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3167916 No.3167916 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you learning the language, is there anything you do to keep yourself motivated during the tough spots?

>> No.3167925

Try to read/translate things.

>> No.3167929

I try to read Yotsuba. Sometimes it encourages me, sometimes it just depresses me.

>> No.3167931

>Japanese for busy people

>> No.3167937

You'd be surprised how hard it is to find time for things when you have all the time in the world.

>> No.3167940

You racka disciprine.

>> No.3167942

I found a motivating source in the oddest of places, OP. Head over to YouTube and look for the user AkitaTom; it's a videoblog about him being an exchange student from Australia to Japan, from day one in Australia to the final days he was there. It's an interesting watch and helped me stick with learning Japanese throughout most of my college semester.

>> No.3167945

I actually study from that book, the reason being the exclusion of romaji gets me used to actually reading kana instead of just skimming over it.

>> No.3167953

Japanese For Busy People is terrible. Actually, I think it might just be all text books that are terrible. Stay away from them.

>> No.3167954

That sounds pretty awesome actually. I'm Australian myself, so maybe it'll hit a bit closer to home.

>> No.3167971

What would you suggest then?

>> No.3167973

Tae Kim, All About Particles

>> No.3167981
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Funny you mention that because I've got his page open in another tab.

>> No.3167998

I'm motivated now.

>> No.3168000

While I was learning the kanji I used my own pride and egoism to draw power from.
I told myself that I'm going to learn this language no matter what, and if I give up I'm a failure who cannot complete anything he started.
When I felt that it's getting boring to lean the next hundred kanji I just told myself that I'll have to live with the shame of being a failure if I can't even do this much. Psychology works, guys.

As for what to use, torrent this along with its textbook for basic grammar, it does an amazing job at teaching the foundations.
Use Tae Kim's guide for reference.
And spend 2-3 hours every day in the next few months at learning the kanji with Heisig. Don't mind the readings yet.
Once you know the kanji and some grammar start reading Japanese VNs a lot. I recommend running the game twice, one in Japanese and one in English. Read a line in Japanese, translate it on your own, compare to the English translated version. Do this for months and you'll learn the readings soon.
Use jwpce as dictionary. And get KanKen DS 3 if you have an NDS, it's amazing.

>> No.3168001 [DELETED] 

Could you give more information?
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3168004

That I can read manga and watch anime without waiting for some one to translate/scanlate it.

>> No.3168014

Watch some bad subs and laugh at how much the subbers fucked up.

>> No.3168025

>And spend 2-3 hours every day in the next few months at learning the kanji with Heisig. Don't mind the readings yet.
Once you know the kanji and some grammar start reading Japanese VNs a lot. I recommend running the game twice, one in Japanese and one in English. Read a line in Japanese, translate it on your own, compare to the English translated version. Do this for months and you'll learn the readings soon.

>Read Japanese before you know any compounds or secondary definitions at all.

Good luck with that.

>> No.3168033

>I recommend running the game twice, one in Japanese and one in English
I did this too. Same for manga.

>> No.3168042

I remember watching a couple of those from youtube. I didn't realize that they were considered pretty good.

I think I'll continue with JPFB textbook aswell, and use better stuff for foundation. It's boring as shit, but again since it's kana only it's seems it's helping me a lot with my reading.

Unfortunately I'm not even that good yet. I sometimes download raws though and find I can read one or two bit's of dialog though, which is motivating.

>> No.3168048

My language learning consisted mainly of reading manga, which I found fun so never really needed "motivation".

>> No.3168074

>Read Japanese before you know any compounds or secondary definitions at all.
It worked for me. Of course it was hard at first and had to use the dictionary a lot. What I did was that I put the common words into my SRS after reading them a few times and after starting to recognize them. If you learn complete words it's easier to remember them since they have a meaning attached to their reading instead of just "ryo kanji #425" and you learn two readings for the price of one word.

>> No.3168122

I'll learn more japanese by december and will stream Umineko EP6 with comments on January 1st.

>> No.3168131
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Back when I was learning the kana, I found that if I learned a words using them, I'd never forget them.

