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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3151731 No.3151731 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread seemed to be deleted by a confused janitor.

>> No.3151751

Can any EC beginners host? I'd like to play but I can't reset the router atm.

>> No.3151764

I am confused. An Euro and I, having lag. What is this shit?

>> No.3151785

Japanese netcode intended for Japanese internet is what it is.

>> No.3151787

butthurt janitor was butthurt

>> No.3151793

Long time no see, Duckator. Thanks for the games.
(Goddamn Sanae is boring. Such a worthless character.)

>> No.3151795

Good games Ice.


>> No.3151799

Why would our meido delete a Touhou thread? It was probably OP.

>> No.3151804

If by confused you mean Drunk.

>> No.3151805


Sanae and Cirno are low-tier and for those who like to spam. Whenever I see them online, I usually don't waste my time with them.

>> No.3151809


Meido is known to get drunk and delete threads randomly.

>> No.3151811

Sanae isn't that decent, in my opinion, but her attacks are very stackable, cancellable, and she has neat cards.

>> No.3151816

Cirno vs Cirno is fun as hell.

>> No.3151822

Cirno has some pretty quick piercing projectiles, so I'll give you that.
But Sanae? She can't even do that. He shit is too slow, she has...well, nothing. Her specials suck (and have a timer), her base bullets suck, everything about her is bland, boring, and shitty.
Just like Sanae herself.

>> No.3151823

If any Ausfags'd be willing to host in about 10 hours I'd love to have a game.

>> No.3151824
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accepting all challenges, port 10800

>> No.3151826

gg Kyle guy, you were comboing like the motherfucking wind.

I wish I knew combos ;_;

>> No.3151835 EU Cirno
powerlevel somewhat high (tourneyfag etc)

>> No.3151840

So motherfuckers, what's the TIER LIST?!

>> No.3151846

Cirno vs Cirno is fun, as is Sanae vs Sanae, but otherwise, they both get raped by everything.

>> No.3151852

Fantastic, now we have all the tourneyfaggots in our /jp/.

>> No.3151854

God tier : Utsuho

>> No.3151855


High Tier:


Mid Tier:

Everybody else

Low Tier:


>> No.3151856

Good game, I'm so horrible ;_;

>> No.3151864

Overpowered tier
Shit tier
The fuck? tier

>> No.3151867
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Cry more, we're not going anywhere. Since you like having fun so much, enjoy losing every match.

>> No.3151871

uh, I, what

Anyway, good games Altemiz(hope I got that right). I really need to stop getting impatient and flying right into shit.

>> No.3151872


I will.


>> No.3151873

Way to be a douche about it.

>> No.3151876

>I only play the cheapest characters for cheap people like myself.

>> No.3151878
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>> No.3151881


>> No.3151885

Don't know yet.
Aya definitely isn't top anymore, Youmu remains pretty unchanged, and most lower or mid chars were buffed (Yuyuko, Reisen, Reimu, etc.)
As for the new chars:

Hurts like a bitch + endless "is she slow or not" argument tier

No longer a joke char tier

Shit tier

>> No.3151886


Stop posting that stupid Dawson image you faggots. I'm sick of seeing that in every thread on /jp/.

>> No.3151888

Good games.
When super armor weather is on and you have low health just run away. You can't win by just mashing A.


>> No.3151892

East Coast host:

Playing around with Cirno and Utsuho, but not averse to some fights using the old characters.

>> No.3151894

There's a reason tier lists exist. You would have an Oddish face a Garchomp, would you?

>> No.3151895

You're the worst kind of good player, I wish there weren't people like you.

>> No.3151897


still waiting for somebody to join

>> No.3151902


Buffed Reisen? How? All I know is that her bullets are no longer spammable and don't have illusions anymore. That doesn't sound like a buff.

>> No.3151916

I tried, couldn't connect. Then again, I've only been able to connect to anybody just once so far. Probably just my connection.

>> No.3151924
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>> No.3151925

Most of her skillcards are loads better now.

>> No.3151928

In my perspective, everyone but Remilia improved by a bit, though, since they messed up the skill cards, maybe charas like Youmoe or Reisen aren't that improved.

