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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 344 KB, 1325x1030, SWRRemirape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3170982 No.3170982 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread's autosaging

Post some IP!

>> No.3170985

Don't start a new thread if you can't host

>> No.3170995

Not that I can't host, but I'm eating right now, the old thread's 5 pages down, and I'm the only one free at the moment.

It's my civic duty, kid.

>> No.3170999

You sound like a bit of an asshole.

>> No.3171000

Lol you're eating on your computer??! You're a freak! Nobody on /jp/ does that!

>> No.3171003
US Midwest

>> No.3171011

What a slut.

>> No.3171070

Giant Tree hurr, GG whoever connected from the last thread.

Rehostan:, US East
CIRNO ONLY, maybe some Reisen on the side
Play for hours and write multiple paragraphs criticizing your style tier.

>> No.3171078


Look at Reisen, she loves it, even more than the masochist.

>> No.3171088

Why does everyone think she's a masochist anyway?

>> No.3171089

Are we going to start calling it Unthinkable Natural Law?

>> No.3171096
File: 272 KB, 600x600, 1224387357477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs Guy. West Coast US

Unyuu~ tier

>> No.3171106
File: 59 KB, 640x480, Bittenfeld crush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah; good games, Aya. It was sorta frustrating when I feel for the same uppercut every time, though; I really need to focus a little less on offense and a little more on thinking.

But...it's just not my style! ;_;

>> No.3171110


I can see Utsuho being broken tier once people figure out how to use her right.

>> No.3171112 [DELETED] 

I agree with you, OP.
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3171116
File: 341 KB, 599x846, 1238565413865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she has dialogue implying it.

>> No.3171122

hi there!

what happen you and kyon together?

>> No.3171124


I thought she was too slow at first, but the truth is I was underestimating her range and not spacing correctly.

>> No.3171130

I think her dialogue sounds taunting and badass, not masochistic.

>> No.3171134

GGs NuclearWinter, no idea where that lag came from though. Sorry about that, brah.


>> No.3171138
File: 154 KB, 600x800, 1239940558029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of what was intended, it's better this way. It makes her a bigger target for porn.

>> No.3171152

I do not see it as a positive because it does not make her a bigger target for being a button-pushing, immature badass.

>> No.3171156


Well, let me give a little bit of advice.

Meiling's 5C rainbow kick is very good. Not really against Utsuho (then again, not a lot of projectiles are good against her), but great against some of the other cast since it creates a huge GRAZE-THIS zone where you can trap people.

Don't do naked jump-ins on Okuu. She'll love you for it and promptly cape uppercut you into oblivion. Concentrate on making yourself a little more unpredictable; do lots of 2AAAAAA, then 6A or 3A. Stagger your melee too when you get in someone's face.

Also, still hosting at >>3171096

>> No.3171158

I just can't find a character that plays right for me. Perhaps I should just use Raymoo?

>> No.3171178
File: 11 KB, 251x209, tenshiSWRrockdrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you mainly use in other fighting games?

>> No.3171193

I don't normally play fighting games. Thought I might as well get started with a Touhou fighting game.

>> No.3171240

Well, Reimu's a nice balanced character to start with, and doesn't have a lot of shortcomings to be aware of like others. Yuyuko's the easiest and probably the most fun to learn, but may be a bit slower than what you want to use. Also, Suika's a good candidate to start with as well.

Just stay away from Suwako, Utsuho, Sanae, Remi, and Alice for now, as they require much more precision in their training than the rest of the cast.

>> No.3171262

bump for IPs

>> No.3171276


>> No.3171305

Newbie tier~

>> No.3171391

US West coast.
??? Teir. Do please kick my ass /jp/, 'k?

>> No.3171402

Wasn't able to connect.

>> No.3171411



It was working fine yesterday. Guess I'd better double check or something.

>> No.3171414

Good games yet again, Duckator. Way to take complete advantage of my shitty defense; also, making me think of a different setup on the spot because you kept grazing through my old one.

>> No.3171429

go go go

>> No.3171438



You're joking, right?

>> No.3171445


ggs giant tree. it seems to have crashed after that last round, and it's getting about dinner time here anyways.

>> No.3171474

Good games.
>making me think of a different setup on the spot because you kept grazing through my old one
Thats not hard to do when you use the same setup every time, although that jump kick did surprise a few times. Also, I need to remember to block on wakeup more. I hate playing defensively but I had no other choice with that offense of yours.


>> No.3171475

Looks like my router somehow deleted my entry for SWR's forwarding. Quite vexing.

Let us try this again.

>> No.3171491

I actually use 5C quite a bit.

...Just not really against Okuu. I'll keep the other stuff in mind, though; I wish I could chain 2A -> 2B, that would really open some combos up...but alas, it doesn't seem to work that way.

>> No.3171515


>> No.3171555

Oh my fuckin' god, GGs Kyre.
You may or may not agree with me here - most likely not - but I think I'd have to say I enjoyed those matches more than any I've played since this came out. Okuu vs. Cirno is a mind-blowingly fun matchup because it actually FEELS like the canon characters fighting each other.

