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3161264 No.3161264 [Reply] [Original]

UFO is a great addition to the series. Not the best, but still good enough. People complain 'It doesn't look like [insert random Touhou game]!'; of course it doesn't, who the hell would want to play the same game twice?. I do enjoy that ZUN adds a new gimmick for each game he release, it really gives every title its own personality.

About the UFO system being annoying. I don't find it annoying at all, it is a new challenge that ZUN set for us. It is a lot of fun blowing up the UFOs and the different ways you can actually play with them.

The scoring system is also really good, instead of having a score multiplier algorithm, we need now to work for our own score. Spell cards completition is really important now which makes it even better than just bombing away through the levels.

Overall, UFO is awesome. I'll play until I can 1'cc Hard and complete the extra stage with every character. This will be fun.

>> No.3161276

Did he fix the unfair powerup system?

>> No.3161281

Which was?

>> No.3161293

You mean DIE AND LOSE ALMOST ALL YOUR POWER? nope, its still there.

>> No.3161286

too punishing

>> No.3161299

No, but at least there's a giant powerup thing that give you full power and is only dropped twice in the game.

>> No.3161295


One power item is .01, you lose an entire level when you die, and you only get 5 small power items back.

>> No.3161303

Nope, that's still in.

>> No.3161364

ZUN should add a +0.05 power items if he ever release a patch. Which won't happen since not even MarisaB got repaired in MoF.

>> No.3161379

What's broken about losing 1.00 power? Haven't you noticed how many goddamn items are dropped at once? Bosses drop 30-50 power items at a time. Losing 93 isn't as big of a deal as you people are making it sound like.

>> No.3161391

I'm looking forward anything ZUN has to offer. His games are...different than all of the others, so it's really fun. The music is good, too.

>> No.3161413

I like the visual style of UFO more than any of the others. Best story too. I'm glad ZUN is still obviously very into what he's doing.

The UFOs can get annoying but really I was sure I'd hate it based on the demo, and I don't. It's actually fun somehow??? I've found that I enjoy it a lot more if I just take it easy and be patient and don't worry about getting everything perfect.

It also helps A LOT if you pick a character that can move freely when bombing. The worst thing is when you're Reimu A or Marisa A and you bomb and there are the exact UFOs you need but you're slow like pig and can't get them before they change. I stopped raging as much when I dropped Marisa A for the good girl.

>> No.3161414


Maybe the lot of you should consider not sucking at such an easy game.

>> No.3161446

The power loss is almost never a problem for me and I die all the time. I don't get it.

>> No.3161454

It won't be a problem if you chain rainbow UFOs.

>> No.3161501

I love UFO.

Of course, Marisa (who is the only character I play as) getting back an *actual decent shot and bomb* might have something to do with that. I hated the shots in SA, and Nitori had the only bomb that wasn't utterly retarded.

But apart from that, UFO is generally great both in atmosphere and characters. I can almost feel I'm going down the rabbit hole to Makai, and All the characters, from the measly Nazrin to the solemn Byakuren to CAPTAIN MINAMITSU MOTHERFUCKING MURASA had something in them that I liked.

Yes, UFO is probably my favorite main Touhou game ince PCB (I say main, because I still rank StB avobe both). Fuckin' A, ZUN.

>> No.3161547

Thanks for the advice, I'll try that.

>> No.3161569


I don't think I'd go that far, I really loved TH6-TH9 and TH10 and TH11 really grew on me after I played them for a while. For me I'd just settle with UFO being a good addition to the series as a whole. Like each of the other games, the music fits the tone perfectly, it had a few new gimmicks to keep me interested and some pretty neat bullet patterns.

I also liked the little references left around it, I wasn't expecting them but it made me laugh out loud when I noticed the fairies on stage 6 moving and shooting like space invaders.

>> No.3161575

It has its flaws, but still good.

>> No.3161616

I'll repost what I posted in a previous thread.

>I did the game on normal. In terms of difficulty it's between SA and EoSD if you ask me. God, this game has several great patterns, the attacks from Stage 4 and 5 felt very original and refreshing. Hell, this particular Stage 5 might turn out to be my favorite. The art style is really good too and it blends with the bullets, it really reminded me how well MoF captured it's season.

