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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3157012 No.3157012 [Reply] [Original]

Let's play.

I cannot host.

>> No.3157031

How do I get better at 623?

>> No.3157034


No, really.

>> No.3157039


Kill yourself.

>> No.3157043

can you please post download link?

>> No.3157044

Press 6, then 23, I mean some delay between them is ok.

>> No.3157045

where would some movelists be. just the standard stuff.

>> No.3157049

buy a joystick. no really.

>> No.3157053

Mizuumi's SWR wiki.

>> No.3157054

US West Coast. Starting to get a bit tired so I might be a bit sloppy. Expect lots of Meiling and Sakuya.

>> No.3157067
Rehosting again. West US.

>> No.3157074

If you can't do it, you need to go back to the basics.

Go download a SNES emulator and Street Fighter 2. Continue doing Hadoukens until they become second nature. Then, just add Towards at the beginning of the motion. If done right, you'll do a Shoryuken instead. Practice until it becomes second nature.

No, really.

>> No.3157092
File: 68 KB, 595x397, sf4_te_controller1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy this and you're set.

still looking for the download for 12.3 helpp me out yoo

>> No.3157096


Aw, come on, don't tell me no one wants to play now?

>> No.3157117

How do I spectate matches?

>> No.3157118


I very very seriously recommend a sega saturn pad. Best dpad ever made by mortal hands. If you can't do 623 with that, then you are doing it wrong.

Alternately, you can try it the way I used to. Try doing two 236 motions in rapid succession. The game will count it as 623. Its actually more reliable than inputting it normally (practically guaranteed to go off... but the downside is that it takes longer to input.

>> No.3157121

Not working.

>> No.3157122

i'll try to play as soon as i download 12 and 12.3 don't expect anything from me though. starting today.

>> No.3157127

I myself hold down forward then to a qcf.

Works like a charm.

>> No.3157132


I'll likely have this thing sitting up here waiting for someone for at least another hour. Its 2am now though, so yah. Not like I was going to sleep until 4 anyway though.

>> No.3157141


wait, seriously? God dammit, it was working earlier today.

>> No.3157146


Getting tired though. Don't expect much. (Can Central)

>> No.3157149

It sits for a couple seconds, then another box pops up with some Jap words. No character select screen or anything.

>> No.3157157

How do I sidestep when I'm stuck in a corner getting combo'D other than frog hat?

>> No.3157164

looking for australian swr/12.3 players

>> No.3157168

can you host?

>> No.3157183


Don't get stuck in a corner. If you get stuck, you might as well rage quit.

>> No.3157184


not unfortunately, sorry i remember there was a anon named "Vnonymous", he had a good yuyuko.

>> No.3157185

Is South Korea close enough for you because that's where I am right now.

>> No.3157186

If you never played online against someone else how would you "rank" yourself? I've been thinking about trying online for opponents but i dont want to fight out of my range of skill.

>> No.3157189


I'm not sure, want to try?

>> No.3157194

You must be talking about Border Escape. While blocking, double tap D+Up or Forward. Cause you to break one orb, but you gain graze frames and escape out of a corner or bullet pummel. Comes in handy if your on the verge of getting Guard Crushed or are getting corner locked down.

>> No.3157200


Once you get a good feel of the pool of players /jp/ has, you'll know where you stand.

>> No.3157203

If you've only been fighting CPUs thus far, you're likely anywhere from low to mid tier.

>> No.3157206 [DELETED] 

Hosting for a bit. Wanna see if I lag or not as a host. : 10800

Average tier.
Expect quite a bit of Reisen and Cirno.

>> No.3157213

Well I can try host but not sure if it'll work AU

>> No.3157218

Hosting for a bit. Wanna see if I lag or not as a host. : 10800

I think that's right...

Average tier.
Expect quite a bit of Reisen and Cirno.

>> No.3157225

I just realised I need to take care of some pressing matters.

>> No.3157226

Not sure what's happening there, was fine then huge freezes... I can try host again?

>> No.3157236

I don't know who I fought, but GGs.

>> No.3157238

That's 2 KO's for Marisa's ass.

>> No.3157244


can you rehost? my net just suddenly died

>> No.3157252


Good games, but the lag toward the end was unbearable. It kept skipping forwards by about 3 seconds, and I'd be on the ground with 1/2 my bar missing not knowing what even happened

>> No.3157260

Heh, yeah. By then it was just really kind of hoping that the knives I didn't graze through were mine... Heh, nice Sakuya, by the way,

>> No.3157265


Heh, thanks. You too. It would be nice to play you when it was actually semi normal speed.

As an aside, is it just me, or does the "missing frames" way lag works in this game really seem befitting of Sakuya?

>> No.3157271

Heh, I guess it depends how you look at it.

>> No.3157284

Hey /jp/, how do I host?

>> No.3157287


Top option in the netplay section. Just post your IP address and then the port number the top option gives you (ussally 10800).

Of course, if your router isn't set up properly, it isn't likely to work.