Think about it: On one side you have Cirno. Frail, lovable ice fairy, infamous for being a complete dumbshit. Challenges powerful youkai under belief that she's the strongest. On the other side you have Utsuho, controlling nuclear fusion and not giving a shit, goddamn.
Obviously, Cirno's going to get crushed in close combat, and ranged isn't that much difference. So what can she do? That's what makes this so fun: The Cirno player is clearly at a disadvantage unless they manage to graze and time their attacks to hit in between those gigantic balls of nuclear whatever. The whole point here is to get perfect spacing and timing to hit with stuff like 6A while not getting your ass FRIED.

That said, if you're here Magister I'd like to let you know that I love the crap out of you right now. Until last night I didn't think much of 6A but you made me realize just how well it works in what would otherwise be an impossible fight.
While I'm at it Kyre, one pointer even though you had the advantage and showed it: A bunch of times, instead of firing off your 5Cs you'd just rush forward twice in what looked like an attempt to get to my side of the screen. While it makes sense that you'd try to hit me up close since all I'm doing is grazing, while you're dashing Chiruno's 66C has blatant priority over anything you could possibly do. Utsuho can never dash across the screen against Cirno without stopping to block, period.


Now that I'm finished with that, rehosting in a second.

>> No.3171583


Anonymous have mercy. GG.

>> No.3171619

GGs. I think I forgot spellcards existed or something.

>> No.3171625

Gonna try Reimu, I guess.

>> No.3171636
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>> No.3171647

VGGs, forgot your name (wasn't tryin to, honestly!)

Incredible corner game you've got. I still can't see a way out of it, but I'll figure it out soon enough. You also have some patience in the corner too, but once I saw I could snuff you with a melee ending (two of which Cirno and China are blessed to have), I got you every time. Watch out for that in the future.

Had to quit because I can't stop laughing at Damn Near-Double KO Catfish Kill! How the Hell I survived it, I don't know!

>> No.3171687
File: 328 KB, 640x480, Softest and Strongest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, something doesn't seem right with this.

>> No.3171699


Now you're thinking with portals.

>> No.3171703

Yeah. That's Patch instead of Youmu.

>> No.3171706

But I messed up my corner blockstrings half the time and you got out every time.
And Okuu specializes in getting stuck in the corner and getting her pokes stuffed. ;_;

>> No.3171718

east coast
mediocre with all touhous, haven't unlocked most cards, and I choose a random touhou.

looking for a fun match. 3~5 matches.


>> No.3171737

Jesus crap, brutal slut is BRUTAL.
Even her own god can't beat her ;_;

GGs sadfacesanae, but I don't think you're going to get much enjoyment out of me until I finish practicing my ass off.
There will be a time when this Cirno really WILL be the strongest, but that time is not now.
Off to grind.

>> No.3171744

I watched that. He destroyed me last night too. I'd love for a rematch (with probably the same results).

>> No.3171745
suika helicopter tier

>> No.3171747

EU -

(it should work.. but i havent tested it yet)

>> No.3171771

Yeah, I escaped, but when I'd come back to punish your missed j.6A, you'd backhand cannon me to the face everytime! I say it was a nice bait rather than a screwup.

Invest in some counter (Iku's wrap) and pushblock (Komachi's coin) cards. You won't have to worry too much about lockdowns 4/5ths of the time. I'm still trying to learn to pushblock correctly for Cirno since she needs it as much as Okuu.

>> No.3171786

good games tree, yeah sanae is pretty brutal
shes not a slut ;_;

>> No.3171793

I don't mind losing, but what REALLY bothered me was that SC that hits from the top of the screen. That's just the most fucking ridiculous thing I've seen in my life.

I've yet to see any other Sanae player use it and I'm definitely not one myself so I can just assume here that either it's easily blockable/grazeable and this person just knows exactly how to combo into it or that shit's just completely broken. I'm sure it's the former but just because I don't have entirely too much to complain about I'll just say it's the latter and make that thing the new target of my broken complaints.

>> No.3171794

does not work

>> No.3171799

Australian hosts where are you

>> No.3171815




>> No.3171825


stupid shit -.- .. lets see where the problem is..

>> No.3171837

THAT's where you've been.
I missed you after I crashed against someone earlier and you didn't show up ;_;

>> No.3171854

It's no different for Reimu's Barrier off a critical 66C or Yukari's Train from 66C from SWR. All it takes is a critical pop to place a character up there. Nothing broken about it. I ate many of them yesterday against sadface too. Solution: Watch the cards and protect yourself from the 66C when you see it.

>> No.3171857

Great games, Rue. I think we can safely say that you're "Better-than-Guy" tier. ;_;

>> No.3171896
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>> No.3171921


Though your Meiling is far superior to mine. And you're a lot better at blockstrings. If you can't tell I have a lot of difficulty in finding an exit. Actually, if you can't tell, I don't even really make much of an attempt at combos at all. I generally prefer isolated hits, or tiny combos where I can get em. Still trying to find how to properly use Meilings "u asplode now, k?" spellcard, because it is bad-ass.

Of course when I'm playing Sakuya its a mute point because I'm usually the only on the aggressive or I just teleport out of the corner or something. But then again, I main her, so I'm pretty used to her quirks.

Seriously though, good games, and good use of one of my favorite characters.

>> No.3171950

>> No.3171960
File: 16 KB, 363x510, 1242102392170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mute point

>> No.3171967

>Nothing broken about it.

There's nothing broken about Remi 22B/C either. Did that stop the whole community from complaining about it when SWR came out?
The hell it did. Welcome to the internet.

