player, my router reseted itself.


Still newbie atai tier

>> No.3180289

Great finish man, you're a very solid player. You're really well-rounded, and handle both offense and defense pretty well. That ending with Sakuya was awesome; I definitely should've seen those knives coming in at the end, but I got too greedy.

Thanks for the fun games. It never ceases to amaze me how many different characters you guys can play. I almost feel bad because I only really enjoy using Meiling. ;_;

>> No.3180290
File: 45 KB, 217x232, suikahelicopter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
us central, average random select

>> No.3180296

If you can't even connect to someone else, you've got a number of things to check for. Make sure you've got version 1.01, and that your configex123.ini is directed at your SWR folder.

>> No.3180326
File: 109 KB, 860x666, 03ffc705675f61ce71ed5e6529b2a65b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs Guy, your meiling's offense was great. I think I learned a bit or two.


>> No.3180352


Fuck... Suika crushed me in a minute.

>> No.3180357

Rehosting again

>> No.3180377


GGs, Giant Tree.

You have a nice and decent play unlike the scrubs here. Learn your combos, and block all the time. It'll help you.

>> No.3180380

whenever I try to install 1.01 it seems to install (but really doesn't) or I get an error

and the configex123.ini is already directed towards swr

>> No.3180398

>I can't get Cirno to work for me, I should probably just stop. ;_;

You of all people are NOT allowed to say this.
If that's the case then Cirno players like me should just delete this crap from their computers already.

Oh my fuckin' Christ, don't tell me that broken bullshit Suwako infinite combo from that one video's already been put into practical use?
Well anyway, GGs Sakuretsu. One of my favorite things in fightan is when you pick a character, do badly, then the opponent picks the same character and completely kicks your ass in a big "you're playing them, this is how you do it" move. Really, I love that.
That actually isn't sarcasm. I'm dead serious.

Storm outside, but rehosting because I'm a faggot.

>> No.3180406

>"you're playing them wrong, this is how you do it"

Whoops, that could've turned into a confusing sentence.

>> No.3180463
File: 88 KB, 646x512, gliiiitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell just happened? Holy shit, best glitch ever.
GG Seb, rehosting.

>> No.3180501

Reading the SWR wiki, I just noticed something
>Picking up the little red Crystal chips, which are gained by hitting your opponent that has bullets on the screen, or knocking them down, will decrease the weather timer, shortening the current weather condition.
Guess which weather this doesn't happen in, making it longer because knockdowns and bullet cancels don't run down the timer.

>> No.3180521

Is it time for everyone to sit around and complain about typhoon already?

>> No.3180523


Yeah, that glitch was weird...
Anyway, you were too good for me.
Keep up the good work.

>> No.3180558

GGs Nipah. Your Cirno is pretty good, honestly. Better than Newbie level. Just keep leveling up your experience.

>> No.3180559

What, did the round freeze when Patchy got KO'd by scorching sun?

>> No.3180570

Only the newfags. Just let them have their "fun".

>> No.3180577

Been awhile, GGs, Bench. It feels like everyone I've fought in SWR before has learned so much, and I don't think I've been learning as much as I should. I need to grind my basics harder.

Just hitting someone causes crystals to come out in Typhoon. If someone gets hit with a denser B bullet like Yukari's or Sakuya's, the weather goes down much faster.

I don't think I'm doing it right, is all. Missing a whole lot of answers to problems I hope Cirno has the ability to solve.

>> No.3180580


GGs. At least I won 1 of 5 battles. Your defence is hard to break.


Not so newbie atai tier

>> No.3180588

Man, how do you get this shit to even run? Crashes right when I try to open it, with 1.01 patch

>> No.3180589

>Implying hurrsuikawins weather is fun.

>> No.3180605

ggs Lim. had some really great games there

>> No.3180610

If you KO someone in the air on the last round during Scorching Sun with a bullet that makes you flinch but not fall over(Sakuya/Yukari/Cirno/Reisen etc Bs), they lose but don't drop dead. I think if it happens in netplay it just keeps going anyway, but it freezes the game in single player.

>> No.3180612

Not quite. She got back up after being KO'd; we could both move around but not attack. Shit was weird.

>> No.3180614


You probably installed the demo SWR 10.5 from the tasafro download page. SWR 12.3 requires the full version of SWR 10.5.

>> No.3180619

nice strat on Suika there, quite a defensive with power. i had to really concentrate not to fall while on offense.

>> No.3180621

Don't misunderstand me now, I don't like Typhoon either, but I'm long past complaining about it. Anyone doing so now and days are just complaining for the sake of complaining, i.e. it's more "fun" for them to complain rather than find a way to stop (hurr weather cards) or counter-strategy it.

