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316354 No.316354 [Reply] [Original]

The usual waiting for GM thread, discussing this and that.

So, about the dream we are going to have. GM hinted something about multiple Chinas and Keines.

>> No.316356

They're all going to be having a massive orgy, and they want you to join in.
However, that orgy is going to take place in a lake.

>> No.316359

You Died!


>> No.316360


>> No.316362
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So, what do you think the other dreams would had been?

>> No.316366

I think one of them would have involved Sakuya

>> No.316371

Assraped by Flan.

>> No.316373

Keine and China bathing in the lake


>> No.316378

>Keine and Meiling bathing in the lake
>bathing in the lake
>the lake
That's suicidal!

>> No.316394

why don't we admit our feelings for the lake and confess to her properly?

>> No.316411

god, why did it have to go like this

china and keine, my favourite characters...

how am I supposed to make a decision here ?

>> No.316416

I'm worried about how many choices there are in this whole thing. It's ok if we follow only a few routes at every turn, but with that many, well, I can see a hell on earth for the writers.
And a hell of a flowchart. Unlimited Branch Works

>> No.316439
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Does her personality also chance when there's a full moon, or is it just the horns, hair and tail + clothes?

>> No.316445

Her clothes don't change under a full moon. I'm pretty sure she changes her own clothes to make it easier on herself.

>> No.316460

Officially, she is said to get a bit edgy and irritable on the night of the full moon due to the extra work she has to do at that time.

>> No.316463

Of course, which is why she hides herself away once a month.

>> No.316458

Well she doesn't want anyone from the humans to know that she isn't entirely human.

>> No.316470


But! But the lake is cold!

>> No.316481
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Maybe you should go warm them up, Anon.
Go ahead. Get in the water.

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.316479

you think he was gong to do the same dream fr us no matter what we chose?

>> No.316491


I mean, aren`t China and Keine cold?

>> No.316495



But we will never know.

>> No.316499
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She looks hot to me!

>> No.316578
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China you idiot.

>> No.316612


Nice wordplay there. Or you`re just stupid.

Either way, good job.

>> No.316616
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>> No.316648
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>> No.316670
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Za Warudo!

>> No.316673
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Time has stopped.

>> No.316674
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You know, she should at least expect a cut in her salary, Miss Sakuya. Discipline above all, as I like to say.

>> No.316693
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What salary?

>> No.316716
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>> No.316725
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And now, time resumes.

>> No.316733
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Stupid gatekeeper.

>> No.316734
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>> No.316743
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>> No.316913
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>> No.316955

you really shouldn't start these treads that early

I have no idea when GM is going to start the next tread, but something is telling me it will be at least another 7 minutes

>> No.316960

You make your way back to the gatehouse.

Meiling gives you a look, then the fist words she had given to you in over a month, "Why did you come back?" through teary eyes and bruised face, beautiful face.

"To set you free." You answer, almost noting how corny that sounded.

"China!" The shout came, preceding the maid. Lucky you.

She strolled out with a confidant air about here, glanced at you, then spoke, "Who are you? And more importantly, why are you doing your job, you sad excuse for a gate guard?" The latter part obviously aimed at Meiling.

"Dammit, China!" The maid yelled. She began to say something else, but you cut her off.

"Her name is Meiling." You manage, hardly able to further contain your rage.

A laugh. "Her name is Meiling," the maid mocked. "Is that so? Still doesn't answer as to who you are, though."

>> No.316961

She had no idea what the small silver object was, of course, but those words obviously marked it as a weapon. Subconsciously, you cursed yourself for wanting dramatic effect.

She jumped as you fired, the round slamming into her shoulder as opposed to head as you had intended.

You instinctively ducked as more throwing knives that any human could possibly throw riped through the air where your head was not a second ago.

"China!" Sakuya yelled, "Get your ass out here and help me, goddammit!"

Meiling didn't respond.

More importantly, the maid let her guard down. Three shots ripped into her, bringing her to the ground. She lay there, gasping as her blood pooled around her.

You pick up her dropped baton, clearly the one she had used on Meiling all those other times. Sakuya brought up her head in time to see you strike it down.