>> No.3171970
File: 56 KB, 500x472, Meiling knife dodging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks alot, bro; your commentary is very much welcome. Your Sakuya is, if you forgive my vulgarity, a cruel bitch who is wont to snatch victory right when it's closest to me. The bloody Goddess of Victory was waving her underpants in my face and you manage to turn it around and dominate me. You have no idea how much that hurt my morale.

Your Meiling may be better than you give her credit, though. I'm a hyper-aggressive player, so I try to stay on the offensive as much as possible, to the point of even sacrificing some life; whereas you seemed to be really good at guarding against everything I threw at you and then counterattacking with one precision hit. Truth to tell, for an offense-oriented player like myself, seeing all of my chains and set-ups get guarded is quite disheartening.

Really though, those were some fun games.

>> No.3171984

GGs SDD. I can't take anymore of that craziness.

>> No.3171989

which has the most player community is it here /jp/, irc or anywhere else?

>> No.3171999

Guess I'll try Marisa this time!

>> No.3172000

Incoming tourney fagness for Utsuho.
These *might* be viable in real play, use at own risk.
Or blame Lokanas.

>> No.3172001

not many people pick up suika helicopter to fight another suika helicopter
well done


>> No.3172002


>> No.3172019

I actually enjoy playing against Okuu. I feel like it keeps me on my toes.

>> No.3172020

>Suwako, Utsuho, Sanae, Remi, and Alice

Suwako is utter crap, same goes to Sanae, they need several buffs. Remi is now shit because her 2C doesn't combo as it did in 10.5, Alice's zoning game is quite good.

>> No.3172042

heh, well of course, japan(good one). well, how about English community?

>> No.3172055

I wish sanae's wind graze works on the ground too. why on air only...

>> No.3172090
File: 27 KB, 514x382, suikaaniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cho suika tier

>> No.3172092

You haven't played the good ones yet.

And you totally missed the point I made. A beginner has no reason to use those unless they want to overly frustrate themselves.

>> No.3172113

Ggs. I had no fucking clue what I was doing with Suwako there.

>> No.3172122

beast coast is best coast

>> No.3172130
US East
Relatively low level.

>> No.3172137


ahaha, GG Jetm totally murdered me.
I need to learn how to pressure the opponent with all touhous. This is my 2nd day playing with /jp/ anons, so I don't know what the general skill level is, but if you are about average, than I can confidently say that I'm fucked. anywho GG.

>> No.3172145

>> No.3172149

Don't worry, I'm from IRC. Most of us play quite a bit, and barring them coming here, you should find an average skill level more closer to your own.

>> No.3172157

Makes me wonder, why hasn't /jp/ or Mizuumi had a East vs. West tournament like the other fighters?

Protip: All the big named SWR players are West Coast, son!

>> No.3172159


eh I lagged out, wierd. Sorry about that though.

>> No.3172163

Don't know why it crashed as soon as weather changed. Rehosting.

>> No.3172182


Goodgames to the Utsuho I played.

>> No.3172191

ah okay, my confidence level is not bottomed out anymore.
Any mid-low tier players?

>> No.3172192

Is there any way to keep the cards you get during an arcade mode run without completely beating it? If were to die and quit, do I keep the cards I get so far?

Fucking Tenshi and her crashing the game when you beat her...trolling shit.

>> No.3172217

Sounds like the game ragequit on you. :3

>> No.3172218

If you lose, you still gain cards. You can also get cards for finishing Story or vs. CPU.

You do know there's a .dat that has 4 of each card at Mizuumi, right?

>> No.3172238


Yeah you should, I have the same problem as well. Fucking sux, man. I think it's Utsuho who causes it

>> No.3172245

Needed a small break after that last set of matches. Expect me to play mostly Meiling, since I want to get better at her. Might break out my Sakuya if I start getting frustrated.

... if you dominate her, I'll probably just cry in the corner while taking notes.


By the way, who did you play in SWR, since there was no kung fu goddess around?

>> No.3172252

I can't access that site for some reason, so its out of the question.

>> No.3172265


GGs to the Utsuho player. (bob51, I think?)

>> No.3172282
File: 90 KB, 640x908, Iku giga drill breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh, in all honesty, I didn't play SWIRR much (because they took out Meiling). But, when I did play, I usually ended up choosing Iku, for the disco fever and drill specials. Drill combos into lightning strikes were really fun to do, but I wasn't really good with her at all.

>> No.3172299
File: 142 KB, 500x500, 1219099559329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3172299 West Coast US

Unyuuu~~ tier

>> No.3172301

Yeah sorry had to go 2 mins, don't mind other matches now though.

>> No.3172341


GGs, I don't think that's mid tier playing. Or maybe I just suck way too much.

>> No.3172347

eh damm dc.

GG Laevatein.

low-mid tier

>> No.3172348

Good games Magister, it's nice to lose for once.
I'd like to see what you can do with Suwako.

>> No.3172356

well, I guess im mid tier as long as guys like Jetm are around...

>> No.3172359


Gonna have to call it quits for now, the lag was getting kinda outrageous.

Lots of GG and lulzy moments as usual. Was lots of fun.

Also FUCK YEAH FABULOUS SIDE STEPPIN GAEMS. A shame Iku is so fucking shit now.

