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3158574 No.3158574 [Reply] [Original]

UFO's music is a huge drawback compared to MoF and SA. Discuss.

>> No.3158576


>> No.3158582
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>> No.3158586

Kogasa's theme was the only one I liked, all the others didn't leave much of an impression on me.

>> No.3158589

5th stage boss' is decent, others r shit

>> No.3158590

I liked it because it was different in a good way.

>> No.3158592

I liked the music, only the Stage 3 musics don't really stick, but the rest are playing in my head from time to time.

>> No.3158600

I've been listening to Cosmic Mind the whole day.

>> No.3158601

Play it through often enough and you'll start liking it.

>> No.3158607

The only only one I disliked in SA was Green-eyed jealousy.
The only one I like in UFO is Ichirin's.

>> No.3158622

Too damn early to say.

I started liking Orin's theme 2 months after the release.

>> No.3158623


>> No.3158635

no music of native faithish or solar sectish caliber this time, ZUN :(

>> No.3158636

>>3158607 The only only one I disliked in SA was Green-eyed jealousy.
Sir, I must disagree with you, though I respect your rights to your opinions.

>> No.3158645

The stage 4 theme is fun.

>> No.3158650

>no music of native faithish


>> No.3158651

Extra stage theme is awesome.

>> No.3158661

I thought that at first, but after listening to them a few more times they're better. Most of the songs seem pretty light compared to other games.

>> No.3158662

Stage 4 theme makes me remember the times when I was playing Crash Bandicoot 2 when I was a kid. Why?

>> No.3158664

Captain Murasa is so awesome, her theme is her name.

>> No.3158667

..If UFO is the first touhou you're playing.

>> No.3158675

I've been playing Extra for a bit and Heian Alien is really growing on me.

Credits theme is among the best.

>> No.3158690 [DELETED] 

I cannot help you. Sorry.
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3158695

he probably tried to make it like the pre-windows touhou
this game's homages to pre-windows touhou and its UFO theme are no coincidence, it's probably about space invader's 30th anniversary

>> No.3158711

or maybe unlike you he is actually playing extra stage a lot and has come to listen it many times

>> No.3158713

Stage 4/5 and the boss themes (except Heian Alien) are solid, but yes, overall worst music of Windows era Touhou.

>> No.3158712 [DELETED] 

No, why?

>> No.3158722

Yeah, MoF and SA had better soundtracks overall, but I still like UFO's music.

So far I've already gotten obsessed with... All the boss (+extra) themes, and the stage 4 and 6 themes.

>> No.3158806


>> No.3158809

So that's why stage 6 is like that, didn't know.

>> No.3158819

I like MoF better, but I like it more than SA, which I found to be bland.

>> No.3158823

After listening to Touhou while mowing the yard I got the impression the worst music came from IN or PCB. The reason is that they were too sharp for high volume, which is what I needed to cover the engine sounds.

>> No.3159139
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Nazrin's theme was fucking awesome.

That's actually all I have to say about the UFO soundtrack.

SA and Touhou 12.3 have been the best soundtracks so far.

Yeah that's right, embodiment of scarlet devil was dog tier.

>> No.3159171

>SA and Touhou 12.3 have been the best soundtracks so far.

Lies. IN had the best soundtrack so far.

>> No.3159172

EoSD's was 8bit ears bleeding tier. Rearragements greatly improved it tho.

>> No.3159199

The early windows stuff, especially PCB, gets really screechy with the synthetic trumpets. Border of Life is a prime offender, fortunately it lends itself very well to remixes.

>> No.3159203

PCB had the best music.

Go listen to phantom ensemble. I'll wait.

>> No.3159220

that's still one of my favorites

>> No.3159233


>>screechy trumpets

You mean the synth trumpets that are zun's favorite instument which he has continued to use throughout Touhou's development history?

Get the fuck out.

God tier: EoSD, PCB, SA

Good tier: IN, MoF

Meh tier: UFO

>> No.3159242

A lot of UFO's music sounds like they should be on one of ZUN's music CDs instead of a game.