>> No.3151929


>You would have an Oddish face a Garchomp, would you?

Garchomp is in the Uber tier for a reason.

>> No.3151935

No, actually, her spellcards changed way better than the skills.

>> No.3151936


Then replace it with Dragonite. Same deal.

>> No.3151937

Even though I understand your reasoning, remember that Pokémon tiers are completely different from the fighting game ones.

>> No.3151942

Aya probably took the biggest nerfbat to the face.

>> No.3151947
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Rehosting, now an official tourneyfag because anonymous said so.

>> No.3151949
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Any EUs hosting?
Playing-for-fun tier want someone to play with.

>> No.3151955

You can be "tourneyfag" and still play for fun.

>> No.3151960


True, but if two equally skilled opponents go against each other, the one on the higher tier usually wins.

>> No.3151965

Beginner tier, plays on random, good morning everyone

>> No.3151968


Only the sort of fun that comes from effortlessly crushing people with your aspergers skills and waving your e-penis around. Not the sort of "I hope neither I nor my opponents ever become good at this because taking any of this shit seriously would ruin it" fun normal people call fun.

>> No.3151979

EU hostan

>> No.3151980

I'd play if:
1. I knew where to get this and
2. How to play it.

>> No.3151992

Good game.

>> No.3151996

Haha yeah these fucking normalfags and their ideas of fun.
Regardless, two good people playing each other will have fun too but on a higher level. I'm not saying their fun is worth more, but it's certainly more rewarding.

>> No.3152003

>I'm not saying it's worth more, but I'm saying it's worth more

>> No.3152006

Hosting, EC. Haven't unlocked many cards..
My Cirno is not shit.

Beatrice Tier would be nice.

>> No.3152008 EU

>> No.3152011

Sorry, was changing characters to try to find one we could have an even match with. Think you should've stayed though. Alice versus Remilia was pretty even there. GGs though. Keep practicing, Alice is a tough character to get used to. Only suggestion I can give (since I know jack shit about Alice) is that you can't 6A after Dial-A if you're in the corner. In that case the best combo for you to use is 5AAAA 66A for ease or 5AAAA 2A 3A 5B hj j.6A for damage (copy+pasted from the wiki).


>> No.3152015

Doesn't woooork.

>> No.3152020

Thanks for the help, I'm planning on buying a controller or something. Do you play on one? And if so is it much easier? I'm going to start trying some combos.

>> No.3152025


This. Bad players have fun from spamming random attacks in hopes of winning and ragequit right before they lose. Good players have fun by timing everything out to perfection and, even if they lose, respect their opponent's skill. Hell, good players LOVE to lose so they can gain knowledge of what they're doing wrong and learn how to better themselves.

People who hate tournament players need to grow up.

>> No.3152036

Nope. If you find it more fun to mash buttons with people or they beat on people who can barely play, that's your thing. But beating someone good is more rewarding than beating someone who can barely play.

>> No.3152037


rehosted (EU)

>> No.3152045

Hey, Giant Tree, what was that spellcard you used in the second round?

>> No.3152053

Did you update to 1.01?

>> No.3152055

Sorry, but most of those tourneyfaggots are unbearable guys who can't do anything right but troll and write down some silly combos.

>> No.3152056

I guess that's enough for today, beating the same frog to pulp two times in a row must be not much fun

>> No.3152061

>good players LOVE to lose so they can gain knowledge of what they're doing wrong and learn how to better themselves.

So how is that exactly related to the kind of tournyfags than take down game features so they win by able to memorize combo list?

>> No.3152063


Again, why the fuck is it that people assume that people that are good at it are taking it any more "seriously". The more you play, the better you get. Stop making excuses for sucking. If anything, you're the one not trying to have fun, because you're too busy bitching at the people that ARE playing the game for fun, and kicking your sorry ass.

>> No.3152066

>Bad players have fun from spamming random attacks in hopes of winning and ragequit right before they lose.

Hey, I might be bad, but I don't ragequit. That's annoying as fuck. Being totally casual *doesn't* mean you have to be an egotistical retard, much like being more serious *doesn't* mean you have to be a self righteous asshole.