>> No.3172371

If you didn't get your ass totally obliterated by the likes of Jetm, then you are somewhere in the middle.

>> No.3172387

GGs, Duckator. I hate Cirno's stubby stubby limbs, they're killing me. You gotta ease up on the dashouts, or at least do more HJouts. After a while, the mindgame became "do I icecharge or don't icecharge after 5C", and never really went any further.

>> No.3172406

sup input delay?

>> No.3172417



Looks like some namefaggotry is in order.
GGs like always Hlid, but if it's the same problem as last night I think I know exactly where this lag's coming from.
Unfortunately that means I'm gonna have to take a break from hostan for an hour or so.

I saved those replays though, especially the one where your timestop ended while you were inside that icicle. Lol'd HARD at that one.

While I'd love to prepare a longass rant about the card limit and how I go entire fucking matches without icesword showing up, that's really just too much work.
Hostan again in about an hour, I guess.

>> No.3172446

gg mister mana(?)
sorry if that was getting too spammy

>> No.3172448

ggs to that awesome sanae player

>> No.3172457

Nah, I just gotta take a break. Good games, man.

>> No.3172501


I gotta sleep, but ill be hanging around any threads tomorrow evening.

>> No.3172521

GGs Aya. Sorry about challenging you when way out of your league.

We have to play IaMP again sometime.

>> No.3172522


GGs, kind of felt bad Komachi could never approach me safely. Thank god for those 6B atoms Okuu has.

>> No.3172525

GG ZennyArk pretty good matchup right there, even though you beat me most of the games... ow well.

rehosting for last time tonight:
low-mid tier or mid tier idk

>> No.3172538

pls let me if it doesnt work.

>> No.3172593

thanks for testing it, magister. i know u are in a different level. gg.

>> No.3172604

Oh, sure, no problem. GG.

>> No.3172643

Should be lag-free now.

Rehostan until my hands can't move anymore:
US East, STRONGEST tier, etc.

>> No.3172651

rehosting, low-tier.

>> No.3172673

When I first got this installed in such, I had an odd problem where my decks were completely missing when I played. No cards at all. I think I managed to clear this up by creating a new profile, but a friend of mine is having the same problem, but nothing he's doing helps. Any ideas?

>> No.3172675

Those matches made for some great replays. I was able to see how I kept using attacks while you were obviously grazing!

Every time I kept using Marisa's 5B at strange moments, I was TRYING to do a 214B. It just never worked for some reason. Slight input lag, maybe?

Also, that sure-fire master spark in the second match was great.

>> No.3172714

there does seem to be something weird with the inputs in the expansion
they're a lot clunkier, and it seems even more apparent while in the air

and yeah, the super timings were pretty fun

>> No.3172724

ggs to that awesome suwako player.
You don't happen to be the same person I played before, are you?

>> No.3172734


Yeah, 2 perfects in a row. I'm done.

I have absolutely no idea what I am supposed to do when I'm in block stun. Its like the second I block a single hit, I might as well just throw the controller out the window.

>> No.3172748

Ah, Ggs then. Technically, it was one perfect and a near perfect. Just wait for the inevitable bullets and Border escape. Patience is key unless it's some crazy character that can eat all your orbs in a single rotation. Take advantage of your f.5a some more. It has great range, speed, and active frames, making it a wonderful poke so that you can continue pressure.


>> No.3172751

nope I haven't played you before
suwako's fun once you learn her

>> No.3172766 US
sad sanae

>> No.3172776

Was just destroyed by Jetm. Need to murder someone.

>> No.3172800

Good games, DAzure. You seem to have a pretty decent grasp of everyone; as opposed to me, who can only really use Meiling. Actually, I was going to recommend that you try using Yuyuko, but you ended up using her anyways; you're pretty good at playing keep away and zoning, so it seemed like a better character for you.

Man, I hate fighting Yuyukos. ;_;

>> No.3172802

You haven't been murdered by Jetm until you've been Double Perfect'd by him


>> No.3172803

That was awesome "Guy"
Looking forward to more matches with you.

btw, you completely destroyed my 2 best touhous: Tenshi and Yuyuko...

haaaaah, I'll get better one day.

>> No.3172808

Where can I download the patch?

>> No.3172816

At least you're competent with two. My love for Meiling won't allow me to cheat on her. ;_;

>> No.3172827

Haha, yeah I was "saving the best for last"
I like playing with random touhous, but I was losing by like 0:7 so I used Yuyuko.. still lost though ;_;
Thanks for the encouraging words.

On another note, I see other ppl have been uhmm.. owned... by Jetm!

>> No.3172831

those those melee hurts alot, umaicake. gg.

>> No.3172836

Haha, you are really good with Meiling though.
To tell you the truth, I haven't used the new characters very much.

Well, that was enough UNL for the night.
Back to dling more c76 releases.

>> No.3172840
File: 45 KB, 217x232, suikahelicopter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
us central, random select user
suika helicopter tier

>> No.3172842


>> No.3172883


Looks like we froze for obvious reasons though; thanks a lot and GGs Magister. I really learned everything I needed to know, especially stuff like 5B is a LOT better than I thought it was. I forget if those freezetraps are 623 or 22 but if they're 22, goddamn those are going in my deck now.