>> No.3159245


>> No.3159263

>screechy with the synthetic trumpets

Get out.

>> No.3159279

Hell yes. Mother fucker.

>> No.3159285



>> No.3159290

Nazrin's theme IS awesome
I liked IN songs. as most were above average

PCB songs are great, and YES Phantom Ensemble is still one of my favourites.

>> No.3159305

You little mongrel, did you seriously just put UFO over EoSD?

>> No.3159319

UFO probably won't even have 1 bgm to stand in the top 10/15 list.

>> No.3159338

SA is the hardest Touhou game ever!
I clear SA only easy and normal only to stage 5... Orin is a fucking hard stage 5 boss. UFO is pretty easy!

>> No.3159340

EoSD, PCB, IM and SA all had excellent soundtracks. MoF was good, but UFO truly doesn't do anything for me.

>> No.3159343

Yes I actually did. Maybe because dbu's arrangement of septette was awful.

>> No.3159349


A real man was of good cheer on release day, immediately after being raped up the poopchute by a cat cart.

>> No.3159352

I wanna see your list.

>> No.3159353
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Nues theme is fucking bad.
Worst theme ever!

>> No.3159357


>>implying a remix has any bearing on the inherent worth of a melody


>> No.3159370
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I can't wait for the play-dates.

>> No.3159372


It's like Picasso took a shit on Flandre and then poured a few liters of emo over the entire mess.

>> No.3159376

Whoa take it easy, UFO still has some funney tunes like 3rd or 6th stage.
EoSD is mainly notabe for its extra.

>> No.3159378
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That commoner isn't worthy to be dispatched by Flandre-sama's hand.

>> No.3159381

Zun ART.

and they look nothing alike beyond the spear, are you people retarded.

>> No.3159384

imo, UFO has great music, but isn't the kind of music you'd associate with touhou boss fights.

Kinda like >>3159242 said

>> No.3159398

Will anything ever surpass Native Faith?

>> No.3159399
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Fuck you haters!

>> No.3159403

>>3159139 here

I take it back, I enjoyed the menu music a lot actually, quite chilled.

>> No.3159407

kinda hard to surpass it when half the stuff made before it was better

>> No.3159410


Now you've done it. Now you've fucking done it, Anon.

Beloved Tomboyish Girl, Shanghai Alice Of Meiji 17, Voile, The Magic Library, The Young Descendant Of Tepes, Septette For The Dead Princess, The Centennial Festival For Magical Girls and U.N. fucking Owen Was Her would like to have a god damned word with you.

>> No.3159415


It's not that they look "alike", idiot, it's that they both have extemely similar motifs and even music.

>> No.3159427

Utsuho and Yumemi are both science related and they have similar themes, Utsuho is a shitty yumemi rip off.

>> No.3159428

True. About 10s into the song it really started reminding me of Flandre's theme.

U.F. Owen was Her?

>> No.3159431

You're overdoing it. Any touhou melody is good, I'm only listing THE GREAT ones.

>> No.3159434

I'm not that anon, but I only liked Chinese Tea from EoSD. Patchy's theme is fine too I guess. I personally loathe UN Owen and its overexposure.

>> No.3159437

Who cares about it's over exposure? It's still a great theme.

>> No.3159450

Kogasa has the best Touhou theme.

>> No.3159459


How popular a theme is has about as much to do with how good it is as how it's remixed.

>> No.3159476

Sorry man, but I simply don't think it's a great theme. I find the music in most other touhou games to be better. Though I have to admit that UFO's is a swing and a miss thus far. Maybe it'll grow on me.

>> No.3159496

Which song uses those trumpets the most?

>> No.3159519


Off the top of my head, I'd say Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms Of Sumizome - Border Of Life.

>> No.3159551

master spark I say

>> No.3159560

I don't remember Kogasa having kneesocks in the game. Because that makes her 10x more erotic.

