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3152773 No.3152773 [Reply] [Original]

You're trapped on the plate of a brown haired Japanese beauty, you're caught underneath her meal and can't get free, explain in detail what will happen to you, will you be swallowed? Or will you escape? Explain your journey throughout this Japanese goddesses stomach if you are eaten, or tell me how you'll break free, creativity's a must.

>> No.3152780

She rips me apart like that mermaids picture.

>> No.3152792


>> No.3152798


I expected more from you kid, please write something more erotic, or things will get unpleasant.

>> No.3152830

I'm not a fanfic writer, but I did right that scene from Utawarerumono. "I plunge my dick insider of her."

>> No.3152832
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Stupid shit. Reported.

>> No.3152834
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No one is small enough to be trapped on some nee-chan's plate! This isn't a witch's banquet!

>> No.3152841

How unpleasant are we talking about?
I'd love to know.

>> No.3152865

>or things will get unpleasant.

>> No.3152905
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Well, I'll help you kids out.

I try to wiggle free from the sloppy meal, only getting myself more tangled between the rings of the noodles. I start struggling to get out, but her fork begins to descend, twirling me into the mix of vegetable and strings of gargantuan food. I'm pulled up towards her mouth unaware of my presence, I begin to burst into tears as she lowers me into her moist hole, dropping me onto her tongue, somewhat like a huge romp around to the death. She starts to swash me around inside, flipping me onto my back, and takes a soft gulp, flinging the helpless me into her belly. I'm sitting here, hurtled up in a corner, as things begin to grow warm, I've already banged onto the sides of the belly of the giant girl, but still no sign of her noticing me. I think this will be the end of my career, my career on being food.

I did my best! Look'e here!

>> No.3152918
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More, more, more!

>> No.3152944
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Even if it were possible to be swallowed whole, the acid in someone's stomach would digest you rather quickly, and you wouldn't be able to breathe! There would be no huddling last moment. Your story is fake!

>> No.3152947

I take a shit on her linguini.

Bitch can enjoy her E. coli.

>> No.3152977
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I beg to differ, the story's fiction and it's only pertained to get the person reading aroused, don't be so arrogant you pompous red haired snot.

>> No.3152998
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Don't mind me, just here to enjoy what others have to say~

>> No.3153010

I can no longer resist the pizza.

>> No.3153084
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Ar-Are you enjoying the show...?

>> No.3153090
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Fiction, just as I thought! Then you concede?

>> No.3153115

This is actually a thrill to read.

>> No.3153181 [DELETED] 
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You're starting to bug me, raggedy red haired swine! I'm just trying to please others, you don't need to wave your snarky butt inside my face, now shut your mouth.

>> No.3153201
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You're starting to bug me, raggedy red haired swine! I'm just trying to please others, you don't need to wave your snarky butt inside my face, now shut your mouth.

>> No.3153244
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I'm not intimidated by the likes of you!

>> No.3153536

I should know better by now to not take challenges from the other wizards. Especially ones that question my ability to apply the arts of metamagic to a reduce person spell. My familiar, a small toad that I have named Elminster, and I are now a fraction of our original size and I'm now being crushed to death by a salisbury steak. No, no matter how many times she affectionately calls it a "hambaagaa" it is, for a fact, a steak. Yes, I'm sorry you share the effects of the spell too, Elminster. And yes, I named him Elminster as a joke. The other wizards didn't find it nearly as humorous as I did.

I would try to grab her attention, but first let me explain my position. The weight of my meaty cage has forced all the air out of my lungs, rendering me speechless. What about trying to scratch the plate to make noise? Well, this thick gravy that has thoroughly covered and drenched my person just makes my fingernails slip. It's also the reason she has not noticed my now diminutive self. No Elminster, I won't leave you at home the next time I attend the wizard's council.

Of course I know plenty of spells that could save me from the predicament. I just can't cast them. My body is pinned down by a hamba-steak, preventing me from performing the arcane gestures or reaching for my material components. There's also that part about not being able to breath, so saying the incantation is impossible. Shut the hell up Elminster, you should be thankful you're safe in the side pockets of my coat.

>> No.3153542

So is my fate that of a garnish? Not at all. This sort of situation is common for a wizard. Elminster is my familiar, so he's more than just a toad. He's a toad that has been thoroughly enchanced and transmutated by magic. For example, he now has an extra "stomach" which allows me to store small objects inside of him. I am quite aware that using a sentient frog as a purse might be against the law, but breaking the law is the foundation of being a wizard. Through my mental bond I share with Elminster, I have him burp up a handful of platinum coins. Normally, the size of these reduced coins wouldn't be noticeable. However, any object that leaves my possession will no longer be affected by the spell.

As the coins slide out from the sides of my pocket, they burst back into their original size, flipping the steak over and shunting my body onto the table. Silverware goes flying as my host screams, but that's not important right now. I perform the magic neccessary to return to my original size. It instantly becomes silent as the family who was once enjoying their quiet dinner now notices that I'm standing in the middle of their table. I wipe the sauce off my forehead.

"Terribly sorry, It seems I made a tiny mis-steak. One that could have ended gravy-ly. I hope meating like this didn't leave a bad impression on you."

They remained silent.

"Just keep the change and don't talk about this."

>> No.3153595
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>> No.3153632

I laughed, then immediately thought ill of myself for doing so.

>> No.3153690
File: 41 KB, 720x408, Notsofast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RPfags. I'll report you to hell and back!