>> No.3152068


The only time I ever had fun with Starcraft was when it had come out five minutes ago and me and my buddies played it on Lan, not knowing the first thing about it. We felt the joy of discovery and experimented, found creative uses for sub-optimal units that we would proceed to ignore forever once we learned the ways to win.

Once we became even moderately good at it - enough to know to avoid the most brain-dead mistakes - it became a joyless endeavor where an unimaginative build crashed into another unimaginative build like tides against the shore. And like watching the tides, it became repetitive and predictable. So we quit. Not just Starcraft, but all RTS's.

With fightan gaems we had better luck, because we made a point of consciously avoiding learning anything about them, switching the game every couple days so that we would never become too familiar with one of them. This kept us as permanent scrubs, which meant we would have fun all the time forever.

>> No.3152075

Oh wow, I give up. My computer is too weak to try this.

>> No.3152076


You're one of those people that liked it when they added tripping to smash brothers, aren't you?

>> No.3152084


>> No.3152097

only for the trolla

>> No.3152100
File: 33 KB, 444x287, 1218422910463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all didn't even make it a day without going back to this "tourneyfag" crap.

>> No.3152106


So you're saying it's worth more.

>> No.3152107

I don't care about players better than me, I only get annoyed when they get smug and start toying with you or taunting and think they're teaching you something. If you really wanted to make someone better, then just go full force.

>> No.3152116

Thanks, found out that i installed it to the wrong folder. EU

>> No.3152121

Ow, you sure showed me a world of pain. GGs.

>> No.3152122

Is any casual player hosting?

>> No.3152123

GGs, Giant Tree. Reisen got some interesting stuff in the update, it looks like.

>> No.3152125



>> No.3152128

It's like I'm really on /v/.

>> No.3152151

Yeah, GGs. I shat a castle the first time I saw that 3x SC of hers, almost thought it was a bug or something.
Sorry about that though, I spent the last couple hours playing someone who actually just started and I had to break the habit of expecting to be able to get away with anything.

Anyway, hostan:
US East, I'd say intermediate Suwako/Suika but Suwako has such a weirdass playstyle it's really more up to you to decide. Also some Reisen/Cirno on the side when I feel like BROKEN.

>> No.3152157

Nah, I'm a keyboard player. Some people it will help. Some people it won't. Only way to find out is to try.

>> No.3152162


It doesn't even bother me when someones being an ass about winning. It'll only make my inevitable revenge all the sweeter. We had this guy at work who could do the raging demon in SFA3 in a split second (well, at the time it was impressive because I couldn't even figure out how to input the command correctly, now I'm that guy). He'd call out the move, and rape my ass with it, then taunt and trashtalk and shit. Then one day, he calls it out, and I *normal* grab him out of it and proceed to wipe the floor with him. He never trash talked me after that. Actually, for being such an unsporting ass, he actually high fived me. Twas a very surreal moment considering the rage I had built up until that moment.

>> No.3152166

You have a very good reaction and mashan combination.

>> No.3152168


Did you also lag incredibly at the character selection screen, or was that just me?

>> No.3152175

No idea what Beatrice tier is, but GGs Chibi.

>> No.3152176

ggs Icekin, you're still so far ahead of me it's insane.

>> No.3152178

No problem, I had fun. Thanks for playing me!

>> No.3152180



>> No.3152182

If you're the person connecting right now, I think we froze. Sorry about that, let's try it again.

I don't think I've ever had real lag during the select screen before except when the connection in general was laggy, though. But freezes do seem to happen from time to time.

>> No.3152188


hosting again.
mid-high tier

>> No.3152190

Any Euro hosting?

>> No.3152193


Not really, we're actually playing games instead of just bitching about them

>> No.3152194

The victory is, but the fun isn't necessarily worth more.

>> No.3152199

Try me, there is a small chance that i have messed up my ports though.

>> No.3152201
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US West Coast Hostan

Beginning Suwako
Intermediate Yukari and Alice

>> No.3152204

Hostan again.

>> No.3152205
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Well guys, you lasted 2 minutes longer than my prediction of "eleven minutes until they start the tourneyfag shit."

>> No.3152206

you've got it backwards, they're playing with you not to teach you something but to play with you, it's like cat and mouse, you leave it kicking so your fun doesn't end so soon.