>> No.3159570

The demo had horrid music. The only one I could even remember was Nazrin's...
Stage 4 and up isn't bad aside from the UN Owen rip-off, but it doesn't have the same OMG AWESOME feel that just about every piece of SA's music had.

I think Zun just burned himself out with SA.

>> No.3159585
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>burned himself out with SA

Oh you card.

>> No.3159586

mof and SA were really kind of strange in just how many good songs were in them

>> No.3159591

SA's hard to live up to since it's some of his best work, yeah.

>> No.3159592

UFO is really not a good game. Gameplay has lots of faults, characters are not good, music is mediocre, etc.

>> No.3159612

I will say that I feel the music in UFO is not as good as the music in previous touhou games, but I feel it is still better than the music in most non-touhou shmups.

>> No.3159614

>Gameplay has lots of faults

My only problem with it is the new powerup system. Having 50 little blue and red boxes dropping down the screen while enemies are spraying hundreds of red and blue bullets... What the hell was he thinking?

>> No.3159620

Well that's because it's one of his few semi serious games. I think it highlights just how good that guy is with story conception and just how much he doesn't realise it.

But then again, it's just another magical girl game tailored for pedos right?

>> No.3159623

You dealt with it in the pre-Windows games.

>> No.3159628

Are we going to warm up to UFO eventually or is it really just mediocre?

>> No.3159645

Only because they were his first works. I mean come on, back then he made blue backgrounds for stages that only fired blue bullets. I figured he learned better at this point, but he sure proved me wrong with this latest debacle.

SA simply set the standards too high. It was pretty much the perfect game, so no matter what he did next it'd be seen as inferior.
At least the next one will most likely be seen as amazing since we'll be comparing it to the mediocrity of UFO.

>> No.3159649

ZUN's music has been degrading since IN. What's new ?

>> No.3159654

Well apparently SA was new. It was awesome. X-Com was terrible though.

>> No.3159655

Yeah, that's why SA has the best soundtrack out of any Touhou game. Oh wait

>> No.3159656


No one played those.

>> No.3159659




>> No.3159665

ZUN is slowly losing his touch after all these years. He should release a different type of Touhou game next year instead of a regular one, or take a little break.

>> No.3159673
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it may as well. it was really good, man

>> No.3159684

It does.

>> No.3159689

>ZUN is slowly losing his touch after all these years.

This game simply rehashed too many of his old spellcards and music. That horrible new goth Flandre EX boss just feels like he's admitting he's run out of ideas and spitting in our faces.

>He should release a different type of Touhou game next year instead of a regular one, or take a little break.

Just for the love of God please don't let it be like PoFV.

>> No.3159693

SA music was good, some incredible songs too, but it was nowhere near PCB. Search your heart you know it to be true

>> No.3159695


Most probably. I remember being a lot of complaints when SA was released. Hell, I'd search the archive for it but I'm lazy. Now suddenly, people proclaim it as the perfect game.

>> No.3159697

Are there any good SA remixes out?

>> No.3159698


He writes a touhou RPG that invalidates all of the fanon and sucks the life out of the fandom. Calling it here.

>> No.3159703


The only complaints were that orin was hard and okuu looked dumb.

>> No.3159704

You probably should have made this complaint back when EoSD came out.

>> No.3159705

I can't back you up on that. SA touched my sweet spots the moments stage 1 theme picked speed

>> No.3159713

i remember that too but i mean i fell in love with 3rd eye/nuclear fusion/virtually all of the characters the second they came out and what do you know, shit is still amazing

i think people really just don't like UFO as much this time. that's not to say UFO is just garbage, either

>> No.3159714

PCB was decent, no where near SA tier bro.

>> No.3159715

PoFV was pretty bad, but it had good music and introduced a few good characters and brought back some old ones. If he makes a new game, it should be like that, just with the shitty gameplay replaced by something awesome.

