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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 638x477, Aoba hates pedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3155771 No.3155771 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/. I am planning on starting a translation team. We already have 3 translators ready to work, but the problem is we do not know which novel to pick up.
Could you recommend us a novel /jp/?
It has to be a short one though, around 10-15 hs max. length.

(Pic unrelated, that's a message from my waifu)

>> No.3155781

Narcissu 2 and 3

>> No.3155787

Best bet would be to pick something your translators enjoy so they don't end up getting burned out and drop it.

>> No.3155792


>> No.3155794


>> No.3155800

Someone is already doing it, bro.

>> No.3155801


I lol'd for some reason

>> No.3155813

Princess Lover

>> No.3155819

Isn't there a project for Narcissu 2?
Problem is they don't know many Visual Novels to begin with. They wouldn't recognize god-tier VNs from shit-tier's, that's why I am in the need of asking for advise.

>> No.3155820


>> No.3155823

Is a light novel not a visual novel a good idea?

>> No.3155827

Maybe some semi short SoL games would be good to start off with.

>> No.3155830


>> No.3155832

I can't think of many short god-tier VNs. Why don't you translate something that's medium length or longer?

>> No.3155835


>> No.3155836
File: 78 KB, 320x446, inganock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am downloading Sekien no Inganock and some Bob Ross episodes at the moment. I hear they're both pretty good.

>> No.3155837

Most likely not, but I'll later look into it just to check it out.

>> No.3155842

For fuck's sakes MUVLUV

>> No.3155848


>> No.3155852

Because of the little time a day we have in our hands.

>> No.3155853

Kara no Shoujo.

>> No.3155856


Seriously, find something good that you guys enjoy, but otherwise, anything near the top of this

>> No.3155860

Something by Liar-Soft? The gameplay ones of theirs might be fairly easy and less text-heavy, such as Born Freaks. I'm sure there are better examples, though.

>> No.3155868

/jp/ would shit its pants and eat it for f/ha or muv-luv.

But honestly just do something you think is cool.

its not like you'll get no flame no matter what you pick.

>> No.3155870

Little Busters!

>> No.3155871

Thanks, they seem a little longer than I wanted them to be. But I'll have them in mind.

>> No.3155872

Ruitomo is pretty good from what I've heard, no idea about the length though.

>> No.3155874

>16 まるごとMinDeaD BlooD
What? Really? How the hell is MinDead Blood so high? It's almost just a nukige

>> No.3155877

Maybe Shiokaze no Kieru Umi ni or Akatsuki no Goei?

>> No.3155887


I know its a horrible title but I WANT TO READ IT SO bad.

>> No.3155891

Gore Screaming Show.

>> No.3155910

These look good and short enough. Thank you very much anon.
I'm still open for other opinions though.

>> No.3155912


I would say this one too. But isn't it's engine hard to break?

>> No.3155914

kara no shoujo

>> No.3155919

Himawari is quite short (double the size of Saya no Uta - a 4-5hour game, according to http://notazsite.hp.infoseek.co.jp/main/soft/size.html))

Everyone seems to want to see it translated as well.

>> No.3155925

Some anon did it a while back I think, unless he was trolling.

>> No.3155932

Scratch that, there are two Himawaris on that. The Himawari everyone wants to see translated is actually pretty long.

>> No.3155951

Are you sure about this?
According to vndb it's about 30-50 hs long.

>> No.3155957

See >>3155932

>> No.3155958

Please don't waste your time with Princess Lover.

>> No.3155959


>> No.3155965

Any reason behind this?

>> No.3155976

Mindead Blood.

>> No.3155980

Seconding Narcissu 2 and 3.
Seriously, screw anyone who can't doesn't have a sense of urgency to translate well (PROTIP: Delaying to release a translation from a game over two years old makes you a bad translator).

>> No.3155982

Because it's just a sex romp.

>> No.3155996

Because it's just a pissing game.

>> No.3156008

Thirding Narcissu

Seconding Gore Screaming Show

>> No.3156013

But Gore Screaming Show isn't short at all. Not really long either, but I'm pretty sure it's at least longer than 15 hours.