"How does it feel?" you ask, hitting her again. "To get pushed around yourself?" Again. "Huh?" Again.

>> No.316965

"Please stop!" she yelled, once again, futilely.

You pull your pistol back out and level it, ready to deliver the coup de grace. Again, Meiling cried. As you fire, she tackles you.

The bullet went through her chest, exiting her back below the ribcage. Without a doubt, a fatal wound. The strawberry-haired girl slumped in your arms. Not a second later, you feel five points pierce your back simultaneously.

The two of you fell, locked in each others arms, your blood mixing with her blood, your tears in her tears.

You look into the dying girl's eyes.

"I'm sorry" you repeat.

"It's...It's alright." she replied softly. "It's alright."

Taking far more strength than it should have, you slide the last few centimeters between the two of you and kiss her one last time.

>> No.316971
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>> No.316976

dammit why do I love that chinagirl now

>> No.316977


Wait, so what? China is gay for Sakuya? That`s why she didn`t want you to kill her?

Also, fuck, stupid women.

>> No.316979


Anon is easily manipulated it seems.

>> No.316980
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>> No.316985

I think I learned the lesson imbedded in this small little story:

Next time, bring the motherfucking bazooka

>> No.316986
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>> No.316987

lol Sakuya jobbing

>> No.316988
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>> No.316989
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>> No.316990


>> No.316991
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>> No.317002
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Sakuya, What's "The Game"?

>> No.317007


>> No.317010
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How could you do this to me, Anonymous. I thought we had an understanding.

>> No.317015
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I don't know what "The Game" is, try asking China.

>> No.317020
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>> No.317034
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Hey Sakuya-san what's "scissoring"?

>> No.317043
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Want to find out?

>> No.317045
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>> No.317050

Filming as we speak.

>> No.317052


Also, cruise control.

>> No.317068
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Hey hey, China, yaranai... zzz...

>> No.317137

I THINK it's almost that time again

>> No.317152

keep telling that yourself

>> No.317179

alright yoda. I do that will

>> No.318130

Game thread hijack.
Just reposting it to show how you do choices with working links. None of this vote for only one route stuff.
Yeah, this is the original version, the one I posted in this same format a few weeks ago.

>> No.318133

It's best not to risk anything, and you can't possibly think of what to do now. After a while, you see her standing up, closing her laptop. You could do something now.
She's sweeping the grass of her back, and putting the shut down computer in her backpack. You're frozen, still with no plan of what to do.
She adjusts her glasses. She's a meganekko 4channer that goes outside, you have to do something. You keep frozen.
She struts away. You see her disappear into the rest of the city. She's gone, you will never find her again.

"At least I didn't do anything embarrassing," you say to yourself, resuming your walk. You don't feel any better.


>> No.318138

Smiling to yourself, you start to stretch, preparing to genuflect.
"G-genuflect!?" you hear a voice. Looking towards the source, you see the girl with the laptop, looking a bit surprised.
"Yup, genuflect. You're a 4channer, right?" you manage to answer back. Seems like genuflect finally served for unlocking a good end.
The surprised look in her face is replaced by rage. Nerd rage. She snaps shut the laptop.
"You meme spewing newfaggot! You're the fucking cancer!" She snarls at your frozen body. She starts walking towards you in strong strides.
"Guess what? You'll never see me again," she says in an unnervingly calm voice. Leaning towards your face, you can feel a lone sweat drop running down your cheek. "and you just lost the game." she adds in a whisper.
Leaving in a flutter of hair, you see her walk off. A weak flowery scent is in the air.

Regaining use of your body, you think how you will tell anon about your little adventure. You don't feel any better.