>> No.3159745

I wouldn't say PoFV was bad. Sure it didn't feel like a touhou at all but have you ever tried playing split screen with a friend ? Incredible fun I tell you. I'm ok with another PoFV but should not be a main release. Something like those fighters

>> No.3159757

Come to think of it, Zun was pissed about Touhou becoming so popular, right? Maybe UFO really was just designed to be a huge slap in the face for the fans.

Or maybe he just embraced the popularity and realized he'd still rake in tons of cash by not putting any effort into the games anymore.

>> No.3159767


The fanbase will warm up eventually once they've been fleshed out in fanworks. I don't think there's a single game where none of the fans have warmed up to it, and given the rabidity of touhou fans, I'm not inclined to believe this will be the first.

>> No.3159776

Stop pretending to understand ZUN's intentions. It's impossible.

>> No.3159778

ZUN doesn't make Touhou for the fans, bro.

>> No.3159783

I don't know what's with the complaints on UFO. Aside from the music, which depends really on taste, it seems like your standard Touhou fare to me. Average at worst, pretty good at best.

>> No.3159821

I'm going to say it and I know all of you feel the same but stage 6 is one of my favorite touhou stages. I loved the music, space invaders style area, and the boss fight was epic.

>> No.3159837


Yeah, the background and bullet patterns during the fight were beautiful.

>> No.3159857

I'll take a guess that 3/4 of Touhou fans outside of Japan have never played Space Invaders. Glad someone else noticed Zun paying homage

>> No.3159878

Even if they've never played it, I doubt there are many people who don't know of it. Perhaps they simply weren't as impressed with it as you were?

>> No.3159884

noticed it

>> No.3159894

Everyone has played Space Invaders before. Everyone.

>> No.3159902

it's not only stage 6, the game's theme of "UFO" and the nod to earlier touhou games(spellcards, music etc) are both homages to space invaders

>> No.3159920

back when the SA demo was released, everyone was saying how the music sucked, and Yamame's theme was the only good part. Now there's plenty of people who think the Stage 3 music is great. So yeah, just give it time.

SA really breaks the mold (from my perspective)as far as Stage 4 is concerned... it's the only Stage 4 I find easy and the only one I particularly like the music for (it was ok in MoF, but I actively dislike it in the first 3 Windows games... I need to play UFO more but it's probably no higher than MoF's for me)

this is why I don't like PCB music much at all, especially the more I listen to it. Fantastic Legend of Tohno is my favorite Stage 2 theme, but ones I used to like such as Ancient Temple and Phantom Ensemble start to grate on me now. Border of Life and Necro-fantasy/Necrofantasia always have been ear-hurting for me.

>> No.3159931

Stage 4 in PCB had great music, you crazy boyo.

>> No.3159943

Captain Murasa and Nazrin both have awesome themes. Kogasa and Syou both have interesting, somewhat soothing themes. Stage 4 theme is really weird, but I really like it after hearing it again.

>> No.3159950

>SA simply set the standards too high. It was pretty much the perfect game, so no matter what he did next it'd be seen as inferior.

I have to respectfully disagree. I find SA to be among the least fun of the series. All the shots felt unwieldy, and while Satori and Utsuho had fucking awesome cards, the rest wasn't THAT great, in my humble opinion.

But eh. To each his own, I guess. I quite like UFO, myself.

>> No.3159958

>Captain Murasa and Nazrin are the only good things to come out of this game.

Yes I agree.

>> No.3159967

Haha, no.

>> No.3159980


Your tastes are wrong. I'd work on that if I were you.

- Best Regards, A Better Person

>> No.3159993

I tend to believe some people (and that's mostly on /jp/) complain because none of the characters have quirks like Utsuho's adorable stupidity or Rin's "BE OF GOOD CHEER" or are a nice little family like Moriya. They're kinda solemn and serious in fact.

>> No.3159994

Apart from the stage 4 theme and a few others, I have to agree with OP. Especially the extra stage and boss themes are shit.

>> No.3160005

>implying the extra stage theme wasn't awesome

>> No.3160020

The music of UFO is hit or miss. Either you love it, or hate it passionately.