>> No.3156014

Agreed, I don't want to make this project take longer than a year. a year and a few months at max.
Understood, then I'll cross it out from the list.

>> No.3156017

my bad then. i had always assumed it was short for some reason.

but yeah. Narcissu.

>> No.3156026

About Narcissu 2, does somebody know if Haeleth is still on it?

>> No.3156029
File: 51 KB, 801x599, Setsumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I'd love to get Narcissu 2 translated

>> No.3156033

Narcissu 2

>> No.3156059

Well... as of now these have caught my attention:
Narcissu 2-3
Sekien no Inganock or Kara no Shoujo (MAYBE)
Shiokaze no Kieru Umi
Akatsuki no Goei

Is there any other worth mentioning to add?

>> No.3156066

Flyable Heart.

>> No.3156068

Whatever you pick, I hope you guys succeeed.

>> No.3156073

I am fairly sure there are none. By the way, Sekien no Inganock and Kara no Shoujo are not really that short, and more importantly, all Liar-Soft stuff is really fucking difficult to translate (much more so than the other stuff on your list).

Go with Narcissu 2/3 or Shiokaze. I actually haven't played Shiokaze, but it's written by the same guy as Gunjou no Sora wo Koete, so it can't be bad

>> No.3156102

Ok, thank you very much to all who posted (trolls aside).
I'm going to bed now, if anyone happens to have a suggestion please feel free to post it down, I'll check the thread again tomorrow morning.

>> No.3156183

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

>> No.3156194

I've always thought that all translation groups should work together to translate things at the speed of light.

>> No.3156219

Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.3156227

It's a good idea in theory, but in practice probably wouldn't work due to different translation styles, people not doing their own share, translators being prima donnas etc.

>> No.3156246

I love this game. So emotionally gripping and powerful.

>> No.3156255

guys stop trolling so weakly.

good luck OP and friends.

>> No.3156260

KS devs get out, etc etc

>> No.3156268

Personally I'd love to see Inganock translated. But others are fine too.

>> No.3156322

I made this list from discussion with vn players/translators I knew plus input from anon/forum poster. Originally it was made to determine what VN/eroge Ixrec (our lead translator for Cross Channel project) should translate next, but it turns out to be a mass recommendation of what VN people like to see translated.


Complete with links, premise, and some discussion.

If you like to know more you can probably lurk at #ensue or recently created #mangagamer and #tlwiki at rizon. Those place are the den of vn translators and veteran vn players like LoSs who just went to C76 for some business matter.

>> No.3156323

Another good game that comes in mind and is short is killer queen or it's remake secret game -killer queen-. also it's nscripter so hacking is easy.

>> No.3156324

Narcissu was decent but not that good. Unless the sequels are a lot better I'm sure there are many better games needing translation.

>> No.3156361

Shikkoku no Sharnoth. Good plot, god-tier music and interesting cast of characters. There's also quite a bit of voiced scenes.

Dunno about its length though, I only started it last week.

>> No.3156371

Translate Touhou 12 so we finally get the storyline
and 12.3 so we don't fuck up while building our decks.

>> No.3156375


>> No.3156379
File: 420 KB, 1920x1080, 1249749190163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshizora no Memoria. Because we're lacking in moe.

>> No.3156381

Looseboy's other game, その横顔を見つめてしまう ~A profile 完全版~ is 0.82MB of text, that's pretty short. Haven't played it yet but you can't go wrong with Looseboy.

>> No.3156383


>> No.3156384

UFO translation is already underway.

>> No.3156386
File: 681 KB, 800x600, 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School Captain. I have no idea what it's about or how long it is, but the heroine is so moe~

>> No.3156392

>It has to be a short one though, around 10-15 hs max. length.
Hoshizora isn't short.

>> No.3156400

Anything by Liar-Soft would be nice really... To nitpick, Ignanock.

>> No.3156421


>> No.3156425
File: 791 KB, 800x600, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3156430

Yeah, given the fact that the three translators would be able to collaborate, the impossible runes may be deciphered. It seems like it'd be a missed opportunity if it was missed.

Course, we can't affirm that they aren't trolls. So don't invest too much hope.