>> No.3152207

How do I unlock characters? Story mode only or some other way? Can somebody post data with all stuff unlocked?

>> No.3152208

That was a bit too laggy if you ask me.

>> No.3152212

Understood. >>3152201 rehosting.

>> No.3152215


Tried to connect again, watched the match against Hlid (Youi are Giant Tree, right?).

I don't know if I want to play with you anymore. You would swipe the floor with my ass.

>> No.3152217

Still want Kanako to be a playable character

>> No.3152220


Hostin again

>> No.3152222

Man, I don't wanna play with that broken bird.

>> No.3152223

-What scrubs actually believe-
Tourneyfag: I'm gonna study the fuck out of this frame data, memorize everything along with combos and hitboxes and every piece of data I can find, then watch a trillion replays from pro japanese players, and then prey on shitty players to make myself feel better. MUST WIN NO FUN ALLOWED SERIOUS GAMES FOR SERIOUS GAMERS SUCH AS MYSELF.
Casual player: Hey man, if you want to take it that seriously, that's your right, but there's really no fun in that. I'll just take it easy and enjoy my touhou fightan, thank you very much my good sir.

-What is really happening-
"Tourneyfag": After playing this game for a year, I've obviously gotten better. I'ma go try to play some people on /jp/, maybe I can find new opponents to play.
"Casual": BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW I suck massively but instead of just realizing it's normal for me to be bad since I'm new at the game, I'm gonna make up this stupid stereotypical image of good players so no one will make fun of me, even though no one would be doing so anyways if I just admited I was bad. BAAAAWWW

>> No.3152230

and again,
note I'm in the mid west US>>3151824

>> No.3152231
Mashy Nuke-tan

>> No.3152238

I'll be yuyuko then, reconnect!

>> No.3152239

But what about people who are pretty mediocre but don't care if people are better than them so long as they're not douches?

>> No.3152240


Hey guys.


Remember when SWR came out and people practically flocked to Magister to get the tar beat out of them, and then get constructive criticism from him, so they could improve at the game?

Whatever happened to that? Why are people now avoiding any sort of good play and practically forcing themselves to stay shitty forever?

>> No.3152241

Utsuho's attacks and cards hurt so god damn much, but I have a hard time stringing together a combo unless conditions are perfect.

>> No.3152244

I would play this online if:
1. I wasn't shit at all games
2. I had a decent connection

>> No.3152245

I think examples of both exist. But you're right, the latter is definitely what I've been seeing on /jp/ lately. Faggots need to go back to /v/.

>> No.3152246

Those would be mediocre players, which everyone is fine with. I mentioned yesterday there was a difference between a bad player and a scrub. That is the difference.

>> No.3152247

people figured out that turtling is the boringest shit ever
now it's all about how aggressive and whacky you can make your movements

>> No.3152249

Really, I don't even care much about getting better since I'm at about the same level as my BFF. I still don't get why people act as if being good at a game is some sort of crime, though

>> No.3152250


What could possibly be anybody's reason to become good at a competitive game, other than to be a douche about it?

>> No.3152256
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This is my reaction to the tourneyfag shit.

>> No.3152260

ggs whoever I was playing, getting tired now.

>> No.3152264

What could possibly be anybody's reason to actively try to stay bad at a game, other than making a point of bitching at good players?

>> No.3152266

You naturally get better over time the more you play.

How fucking hard is this to understand? "IRC" players as /jp/ likes to call them are not the stereotypical frame studying tourneyfags you think they are, they've just ben playing this stupid game for more than a YEAR.

Of course they're gonna be good.

>> No.3152271

Good games, Utsuho vs Utsuho was fun.

>> No.3152276

People talked shit about a guy who was helping the lot improved and forced him into hiding/IRC. People are doomed to remain shitty players because they can't take an ass whupping+advice, and rather just take ass whupping+pride.

>> No.3152277

the solution is simple: if there is a massive difference in skill just quit (wait for the match to end)

>> No.3152280


good games, rehosting>>3151824

>> No.3152282


I thought I actually had a chance.

>> No.3152283
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>Blocking ever once in a while.