>> No.3157289


Find your IP. Make sure your ports are forwarded (typically 10800 for this). Go to VS Network, select the first option and input your port. Come here and post your IP in xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port format.

>> No.3157300


...Mez was it?

>> No.3157301
File: 86 KB, 500x688, 1197622155554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3157315 AU, shit tier.

Somebody test to see if I did it right.

>> No.3157323

Can't connect.

>> No.3157333

Rehosting nao!

>> No.3157343

In vs network first option is hosting and second is joining IP right?

>> No.3157357


Actually, computer just crashed, explaining your inability. Mind trying again?

>> No.3157382

Easier way is to copy the IP:Port from here and go to option 5.

>> No.3157385

Still can't connect.
GGs, sory for loliball spam but I can't stop myself whenever someone reminds me of suika.

>> No.3157413

GGs. I'm in need of food though.

>> No.3157425

I use WASD to move, Space to shift cards, and JKL: for DABC, respectively, and Q for Spellcard. It's made 623 motions a good deal easier for me.

It's somewhat frustrating because my keyboard isn't hardcore enough to handle all the alphabetical keypresses at once, and it's sort of weird to get used to from the standard arrow keys and shoot/bomb buttons in the Touhou shooters (I didn't hop on the SWR and IaMP train). But I'm counting on the scheme working well for me in the long run, and I'll just suck even worse than beginner-level for now while I try and get used to it. It's killing my right hand at the moment, though.

>> No.3157426

Just in time too, for I am in need of bed.

GGs. Those were some intense matches. I've never seen that fish thing that you used with Meiling before.

>> No.3157431

I like the system cards a lot, even though a few of them might not have much use.

>> No.3157432


1) Do you have a router?
2) If so, did you foward the port the game uses?

If the answers to both these questions are "Yes", you are either doin' it wrong, or theres some other unknown factor at work, in which case you are probably screwed.

>> No.3157438


My router's dumb, and port forwarding is more finicky than it should be, ugh.

>> No.3157467

oh dear lagged out again, I'm going to take a break, thanks for the games, you're really good ;_;

>> No.3157470

Am I the only one who uses a gamepad?
Actually, 623s only work right about half the time, even then.

>> No.3157479

I didn't buy a gamepad because I have no money

>> No.3157482


Yeah gg's, that suwako game was hilarious. I have shitty connection due to tpg so.. yah anytime, your remi is getting the hang of it. i remember one game that each melee hit was a counter ;_;

>> No.3157496

SWR/12.3's input detection is a little slow or off when compared to other fighting games.

>> No.3157497 EU

Frog tier, I don't care where you live so I won't mind the lag

>> No.3157500

Is beating lunatic arcade flawlessly any indication of your ability to start with netplay?
Maining Remilia here.

>> No.3157508

haha yeah the suwako game was hilarious, 2 rounds of 1% hp left. I keep getting crushed in the corners and I have a crappy style of running back after I attack and always getting myself stuck there ;_;

>> No.3157509

I need DL link

>> No.3157513
File: 59 KB, 644x506, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.3157515


I use a "Logitech Precision" game pad. Got it for like 15 bucks at a Fred Myer back last year. It has issues with wrong input sometimes (touhou is impossible to play with it for that reason), but its nearly perfect for SWR. I can get 623 movements off about 80% of the time, though I kinda have to make certain I press it right, so its hard to use as a quick counter. I usually plan anything involving that motion out about 3 seconds ahead of time.

My friend has a Sega Saturn pad he was going to give me, but we haven't bothered hunting down a connector for it. I swear, with an SS pad, I have never, even once, had a 623 movement fail unless I was at fault.

>> No.3157518 eu low/mid tier

>> No.3157522

I still need a DL link to this awesome game

>> No.3157530

i think it has to be copied like this: e.g.

still hosting btw

>> No.3157532
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 1197623513799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3157536

Are you trying to connect to a game?
If yes, you want the 2nd option down.
1st option is for hosting.
One of them lets you change profiles.
I can't remember what the others did (one was display internal IP I think).

>> No.3157538

Suwako's thigh highs drive me crazy.

>> No.3157549


GGs Yuka. Probably the best Suwako I've played against. The only one, really, but still.

>> No.3157552

hell where's my DL link?
Or name the game ffs

>> No.3157556


Touhou 12.3 Hisoutensoku. It's in the topic, dooder.

>> No.3157566

TH12.3 - Unthinkable Natural Law
Expansion to SWR

>> No.3157567
File: 206 KB, 850x680, 1197622551942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do better when I get some sleep, it's 6am and I've been awake since 7am yesterday. Sorry for the current condition.

>> No.3157563 [DELETED] 

Do I need SWR installed to play this?

>> No.3157577


Playing like I should be shit tier... I've been up for too long... So let's go out with a bang!

>> No.3157586


I figured you were probably tired after you trained my poor Patchy. Anyway, GGs, I could pick a thing or two up from those replays.