>> No.3156432

Yosuga no Sora.

Reasonably easy to read, short, easy to hack the engine, fandisc coming out soon will increase its popularity.

>> No.3156489
File: 125 KB, 570x800, a28ef7324b1fd1e2d11713570a197797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The factors to pay attention in picking title to translate are:
1. Motivation. If you didn't like the game you're translating, the project is doomed from the start
2. TL difficulty
3. Engine difficulty
4. Script length
5. Popularity of the game: if it's unpopular, there won't be fans terrorizing and bitching if you to don't get stuffs done
6. Licensing: if you pick Nitro+ title, you're a troll
7. Pre-existing translation project: vn translators do have their own e-drama

Narcissu 2-3 are ideal choice because it fulfills most category.

Low priority but next is to pick your method: closed source, tlwiki, forum, irc channel, svn, etc.

We can't expect every new translation project to deliver, that's to be expected. But at least anon are still willing to assist and share information, which is nice.

>> No.3156513

Not short enough. Something below 1MB of text would be good.

>> No.3156524
File: 432 KB, 806x652, muvluv-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP.
In my opinion one of the most desired franchise among VNs (it's kinda like the unreachable Holy Grail for /m/ too, and quite a lot of /jp/edos here hype it too, despite the usual troll replies) is the MuvLuv series.
It consist of three games, Extra, Unlimited, and Alternative.

Now the thing is that the engine so far was unhackable, and other than some bits and pieces being translated, there was no serious effort to translate it.
However few days ago one of the hackers found a way to develop tools for Extra's engine, dumped the whole game's script and he developed some tools which can be worked with. He said that he would like to see Extra being translated first, but he said:
>I probably won't bother with dumping the other games unless someone picks this up or someone serious shows interest in translating one of the games.
Here's the link:

I'm definitely sure many-many people would be grateful if you would start translating the series. As far as I know Extra is about 15-20 hour long (the script is 2 MB with repetitions and such), so it almost fits with your requirements. I've heard it isn't overly hard language-wise either.

>> No.3156525

for the love of god please do muvluv or that bladrsky game

>> No.3156526

y u do dis ;_; sure it's not DEEP but that doesn't make it a bad game

>> No.3156535

Did you even read what he wrote?
>It has to be a short one though, around 10-15 hs max. length.

>> No.3156539
File: 732 KB, 800x600, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School Captain's script seems to be 183 KB.

>> No.3156548 [SPOILER] 
File: 538 KB, 800x600, 0922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vote love+dead if only for its great endings.

>> No.3156560

It's funny and ironic because you didn't read what the post you quoted said.

>> No.3156580

Yeah I've read my friend.
Well, Extra is touted to be about 15 hour long, or so I've heard. And to be honest, even if it's a partial translation, I'm sure it would be more appreciated than a short game no one really heard about.

>> No.3156608
File: 982 KB, 1945x1337, 1250430612547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently released C76 School Captain by Digital Lover. Short (183KB) script with tons of pro-quality tsundere CG.

OP Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9o8GmDdJ8c
Megaupload Link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IWBAIBQV

I argue that beginners shouldn't pick top-tier games at first because if they turns out losing motivation, it'll be hassle for other team to pick that specific title in the future. Short games are the best, even if they turns (a bit) crap.

Our hacker is looking at the files atm. Wait for updates.

>> No.3156613

How about the Rance series

>> No.3156629

Random anon here, but...

Wrong. I'd rather be able to read an entire short game than one scene of a long game.

>> No.3156682
File: 34 KB, 256x364, 2285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend A Profile. Short 0.55MB script written by Loose Boy and same artist as G-Senjou no Maou and Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo.

vndb link: http://vndb.org/v1894
OP movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9lgJ67Sz8Y&fmt=18
>original doujin ver. http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=4482
>voiced commercial rerelease http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=7260

Even if this tl project turns out to be a troll, still a nice discussion we have here lol.

>> No.3156694

Yeah but it's not one scene as I said. From what I've heard you can definitely reach a few endings in 15 hours. I'm sure there would be others to pick it up or maybe even join in, if there would be a serious effort to TL it.