>> No.318143

You take a few steps forward, hesitatingly. You have never gotten this far before.
"What do regular people talk of anyway?" You ask yourself, all knowledge on flirting coming alone from eroges and bad romantic series. At least you know what not to do. Too late to think a better plan, you're already in front of her.
She looks upwards. "Can I help you?" she asks you, quickly alt-tabbing out the browser window. Probably some promotions she doesn't want you to see.
Words come out of your mouth. They are grammatically correct, and adequate to the situation. You're not doing that bad.
"I see," she says, closing down her laptop. "Listen, it would never work. We have nothing in common. Just look at me, I don't even know why you're talking to me" she looks away.
You look at her. She really looks a bit like the fabled anon-tan, maybe more round in the hips, smaller chest, and a face obscured by thick rimmed glasses. Good enough for anonymous, probably not for a regular young woman. "You got it all wrong, I..." you try to salvage the situation.
"It's a bet, right? It's always a bet... Just. Leave me alone" She says in an increasingly sharper voice, while packing the laptop.
You see her run away. An equally emotionally stunted female anonymous. You try to rationalize it, you'd probably react the same way if some unknown girl made a move on you. You don't feel any better.


>> No.318156

She does have a point. Still you don't let her know she won this one. You slam the door, emerging back after a while. You managed to find a clean enough shirt, and some jeans.
"I'm leaving, see you later," You say from the door still, half expecting someone to tell you 'Iterashai!'. You shook your head. Maybe you've been playing too many eroges lately.

After walking a few blocks, you stop. Where are you supposed to go? Anon always said to go outside and stop being ronery, but somehow there seems to be a midstep missing. It's just like those gnomes from South Pa...
Oh, crafty anonymous. You've been screwed once again. Shrugging it off, you finally decide to head to the local park. It's filled with people your age, or at least you think so.

You can see the park now. So far, this hasn't been so bad. You're walking underneath the trees, whistling the gnomes' song.
And you see her.
A girl with a laptop. There was free internet here, and you forgot to bring your own. Fuck.
You finish processing the data. A girl; with a laptop. Smelling your chance, you walk around, trying to eye the screen.
The familiar Burichan theme greets you.

"You've got to be fucking kidding," you mutter to yourself. And she isn't that bad looking either. You know how bad this can turn out. Yelling 'No girls on the internet!' and running off is not an option. You think about your next move.

> Do nothing
> Talk to her suppressing powerlevel
> Genuflect

>> No.318160

Sage goes in all fields. Except in the password. Refreshing back in the front page, you see your sage overrun by the sad story of a fellow anon. Sighing, you hide the thread. You don't feel any better.

"I am really lonely," you say to the figure sitting besides your monitor, who only returns you a big plastic smile.


>> No.318164

You type out your sad, sad life story, remembering all the bad experiences from high school and afterwards. You continue discussing with your fellow anon about how romance is dead and you're never going to come out of the slump. You don't feel any better.

"I am really lonely," you say to the figure sitting besides your monitor, who only returns you a big plastic smile.


>> No.318170

You slam the door, managing to drown away the last words of your worrisome mother. Sitting down, you mouse away the screensaver. Your browser window greets you, the tabs already opened in your regular boards.
You hit F5.
An ongoing discussion on the moralities of incest, the last remnants of the night shift.
You hit F5.
Nyan nyan ni hao nyan. When is this shit going to stop.
You hit F5.
I am the sexiest sits in your screen. You quickly reply 'daily dose'.
You hit F5.
UBW installer thread. "Fucking message".
You hit F5.
Naruto troll. Looking at the time, it's already afternoon.
You hit F5, while chewing some Cheetos.
Ronery thread. Surprised, you look at the system tray clock. Ten o'clock PM. It's been another long day of refreshing and posting. Hitting the 'reply' link, you think in what you should do. You're certainly lonely...

> Sage this shit
> "so ronery ;_;"

>> No.318180

"Back into the room?" you feel your mom's stern voice behind you, freezing you in place. "You should take a break, go outside. Maybe find a girlfriend... Are you sure you're not gay? It's ok if you're."
"Not this shit again mom" You yell back.