>> No.3152286

Too much lag. I need to decide which charas should I build, and learn to block.

>> No.3152289

GGs Terminal. How do you do that fan of rockets with Reisen?

>> No.3152291



I had no idea what I was doing with Suwako.

>> No.3152292

Cool trolling, now, go back to /v/.

>> No.3152294


I think it's 6C

>> No.3152300

Oh, kinda late, but thanks for the games, Kyle.
Man, what the hell did they do to my Tenshi. ;_;

>> No.3152301

Yeah, thanks!

>> No.3152308

US East

Beginner: Cirno

Decent: Sakuya

>> No.3152310

Rehosting. If nobody wants to play with experienced players, I'll be glad to.

>> No.3152311

Tourneyfags aside. Mizuumi is cancer and the OP can go climb a bunch of emote spamming dicks and frame data.

>> No.3152313

Maybe it's because I haven't been to /v/ in a while, but last I remember they bitched about 'tourneyfags' more than anyone else. In fact they probably helped popularize this shit.

>> No.3152315

can't connect,

>> No.3152318

Mizuumi can be as shitty as they want, but you're no better. What are you, a /b/ kiddie?

>> No.3152320
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>> No.3152322

People counting frames are the cancer killing every bit of fun out of a fighting game.

>> No.3152328 EU

>> No.3152330

Wow, really? What a surprise!

>> No.3152331

Doesn't work

>> No.3152333

A tourneyfag is one who first and foremost wants to win, and doesn't really give a crap about how it happens. If one character had a move that instantly won the game no matter what, he would always pick that character and always use that move at first opportunity and would consider anybody who doesn't do so retarded. Maybe he would campaign for banning that character if he had some shreds of a human soul left, but as long as the character is "legal", he would never consider not using it and doesn't see any valid reason to.

A casual is one who wants to be entertained by the process of playing the game, and if he wins, well that's kind of entertaining too, but it's definitely not his main objective. He does not mind losing, as long as he loses in an amusing way instead of being simply crushed like a bug.

Tourneyfag and casual are natural enemies; neither sees value in what the other prizes, and if they ever meet, the casual is going to be in a foul mood (as the tourneyfag will simply crush him with contemptuous ease) and the tourneyfag will think he's a bitch and probably tell him as much.

>> No.3152338

I hate to admit that counting frames for combos and all that silly stuff is a bit unfair, but cut this 'cancer' shit.

>> No.3152343

actually that's pretty retarded bro. In that hypothetical situation, that game would be panned by everyone and never played.

>> No.3152346

So, tourneyfags are pretentious angry faggots and casuals are normal people, am I right?

>> No.3152347

If I made a fightan game, I would randomly add a 1-3 frame lag on every move and change the hitboxes by a few pixels in each direction at random, just to fuck with people who are actually able to observe that shit.

>> No.3152350

Hosting. Or rather, trying to. Let's see if I can do it this time. 10800

Begginer: Pretty much every character.
Not-so-much-begginer: Patchouli.

>> No.3152352
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Enough of this wack ass banter, let's BAKABALL!

US Central
Training - China, Cirno
Middle-Low - Reimu, Sakuya

>> No.3152354
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still hosting.>>3151824

somebody play me.

>> No.3152357

Man, everyone can do, if they have attention and waste time in it. But I wouldn't mind a bit of balance like that in the current 12.3.

>> No.3152358

I wish Touhou 12 had online play. I almost 1 cc Lunatic yesterday (final spell card always gives me problems no matter how much I practice the pattern), yet I can never get a handle of fighting games for some reason.

>> No.3152360


Do you mind playing with a begginer?

>> No.3152362

tourneyfag: plays mostly online
casual: plays mostly vs lunatic com

>> No.3152368

Oh man, what I'd give for a 2v2 online mode. Think of the possibilities.

>> No.3152371

Can somebody try to connect just to see if it's working now? You can leave after entering the selection screen or after the battle start.

>> No.3152375

Still hosting

>> No.3152377

doesn't work for me

>> No.3152379


I can go through Lunatic COM story mode and beat it with all characters without losing more than half my health bar, yet I have my first match online, and I don't even land ONE SINGLE HIT in the entire 2 rounds (which barely lasted 20 seconds each).