>> No.3156696

I mentioned that earlier in the thread, but the Looseboy version's script is 0.82MB

>> No.3156705

Oh, they're both written by Looseboy, I thought the original was by someone else. Anyway, apparently the remake is longer.

>> No.3156728

More Loose Boy? Meh, the best games are getting translation already, we dont need something inferior

>> No.3156911
File: 654 KB, 800x600, EV102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm probably the only one here who likes it, but whatever. i'd like night when evil falls translated.

>> No.3156940
File: 499 KB, 1169x850, 20090218160309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konata yori Kanata Made.
Very short but incredibly powerful, probably one of the best utsuge available.

>> No.3156962


Listen to this wise man.

>> No.3156997


>> No.3157006
File: 66 KB, 500x500, KillerQueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or if you dismiss my ML suggestion, and you insist on the <1 MB script, then I would love to see Killer Queen translated, as it intrigues me a lot and I've only heard positive opinions about it (Killer Queen, not to be confused with Secret Game). The script is 0,71 MB large, and it isn't difficult language-wise either as far as I've heard from those who played it.
It's about 13 people trapped together with a bomb attached to their neck, which will explode in 72 hours, and only those survive who can complete the individually given, crazily wicked tasks.
VNDB: http://vndb.org/v105
EGS: http://erogamescape.ddo.jp/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=7692
Opening movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRBaKR-iXYI

>> No.3157030

>and you insist on the <1 MB script
>>3156513 was me, not OP
1MB is just a rough figure, but it sounds about right. Anything over 1MB pushes the 15+ hour mark.

>> No.3157047

Are there any VNs where the protagonist is a little innocent boy that is frail and weak but does his best in becoming strong? And becomes bad ass later (But still frail personality)? And where one of the heroines hate him at first? That would be an awesome VN

>> No.3157058 [DELETED] 

...to translated (Sorry, forgot to finish my last sentence with this).

>> No.3157071
File: 499 KB, 550x310, 2njv7dj1ol8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3157110

He's not a little boy though.
I want to be the little boy that gets to sex women much more bigger and mature than him, (one who of them who starts out hating his guts) I then want to later become badass and impress my women.
Chaos:Head can't provide the little boy, but if it can provide everything else, I'll play it right away.

>> No.3157116


>> No.3157144

Himawari isn't that long actually, it only took me about 15 hours to complete it.
Must be because it's so easy to read and flow so well though.
Anyways it's definitely not 30-50 hours like written in VNDB.

>> No.3157169


You pretty much just described Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.3157205

I'm sorry but how is that related to the Opening Post?

>> No.3157209

FUCK YES. This looks like exactly the story I want. Thank you anonymous. I know what to request next time a translator asks "What should I (or We) translate next"

Saw a video for that. I saw two males. One that looked like a kid in elementary school and one that looked like he was in high school. Are they both the same person? If not, which one is the protagonist?

>> No.3157214

To find a VN I'd like to ask to be translated.

>> No.3157223
File: 181 KB, 800x600, Kenichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the protagonist. It really does fit Sharin no Kuni perfectly, though there isn't too many scenes of him as a kid

>> No.3157245

I wanna play a VN based on running away from a giant monster.

survival horror romance style.

>> No.3157249

Gore Screaming Show?

>> No.3157250

Ah okay. Then that's perfect. I'll also have to request this VN to be translated sometime in the future. Thanks for replying.

>> No.3157255

It's already being translated. There's a partial patch out already on Tsukuru.

>> No.3157261

naah more like clover field if it didn't suck.

>> No.3157269

Ah you're right. It's at 5% right now. Thanks for the good news you've been giving me, bro.

>> No.3157278

I refuse to participate in this until it's been verified that it's not a troll post to get our hopes up ;-;

>> No.3157279

>if you pick Nitro+ title, you're a troll
Why? There's still tons of good Nitro+ titles that are not even close to being translated, and more are being released, and faster than they are translated.

>> No.3157363

It might be best to translate Inganock first, since you know. It is a series.

>> No.3157400

If you're saying that, Celenaria is first. But they're not really a series in that sense, they're only connected to eachother by vague theme and setting.

