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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3154507 No.3154507 [Reply] [Original]

What's /jp/'s favorite tea? I haven't had tea in a while, and I want some tea. Last time I had some Kukicha green tea, and I really enjoyed it.

>> No.3154510

Kukicha is weak tier. Time to move on to Gyokuro.

>> No.3154516

It's probably too expensive. I don't like the paying too much money for tea.

>> No.3154525

Russian black tea, one whole lemon inside, 2 spoons sugar.
I drink it 2 times a day.

>> No.3154527

I don't really like tea.

Not knocking those who do, just don't care for it.

>> No.3154532

Beer is better

>> No.3154534

Why not? It's definitely more expensive, but you get what you pay for.

>> No.3154543

I'll have to check how much it will cost.

>> No.3154545

Chrysanthemum Flower Tea

>> No.3154561


Second flush Darjeeling. Harrods Blend No. 42.

>> No.3154575

How can you guy drink Tea?
It taste like a leave in a hot water

>> No.3154578

Earl grey, hot

>> No.3154581
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a leave?

>> No.3154582

Hard to give only one answer, since I consider the black teas completely different from the others.

So Darjeeling for black tea, and barley tea otherwise.

>> No.3154594

Ceylon, iced.

>> No.3154602

Masala chai

>> No.3154640

Lipton tea with 1.5-2 tablespoons of sugar.

>> No.3154648

You probably should ask somewhere else.
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3154684
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I'm surprised a thread started with that picture of Rachel actually stayed on the topic of tea.

What's the matter, bored of classy loli vampires?

>> No.3154696


Blazblue is really more /v/ material, even though they lack the ability to appreciate it.

>> No.3154701

Tea is /jp/ and BlazBlue isn't~

>> No.3154717

Please die.

>> No.3154815 [DELETED] 


>> No.3154852

I'm quite fond of Kuding.

>> No.3154868

I get some from the little chinese market that is basically ginger and crystallized honey in a bag.

Sooo goood on cold days, and great for stomachache and sore throat too.

>> No.3154953 [DELETED] 

I'm partial to Hojicha, but it's a real chore to make.

Also, Blazblue is a good game. I guarantee this will incite more of a reaction.

>> No.3154960

I'm partial to Hojicha, but it's a real chore to make.

Also, BlazBlue is a good game. I guarantee this will incite more of a reaction.

>> No.3154975

Namring FF