I'll stick to Lunatic COM thank you very much.

>> No.3152384


That's enough, thanks.

>> No.3152385

Doesn't connect.

>> No.3152387


Combos are your friend

>> No.3152393


That's because the COM rarely grazes or uses spell cards effectively.

>> No.3152394


Stopped hosting. Will experiment with a friend later this week to try and get it right.

>> No.3152397

If he can't land a single hit, combos won't help him.

>> No.3152398

What's the big deal over frame counting, anyway? When I was a beginner in IaMP, I used frame counts as advice for which moves I should avoid overly spamming.

>> No.3152404

Touhou 12.3 is a poor man's Mugen.

It's alright if you don't play Mugen, but don't automatically assume 12.3 is anywhere near its level. Just because you've seen countless fan videos of Super Mega Akuma vs Omega Tom Hank Clones set to emo music doesn't mean everything on Mugen is like that.

>> No.3152409


Jesus fuck, sorry Giant.

Internet has gone to shit, doubt this post will even get through.

GGs though, was a lot of fun.

And didnt I fight you last night?

>> No.3152413


The reason you didn't land a single hit was because you were out-prioritized. Learning the priority of moves and executing them at the right time is basic in online play.

>> No.3152414

There are broken moves in 12.3, believe it or not.

>> No.3152416


i saw some good matches on mugen when ryu isn't p1

>> No.3152421


See, this is why people fucking hate fightan gaems played by tourneyfags.

>> No.3152425


Yeah, and that's what the tourneyfags will flock too. It'll all turn into a "who can spam his broken move the fastest" in the end.

>> No.3152426

oh boy, just what I always wanted, shitty characters lagging and not anywhere near balanced or even designed to take into account the other characters. It's like I'm really a 12 year old jerking it to the queen of fighters

>> No.3152429

Whereas I can do moderately well in online play, but can't even beat easy modo story mode.

Fuckin' spellcards.

>> No.3152431

Frames are alright, just a shortcut to knowing what moves are lol combo me right after you block this or not.

>> No.3152434
File: 6 KB, 113x116, 1202771451232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, SWR has tournaments?

>> No.3152439

Priority? Fuck that shit!
Combos? Fuck that shit!
Picking a character who isn't Marisa? Fuck that shit!
Timing spellcards? Fuck that shit

Throw out lasers randomly, crouch in time to the music, spam grenades, toss out a final spark just because, become KING DOG OF THE INTERNET.

>> No.3152441


Lag? Mugen has no lag.

>> No.3152446


I'll graze through everything and not get hit by a single one of your "spam" shots. Learn to play or don't play at all.

>> No.3152451 West Coast

Unyuu~ tier

>> No.3152453

>Learning the priority of moves ... is basic in online play.

If this sentence doesn't sound absolutely fucking insane to you, you might be a tourneyfag. Call 0-999-FAGHELP for the aid you need.

Seriously, priorities, like framecounts and the specific shape and size of the hitboxes, are ADVANCED FUCKING KNOWLEDGE NOT AVAILABLE TO NORMAL PEOPLE. They are not listed in the movelist.

>> No.3152454

Most people don't. She's a weirdass character, but once you get used to her you'll realize she has some rifuckingdiculous aircombos like the ones listed on the wiki and my personal favorite, j.5A j.6A 6B 6C.
The only problem, though, is pulling it off. That j.5A is a bitch and a half to connect in the first place; I still have no idea how to effectively hit with it since hopping with 6 doesn't leave you high enough in the air to finish it, and flying around the screen is just going to get your ass kicked. Not to mention Suwako herself can't fly worth shit (although her animation makes up for it).
I just can't figure it out ;_;

Oh alright, that's what happened. Scared me shitless when it started lagging like that.

But yeah, you did. GGs, hope to play you again sometime bro. You know a match is good when it takes FOREVER to finish.

Whoops, sorry about that, didn't see that post earlier.
If I remember which match this was, you were talking about when I was Reisen and was surrounded by clones, right? I forget the moonname of that SC but the wiki calls it X-Wave.

It's almost good enough to make me start maining this shit character. Not quite though.