>But there is kind of bad point to this though. The game doesn't seem very.. well Touhouish. The colors and the characters are really different from what I'm used to from the rest of the series. While it isn't necessarily a bad thing, it does feel strange. I mean, when I fought the EX boss the first time it felt so awkward since the ones I've been fighting before were Yukari and Ran. She is very different from any other character I fought in the series, even Flandre feels more normal.


Now that it has been some more time since the release, the game grew more on me, the scoring system is fun and the music from the levels 4 and up are very addicting. The only thing now that I have to complain about the art is how everything gets confusing sometimes in stage 5 or 6 if you don't have a UFO sucking up points.

All in all, it's a great game and a welcome addition to the Touhou series, but it's little too early to compare to the others. Great job, ZUN.

>It also helps A LOT if you pick a character that can move freely when bombing. The worst thing is when you're Reimu A or Marisa A and you bomb and there are the exact UFOs you need but you're slow like pig and can't get them before they change.

Couldn't agree more. My first clear was with Reimu A, and god that slow bomb was annoying as hell. I played a run with Reimu B recently and it was awesome, I grabbed bombs easily by mounting green UFOs and used them at certain points of the stages to help me build multicolored/blue disks. Worked so much better.

>> No.3161610 [DELETED] 

I'll repost what I posted in a previous thread.

>I did the game on normal. In terms of difficulty it's between SA and EoSD if you ask me. God, this game has several great patterns, the attacks from Stage 4 and 5 felt very original and refreshing. Hell, this particular Stage 5 might turn out to be my favorite. The art style is really good too and it blends with the bullets, it really reminded me how well MoF captured it's season.

>But there is kind of bad point to this though. The game doesn't seem very.. well Touhouish. The colors and the characters are really different from what I'm used to from the rest of the series. While it isn't necessarily a bad thing, it does feel strange. I mean, when I fought the EX boss the first time it felt so awkward since the ones I've been fighting before were Yukari and Ran. She is very different from any other character I fought in the series, even Flandre feels more normal.


Now that it has been some more time since the release, the game grew more on me, the scoring system is fun and the music from the levels 4 and up are very addicting. The only thing now that I have to complain about the art is how everything gets confusing sometimes in stage 5 or 6 if you don't have a UFO sucking up points.

All in all, it's a great game and a welcome addition to the Touhou series, but it's little too early to compare to the others. Great job, ZUN.

>It also helps A LOT if you pick a character that can move freely when bombing. The worst thing is when you're Reimu A or Marisa A and you bomb and there are the exact UFOs you need but you're slow like pig and can't get them before they change.

Couldn't agree more. My first clear was with Reimu A, and god that slow bomb was annoying as hell. I played a run with Reimu B recently and it was awesome, I grabbed bombs easily by mounting green UFOs and used them at certain points of the stages to help me build multicolored/blue disks. Worked so much better.

>> No.3161665

I too, truly like the game that UFO has become.

I like it's ability to remain distinct, and the UFO system is hilariously fun.

Only cleared it with SanaeB though, gonna be a fun trip to clear with the rest.

>> No.3161700 [DELETED] 

You probably should ask somewhere else.
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3161715

Meh, I like the patterns in the game a lot, but the game just doesn't feel like it's about dodging anymore. The UFO system just doesn't work for me. I've tried something like 15 runs in the past few days, but I just can't get the hang of chasing UFOs through the bullshit on the later stages, and I hate when the UFOs spend all their time as red bouncing around the top half of the screen where I can't get them. On the upside, I like the characters, but the music feels slightly subpar. If ZUN wasn't constantly trying to reinvent the genre instead of improving on what he had, I think he could make much better games. Use similar scoring systems, bring back more old characters, etc. Who knows, maybe I'm just a nostalgiafag for the old games.

>> No.3161749

I love the UFO system because it's a disorienting pain in the ass. Sometimes there are like 6 UFO parts on the screen at once and a hail of bullets and I think see an opening to get the last part I need and I die but that's okay because it's awesome.

>> No.3161778

Something I find interesting is how, even though Syou is the less spammy stage 5 boss yet, she's also one of the most lethal. Fuck you curved fast lasers.

>> No.3161914

ZUN called the lasers "old-man killers" in her song description..
I guess I'm an old man...

>> No.3161924

>>3161276 here,

Just finished downloading it and testing it, and holy shit. I dunno what you guys are talking about, because this is much better than the demo. Powerups are more abundant (lv4 on stage 2 wat), and you continue with full power now.

is right, it's fucking easy now.