>> No.3180630

isnt typhoon is something you take advantage off, theres prolly some playstyle for that purpose rather than melee fest.

>> No.3180631
File: 440 KB, 640x480, Bittenfeld; complete asshole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Giant Tree. I've been wanting to play you for a little while, since you always talk about Cirno. You have her at a pretty decent level, but you seem to have a hard time with pressure when you're playing as her.

Your Reisen is pretty good; you got a couple nice combos off. I'm still not really sure how to approach Reisen, so I do what I do against every other character: all out offense. Not really the brightest of plans, granted, but really all that I'm capable of.

>> No.3180633

East coast host

Playing around with Cirno and Utsuho, but always welcome matches with the older characters.

>> No.3180642

Yeah, I've ended up on the wrong end of typhoon quite a few times, but that's why I always stick 4 weather cards into my deck. Just hope your opponent dislikes that weather as much as you do.

>> No.3180644

Personally, I hate the weather that randomly blows from one side to the other the most. It completely screws me up, so I focus on being up close; all the opponent has to do is get upwind of me and it's a really huge uphill battle.

>> No.3180655

If you mean river mist, it's not really random and it's not one sided. The weather pulls you to a certain distance constantly (that distance oscillates from point blank to full screen, so it really throws spacing off)

>> No.3180656

ggs again c frog h snake
Done with unl for tonight

>> No.3180661

Ah; okay, then yeah. That's the one that I most definitely hate the most.

>> No.3180669

Ohh, so it WAS scorching sun's fault. But no, it was a lot weirder than that.
Instead of counting as a KO we could both just move around the screen and do whatever. We ended up having what was basically a ducking contest too. Most awesome few seconds of my fightan experience, really.

>Anyway, you were too good for me.

Really? ;_;
That's honestly the first time I've heard that. But I actually struggled some against your Patchy, to tell the truth. Those bullets of hers can be tricky to decide whether to block or graze, and if you do the wrong one at the wrong time you get raped in the face.
However, the way you play HAS given me a chance to say once again what's been my favorite thing to say since this came out:


I can now say I've played both Utsuho and Patchouli players who've had this problem -- 66C is superior to every 66 move either of those two - and probably most of the rest of the cast - can ever pull out of their ass. Ever. Period.
When you're doing fine launching screen-sized rape bullets, don't try to change your strategy because all it's going to get you is a frozen block of ice to the skull.

GGs and sorry Guy, we froze. That's been happening a lot lately, I notice.

Our Reisen v. China matches were fun, I made sure to save both replays. But Cirno, ugh. I'm not sure if it's a bad matchup or I just have severe strokes of bad luck with her, because I definitely HAVE been playing her more than anyone else. You run a damn good Meiling and losing isn't my problem, it's just that I know I'm doing something wrong and can't quite place where it is.

Well anyway, rehosting. But give me a second to reopen my client.

>> No.3180702

ggs, you're definitely one of the better ones here

>> No.3180710

I used to think Mountain Vapor was actually a pretty cool weather, since it hid your hand but you could still use the cards if you remembered the order they were in. Now it completely scrambles your deck (meaning you lose that spell card just before you need it or some shit like that). Some of the other weather changes in UNL, though, I like, e.g. shortening the more extreme weathers and changing River Mist to be oscillating so it's not quite so friendly to just turtling and spamming bullets.

>> No.3180747

One weird thing about the new vapor is that if you go into the weather with only 1 card, you can use 2-5 card cost spells at only a 1 card cost.

Of course its random but there is a bit of payoff if you take the risk.

>> No.3180779
US Central

Avoiding playing Saje for the billionth time tier

>> No.3180844

had good fun isuzumi, thanks
random select felt way too samey today for some reason

>> No.3180857

ggs giant tree. that was the first reisen I've played in 12.3 so I was confused as fuck

>> No.3180940

Double typhoon ftl. Good games E-man, those Cirno mirrors were a lot of fun!

>> No.3180943



>> No.3180967

... I move back. I FUCKING MOVE BACK.
Goddamn Jesus bullshit cheesecake on a stick, no motherfucking WONDER I've been so behind on corner pressure. Every time I land a combo in the corner - even if it's blocked - I've all this time been jumping or dashing backwards. I didn't even notice I've been doing it until just now.
I'm not failing at my shit because of mindgames or timing, it's once again because my goddamn habits are tearing my game apart. If anyone from this point on plays me and catches me doing this, please promptly rape my face. Thank you.

Same goes for you, bro. I've spectated a few of your matches and just KNEW I had to play you sometime soon. Now that I know the secret to my failing corner pressure (I think) I'd love to play you again sometime; your China is supreme.