I'm gonna need to work on my corner pressure, for the most part. A LOT.
Rehostan in a minute or two once I change my deck around.

>> No.3172888


Its become obvious that I have to practice blockstrings and how to escape from them. I had hoped to avoid doing so since I really detest the entire idea behind it, but apparently its unavoidable.

>> No.3172893

Looks like it froze on me. That's the first time I've gotten a freeze like that. Oh well, GGs. That delay wasn't bad at all, much better than last night. Cirno mirror is...interesting. Icicles everywhere, which ones are mine?! I'm liking Cirno the more I play her, but my hate for no reach on anything but 3A/6A/66C grows just as much.

>> No.3172904


I think he was approximately 1/100000th a lifebar from a double perfect? But thanks for the sentiment anyway.

>> No.3172912

You could fight low-leveled /jp/ people.

>> No.3172919

West Coast US Hosting

everyone with a pulse can kick my ass tier.

>> No.3172921

I tried, but I guess I'll have to hold that "crown" a little longer ;_;

>> No.3172966

Just noticed this post while reading through the thread.
He won all 8~10 matches, but "only" like 2 or 3 lives where he perfected me... I guess that keeps me snugly at lower spectrum of mid tier /o/

Oh, another thing I noticed was that many ppl seem to have problems with lag, when out of 4 different people I played, only the matches with Guy were very slightly laggy for me. I guess I'm lucky that there are many players/ /jp/anons in this area

>> No.3172978

Central US, Hosting

I don't have a pulse tier

>> No.3172982


I'd rather learn to play the game "right". Even if I choose to not use the tactics, it would be nice to be able to defend against it when a more skilled player appears.

I generally don't like to bitch about fighting games, and I really like SWR/UNL compared to a lot of them. I just don't like the concept of blockstun. Makes approximately zero sense, and seems to make the game more about remembering blockstrings at higher levels. Not to disrespect the people that can do it, as it takes a lot of skill.

That said, I'm sure I'll enjoy it more once I learn to do it. I just literally do not know where to start. Should I be boarder escaping every single time I'm trapped in stun and they do a projectile? Or is there some point in each string where I'm out of stun long enough to actually do something? And if I'm below 5 spheres, am I more or less fucked if the other person gets me in a string, or are there ways to defend at 1 or fewer spheres? I simply don't know

>> No.3172989

I must be easily amused, because I fucking laughed.

>> No.3173011

US Central
Fuck a tier and play tier

>> No.3173021

GGs. Impressive showing again.

I hope one day I'll be lucky enough to steal 2 rounds in one game.

>> No.3173031

good games again, was fun

>> No.3173039

This lag is awful...
Starting again in 10 minutes

>> No.3173040

GGs. Lag was kinda bad, though.

>> No.3173068

Yeah GGS

>> No.3173077

Great games; you've got a very solid Cirno there. Unfortunately, my food is now ready, so I have to cut it short.

Thanks for the fun matches.

>> No.3173083

Newbie tier.

>> No.3173092


Not a shabby China yourself. Til next time!

>> No.3173093

maybe they forgot they were dling c76 releases. that could lag things.

>> No.3173096

what would it mean for you guys if i set up a site that let you challenge other players in real time?

>> No.3173095 [DELETED] 


>> No.3173098

>> No.3173101


>> No.3173103 WC /jp/ tier

>> No.3173104

There's already an IRC channel for that

>> No.3173114

I've yet to lose to a single Cirno player. Other than her 66C, all her attacks are easily avoidable.

>> No.3173117

East Coast host

Playing around with Cirno and Utsuho. Definitely up for some matches with the older characters.

>> No.3173123

The IRC, and it's there to separate the serious players from the casuals. We don't need another mixer site, it's bad enough the two clash here on /jp/.

>> No.3173131

US Midwest

>> No.3173146

I'm back
West Coast US
Anyone with a pulse can kick my ass tier.

>> No.3173155

I, for one, despise the unholy shit out of IRC so I'd definitely be up for it.
But don't expect anybody else

Looks like yours is a frog I can't freeze. GGs.
I think I'm done for tonight though unless I end up getting butthurt over another Cirno arg--
Goddamnit. ;_;

>> No.3173170

gg umaicake
your nukebird combos are pretty

>> No.3173173

fffffff getting raped by sephirot here ;_;

>> No.3173174


>> No.3173186 WC THE STRONGEST

>> No.3173190

I doubt KYON is here now but meh...

>> No.3173194

Props to you for doing all randoms

>> No.3173200

If a move only makes you flinch a little, then blockstun for it is also short, but if a move has the potential to send you flying across the screen, the blockstun for that move is proportionally much greater. So the idea behind strings is to to either:

1. Link several lightly-powered moves/few heavy moves together to make a seamless blockstun that the opponent can't escape from until he/she is crushed, you stop/mess up, etc. Also called an airtight string. A string doesn't HAVE to go on until it crushes. None of the characters can really do this properly anymore anyway, so it shouldn't matter much.

2. Stagger hits and create gaps between attacks large enough to let the opponent try to do something, but small enough that even a jab is too slow. This is the kind of pressure you get in most fightan, and this is what Alice is particularly good at(I assume he was playing Alice).