>> No.3160022


At most of those points, you're "supposed" to have a UFO active to eat them all up and clear the screen. Of course, if you mess up with UFO collecting even fucking once in the entire game, suddenly you're off by one and you have to deal with RED POWERUPS AND RED BULLETS EVERYWHERE.

It's most annoying at the second wave of Stage 5, and is what caused me to start using Sanae "The Screencleaner" B.

>> No.3160027
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UFO is one of my favorite Touhou games just because the music is a break from the norm, most of the characters/stages are pretty cool, and the overall mood was fantastic.

And fuck you all, Heian Alien is awesome.

>> No.3160029


That's what I like. Byakuddha is pretty much a real ancient magician, with all the seriousness implied, who sidejobs being the Saviour of Youkaikind.

CAPTAIN MINAMITSU MURASA is just a fucking badass, as is Ichirin and her partner Unzan.

Shou is highly reminescent of Ran, though, with her dedication and religious card-theme and general posture, and I can very well foresee a Ran/Chen dynamic in doujins with Shou/Nazrin, given they pretty much are in a familial master/pupil relationship.

And Tatara is just comedic goodness. A surprise youkai who isn't any good at surprising people. Why am I reminded of Rumia?

>> No.3160035

>a nice little family like Moriya.
They're not even close to being a nice little family, that's simply what the fanon had to do in order to make the Moriyas an even remotely interesting bunch of characters.

>implying the extra stage theme wasn't just a crappy UN Owen

>> No.3160043

Boss theme and stage theme are different.

>> No.3160047


Feels like a ripoff of U.N. Owen, man.

>> No.3160059

>They're not even close to being a nice little family

Dunno, they sure look like they get along pretty well in the 12.3 ending, and with Kanako reclined and lazying around and Sanae taking care of chores and such, they sure do give off a family vibe.

>> No.3160061


True for the whole game as well. For example I rarely read posts where the difficulty is just right. Either it's too hard or too easy.

>> No.3160077

There's also nothing to show that they are a happy little family outside of a game that seemed to do quite a bit of appealing to the fanbase. Kanako is the God, Sanae is the servant, and Sanae didn't even know Suwako existed until after MoF. They're not a happy family.

>> No.3160084


Easy mode is crazy easy in this, but to be honest I'd say normal mode is just right, once you get the hang of collecting UFOs (PROTIP: Use bombs to collect UFOs towards the end of Stage 4).

>> No.3160090

I actually think it's the best Touhou BGM since 7 and 8

>> No.3160096

UFO as a whole is pretty average, but Murasa's theme and Byakuren's are great. Same as some of the stage themes.
I also like Kogasa and Byakuren a lot.
But aside from that, not so good.

>> No.3160102


So... the fact that there is slight evidence that they are a family and no specific evidence that they are not, is, in fact, proof that they are not? Interesting logic there, Anon.

>> No.3160106
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This is OP

>> No.3160420


>> No.3161410

Come on this is great, isn't it?

>> No.3161422

hahahah NO

>> No.3161475

I am seriously tired of suwako's theme.

>> No.3161499

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke is still by top favorite.

>> No.3161603


I bet that people who weren't spoiled were pretty surprised when she showed up in Extra.

>> No.3161613

Am I the only one with this theme as favourite?

>> No.3161614

Oh man, I can listen to that tune all day.

>> No.3162941

Am i the only one that likes Final stage BGM? Cause it's nothing like ZUN ever done before

>> No.3162953

I like it too.

>> No.3162967


fags, that's why i don't like it. zun needs to stick to the basics.

>> No.3162991

And by doing so turning all games into clones of each other? No thanks.

I liked this game's BGM, even though I haven't listened too much to it. Maybe once the awesome arrangements appear or after I play it a lot more I'll like them even more.

>> No.3162997


Yeah, the stage theme is great, but it segues into a shitty boss theme.