>> No.3157412

You mean Celenaria, right?

>> No.3157440
File: 84 KB, 816x636, shar_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see. Sharnoth would be entirely fine too.

>> No.3157449
File: 82 KB, 800x600, 88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celenaria is pretty good, Connie is an awesome heroine.

>> No.3157529

Seconded. But if there's a ripped script out there I may as well start working on it too (actually started five minutes ago, done about ten or so lines). Online wiki anywhere?

>> No.3157542

Oh god moe.
What is this?

>> No.3157569
File: 1.13 MB, 1442x1450, worksafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discode-lo, it's quite short, and very hot.
Not to mention you get to be the little girl.

>> No.3157573

Isn't that dickgirl?

>> No.3157585


>> No.3157610

Somebody is doing Sharnoth? Awesome, can't wait for heterochromic Agatha Christie.

>> No.3157621

Thanks, but how exactly do I read the files? I've extracted it with winrar and the gsc files open with jumble.

>> No.3157622

I imagine the project being long dead, I was just pulling that up for the script unpacker.

>> No.3157623

try reading the README.

thats kinda why its there.

>> No.3157628

Agatha Christie is smalltime, reverse trap colonel Moran is the best.

>> No.3157633

>heterochromic Agatha Christie
People keep saying this, but I can't figure out what the hell it's supposed to mean. She writes mystery novels?

>> No.3157639

No readme file there, otherwise I wouldn't be asking you dumbass.

>> No.3157646

No, she is Agatha Christie. Like how in Demonbane you fuck Nyarlathotep and genderswapped Ronald A. Knox kicks Battler's ass in Umineko 5.

>> No.3157652

She is a character based on a real person.

>> No.3157657

Oh. That's kind of weird. You have my interest, though. I should get round to reading it, though I'm not sure I like liarsoft's style, I couldn't really get into Kusarihime.

>> No.3157659

yes there is you are blind.

>> No.3157685


There's also Sherlock Holmes in it, BTW. He has an eyepatch.

>> No.3157715

All I have is the folder 'src' and a bunch of numbered files.

>> No.3157731

No he doesn't, you mean Moriarty.

>> No.3157732


>> No.3157739

Is there any yuri?

>> No.3157775

Downloaded it, nothing. You might as well just send me the file itself, this is getting nowhere.

>> No.3157782

usage: unpack <.xfl> <.gsc>
unpacks the xfl file or specific gsc file if specified.

usage: pack <.xfl> <directory>
packs a directory into a .xfl

usage: decode <.gsc>
converts a script file into a human readable format

usage: encode <.txt>
converts a txt file decoded with decode back to a .gsc

skips all plaintext and just grabs the hexadecimal and game text values out
of the text file.

genlinelen.py <.txt>:
generates line indexes for a given .txt

decodes all the gsc files in a directory

something I used to track my crappy atlas-style translation for testing.

>> No.3157785

XFL format:
struct XFLHeader {
int header;
int size;
int items;
struct FileHeader {
char name[32];
int start;
int len;

starts with XFLHeader then X amount of FileHeaders, then all the file data

GSC format:
when decoding, a lot of useless information will appear around the top.
This is from when I had no idea how it worked and was trying to see of any
particular structs did anything important(they didnt).

The translation relevant things will appear near the bottom.
The strings to translate are prefixed by a 'str: ' this is ignored by the
encoder and is just a marker that there is text. Displayed strings are
preceded by a ^g then 3 numbers, newlines are ^n, centering is ^m, ^d
also exists but I forget what it does so its not important.

Above the game text will be a list of hexadecimal values (ie. '00 00 00 00')
these values indicate the index of the string from the point after they are
done being listed. The genlinelen.py tool will automatically calculate the
lengths needed and write them to the file.

To simplify everything, there is an included Makefile to rebuild the
scr.xfl file: `make xfl`

>> No.3157789

jesus fuck you morons, neither Inganock nor Sharnoth are anywhere near short, stop recommending them

Muv-Luv? Extra isn't really *that* long (though its script for all routes still is more than 2MB, so nowhere near short either), but who the fuck wants to play just Extra? EX+UL+AL combined are have a motherfucking huge amount of text, and no point in having just one or two of them translated

>> No.3157797

OP here.
Damn... I didn't think this would get any more posts, Will check out all the Visual Novels posted. I truly appreciate all of the responses.

