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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 155 KB, 800x600, SHUFFLE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3171719 No.3171719 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus. Every route is just kaede's route copy pastaed all over the place.

They go on a couple dates.
Discover why the girl is emo.
Have sex (basically goes "hey, lets fuck" "okay").
Girl acts really embarrassed.
Have sex again.
Girl acts really embarrassed again.
Some shitty ending.

God damn fucking terrible.

>> No.3171724

where is my Complets translation?

>> No.3171720

What did you expect? It's a dating sim

>> No.3171726

What the hell did you expect?

>> No.3171725
File: 66 KB, 400x300, m02_itsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every game needs a bro route.

>> No.3171733

Lithuania is so moe.

>> No.3171741
File: 111 KB, 800x600, ThankYouveryMuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3171738
File: 168 KB, 400x400, pasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fucking pasta

>> No.3171746
File: 127 KB, 800x600, 1250317613599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my Forbesii route?

>> No.3171750

People who never played a dating sim ITT?

>> No.3171765

This proves that Forbesii is fucking awesome.

>> No.3171808

Yes, Shuffle is awful. That's why you gotta make it fun. Here's what I did when I played Shuffle eons ago:

1) Open a bag of M&Ms.
2) Grab a random candy. Take note of its color.
3) Match it up to a Shuffle girl's hair color.
4) Do that character's route.

The only thing is that Primula color isn't in the bag, so just make her be yellow M&Ms or something. The rest of the Shuffles match up nicely though.

>> No.3171809
File: 118 KB, 800x600, MostPopularSwimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, he is

>> No.3171832

All of you are fucking spoiled with Umineko and F/SN, you expect vns to have mindfucks and be DEEP.

This is why we're not getting a ToHeart 2 translation.

>> No.3171835

ToHeart 2 is shit anyway.

>> No.3171838

Nerine is mai waifu.

>> No.3171851
File: 133 KB, 500x701, 4446299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's mine too.

>> No.3171863

I hate those ears so fucking much

>> No.3171871


>> No.3171873

you fucking earhater

>> No.3171874

Those ears are sexy.

>> No.3171910

I only play DEEP and dramatic porn games for pretentious faggots such as myself.

>> No.3171919

This is like people who hate science fiction going to see Star Trek then making 100 threads about how Star Trek sucks. If you hate moe harem VNs guess what?

>> No.3171947


>> No.3171981

I like school life romance VNs and even I thought Shuffle sucked.

>> No.3171994

Hopefully Shuffle! Essence + will be an improvement. I doubt it though.

>> No.3172025


>> No.3172021

Essence + will have Kureha H scenes

>> No.3172031


It will as long is untranslated and then it will be shit.

This is /jp/ were VN are only "good" as they are untranslated, except disgusting shit like Saya that is "awesome" (like any ultra gore manga automatic became good in /a/ ).

>> No.3172033

Fuck yeah! There's also some sort of secret character as well.

>> No.3172043


No one thought Shuffle! was good before it was translated either.

>> No.3172047

Mangagamer should have waited until Shuffle Essence + came out and translated that instead.

>> No.3172048

Shuffle! was NEVER good.

>> No.3172100
File: 374 KB, 612x842, 3139202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oretsuba is the only good Navel game.

>> No.3172212
File: 282 KB, 600x600, d0c56bc2103f31f150ecf1df9d8d558c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3172224


Right because Shuffle was talked about in /jp/ (not) or that when Mormon guy shown up and said he was going to translated everyone in /jp/ said to not bother because it was shit (not).

Yes, Shuffle IS shit and that is why it have a PS2 version, a fandisk and a anime with a planned re-release of a expanded version of the original game.

And then pearls like Saya are sadly forgotten ...

>> No.3172230

I think it's the same fucking 2-3 people trolling every shuffle thread. I've been through 2 routes so far and I think it's really good(as far as straight up dating sims are concerned).

Can't really compare this kinda game to 07th expansion or type-moon or blackcyc etc. etc. The only thing they have in common is the interface so stop fucking comparing them.

>> No.3172242
File: 138 KB, 800x600, SPARTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discover why the girl is emo.

Implying that a woman has another setting....


>> No.3172339

>when Mormon guy shown up and said he was going to translated everyone in /jp/ said to not bother because it was shit
Actually some people did say exactly that.

>> No.3172357


I'm sure I did. Why bother translating shit when there's good games of similar length that are still untranslated?

>> No.3172366

Why don't you translate it then.

>> No.3172376


Hey look, cliche response #1 spotted. Every single fucking game that is translated has someone like you crying with this exact line. Your opinion means alot, and it'll change how things are done around here, so please keep up the good work anonymous.

>> No.3172489


Like what? maybe "Gore Gore Screaming Show" or another disgusting game on the same level as Saya in terms of Gore=Good?

As >>3172366 and >>3172376 ... why not do it? why not being part of the solution?

Maybe because you are part of the problem? the people going around saying how great some game is ("LOL OPINIONS" noted) and doing nothing for the game to be accessible to the rest of us.

I bet that I see with Shuffle now I am going to see when JAST Nitro+ releases, starting with Demonbane.

>> No.3172503
File: 10 KB, 400x252, 4573987983475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3172516
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1195263264942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Saya was fucking awesome.

>> No.3172536


cliche response #2


I'm with you as far as defending shuffle but are you trolling GSS and saya? The dude never even mentioned them, or am i misunderstanding

>> No.3172540


... No, its another of those god damned goreporn games, of course it was translated and so the "translated=now shit" can apply, I am just not going to play something like that.

>> No.3172542

Your opinion of good vns is only as wide as the games that are translated to english.
I'm not going to translate vns because of faggots like you.