>> No.3162999

my favs are this
感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind

and this


nazrin and kogera themes are also very good for me

cant wait for a heavy metal treatment

>> No.3163013

music is music, you don't have to be stylistically different to make it different.

as far as gameplay goes, all of the games fall into the same genre sure, but the mechanics definitely make them varied. it's why some people like some of the games way more than the others.

>> No.3163700

It's not like he reinvented his musical style either though. Can't you hear the synth trumpets?

>> No.3163719

I like the stage 4 theme, and the intro to Kogasa's theme sticks in my head.

>> No.3163784

>stage 4 theme
Why does nobody talk about this? It's probably one of ZUN's best stage themes. Hell, almost all of the stage 4 themes are perfect.

>> No.3163823

It's different, but not the best song.

>> No.3163870

It's good alright, at first I was surprised at the style, but definitely the best stage theme in the game, not sure of all the games, I'll stick with Last Remote and The Road of the Apotropaic God as best.

>> No.3163942

Good songs in UFO:

Stage 1 theme.
Stage 1 boss theme.
Stage 3 boss theme.
Stage 4 boss theme.
Stage 5 theme.
Stage 6 boss theme.
Extra stage theme.

But, that's like my opinion man.

>> No.3163952


Your opinion is horribly, horribly wrong.

>> No.3163955

Stage 4 is awesome in general.

Best stage music, one of the best boss themes, one of the best bosses, and the best danmaku gimmick (fuck yeah anchors).

>> No.3163978


It doesn't have a returning midboss Nazrin or Kogasa, like Stage 5 or Extra, though.

>> No.3165776

Best stage music is MoF' 4th, no discussion.

>> No.3165797

this thread is stangely familiar

>> No.3165839

I have to agree there, warerfalls were accompanied by an amazing tune.

>> No.3166599

>UFO's everything is an even bigger drawback than MoF and SA. Discuss.

>> No.3166873

I like every song from UFO. Right now I enjoy the Extra Boss theme the most.

>> No.3166877

1st boss: I've no idea why everyone is obsessed with it, pretty generic, though the MICE feel through it is pretty fascinating.
2nd: Unfit for a boss
3rd: The best theme in the game, I give it 7/10
4th: Good start, rest is mediocre
5th: I've no feel of anxiety I should have when listening to something like this
6th:Soothing. Compared to Suwa Foughten or Solar Sect it's pure shit
extra: lol UN Owen ripoff. Fuck you ZUN, I had great hopes for it.

>> No.3166878

Kogasa's intro gets me pumped.

>> No.3166907

Once, a long time ago, a mouse climbed into the kotatsu with me.

It even bit me. The bleeding wouldn't stop, so I had to stay home from school.

Story of ZUN's life.

>> No.3166913

>extra: lol UN Owen ripoff.
I don't hear it. Someone care to elaborate further?

>> No.3166955

Gee, I feel like I've travelled back in time to when Mountain of Faith was released, or perhaps Subterranean Animism. It doesn't really matter which because at the time both were being put down for their 'mediocre music' or and 'unoriginal bullet patterns', in MoF's case the complete change in bomb and power systems annoyed the hell out of everyone.

But you know what, now both games are loved for their music and certain boss fights and people accept their quirky features as part of each new game trying something different.

UFO isn't any different. Everyone will eventually come to love some of the themes and the characters will gain more depth over time as we get a better feel for the kind of personality they have. Next game people will be looking back at UFO and comparing how it was much better then TH13. God, I remember all the faggots complaining about Utsuho, now she's a pretty popular character.

>> No.3166960

I still dislike Utsuho. I can never get used to her design.

>> No.3169021

I began playing Touhou after SA release and loved its and MoF's music from the very start. Unlike UFO, heh.

>> No.3169040

God this thread is still alive?

>> No.3169050

Really? I don't really like her character all that much, but I definitely dig the cape. The cape is nice.

If Mima is in the next game, your argument is invalid. Your argument will never be invalid. ;_;

>> No.3169078

You all suck.