>> No.3157798


>> No.3157817

protip: most stuff posted here isn't short.

>> No.3157843

Liar-Soft's stuff is neat. We want them translated so we can start hating them.

>> No.3157851


>> No.3157856

Liar-Soft? More like Snore-Soft. Shit sucks.

>> No.3157875

You find zombies and other odd things boring?

I bet you loved the fuck out of key titles you SICK MOTHERFUCKER.

>> No.3157877

Liar-Soft, not worth the money.

>> No.3157878
File: 472 KB, 660x570, 1480838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu.

>> No.3157882

I know, I'm checking them one by one.
I've heard from a trusted source that the japanese from Liar-Soft's games is fucking hard, so there's a tiny little chance we will pick anything made by Liar-Soft, at least for now.

>> No.3157883

Liar-soft, a fitting name considering how badly they misrepresent their boring mediocre products.

>> No.3157888

Anything by Complets or Authoring Heaven

we need some straight shota vns

>> No.3157889

What's so bad about them?

>> No.3157893

It's a joke at >>3157843
>We want them translated so we can start hating them.

>> No.3157905

For the Liar-soft titles in this game, Inganock is great but Sharnoth is pretty average.
The setting is great but it's far too repetitive and the gameplay is fucking shitty.

>> No.3157911

>>in this thread

>> No.3157960


>> No.3157980

Seconding this. Translate 'Himawari' by studio regrips just to troll everyone.

>> No.3158001

I'd suggest Never7 or Remember11. I've personally been dying to read 'em since I finished Ever17.

Sadly, I know (having attempted to at least, y'know, spellcheck Hirameki's translation of E17) that the engine they run on makes 'em damn near impossible to make a translation patch, but would it be hypothetically possible to port them to a different engine?

>> No.3158003

Princess Maker 5
A wonderful game and their are already tools.

>> No.3158004

>It has to be a short one though, around 10-15 hs max. length.
How the hell does everyone seem to miss this?

>> No.3158011

Shinigami no Seppun. It's about 8-10 hours to clear, and it's pretty awesome.

>> No.3158015

OP said 10-15 hours max, not 100-150 hours max.

>> No.3158025

Who said I was joking?

>> No.3158036

The script of Seinarukana isn't that long though.

>> No.3158037

Well, I for one was anyway.

>> No.3158043


>> No.3158050

There's already project for Remember11

>> No.3158051
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Games by SofthouseChara. Their stories are pretty short.
I recommend Greensvale no Mori, it has the best art. It's a school management simulation.

>> No.3158055

Princess Maker should fit in quite nicely in the 10-15 hours limit.
Sure, it does take longer to play but that is only because of the gameplay elements.
the text is probably something like 5-8 hours.
So it should actually be a good start if you guys want a project that will be well received by an already existing fan base, and doesn't require lots of work.

>> No.3158096

So far these are the current candidates:
Narcissu 2-3
Shiokaze no Kieru Umi
Akatsuki no Goei
Flyable Heart
Killer Queen
Yosuga no Sora - In solitude, where we are least alone.
School Captain Kaichou Kouho wa go Rippuku
A Profile
Konata yori Kanata Made
Shikkoku no Sharnoth (I'm still unsure about it)
Swan Song

I'll try to talk this over with the rest of the crew to decide which one to take on, there are some I omitted, but they are still on my private list, simply because I don't want to hype you all with ridiculous proposals that I know won't be taken seriously.
I'll try to have it decided by next week, and may possibly make a poll or another thread.

Thank you all for the suggestions.

>> No.3158113

>I'll also try to have it decided by next week, and may possibly make a poll or another thread.

>> No.3158176 [DELETED] 

>Shikkoku no Sharnoth (I'm still unsure about it)
I'll still add that Inganock is considered better. Sure, Sharnoth has some really great elements like more polished art but the gameplay elements in it are pretty like.