>> No.3161959

he's probably been playing too much brain age

>> No.3161962

Is there any complete Lunatic replay yet?

>> No.3162006

Byakuren first, second and fourth spell cards are a free capture. Way too easy, now I need to practice all the other spell cards.

Also, her third spell card looks like something Tewi will come out and her last spell card reminds me of Mountain of Faith/Virtue of Wind God.

>> No.3162029

I can't beat the game on Easy. ;_;

I find the UFO system kinda unimpressive, but a nice change. The whole LOSE ONE LIFE AND ALL SPELL CARDS BECOME SURVIVAL is kinda shitty though.

Overall, I wouldn't pay for it. I WOULD pay for 12.3 and SWR though.

>> No.3162074

I wonder who did the laughs you hear in the Extra stage theme song. It would be godly if that was ZUN himself (the male ones).

>> No.3162087

They always creep me out.

>> No.3162089

After thinking long and hard, I've decided that Perfect Cherry Blossom. Simple life ups, simple bombs, not insanely difficult to get to max power. The music was great, and the temporary invincibility was very helpful. Because the older games gave you the ability to set the number of lives you start with, it allows poorer players to get through the game without having to worry about making a mistake in the early levels. I hate the way that an accidental death in stage one or two can ruin everything. I also hate the new continue system. With 5 continues, you can beat the game on any difficulty. Having to restart the stage when you continue means that you couldn't make it through the stage before, you're probably not getting through this run.

>> No.3162096

oops, meant to say that "Perfect Cherry Blossom is my favorite touhou game."

>> No.3162127

Yeah, I love the shit out of 11 and 12 but PCB's such a nice game, perfect balance of simple/complex and easy/hard. And a soundtrack that kicks you in the face.

>> No.3162230

Huh, I've always found less resources made for better practice, my favorite game is EoSD, the feel of the stages, the characters, the simple playstyle, I love them. I've managed to clear the practice stages on lunatic despite only having default lives to begin with. It just made me better at obtaining and managing my resources during the game.

Same thing with the continues in the recent game, in SA I learned how to take out Utsuho with just default lives and proper bombing. In UFO I became able to get like five bombs during the last stage to get through Byakuren. On my next serious attempt of the game I 1cc'd it.

>> No.3162267

Forcing you to use limited resources is a good way to improve your game. I just like being able to finish the game without trying. Then, if I when I feel like getting better, I can always practice till it takes less and less continues to finish. Eventually I'll be able to 1cc. But the old continue system makes it easier to unlock the stages in practice mode. Also, I miss spell card practice mode.....

>> No.3162269

I mostly agree but prefer IN for slightly better general polish, delicious Marisa/Alice, and the ability to crank the number of lives really high if you need it.

>> No.3162320

>Having to restart the stage when you continue means that you couldn't make it through the stage before, you're probably not getting through this run.
I think it's a good thing.
That way you actually get better because you have to try until you can make it. Though, in that sense it's more like a build-in practice mode than the usual continuing from the earlier games.

>> No.3162356

What the UFO balance? The red ones suck due the power penalty on death.

>> No.3162371

I hate UFO, because there's no cheat for it. Touhou 6-11 all have infinite lives cheat.


>> No.3162373

It's horrible.

UFO system cripples the fun way too much. It adds in another element of unneeded memorization, and unlike other gimmicky bullshit ZUN puts in the other games, you can't ignore it. You can only get 2 extra lives without it, and the levels are designed around knowing the right time to summon a UFO and destroy it to clear a bullet swarm, or else you die/need a bomb. Also, the sheer amount of item drops that are impossible to collect unless you summon one of those damn things.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, they say.

>> No.3162382

up up down down left right left right A B start

>> No.3162408

I was not aware of this. What infinite lives codes?

>> No.3162420

Has any other Touhou game been as polarizing as UFO?

>> No.3162441



>> No.3162452

Mountain of Faith maybe, but I don't remember. I remember not liking it when it came out, but it grew on my I guess. That seems to be the case with all of them.

On an unrelated note, does UFO use the same graphics system as MoF and SA? Is an english patch just around the corner? People are talking about the characters and whatnot, so I assume that the dialog has already been translated.