In SWRS, all your melee is bound to one button and doesn't really cancel into itself beyond mashing A, so you bullet to fill in the gaps. But if they're doing a bullet and there's a gap, you can graze. All (effective) strings must have a bullet in it at some point, and nobody's really got airtight bullet strings anymore, so there is always a gap somewhere.

>> No.3173202

good game kamawhatsit, but I'm gonna try and see I wasn't causing any of that awful lag.

>> No.3173208


there are a ton of total scrubs/medium skilled players in IRC too, it's not all frame-counting fighting game gods.

>> No.3173217

I seem to always end up grazing into a bullet storm and either:

- Getting hit by bullets anyways
- Get smacked by a melee attack

It is somewhat unfortunate, and telling of my lack of skill.

>> No.3173224

nah its me being an Ausfag and all

>> No.3173227


Mid-Tier, Can Central (Again, no Utsuho, because it makes my game crash)

>> No.3173237


So in other words I don't even have to boarder escape at all then, unless I'm about to be crushed, is that what you're saying?

Also, he played, like, everyone. I think part of me died inside. It was particularly bad when he played alice. He didn't even have to blockstring me much. I'd try to hit him, then suddenly I would be across the screen missing more than a 1/3 my lifebar. Though that's a completely different subject there.

>> No.3173244

Troll harder, faggot. I bet you've never even played this.


So, watching the crap out of replays here, and one thing I notice as being the biggest difference between supposed low- and high-level players is that the latter will ALWAYS focus on setting things up around the screen, whether it be traps or whatever. Meanwhile, the former will play only as the character and promptly taste rape if their opponent isn't doing the same thing.
I think the only thing keeping me - and most others - from making the transition is just lack of concentration.
No matter how hard I try I just can't get to the point where doing that becomes second nature, and it isn't fun ;_;

Is there something I'm missing or am I just a scrub?

>> No.3173254 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3173257

Also, one of the main ideas of this game is to get them to graze, then hit them with melee. Essentially, put your opponent in a situation where both a bullet and your fist are bearing down on him, forcing him to either block or take damage.

If you really can't find places to escape, and you think you have to BE, any time your opponent links lots of bullets in a sequence, immediately after a very sluggish attack, or when you know that the next attack must be a bullet are all good spots to BE. But most strings run off of fear. If they're not afraid of you/vice versa, you'd be surprised how much shit doesn't work, but a good player will want you to be unafraid at first, because then he'll start punishing your movement instead of overwhelming you.

>> No.3173278

GGs. Sorry if I seem like a jerk joining a "newbie tier" game, but I've been getting my ass handed to me all day and I'm not even sure what constitutes a newbie anymore.

>> No.3173285


Very newbie tier, just raped, be gentle if you plan to rape again.

>> No.3173293 <- gg, destroyed me ;_;

>> No.3173295


Exactly, that's why Cirno sucks. The metagame is about a balance of both long-ranged attacks and close-ranged melee. All of Cirno's brawl tactics suck and will only catch those who haven't practiced against a Cirno enough, and most of the long-ranged attacks can be grazed. There's is no excuse to lose to a Cirno after you've had enough practice.

>> No.3173305


There's no port 9999 on 12.3 you nigger.

>> No.3173308

Haha, yeah his Alice destroyed me the hardest as well.
I'm always up for a good lower-mid/mid tier games. I think playing people of your own level, or slightly better than you is the best way to get better at this game ;_;
Talking about blockstrings, I can only use Tenshi's, which I think is the easiest to learn.

>> No.3173312


Ah. I was aware of the concept of using danmaku to cover your melee, though I'm still trying to figure out good ways of achieving this.

As for surviving block strings, I think the only way I'm going to get better at it is to practice the hell out of it. I kinda feel bad taking up a more skilled player's time by sucking so hard though. Afterall, it isn't fun if there's no challenge involved.

>> No.3173315

yes there is nigger

>> No.3173317



>> No.3173318

>>3173190 here
Sorry Hojo, my connection is working like shit today.
Thanks for the games though.

>> No.3173327


Protip: You can set the port to whatever the fuck you feel like.

>> No.3173333


You can use whatever port. It makes no difference.

>> No.3173334

If you understand that much then it just takes time before it's applied. Setups are important in all fightan. It doesn't have to be something like Alice dolls or "I've got an explosive bullet that will go off if you step here", but controlling what the opponent can and cannot do is something you always want to consider. Throw random bullets at the sky, the clear answer is for the opponent to come via the ground, etc. You just want to get inside their head, if possible.

>> No.3173355

I'm from Mexico, I figured we wouldn't lag that much, but guess I was wrong.

>> No.3173358


Thanks. You've been really helpful.

>> No.3173373

Get a new fuckin computer, xXxUnderageb&xXx.

>> No.3173378

You're probably far away. I'm East Coast.

Still hosting.

>> No.3173387 WC /jp/ tier, Cirno and Sanae

>> No.3173412

I admit that Cirno has shit for melee. 6A is enormous but slow, and everything else is just...but she's not that kind of character at all, in my opinion. No unpenetrable danmaku, gross blockstrings or anything. Just short, quick bursts of bullets, graze setups aplenty, and good speed and movement to get her in, stick it to you, and get back out again. Very pokey, and my kind of character, even if she is, honestly, lacking.

>> No.3173419

Sorry, about the lag, I forgot I have a bunch of stuff running for C76.