>> No.3152456


this is the smoothest fighter ive ever seen

>> No.3152460

Baby. If I throw out enough lasers, something is bound to hit. Let's take it easy.

>> No.3152466
File: 283 KB, 688x379, WHITE IS CASUAL HELP I CANT SEE BULLETS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3152468

Sounds like fun!

>> No.3152474
Powerlevel high

>> No.3152477

12.3 has very easy spell cards compared to SWR

if a game like smash bros had tournaments who tell you this dont? then again one of the reason i hate tournyfags is how they usually turn everything they got they hands on into "tourny play" and i hate tiers

>> No.3152478

Can't get any fucking games on shitzuumi?

>> No.3152480

/jp/ - tourneyfags/scrubs/bad players whining/general

>> No.3152482

No, only non-commercial games.

>> No.3152487
File: 75 KB, 426x600, dawsonsmiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3152488


>> No.3152489



Suwako is really hard to catch.

>> No.3152492


Dawson images need to be banned on /jp/. I'm sick of seeing these everywhere.

>> No.3152495

GGs Sorry about the lag. Do some more experimenting with your cards. Sanae's sort of a lost cause, but Sakuya has some nice ones to play with.


>> No.3152496
File: 40 KB, 426x600, dawsonsmiling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Problem, casual?

>> No.3152498
File: 10 KB, 400x300, 1545466754754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3152502

One of these days, I'm doing a Dawson vector.

>> No.3152510

OP, delete this shitty Thread. Only trolls and dumb meme spreaders are posting.

>> No.3152514
File: 1.27 MB, 1500x1500, 1241546904674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guys, how about not classifing people with retarded terms such as "tourneyfag" and "casual"? fuck that shit, how about.

Gamer: plays games.

this is the only term that should exist, stop sounding like /v/ for fucks sake, we all like touhou, DONT WE.

>> No.3152521 [DELETED]
Central Europe
first online match

>> No.3152520

Good games Saje.
I'm going to go get something to eat and see what new cards I got.

>> No.3152522

The lag was probably my fault, sorry. GGs

>> No.3152523

I think I now understand why the previous threads were deleted.
Goddamn, guys. What's with the trolling?

>> No.3152524
File: 16 KB, 426x447, 134342565462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't play the games. I just come here to troll and collect fan art of the lolis.

>> No.3152527 [DELETED] 

How do I host a game?

>> No.3152532
File: 34 KB, 250x187, 1217548413384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or does this thread reek of King of GETs faggotry?

>> No.3152536 EU

>> No.3152537

Other thread was fine, this one is terrible.

>> No.3152539

GGs to you too, Duckator. T'was fun as always. You know there's an all cards file on the SWR Wiki, right? It's hacked though, so it causes some problems (only one I'm aware of being that fighting Tenshi in arcade mode will crash the game).


>> No.3152543


Protip: KoG has made the last 5 of these threads

>> No.3152545
Central Europe
first online match

>> No.3152546

>actually that's pretty retarded bro. In that hypothetical situation, that game would be panned by everyone and never played.

Nope, because - and this is something a tourneyfag will never understand or believe - the casuals could still enjoy the game just fine despite a move that ruins it irreparably for the tourneyfag. They would simply _not use that move_ because _it's not fun._

>> No.3152547

Are you retarded? People are saying "rehosting" three posts above and the only thing you can see is Dawson? Learn to use the filter, or better, to ignore, that's the best filter ever.

>> No.3152553


I honestly wouldn't be surprised. It'd take an advanced fag like him to piss this many people off.

>> No.3152548
File: 92 KB, 600x900, 1247156637378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least we relate in SOMETHING, FUCK YEAH, pic related.

>> No.3152559

ITT, people argue with KoG and think they are actually accomplishing something

>> No.3152564


You can't call somebody KoG just because it's a troll.

I prefer to think it's Anonymous Jones.

>> No.3152566

What is this "marvelous" filter versus Anonymous trolls you're talking about.
I am only suggesting a remake of this Thread.

>> No.3152567

Just start this thread over and ignore the trolls next time.

>> No.3152582


New thread here.

>> No.3152586

What's the IRC name channel?