Wind God Girl > *

>> No.3169085

Bad Apple, Romantic Children, Grimoire of Alice, and Reincarnation > Wind God Girl

>> No.3169091

StB soundtrack sucks ass.

>> No.3169148
File: 741 KB, 1400x1400, 861811d6f6b8e824bbdcc98176e5f918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kogasa is the best of the new bunch. She tries so hard to be a good youkai. One day, she'll succeed and really surprise everyone!

Surprise! Extra Stage motherfucker!

Also, dem legs.

>> No.3169184

I have to admit I was surprised when I saw her in the Extra Stage

>> No.3169242

I beat UFO on the first day it came out and I can't even remember any of the music from it bar maybe Nazrin's theme / Stage 2. I think it's a disappointment, personally, and don't really feel the urge to go back to it. Thankfully, 12.3 really offsets the mediocrity.
What do you mean they're not even close to being a nice little family? Suwako and Kanako were out shopping together during SA extra or something silly, it's far from fanon alice on the nonsense scale.

>> No.3169255

This looks like a little Nue is standing on Nue's wing.

>A lot of UFO's music sounds like they should be on one of ZUN's music CDs instead of a game.

More like
>I'd like to see Greenwich in the Sky in a game instead of a music CD

Best SA theme was the Bridge People No Longer Crossed (stage 2).

UFO has good music in the last stages and I like that he finally put in his heartbeats. Nazrin's isn't bad either, but sadly niconico meme versions always come to my mind when I hear it.

>> No.3169269

>I beat UFO on the first day it came out
>Suwako and Kanako were out shopping together during SA extra
Stop posting.

>> No.3169282

The music didn't wow me at first, but it's definitely growing on me like the rest of the games. I found myself humming A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander a few times, not to the point of Native Faith or Phantom Ensemble, but it's rising. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one track from UFO makes my top 10 or top 15.

>> No.3169333

I have to say, Cosmic Mind is becoming one of my most favorite boss themes. I especially like the change of pace midway through the song; brings a nice emotional aspect to it.

>> No.3169354

I liked both stage 1 themes. The piano intro to the first stage kinda made me go, "Shit is getting REAL. This is gonna be awesome," while Nazrin's theme really did have that sort of "mice" feel.
Stage 2 gives me bad memories, so I can't really appreciate it that much. Fuck you Kogasa and your gigantic balls of death.
Not much on stage 3, but on Ichirin's theme, well, it starts off really fun as I realize that I'm going to be dodging PUNCHES from the angriest looking cloud I've ever seen.
4: Like most of his other stage 4 themes, it goes perfectly with the stage, including the little survival mini-boss segment. Captain Murasa's theme reminds me of a ship getting tossed about in a storm. Can't say much about stage 5 and on; I suck too much to get there regularly.

>> No.3169415


>> No.3169422


>> No.3169431

ZUN realized he'd been half deaf while composing the music, so now he's cured himself and is remaking it.

>> No.3169439

Deaf to all but the Trumpets?

>> No.3169457
File: 456 KB, 1000x789, 1237309302906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN fucking LOVES his trumpets, but they aren't good for his ears.

>> No.3169461

Franky speaking, A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe has the best trumpets.

>> No.3169472

>Franky speaking
Why did I lol

>> No.3169478

Why doesn't he compose a song made entirely of trumpets?

>> No.3169491

He will when he finds his long lost little sister.

>> No.3169507

Oh great, it's playing in my head again.

>> No.3169532
File: 287 KB, 1476x942, 36cab8c01b9ffd609d79e85ca9cd2b25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose one.

>> No.3169580

Can that hat really do that?

>> No.3169587

Suwako of course

>> No.3169592

Kogasa. Because her feet smell of morning rain.

>> No.3169597

It's like looking into a mirror through time from when SA or MoF was released. Other than that I like all the music from UFO except the extra boss theme.

>> No.3169603

What artist is this?

>> No.3169606

Keep lying to yourself.

>> No.3169612

The only thing I remember Suwako and Kogasa are drawn by different artists.