> Ignore her
> Go outside

>> No.318199

"H-hey..." you stammer. She seizes the moment, and quickly lifts your covers, revealing how your morning erection has pushed away your pants. With a hungry look, she launches herself directly to it, grabbing it with one of her small hands, while starting to lick the head.
"I never had seen one so close onii-chan... it's so big and hot..." She says while slurping. Playing with her tongue, she starts to gulp down on it.
You just lean back, enjoying the blowjob from your little sister. Your breathing starts to accelerate, as you start to run your hand in your sister's hair.
"Oh no, not so fast. I have more planned" She says standing up, leaving you just in the verge of climax.
Teasing, she slowly takes off her simple dress. You eye her budding chest, as she smiles slyly at you. Squatting, she puts herself right on top of your member. She starts to slide down, grunting with effort. Her face can't hide the pain she's feeling.
"It's ok onii-chan, it's ok onii-chan..." she whispers. You can't hear her anymore, your mind lost on the feeling of the tight virginal pussy of your sister. You can feel it squeezing you off as it goes in deeper. She finally comes to a rest after a while.
"I can't believe it went all in" she says with a smile, catching some breath, right before starting to jump up and down, riding you.
It's too much to bear. Closing your eyes, you feel her squirming in climax on top of you as you shoot all of your held up semen into her with a flash of white light.

Still recovering from the sudden attack, you look at your little sister. She still hasn't put her clothes on, your load oozing down her white thighs. She's looking at her cellphone, with a worrying smile. She's happy, far too happy.
"What are you doing?" you ask her, afraid of the answer.
"Just looking at a little photo that the feds would like to see, you pervert pedo you" she answers with a wide smile.

At least you got to bang a pedolicious sister. You don't feel any better.


>> No.318227

"Fuck off, you little devil!" you yell, pushing her off your bed. She falls hard into the floor.
"Onii-chan..." she whispers, looking teary eyed.
"Like I would fall for that" you answer coldly, hiding your erection in the covers.
"Fine." She says, standing up. "Your loss."
You watch her storm off. You sigh. "What a crazy morning..."

Walking into the dining room, you eye your devilish sister, gulping down a big stack of pancakes. At least that's something good, nothing like pancakes to cheer you up in the morning.
"I'm sorry young master, we're out of flour. Would you like some omelet instead?" You hear the maid's apologetic voice from the kitchen.
She grins at you, a drop of syrup dripping down from her lips.

Finishing your breakfast, you get up from the table. The aroma of pancakes haunts you into the hallway.

>> No.318238

As you shut your eyes, trying to get back to sleep and ignore the whole alarm clock incident, you hear the incoming steps of your little sister.
Fucking great, just what you needed.
"Good morning, onii-chan!" she says, barging into your room. She's looking careless as usual. Your half asleep mind finishes processing the event.
"What did you call me?" you ask her, finally waking up.
"Onii-chan. Just like those girls in your computer" she tells you, approaching your bed. This is bad. But you're guessing she's probably just bluffing.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" you answer, trying to not let your voice betray you.
She slits her eyes, looking completely diabolical. Little sister complex be damned.
"C:\Documents and Settings\Anon\Hidden\Doujins\immouto-loli\" she recites in a single breath, while jumping onto your feet.
You're frozen in your bed. Your eyes are stuck looking at her, as she crawls towards you.
"It's ok, onii-chan. I've been reading those, and I really want to try it. And I'm sure you are looking at your little sister as she grows up to be a young lady. Why, look" she gestures towards the rising bulge in the bed covers. She starts to rub the top of it with her small hand.
"I just want you to be happy onii-chan..." she says in a soft, seductive voice.
This is bad, really bad. It's true you've noticed lately how she has started to grow from her childish Delicious Flat Chest into something even better. This is bad, and you won't be able to keep rational too long.

> Shove her off.
> Wait and see what she does.

>> No.318246

You immobilize her with your weight on top of her. She looks away from you panting, tears streaming down. You've never felt so aroused before. Running your fingers over her stockings, you enjoy every moment of this unique chance, ripping with your free hand, the last remaining clothing items. Her body is now completely exposed
Putting away her arms, you ogle at her big breasts, bobbing in every direction with her chaotic breathing. You run circles around her nipples with your tongue, looking up at her face. She is quietly yelping in surprise, her eyes shut and turned to the pillow.
"I've wanted to do this for a long time..." you tell her, fondling roughly one of her tits. "and I think you too. You're enjoying this, aren't you?" you tell her, introducing a few finger into her.
She's biting her lip. Not wanting to hold up any longer, you quickly slam your aching penis inside her. She manages to bite down a sudden scream.
"You're a good girl. Unf! Not screaming. Unf! You like this, don't you? Unf!" You grunt while thrusting in, not wasting any time on her. Your gaze is stuck in the hypnotic sight of her breasts, moving up and down with your every move. You can only hear your own panting breaths, the sloppy noises from your thrusts into her tight vagina, and her sobbing.