>> No.3173421

As much as I know I'm going to fag up the thread by responding to this, she has alt. skillcards - 623 and 214 to be precise - specifically for the purpose of creating more melee options. The ONLY real problem with this is that getting them quickly enough is a gamble, so situationally an unlucky Cirno player would suck hard in certain matchups, but conversely getting the right cards can turn the match in her favor against nearly anybody.

Right; that's something I've been trying to pull off for years but the furthest I've ever gotten is planning out situations and imagining how an opponent will react BEFORE a match starts -- once I'm actually playing I just draw blanks.
Players who I know have skill especially; during my matches with you I might as well have been having a seizure the whole time, goddamn.

But for the most part that mindset is why I started playing Reisen to begin with, since nearly everything in her arsenal is about altering the players' perception and winning by inspiring human error rather than spamming or broken bullshit.
Unfortunately that hasn't gone over well either since I've given her both a 'mindfuck' deck and a 'really cheap SC' deck which was originally just going to be an anti-Utsuho thing. It's the only one that ever wins.

I guess from the looks of it I'm just going to have to waste MORE years of my life practicing this crap. Oh well.

>> No.3173423

How should Cirno fight youmu???

>> No.3173453

With a stick, while she sleeps.

But in a stage, with a sword? The girl is unbeatable!

>> No.3173466

>anti-Utsuho thing.
Just play Patchy and outspam her. If there's a way to play Utsuho other than spam spam spam 5C and 6C, this might not work, but I've yet to see it.

>> No.3173483

Sorry about the subpar last match, trying to eat and play at the same time just doesn't work, so I'll focus on eating.

That China didn't feel very newbie tier!

>> No.3173489


Sana GG. My moral has been improved a little after being beaten up.


>> No.3173492

Still hosting, EC

>> No.3173500

Hey Magister, what's your opinion on Sanae? When 12.3 first came out, everyone said she sucked, but yesterday I got the crap kicked out of me by a Sanae who loved her air unblockable melee and really put on nice pressure. Was that player just absurdly good or is Sanae genuinely a good character?

>> No.3173506

oh, well that would do it.
Rehosting, US Midwest

>> No.3173532

GGs Saje

It's always a blast fighting you! Now if I can only get on par with you in Meltan...

>> No.3173534

Well, must be getting some sleep. GGs as always E-Man, had some fun. Have to play again some time though hopefully my Cirno does a little better then. She was doing pretty decently on /jp/ up until you saw through my ridiculously obvious aerial approach, j.5A j.5C 623B, rinse, wash, repeat cycle.

>> No.3173540

Reisen's default 214B/C destroys 5C.
Buffing that was all I was really going for but the deck in general turned out better than the other one even with the lack of green potions, so I use it when shit gets tough.

Besides, I've played good matches against Okuu players with even Cirno before. It's just all about timing and positioning.

>> No.3173541

ggs whoever was fightan me.
(For some reason I just cannot win against Yuyuko...)

Also, rehostan.

>> No.3173558

That's pretty natural, I think. You might need to fight a specific person or something, but sometimes you need to get your thinking processes triggered. I'm much stronger when I fight the guy currently playing under the name sadfacesanae than when I fight anyone else.

I fought a good Youmu earlier today. Granted, I had even less of an idea of what I was doing with Cirno than I do now, but that matchup is definitely hard. I can't stay still and counter, nor can I lay it on thick; I'm literally running around, avoiding Youmu while getting random hits. I need to play that matchup more before I can really know what to do.

>> No.3173587

Gonna rest for about an hour

>> No.3173607


>> No.3173613

Good games again, Nipah. The lag was making things pretty slow, unfortunately.

Nice job pulling that Okuu victory off.

>> No.3173621

I dunno how well this would work against better players, but my Utsuho has been doing pretty well on /jp/ with just some very basic "Wait, watch, punish" games. 3A is ridiculously good anti-air and always combos into 2C for an easy 1.5k damage (CH 3A requires an annoyingly different timing though, so I tend to miss it regularly...). 66C is another stupid easy 1.1k damage from an anti-air graze attack which a lot of people still fail to realize can be squeezed inbetween melee and bullet attacks on block. A lot of people also still don't know how to block her Dial-A correctly, meaning you can do a lot of spirit damage off of 5AA A/6A/3A + bullets. I only touch 5C when I knockdown my opponent and 6C for combos or when they do something stupidly obviously punishable.

>> No.3173622

You lmao

>> No.3173624

You know, now that I think about it that makes perfect sense; there really always has been somebody who feels like a recurring rival or something in fightan.
I know during the first couple months of SWR I'd always play someone from /jp/ called limiter and do better in those matches than with anyone else just because we'd developed a better mutual understanding from getting used to the same thing. And there's definitely no shortage in that kind of stuff now.
That's definitely some good self-improvement advice, thanks bro.

>Granted, I had even less of an idea of what I was doing with Cirno than I do now

You say that like there are better Cirnos on /jp/.


>> No.3173630

Don't know how much it's worth me tell you how to fight, but counter those damn Youmu flying elbows with a nice 22B! It's been saving my ass against alot of people who like to crossup/drop down on you. 2C works just as well, but it's slower to release that the ice block.

Again, you and I will have to play one of these days, but I need to chill for a bit now.

>> No.3173640


Guy GG, we met again. At least I got a victory this time.