And like others have said, Princess Maker 5 might be a good starter.

>> No.3158191

>Shikkoku no Sharnoth (I'm still unsure about it)
I'll still add that Inganock is considered better. Sure, Sharnoth has some really great stuff like more polished art but the gameplay elements in it are pretty lame.

And like others have said, Princess Maker 5 might be a good starter.

>> No.3158222

uh, you sure about Yosuga? Its script is more than 2 megabytes, wayyy more than any other game in that list.

Also, if you are still taking suggestions, Sayonara wo Oshiete. Script is only 0.63 megabytes, and the game is fairly well known.

>> No.3158224

>wayyy more than any other game in that list.
Himawari is longer

>> No.3158237

I thought the Himawari on that list was the Studio Regrips one (which is short), not the Blank-note one (which is probably what you are thinking about)

>> No.3158249

Well, maybe. But I've never even heard of the Regrips one before today and I doubt anyone cares about it/wants it translated

>> No.3158290

did you even read the thread? The Regrips one was the one that was initially suggested. As for people not giving a shit about it, the same could be said about Akatsuki no Goei, Flyable Heart and School Captain.

>> No.3158442

Can you consider RURUR too, please? Include it as one of the options for your poll?

>> No.3160478 [DELETED] 


>> No.3160491

>The Regrips one was the one that was initially suggested
Did YOU even read the thread? It was suggested by me, by mistake. Go read my post again.

>> No.3160497


>> No.3160737

>Narcissu 2-3
This! please this!

>> No.3160743

Gore Screaming Show

>> No.3160751

Not short.

>> No.3160768

It might be best for you to consider getting a tripcode for use, solely when talking about your group/project.

>> No.3161568


>> No.3161568,1 [INTERNAL] 

I've been discussing some things with the other part of the group, and possible future members. It seems that our opinions differ, HEAVILY, so this may take a lot longer than expected. I, for one, hope this won't lead to internal conflicts.

My ideal choice would be Narcissu, but I'd like to contact Haeleth to check whether he's still on the way of translating it or dropped it. So far it's been futile because he's been inactive since 2008. I wouldn't want to intrude into another person's project, so chances are that it won't chosen in the end.
A thread will be made when we decide which novel to take, unfortunately at the current pace, I don't think a poll will be created anytime soon...

Again, thank you very much to you all. I am going to consider every proposal and try to fix some things up. Although I cannot promise anything, nor I can make a compromise.

The group is still forming itself. But surely I'll get one if we succeed.

>> No.3161568,2 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck, didn't realise thread was saged.

>> No.3161568,3 [INTERNAL] 

Good luck Anon. Hope your group will consider the VNs I've proposed.

>> No.3161568,4 [INTERNAL] 

No one will oppose you taking over Narcissu 2 (+3). Everyone didn't like Haeleth and gemotian's attitude to fan translation at this point. Multiple translation is the trend nowadays, seeing Sonozaki Twins' stubbornness at Higurashi tl project.

You'll get a lot of support if you pick Narcissu, so don't worry.

We had a lot of bad experience with anonymous translator (Yosuga no Sora, MuvLuv) so it'll be very helpful if you can reveal your group or your identity, and how to contact you.

Good luck with your group. Hope you'll reach an agreement.

>> No.3161568,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm most interested in Killer Queen but if the text is easy like anon says then I'll probably be able to read it before a translation is finished.

>> No.3161568,6 [INTERNAL] 

A Profile seems like a perfect candidate, decent size and Looseboy seems to be a god-like writer. If you don't go with Narcissu, that is.

>> No.3161568,7 [INTERNAL] 

A decent number of VNs have been uploaded from C76. See >>3155298. Obviously none of them have any hype, being just released. Most of them seem to use KiriKiri, making them easy to hack as well.

[Festival] ABYSS~殺人クラブ~
looked the most interesting to me. I believe it was mentioned that both (or at least the latter) are part of a series, so you could try finding earlier works from those circles as well.

>> No.3161568,8 [INTERNAL] 

I'm fully supporting the idea of Killer Queen if OP wants to go with a shorter VN.
