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3153721 No.3153721 [Reply] [Original]

I know that you would hug her, kiss her and make sweet love to her if you could.
Then you would adopt Maria and live happily as a Family.

>> No.3153743


>> No.3153771
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>> No.3153787
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>> No.3153788
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>> No.3153780

I'd go on a vacation with her leaving Maria alone.

>> No.3153800

Yes, in my dreams OP.

>> No.3153796 [DELETED] 

Not sure. Will have to get back to you on this one.
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>> No.3153878
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I know that you would hug her, kiss her and make sweet love to her if you could.
Then you would put Maria up for adoption and live happily ever after.

>> No.3153902

That would be fine too. No one wants that annoying little bitch.

>> No.3153912

I'd make sweet love to Maria and put Rosa up for adoption.

>> No.3153941
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This is now a best mother and daughter thread.

>> No.3153959
File: 391 KB, 1280x800, 1250292547830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Rosa's like this, I want to hold her tightly till she calms down.

>> No.3153976
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>> No.3154007
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>> No.3154036
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>> No.3154088
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>> No.3154097
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>> No.3154115


>> No.3154128
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>> No.3154129

You bitch, you killed Sakutaro!

>> No.3154143
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feels good man

>> No.3154194

>you killed Sakutaro!

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3154228
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>> No.3155149

Easily the best uu~ comic I've seen.
If Rosa was my mother, things would be different around here...

>> No.3155268

I'd wanna bang your mom.

>> No.3155454

You better be good at it, or she'll slap your ass across the room.

>> No.3156087

Why is Rosa such a bitch to her daughter anyway?

>> No.3156110

>I know that you would hug her, kiss her and make sweet love to her if you could.
>Then you would adopt Maria and live happily as a Family
Wait, she has a daughter?
Never mind...

>> No.3156112

Because Maria ruined her life.

>> No.3156119

More like the guy who fucked her and ditched her did.

>> No.3156134

Probably a mix of being the runt of the litter, so she was always neglected and teased, on top of not being terribly bright like Eva, nor charismatic like Rudolf, Kinzo's incredibly strict parenting, and abandonment issues with whoever the father of Maria is.

Pretty much only rape is stopping her from being the most damaged of damaged goods.

>> No.3156144

I wouldn't put it below 'that' Ryukishi to have Rosa raped pregnant with Maria and marry/"enter a relationship" as a coverage for that.

>> No.3156146

I would baww so hard.

>> No.3156163

Pretty sure Rosa has been raped bro. See how she reacts when Genji tries to put a blanket on her.

>> No.3156167

In addition, it was Krauss or Kinzo who raped her.

>> No.3156184

I'd call social services, adopt her, then hug, kiss and make sweet love to Maria.

>> No.3156186

I'm forcing myself to believe otherwise, because that would be too fucked up for one person.

Hell, even loli Takano supposedly escaped her misfortune without getting raped.

>> No.3156188
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Just finished episode 2.

Rosa survived until the end, grabbed the gold and made a run for it with Maria. Cool plan: they were going to live without worries happily ever after. Then, some goats, monsters and shit appeared, but she was too busy by saving her daughter to give a fuck. WHAM BANG BANG BANG WHAM 6 seconds, 6 goats down. Then Maria FUCKING RELOADED A GUN HOLY FUCK DO THEY TEACH THAT IN SCHOOL NOWADAYS? While BEST MOM decapitated goats with a bag. Then, they keep running and running but that ho was too old and tripped.
'Yo, Maria, leave me here, I'll hold 'em off for ya' 'No way nigga, we family ya hear? we go down, we go down togheter-uu'
'Bitch I love you'
So, that little pussy not only found her reason to live, true happiness and all that sentimental bullshit before dying, but she also saved the Main character ass by denying the witch long enough for that other crybaby to put his shit together.

Shit was so cash.

>> No.3156197

This 1000 times.

>> No.3156199

Though it would explain Rosa's hate of Maria too. Abortion isn't a choice with Kinzo looming above her like Death itself (and Kinzo will likely be her death if she reveals she's been raped so she needs to pretend she's in a relationship), so she's struck with the seed of the man who raped her.

>> No.3156205

Goats don't exist. That was all a metaphor for Rosa killing Maria, because, you know, she was the culprit.

>> No.3156213

I know right. I can't believe no one has said it in this thread before I.

>> No.3156210

I don't know, if you call social services a thousand times they might stop listening to you.

>> No.3156220
File: 240 KB, 600x905, maria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that you would hug her, kiss her and make sweet love to her if you could.
Then you would adopt Her and live happily as a Couple.

>> No.3156226 [DELETED] 

I said >>3153902 earlier.

>> No.3156222

In Ryuukishi's world, it's the complete opposite.

>> No.3156224
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>> No.3156228

They'll send you more Marias the more you call them?

>> No.3156232

I said >>3153912 earlier.

>> No.3156235

No, you have to call them 1000 times for them to listen.

>> No.3156241

I liked the multiple Marias thing better.

>> No.3156249

Imagine having a swarm of 1000 Marias. Constant uu-uu buzzing around your ear, every day, all day. I'd go insane within minutes.

>> No.3156250

Me too, actually.

>> No.3156254

You'd tribute one to each anon who sides with Maria and hates Rosa.

>> No.3156265

Oh. I misread your post.
Anyway, I concur.

>> No.3156607

I would staple gun her labia to a meter square chipboard panel, if you know what I mean. (Hold those splits or tear, lovey).