>> No.3173642


>> No.3173658

thx for remembering. but Im pretty bad now compared to back then. i havent been keeping up.

>> No.3173660

You probably missed it, but that's the Sanae I was talking about in >>3173500

Now, Sanae, shit or not?

>> No.3173679
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Underrated, as far as I can tell. The two good Sanae players on /jp/ has changed my views of her crappiness in a matter of a few hours.

Now why does this all seem so damn familiar, I wonder....

>> No.3173681

GGs whoever I was playing

>> No.3173683

sorry that i wasn't a challenge
that youmu vs youmu was the saddest thing i've ever seen

>> No.3173695

Ohhh, THAT'S what Lim was short for. Durr.
Then again, I quit after the first few months of SWR because I ended up doing a system restore and just didn't feel like redownloading it until now. I also didn't know shit about forwarding ports back then so that was a big limiter on how much I could play.

Bad puns aside, goddamnit /jp/ I can't sleep like this.
Rehosting for whoever, whenever, whyever. Just until I can sleep.
US East but lag doesn't matter.

>> No.3173697

my youmu is pretty strong

she's the strongest touhou afterall

>> No.3173698

Goku to my Vegeta, etc.,

His skill definitely accounts tremendously. Sanae is top tier. Because he says so.

She's definitely not trash, but I don't see her being top, either. That spot's for Youmu. Somewhere in the middle?

>> No.3173726

Thus far, my greatest achievement in this game is that I have won one round against that Sanae. I didn't actually win the entire match; but I won one round!

Regardless, I was still inordinately proud of myself. ;_;

>> No.3173732
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>> No.3173733

i felt that Sanae works very similar to Rachel(my main) of Blazblue. so she's not newbie friendly in that regard.

>> No.3173772


Frustrated newbie tier looking for more frustrated newbies.

>> No.3173777

Ew, froze after one match.
GG, although I'm going to have to apologize for that nonsense you just witnessed there. I just can't concentrate at all anymore, probably because I'm trying too hard TO concentrate. Looks like it's just watching replays or spectating for me tonight.

I'm sure I could think of better examples, but personally I think Reimu and Sanae are just like Yui and Saki in vanpri: They're the same damn thing.
They both have similar moves and playstyles, both are fairly easy for new players to ease into and still have setups that make them dangerous in high-level play. I don't know what you'd call that but if neither of them are top tier I don't know what is.

inb4 Remi

Also inb4 trolls who start complaining that Remi isn't even good. Because they're right.

>> No.3173788
us central, suika helicopter tier

>> No.3173795

Sanae would have rise up if she doesnt have that stupid support charging bars.

>> No.3173807

>suika helicopter tier
I personally think it's frustrating when people say things like this because I don't know what the fuck it's supposed to mean.

>> No.3173811

If she didn't have those, she'd be incredibly overpowered.

>> No.3173817



>> No.3173826

Because player tiers aren't real. Only characters have tiers.

This shit is just a HIP AND FRESH new way to sound unique. Too bad everyone says the same goddamn things.

>> No.3173840

The Suikacopter is a goofy-looking move.

But in this case, you should take it literally. I played him earlier today, and no skill level (low/mid/high) can really accurately describe it.

>> No.3173861 WC too good for /jp/ not good enough for IRC tier

>> No.3173862
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>> No.3173883

Huh, this thread is like an IMing place.

>> No.3173892

sorry, too laggy

>> No.3173893

Real fun mirror matches there Utsuho guy. I would keep playing but I have to do something real quick, will probably host again in a few minutes.

>> No.3173906

GGs, it was fun but I got bored towards the end...

>> No.3173911

thanks for games loli=justice, had to cut out to do other stuff at the hour's end
was fun, even with the slowness of the connection

it means every time a normal suika player would use loliball, i use aerial up+a instead
quite self explanatory

>> No.3173925

Its interesting Suika keroXD
but,so laggy..game and /jp/.

>> No.3173929

That's a lot of aerial up+a.

>> No.3173932

you wouldn't even believe it

>> No.3174015

gg, lag is horrible though. damn Cirno ball is scary.

>> No.3174049


GG. You wiped the floor with me.

>> No.3174200

Us West Coast. Looking for someone low/mid tier.
Of course, if someone of godlike skill would like to rape my face, I could use the practice in learning to defend.

>> No.3174261

Someone needs to make a new thread..

>> No.3174270


Just to make it clear, I didn't disconnect on that one.

>> No.3174279


That was probably me. I hate my internet.

>> No.3174306



>> No.3174440

Need a new thread soon.

>> No.3174626


Up for a few.

>> No.3174968


Good games. Took me a while before I finally noticed that Utsuho's wing thrust move can't be air blocked. Also, I hate that fucking command grab with a passion when it's used on me. I love it when I get it off though. Switched to Meiling toward the end because I realized I wanted to practice with her, and though I'd mix things up a bit. You kinda murdered her face that first match.

>> No.3175111

So, uh, yeah. I think we need a new thread. Or has everyone else turned in for the night?

>> No.3175117

I'm still here, but sadly, cannot host for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.3175145

I'd host but I'm downloading some stuff right now.

>> No.3175145,1 [INTERNAL] 

I forgot how people also spammed hisoutensoku threads back then. I guess 13.5 will be forgotten soon and the crossboarders will leave after all.