>> No.3180973

GGs, uh, in a sense.
I would play you more but holy mother of fuck your Suika makes me want to punch the sun.
No offense or anything and I don't mean to be a scrub here, but doing nothing but running backwards and occasionally throwing out projectiles is the second most bullshit way to play her. We all know what the first is.
Your Utsuho I played the other day was a challenge and I had to think of ways to get through huge bullets and deal damage before getting my ass pummeled in close range. So here I've been waiting for you to reconnect because I had so much fun in those matches and what I'm faced with is you treading onto the realms of my IP once more with not a challenging Okuu, but a Suika doing the EXACT SAME THING. I'd appreciate your style if it actually worked, but unlike Utsuho your bullets weren't very difficult to time a hit in between and there were plenty of SCs like Massacre to knock your ass out of that blocking you were doing.
I think you're a cool player and all but NOTHING has made me so butthurt as what you've done today. That's all I have to say about that.

Rehosting. Goddamn, typing all that was more painful for my fingers than playing this crap.

And this took two posts too, holy shit.

>> No.3181008


Oh :( Today is my first time really playing Suika so I'm not quite sure how to play her yet. Sorry for being annoying as hell I guess.

>> No.3181016

Hope there aren't any hard feelings. Wasn't trying to win in Typhooh, but the second one just popped up.

>> No.3181021

I was spectacitng and thought it was pretty hilarious to see Suika turtling in the corner like that.

Guess it wasn't purposefully testing his ability to run blockstrings/guardcrush like I thought.

>> No.3181022


GGs Utsuho player. I learned a lot to counter those beam spams. Utusho is very vulnerable when shooting.


Not so newbie atai tier

>> No.3181040

West Coast, Low level.

>> No.3181049

No problem. I was desperately trying to get a weather card to stop it, but I've just had bad luck with typhoon so far.

I was happy that I could take a round off your Meirin since I think it's much better than my Cirno. I get tired quickly so I usually don't play too many games successively.

>> No.3181058

GGs Lim. Had some fun. Hope you did too. Would love to play again some time. Only thing I can suggest working on is your blockstrings. I was grazing between you melee and bullets all day with everyone except Youmu (bitch had her 5C there every damn time I went for a 66X...).

>> No.3181064

i was never good at blockstrings much, i'll keep trying.

>> No.3181086

i fought his suika's defensive style aswell, quite a pain to break.

>> No.3181098

Sorry that post made me seem like such a huge asshole, really.
It's just that blockspamming isn't something I react very well to since I've seen all the bad sides of it.

But if you're really going to play Suika, keep in mind that a blocked 66C loliball can be countered by another loliball if you do it right away.

>> No.3181132

Someone tell me if it works or not.

>> No.3181168

Not working.

>> No.3181171

it doesnt work. i figured how to do this by youtube


>> No.3181197

Testing if this works:

West Coast, Low level.

>> No.3181246

gg giant tree, sorry i didn't have time for many rounds
was fun

>> No.3181279
File: 90 KB, 646x512, chillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice fairy and oni loli chillin'.

No problem, GGs SDD.
For whatever reason I ALWAYS got Youmu when I followed you in randoming, and even though I haven't seriously played her in over a year I see why she wins so much. Seriously, that partial dial-A into green sword SC combo everyone does is so easy a brick could do it.

Hey Lim, I just realized it's been forever and a half since I've played you.

You're not busy now, are you? Up for a few rounds?

>> No.3181368

Depressed-about-guard-crush-nerfs tier Alice here, someone host.

>> No.3181370

im up for few. I guess.

>> No.3181393

Good games, E-MAN. I still, obviously, have no idea how the hell I'm supposed to properly fight Sakuya. Of course, this just means I'll do nothing but attack (as always).

You take way too much advantage of my shitty defense. ;_;

Also, that Reimu-Meiling Comet-Kick-into-the-Barrier Double K.O. was fucking awesome.

>> No.3181396


ggs. gotta go for a bit

>> No.3181411


I thought I had your Suika figured out and then suddenly you change strategy to melee. GGs.


Not so newbie atai tier

>> No.3181427

GGs Guy

Yesterday, you were doing just well, but today you're BEASTING!! What a difference a day makes, huh? Besides my controller problems, I've got some make work to do if my bakas are going to stand up to yours. Try to mix in some 2As or 623s at the end of your combo. I felt the corner pressure, but as soon as I see 2B, I escaped every time. You need some melee to keep me in place.


>> No.3181446


>> No.3181455

Actually, now that you mention it, 2As as a part of my corner string were working quite well earlier today! But for some reason, when I tried them against you I got stuffed every time. ;_;

But yeah, thanks for the advice. I usually don't use 623B very much because I'm unsure of whether or not it's safe on block; but I'll definitely try it out.