>> No.3172544

this game is sucks, no joke guys.

People playing this must be retarded moefags from /a/.

>> No.3172552

You've obviously never played Gore Screaming Show, you really only get the gore ends as bad ends.

>> No.3172564

I'm guessing you're underage or English is your second language.

>> No.3172578

How in the fuck was Saya even a gore game?

>> No.3172586

lol @ dating sim

It's all the same crap, get over it.

VNs are only worthwhile when they have action. You better believe me now.

>> No.3172589

great, just had to go and mention gss or saya. Now you've multiplied the trolls who spotted this thread scrolling down

>> No.3172596

This thread partly illustrates why moot should delete /jp/.

>> No.3172608


Saya is not my thing but when the patch was released there was a shitload of Saya posts in /jp/ ... this means two things, its either decent or "MY EYES, THEY BURN !" as usual /b/ard tactics.

GGSS is a game I am aware of how it is, never did played and never will because its so extreme it even have a tone down option for the gore, not my kind of game.


Talk is cheap, I could even ask if you actually played the games and even if you understand Japanese because this is the Internet, I can be a 17 years old Brazilian swimsuit model if I want as long nobody catches me.

Of course with that reply, I can connect the dots ... semper fi.

>> No.3172614

Shounenfag spotted.
Enjoying your bleach/stay night I presume?

>> No.3172615

Shuffle sucks, we already know it.

Go play Umineko, OP. You won't be disappoint.

>> No.3172621

It's Gore Screaming Show, not Gore Gore Screaming Show.

>> No.3172623 [DELETED] 

Not sure. Will have to get back to you on this one.
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3172624


Your being mislead by that Gore-level option in GSS...it's actually not that bad at all. Unless you purposely get the bad ends but even then. Basically I can't see someone like dark translations doin GSS.

>> No.3172629

sage for dating sim shit.

>> No.3172632


>> No.3172633

the bot thought shuffle was okay.

Therefore the bot is correct.

>> No.3172679


I also know a bit about the stories and let me say I would help Yoshiki.

>> No.3172699

If you think Saya is gore you need to stop being such a faggot. Honestly.

>> No.3172725

ITT: underage faggots thinking saya is gore.

>> No.3172742

I just realize that the OP movie has tons of CGs not in the game...

>> No.3172754
File: 71 KB, 800x600, ticktack025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls, trolls, trolls.

>> No.3172756

They're in the artbook. Anybody have a download link for that? I've had no luck finding it.

>> No.3172768
File: 75 KB, 800x600, 000423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you'd burn the loli?

>> No.3172785

This game is completely dull, as expected from a dating sim.

It's yet another moeshit eroge to earn more monies from lonely otaku desperate for a good fap.

I don't even know why /jp/ still care about this stuff. Haven't we all agreed dating sim are shit?

>> No.3172790

Agreed. I already play the game few years back.

It is call downloading the HCG off /rs/.

>> No.3172793


I agree for the top 2 sentences, the 3rd one is shit though. Come on really, /jp/ agreed on something?

>> No.3172798

Semper Fi devil dog!

>> No.3172819

oh wow this VN is SHIT

stop talking about it guys

>> No.3172821
File: 61 KB, 642x481, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Why didn't they put it ingame?
Some of those looks like part of the plot, like this one.

>> No.3172830
File: 94 KB, 800x600, 000313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why burn the loli when you can eat schoolgirls?

>> No.3172832

Primula route is the only good route. And I don't even like lolis very much.

>> No.3172838

wasn't there a Muv-luv cg like this?

>> No.3172839


Too bad it won't be Ama, her VA refused to do H.

>> No.3172844


Artbook has only random images. I don't have a scanner so I can't show but they are usually made by different artists. They did the same with RiaRia (Really? really!) as well.

Also, there's no differing CGs in the opening other than the sunflower bit but then that all ties into the summer theme, the naming sake, and of course, the allusion to Rins belief that like summer, flowers are the sign of something new to come

>> No.3172849

Her VA is more concerned about her world tour coming up. From the looks of her blog she is going to be in Belgium, france germany and romania within the next 12 months alone.

I gotta say, for a J-pop singer, she is doing quite well.

Go Go Yuria!

>> No.3172856


Not sure never played it, you got me interested though I may have to dl the cg

>> No.3172857

Some of those images are in the artbook. They're in one of the artbooks anyway.

>> No.3172863

It's some little girl wearing Japanese clothes. You should really give up on ever getting an Ama route. We'll never get one.

>> No.3172896


I'd accept them kicking her ass out as VA and getting another one if it meant getting a fucking route. A necessary loss captain

>> No.3172909

Navel themselves have said something along the lines of give up.

>> No.3172932

Oh well, Rin better fuck the 3 wives of the King of Gods in return.

>> No.3172960

Sia's mother needs a route. She's beautiful.

>> No.3173090

Where can I download the English translation for this VN? Anyone?

>> No.3173094

No MILF porn = no dice.

>> No.3173102

Every fucking thread. Buy it off of mangagamer's site.

>> No.3173105


troll but if not I'll bite. go to tokyotosho and type in SHUFFLE. Really its that easy. I'd prefer you bought the damn game though

>> No.3173109

game is shit.

>> No.3173111

Thanks cutie <3

>> No.3173145

Sure is trolling around here.

>> No.3173157

I can't find the English translation there. Just the game, which I have. ;<

>> No.3173182
File: 366 KB, 612x842, 3139644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then buy it from Mangagamer. It if sells well we might get other Navel games like Oretsuba!

>> No.3173242

If I have to buy it I will, any other good H-games you want to recommend as well? :3