>> No.3162529

The modern continue system would be fine, just with one proviso: Let me restart the stage with the number of lives I had when I came into it, thanks. Like this, it's not really a "continue" so much as a slightly more interactive game over.

>> No.3162545

They made a color blind patch, so it's definitely hackable. Just needs translations and image editing.

>> No.3162569

Is there any right way to dodge Nue attacks in stage 4~6? It just feels like I just randomly get stuck inside the crossed bullets.

>> No.3162575

I prefer IN, but I definitely like the PCB/IN paradigm more.

If only PCB wasn't so boring.

I disagree with this viewpoint. I prefer practicing on my own terms. Beating IN with 7 lives Reimu Slowmo, then all the way down to 3 lives Sakuya Noslowmo. It reduces the amount of sheer grinding you have to do.

I realize this "hack away at it vs. play it again with tougher restrictions" is a flavor preference thing, but don't discount the other way.

>> No.3162617

On what difficulty? I never get trapped in that on normal or hard. It always opens up right before it would trap me.

>> No.3162628


>> No.3162650

The continue system is ok, I'm sort of a masochist and I also think that if I can't 1cc it's not worth winning and I need to get better. Trying to brute force my way through a hard stage on 2 lives is an interesting challenge and teaches me ways to exploit the game.

But it is a pretty silly way to continue, isn't it? I wouldn't mind normal ones back. But I see people posting that as their reason they hate Touhou 10+ and it's such a minor stupid thing.

>> No.3162664 [DELETED] 

That's the thing, it never really traps you, if you're in the right spot a gap will always open up right at the last second. You also want to start being proactive in your dodging when you can in that thing. If you get through perfectly you get a 1up in stage four and lots of point items in stage six.

>> No.3162689

I support the new continue system simply because I believe there should be a difference between losing a life and losing all your lives, something bigger than merely getting your score reset (who the fuck watches their score anyway). Getting tossed back to the beginning of the level is fine, especially since the levels are only a couple minutes long.

>> No.3162707

There is a perfectly good way to fix the system in my opinion: Allow you to quit and continue from that stage later if you game over. Now, you don't have to have a 3 hour continue marathon at level 6.

>> No.3162712

>>3162689 something bigger than merely getting your score reset

Uh... how's "losing a 1CC and getting the bad ending (if you can even finish now, due to starting the last level with two lives)" sound, then? You say "Getting tossed back to the beginning of the level is fine", but the fact is that if you have to continue on stage 6, you may as well just do everything over from the start.

>> No.3162734
File: 71 KB, 400x403, 1236556866235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO embodies everything wrong with the touhou series to its worst extent.

You are in two states playing this game. You are either sleep walking nudging your touhou a few pixels every few seconds, or you are facing some gimmicky shit pattern/section that can only be beat a very specifc way. Also, if you think the UFO is not annoying and flexible then we must have played a different game.

This is exactly why touhou is so dull to anyone who actually plays these things for any reason other than "music is nice, bullets are pretty, and I like to see the source for my porn doujinshi." What are the comments in this thread? Punishing, story, character bombs, pretty patterns. It's a STG, fuck that shit.

This game didn’t cost anyone in this thread anything, but these are released for cash-money. Eden's Aegis 0.50 came out a month ago and shits all over the entire touhou series from a fantastic height despite being released for free. Does anyone care? No. Because its primary focus is not bitches with fucked up anatomy drinking tea and pretty shapes and colours.

But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

>> No.3162754
File: 599 KB, 640x479, motherfuckintouhous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun, I sat down to have some quality time with it last night. Chaining rainbows->reds to keep getting life up items is fun and challenging, I actually like it a lot more than SA's system, although it does lose that "all or nothing" mindset you could get into against bosses relying on their star items to get you through, just moves some of the excitement around to the stage rather than the boss portion. I like the gradual ramp in difficulty, instead of "Ho hum this is nice OH GOD STAGE 4 RAEP".

Also, I can't have been the only one to think about motherfuckin' snakes on the motherfuckin' star-lotus ship when playing Sanae A's scenario. In before 9001 hours, easy modo.

>> No.3162757

Isn't Eden's Aegis from the guy who made Blue Wish?

>> No.3162764

but I like the story and characters for more than porn

>> No.3162771

Whoa, someone else who knows about Eden's Aegis. Awesome.