>> No.3157590

1 - Host
2 - Connect
5 - Connect to copied IP:Port
6 - Change profile
I forget the others, but they shouldn't matter.

BROTIP: You can spectate by connecting to someone already in a match.

>> No.3157593

Do I need SWR installed to play this?

>> No.3157600

Yeah basically, because you won't access 80% of characters without it.

>> No.3157601

No, but you don't have most characters that way.

>> No.3157635

you are way too good for me, but thanks for putting up with it

>> No.3157643

ggs. i would fight some more with you, but i want to try out th12

>> No.3157655
Hosting from Korea.

>> No.3157667
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Can someone connect to see it it works?

EU hostan
Low-Mid tier.

>> No.3157705

Obvious defeat from an obviously superior player. Thanks for the games

>> No.3157707

Well, it works. But the game crashed with an error just before second match.

>> No.3157710

GGs, I was surprised about the long wait before the match started, because I'm from europe too.

>> No.3157718

Oh, thought you left.
Alright, rehostan. EU.
Low-Mid tier.

>> No.3157885


>> No.3157886
File: 266 KB, 500x700, 2024578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3157886 West Coast US

Unyuu~ tier

>> No.3157890


>> No.3157903

did patchy get anything good

or is she shit in this game too

>> No.3157977

She has a melee special to punish graze what means +50% damage against characters like Yukari.

>> No.3157978

She ain't shit.
Just do as with Yuyuko and spam ranged attacks.

>> No.3157988


that sounds

pretty good

alt dp?

>> No.3157998

The flame sword counts as melee?

Will be back, fixing deck.

>> No.3158007


If this is your character's gameplan, then your character is shit.

>> No.3158008

I'd recommend putting in some other aerial skillcard because it replaces her 236 fireball.

>> No.3158010

If you aren't lying, and it counts as melee, you'll be my savior.


>> No.3158031


214 buzzsaws probably

those things are pretty good last I checked

>> No.3158034
File: 361 KB, 800x1097, 1250431280654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US West Coast Hostan

Intermediate Alice, Yukari, and Suwako.

>> No.3158038

>Is beating lunatic arcade flawlessly any indication of your ability to start with netplay?

If you can't do it, you have no business even trying multiplayer. If you can do it, you will probably still get your ass kicked without landing a single hit for a long, long time.

>> No.3158040

I can't do it and do OK against a lot of /jp/ people.

>> No.3158046

Your expectations of /jp/ are far too high.

>> No.3158048
File: 80 KB, 600x879, 1906946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3158048 West Coast US

Unyuuu~ tier

>> No.3158057

Can I do anything when Suwako is healing under her hat?

>> No.3158063 [DELETED]
low tier

>> No.3158066

All you can do is try timing an attack right when she gets out of the ground, but it's difficult.

>> No.3158070

Personally I have no problem with arcade, but isn't the AI and the way humans play different to such a degree so that it is hard to compare them?

>> No.3158093


Laggy game there. :<

>> No.3158100

Ahh I can't play well with these lag.
That Final Spark was satisfying~ Nice Utsuho though.

>> No.3158111
File: 125 KB, 450x450, 1197622614286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back again and with caffeine

>> No.3158114

Have you tried Google?
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3158120

Hey guys, is anyone else having problems with replays?

I just saved a match of Utsuho vs. Remilia (mostly to get a picture of how awesome Mega Flare looks when you declare it), and the replay turned out very differently than I played it (using skillcards I hadn't, just standing in place for about five seconds, losing the first match when I'd finished it at very near full health when I played it...).

>> No.3158128

Have you upgraded your game to 1.01?
Not that I think that would cause such a problem, but I don't have any trouble with my replays at all.

>> No.3158141
File: 526 KB, 900x749, 1222923479275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3158141 West Coast US

Unyuu~~ tier

>> No.3158178

any ausfags around? AU / decent remi

>> No.3158182

I have. It's hit or miss; going back through my replays, about three-fifths are fucked.

>> No.3158329


>> No.3158355

Hmmm, any quirk to the Netplay?

Haven't tried it yet, and I don't speak japanese.

>> No.3158373

First option is host, second is join.

That's all you really need to know.

>> No.3158385


ggs, gotta get ready for first day of school. Urgh

>> No.3158389
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>> No.3158420
West Coast
Low-Mid Tier

>> No.3158426

GGs, have to go.

>> No.3158431


>> No.3158432


>> No.3158443

European low tier:

>> No.3158477
File: 84 KB, 568x757, 1197623436121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kero Kero

>> No.3158510 Gate Guard Tier.

>> No.3158515

Forgot to add EU.

>> No.3158535
File: 107 KB, 326x600, Touhou_10__Suwako_Moriya_by_jigglysama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suika is so hard for me to face when using Suwako, I'm surprised I did that well.

>> No.3158541

Some network problems, i guess ? Anyway, GGs.

>> No.3158755
File: 47 KB, 250x250, Suwako_Moriya__Chibi_Vector_by_ragnakirby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suwako is pretty tiring to play