I'm also slowly working through Heisig at my own pace, and finding it one of the more enjoyable aspects of learning.

>> No.3168143

play eroge

>> No.3168148

anyone who wants/is learning japanese needs to read this first


>> No.3168156

Those books suck, dude. they're for people too busy to read.

>> No.3168160

>>Katakana all look exactly the same, and it's impossible, even for Japanese people, to tell them apart

This guy fails hard

>> No.3168164

I remember reading this before I knew Japanese and thinking it, while a joke, must be really hard to learn. Was a lot easier than I expected.
Are you serious?

>> No.3168175

Buy Genki OP

>> No.3168459

This is pretty cool, thanks anon.

>> No.3168552


Buy? What is this 'Buy'?

>> No.3168629


Some kind of appreciation dance when your torrent downloads very fast?

>> No.3168660

I try masturbating furiously whenever I'm in a tough spot. So far, it's helped quite well

>> No.3169253


>> No.3169262
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>busy people

I know someone else already noticed this but... really.

>> No.3169276

I tried doing that, but I got banned from class.

>> No.3169896

I used Japanese for Busy People book 1, 2 and 3 when I first began to learn Japanese. I though they were pretty good. Now, I use PDF's of "Dictionary of Advanced/Intermediate/Beginner Japanese Grammar" most of the time. I suggest for anyone who is actually trying to learn Japanese to "acquire" them.

>> No.3170196

ITT: Weaboos acting like they genuinely want to learn Japanese while all they're interested in is animu and mango and think Japan works that way.

Seriously, unless you're very diciplined(of which the chance is small because you're on /jp/ at this very moment) or genuinely interested in Japan, and not all the shitty weaboo crap, getting past hiragana & katakana aint gonna happen.

>> No.3170228

Yeah, imagine all the porn you'll be able to read!

>> No.3170245

Was originally going to post this on another site, but I figure I'll give it a go with 4chan.
Hey. With lack of resources, I've been teaching myself Japanese over the last 3 or so months. Since I'm still getting down the fundamentals of the language, I'd figure I confirm the basics before moving on. The following are a list of questions I've come across why self teaching.

アリス が 魚だ 食べる

アリス が 魚 食べる

I just want to confirm the differences. My first sentence translates - "Alice is the one to be eating the fish" in the current tense. While the second simply states that she does it.


I originally thought this sentence should be litteraly - "Friend is person kind". I think though I have a bad case of mixing up my verbs and adjectives, as only verbs go at the end. The object - "fish", belongs in the middle, and any describing qualities of it go before. Correct?

Some Practice Sentences

Which is correct?

I'm pretty sure it's the second one, though I'm wondering if the first would even be grammatically correct.

アリス は 大 猫だ. .
アリス な 大 猫だ
彼女 彼女 たくさんの

アリス が 好き 魚.

>> No.3170289

ITT: People with learning disabilties try to deter others from learning what they want.

If you want to learn something enough and have the free time, what's stopping you?

>> No.3170319


why sage? there were actually some very enlightening posts here. bump for good material.

>> No.3170324 [DELETED] 

I agree with you, OP.
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3170477



My main motivation for learning Japanese is less based on there entertainment media, and more so for job benefits.

Oh, don't buy "Japanese for Busy people" It teaches japanese romanized, which is complete bullshit. Skip that and just learn hiragana and katakana, learning romanized words will serve nothing but as nothing but a crutch, making it harder to transition to kana.

I use Kim's Japanese Grammer guide as my "meat" of learning. smart.fm is also a great site for getting down vocabulary.

>> No.3170496

Go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.3170501


You can get Japanese for Busy People in kana-only version

>> No.3170534


I still wouldn't recommend it. I personally haven't used it, but have heard bad things on it. It basically introduces you Japanese - how to say simple sentences, and such, but fails to illustrate why and how it's done. The book would be ideal to someone who needed to quickly pick up sentences, but probably bad for someone starting ground up.

>> No.3171421


bump for faggotry. seems like a casual /b/ browser to me.