>> No.3162792

Do you play the games? Because I have always find kind of weird that people like the characters, but don't play the games at all.

>> No.3162811
File: 15 KB, 300x400, vlcsnap-30212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a common enough thread amongst us weeaboo fags; appealingly designed animu characters can be worthy of interest regardless of how retarded the medium they come from is. See: Rosario+Vampire.

>> No.3162827

What is that bomb suppose to even be?

>> No.3162840

So when is Eden's Aegis 1.0 coming out? I liked BWR+, if x.x can top that I will be delighted.

>> No.3162845

Hey, fuck you. Drinking tea is awesome.

>> No.3162873


The UFO system is a giant troll, so of course it's annoying. And yeah, Eden's Aegis is nice, but I hate dodging endless streams of purple rain. That's why I like Samidare. Good game design, cool bullet patterns that aren't all purple blobs.

>> No.3162877


Snake rape.

>> No.3162890

Black man with white arm look freaky.

>> No.3162897

Cool a cave clone

Looks fun though, and like I might even be able to beat it.

>> No.3162899
File: 200 KB, 485x423, good-girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From wikia:

Sanae type A
神奈子様の仰るとおりに (Just as Lady Kanako says.)
Shot: スカイサーペント (Sky Serpent)
Spell card: 神代大蛇 (Orochi of Ancient Times)

"Lady Kanako is telling me to master youkai hunting like they do."


Brace for danger with the divine power of a serpent that devours evil!

-So I guess she's summoning Orochi to rape everything on screen. That's how I understand it at least.

>> No.3162937

Oh, it really is a snake.

>> No.3163011

It's not like BWR+ where half the patterns are from Ketsui, Cave clone kind of stops at the purple bullets.

And progear scoring system. With Mushi chaining. And esprade splatter shot. And espgaluda bullet cancel...

Okay, yeah it's a Cave clone again, but hell, it's fun.

>> No.3163035
File: 38 KB, 240x320, espr0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mushi chaining
Fukken saged.

Still, being a Cave clone still puts you in good company because Cave games are more fun than most.

Ms. Gaara is mai waifu and she could beat up every Touhou ever.

>> No.3163063

>Mushi chaining
>Esprade splatter shot.

Wait, how does this even work with a Progear scoring system.

>> No.3163084

ESP Ra.De. last boss reminds me of Byakuren. Well, it's backwards actually.

>> No.3163090

Mushihimesama has about the worst scoring system in existence.

>> No.3163107
File: 26 KB, 400x300, triggerheart exelica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3163114


What's funny about Ms. Gaara is that she's like Shinki, and both ESP Ra.DE. and MS were released in the same year.

>> No.3163123

You know what would be great? This is the idea, you have another option in screen, with an UFO in it, when you press 'C' you change the UFO color. If for example, you leave the UFO in red, you will autopick all the red UFOs in screen like items when you go to the top of the screen.

>> No.3163146
File: 38 KB, 240x320, esprade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3163150



>> No.3163158

Progear was referring to the gem counter really, which is only significant (though greatly so) if you can no miss, no bomb the first loop.

In EA when you splatter things all bullets they own turn into point items, and the number of point items collected adds to a counter that changes how much enemies are worth. If you haven’t collected anything for a while your point counter starts to decay rapidly.

To be honest most of the links to Cave games were vague; it’s quite a good system. You need to learn it, though as you need score extends. It’s much harder than BWR+ and easy is not implemented yet.

>> No.3163166

The little squealing noises they do when they die are moe~

>> No.3163167

splatter and kill*

>> No.3163190

Hit buttons funny.
Gain 20,000 multiplier.

>> No.3163207

Curiosity question: What's the biggest jackpot you've gotten on a Blue UFO?

Somewhere in stage 5 I popped one for 30,000,000 :O That's only on Normal

>> No.3163242

fucking stupid

>> No.3163371

>Tap A slowly on large enemies such as midbosses to raise the overall counter faster than by just holding A or C. Each time you tap A the values of the child counters are added to the overall counter. The child counters will continue to increase as you do this.
>Tap C as fast as you can once the child counters are high enough to give a benefit (normally over 500 each). This enables the "skyrocket" effect, which adds the child counter values to the overall counter very quickly (much faster than tapping A), however the child counter values rapidly reduce in the process.

hahaha oh wow