"WHAT'S THIS!?" A familiar shriek behind you. It's too late to think about it, you're already arching backwards as you shoot your load into the crying girl.
"Ah, mom" you say after a while, as the maid scurries away from you, covering herself with the blanket.

"At least I still have my head" you tell yourself, hugging your backpack that contains everything you managed to get. You look up, feeling the light rain hitting your face. You're homeless, but at least you got the maid. You don't feel any better.


>> No.318251

"No. This is not me" you manage to say, pulling up your pants. You leave the sobbing maid in her bed, not knowing what to say.

Going back into your room, you think in what you just did. Were you always like this? A mindless fuck machine?
As you reflect on this, you hear knocking. It's her, with another uniform.
"Breakfast is on the dining room" she says, averting her gaze from you.
"T-thanks." You manage to answer.

In the table, some tea and a single toast await you. You eat the whole thing quickly, not wanting your thoughts to linger too much on how things between your maid and you would work out now. It was certainly going to be awkward around, and you ruined one of the single pleasures you had.
Good breakfast every morning done by the loving hands of a young girl who calls you 'master'. You were a privileged anon, and you ruined it.

>> No.318267

Only one thing to do. In the early morning haze you think what would be the best way to sneak into the other wing of the old mansion, and find Hisui, or maybe Kohak...
Wait. You don't have maids. It was a bad idea to replay Hisui's route last night...
You keep staring at the ceiling, putting your thoughts in order. You don't have maidS, you have a maid. And you've wanted to do this ever since you managed to get her into that gothic loli apron on her birthday.
With a satisfied grin, you jump off the bed, your senses wide awake now in titillating expectation.
You sneak your way into the kitchen. She's standing by the sink, washing the breakfast dishes. You walk towards her back, startling her.
"I'm sorry!" she says after a small yelp. "Your mother and sister already ate, so you'll have to wait. What do you want for breakfast, young master?" She's not looking directly at you, still brushing off syrup off a dish.
"I want your body" You whisper into her ear, closing in the last few inches that separated you. You make sure she can feel your morning erection in her plump cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry?" She stammers, closing the faucet. You only answer by forcibly taking her waist, guiding her towards the nearby staff bedrooms. Ripping off her uniform, you throw her to the small bed. You manage to get a good look at her body. She's trying to cover her ample breasts with her hands. The soapy water only manages to make them look more tempting, glistening in the morning sun. Her face is filled with fear, mixed with you can only guess its excitement. Maybe she has been waiting for this as well, or you could be imagining it, your mind filled with lust.
"Master, please..." she says softly. Her eyes are filling with tears.

> J-jam it in!
> No. I can't do it

>> No.318270

"Hungry..." you mutter. Lazily getting up, you step hesitantly. Your body is not used to waking up at this hour. Scratching your pillow head, you take a whiff, trying to guess what's for breakfast.
Syrup, coffee, bread, and is that... !!
Your eyes finally open. You start running towards the dining room, your mouth already watering in expectation.
"Good morning. Seems you finally decided to join us." Your mom. With a hard look. Who the hell cares?
"I smell pancakes. There better be some fucking pancakes." You state, dropping into a nearby chair.
"You're lucky young master; this is the last batch," Says a melodic voice behind you. A plate with a small stack of steaming pancakes is settled down in your place.
"Hey! Those were mine!" your little sister yells. You still can't understand what the rest of anon sees in the little sister type.
"You snooze you lose," You say, stabbing your fork into the stack.

It's been a while since you had such a nice breakfast. Maybe waking up early has some benefits after all. Yawning, you rise up from the table, heading back to your computer.

>> No.319488

bump for wasted repost