Also, hahahaha; I wish I could fast forward replies just to watch that part over and over again! :3

>> No.3181554

Odd, I can't seem to host if I use the english-weather version of the game.

Good games, I learned a lot.

>> No.3181560


It works. And GG. Interesting Patchouli you got there

>> No.3181565

Oh gawd, VGGs just like I remember.
Matches that go on so long they ultimately boil down to who gets the last hit are why I played you so much back in SWR, goddamn.
And KANAKORUSH just so happens to be the ONE move I never ever EVER remember to block now. It's like you've already figured out my new weakness already ;_;

By the way, you realize I can host now, right?
I really just wanted to make sure you were still around before I did anything, but thanks for putting forth the effort.

By the way, the way you just disconnected and the fact that there's a storm reminded me that I forgot to apologize to you: On that first match we ever played, in the middle of a match in the SDM while I was playing Remi I just disconnected and never said anything about it. Well, what actually happened there was that there was a fucking TORNADO of all things that night and it just sort of slipped my mind every time from then on. My bad.

I'd like to hope so.

Even though this thread is on autosage, rehosting since I know I'll never get sleep. Unless of course there's a new thread, in which case disregard and I'll post there.
Not like there aren't a lot of potential opponents still lurking around here anyway, though

>> No.3181718

hey giant tree if you're still there hop on irc.mizuumi.net and msg me, same name there

>> No.3181731

finally!, sorry, my internet just went whacked. both my router and modem haywire for some reason. i'll play again, somehow, but i got work, need sleep.

gg, GT. i never thought, I'll do fine.

>> No.3181793

GGs Giant Tree. I hate to say it, but it seems like your Cirno got a bit worse. Maybe you're thinking too much? Anyway, fun mirror matches as usual.

>> No.3181808

here again, just want to add something: airteching forward kept giving me j.5A CH combo opportunities. It's a pretty hard habit to break, but sometimes it's best to not airtech at all.

>> No.3181818

See those randomly-going-off spellcards? I set my card use button to R1 on my PS2 USB controller. And guess where I constantly have my right index finger?
Against players like you I always get really really nervous and bullshit like that ends up happening a lot. I guess it's the pressure of knowing I have to think or something, I really have no idea.

But GGs a.a., Cirno mirrors with you are always fun. Still, though, blocking. I need to do more of it. A LOT more. Anyway I'm done playing for tonight, really in desperate need or sleep right about now.

I honestly hate the crap out of IRC but if that's a request I guess I probably should. Haven't really used one in years though.

>> No.3181848

Oh, okay. I was wondering why those random sword SCs kept coming out.

>> No.3182061

You should just call yourself 66C tier. Seriously, pick another character, Cirno is just teaching you bad habits.

>> No.3182079


Fun game. At least I got 4 victories from 15 something. :(

With Yukari you were making fun of me, eh?

I like playing with handicap so Cirno is fine. I play China too but I felt that you were much much better than me so I didn't try. I started with Hisoutensoku so I haven't fought against all the characters yet. At least you gave me a lot of insight.

Learned a lot. GG. Rehosting. A little above newbie, have patience and mercy.

>> No.3182094

>With Yukari you were making fun of me, eh?
More like with almost every character after the first half hour.

>> No.3182114


At least China, Iku and Tenshi couldn't beat the power of 66C.

Not really, I use 66C for characters that spawn too many bullets, in Cirno it has the advantage that it goes low and dodges. Otherwise I go melee.

>> No.3182132

>Otherwise I go melee.
The two hours I just spent playing you say otherwise. You never once did a real combo, just 22B/C, 214B/C, or 66C. That's why I'm telling you to pick another character. You're not learning shit.

>> No.3182139

66C only really works when your opponent's stupid enough to try and rush Cirno. It has ridiculous priority over everyone else's dashing moves and if you can get it off while they're trying to pull off a projectile or something, that's great.
But using it other than that will do nothing but get your ass handed to you.

If you want a REAL effective rushtype move, get her alt. 214 icedash. The only downside is that it doesn't graze.

>> No.3182149
File: 70 KB, 360x200, Yukkuri_MarisaReimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's alright~

>> No.3182177

Thread on autosage. Is there people available to create another thread?

>> No.3182195

It's been on autosage for like 4 hours.
I think the only reason there hasn't been a new one is because everybody who's actually willing to play is already here and it's also keeping this thread from getting up to the first page with all the Dawson and Japanese bird threads.

Better for everyone this way.

>> No.3182206


66C newbie atai tier.

>> No.3182464


ggs. you should practice aerials more, you seem really uncomfortable in the air.

>> No.3182487


Yeah, I will try to fight on air too. GGs.
