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File: 266 KB, 646x532, um54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3148594 No.3148594 [Reply] [Original]

I dont know what Ryukishi07 is smoking but I sure do want some of it. I mean WHAT THE CHRIST.

>> No.3148602

Absinthe + meth

try it

>> No.3148603


>> No.3148621

Translation please.

>> No.3148627

I'm so ordering a shirt from engrish store with that shit written on it. I mean it makes zero sense.

>> No.3148634

"The pleasure of being cummed inside" or alternatively "Someone is going to get their shit broken in BIG TIME"

>> No.3148636

Literally translated:
I GONNA KILL YOU KILL KILLL KLILILILIL and shit. 10 püages of it.

>> No.3148637

Twin-drills + Psychopath = <3

>> No.3148667
File: 17 KB, 279x251, atlastranslation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3148671


>> No.3148686

Problem Erika.jpg

>> No.3148689

Best character in EP5

>> No.3148700

thats hot.please be true

>> No.3148710
File: 294 KB, 646x532, um51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad it doesnt even say Lambda anywhere in there

>> No.3148716

It's not. You can clearly see the same characters repeated over and over in the text, so it is repeating a sequence of syllables over and over.

>> No.3148717
File: 118 KB, 641x480, 1250388482061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mudo walked around the outside of the school building.

"Why haven't I touched her yet?" he thought to himself. "I bet she feels nice."

Just then he saw the object of his thoughts, the thing known as Potemayo sleeping in the sunshine under a tree. She wasn't wearing the bottom part of herclothes, whatever it is. Then he saw it billowing on a clothes line, drying in the sunlight.

"She must have wet herself again" he thought. For some reason, this made him feel a little aroused. "Now's my chance."

Mudo walked up to where it was laying and reached his hand downwards. She made pleasing sounds in her sleep. His hand came into contact with her round body.

"At last" he thought. Potemayo felt soft and warm to the touch, like a warm bag of oatmeal. Mudo then proceeded to pick her up. He squeezed her quite gently.

She stirred slightly. "Suny-ao" she murmured in her half awake state.

The pleasure from finally touching Pote made Mudo feel like the happiest guy in the world, he then put her back down gently and walked on home with a bright smile on his face.

>> No.3148731

Oh god no.

I thought that was one thing that died with the split.

And it should have stayed that way.

>> No.3148734
File: 931 KB, 1000x1500, bern BAAAAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3148736

I'm currently at the where Natsuhi is having her heart-to-heart moment with Kinzo's ghost and Is-this-really-Beatrice.
... this is heartbreaking ;_;

>> No.3148748

It makes perfect sense if you try a little.

>> No.3148760

She's saying "CERTAIN/ARRANGED" (済み) and "DEATH" over and over and over and over. Those two words.
Then >>3148748.

>> No.3148777

/r/ golden truth screen.

>> No.3148779
File: 191 KB, 458x470, goon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3148789
File: 167 KB, 455x453, goon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so moe~

>> No.3148794
File: 172 KB, 457x456, goon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3148799

Jesus fucking Christ, I don't wanted to be spoiled, but I just saw that fucking thumbnail. Fuck.

>> No.3148800
File: 124 KB, 641x480, 1250359769027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3148806

Translation? Or is there a way to make ATLAS translate it?

>> No.3148815

That's not a spoiler.
You have no idea what the context is nor what is actually happening.

>> No.3148819

ATLAS can't translate that, bro. It's an image, not text.
I suggest you use www.jisho.org and get to work on identifying those kanji by radicals.

>> No.3148822

You know, I can't help but think EVERY SINGLE TIME that I see this that "Her sword looks a lot like a butter knife."

>> No.3148994
File: 244 KB, 646x522, um55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit makes no sense

>> No.3149002
File: 206 KB, 646x522, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3149009
File: 215 KB, 646x522, epic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3149016

Natsuhi is like WTF?! What did you say?! The voice tells her not to say such a sad thing...mother. The word makes a chill run through Natsuhi, piercing her heart. She feels like her heart is going to explode.She yells that she doesn't recall being called his mother. He responds that he came back for revenge, for the crime she commited 19 years ago. Her head fills with a flash.

The sound of the sea that day, and the wind groaning, outside of the window. He asks if she has already remembered. Natsuhi denies it, stuttering. She says something about possessions? The voice says he did not forget what she did 19 years ago. So he curses her and calls her mother. He suggests he might show at the family council?, since he is the son of Natsuhi. Time split on the day of the council at an interval of 19 years???? He will take revenge on her.

Natsuhi slams the phone down, breathing heavy, and breaks the phone. She hears the sea...even if she blocks her ears, and her headache worsens. She trembles in shock.

Meta stuff starts.

>> No.3149036


>> No.3149062

Goddamn, I am going so slowly that it's not even funny because I am a finnicky-as-fuck translator.
I've only just arrived at the "You did such a great job on the rose garden this year, Kanon!" scene with Natsuhi and zombie-Kinzo ;_;

>> No.3149086
File: 271 KB, 646x522, kinzohassmallpenor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is what Bern's face is saying

>> No.3149098

why do you need to cry, Kinzo if i have small penor

>> No.3149099
File: 59 KB, 216x339, datface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3149106

Ryukishi owned our trollkastel tripfag big time.
I love Berns sprites.

>> No.3149149
File: 200 KB, 750x1000, furniture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so holy?

>> No.3149193

Maria ruins my game again?

Is there a workaround for that game crash @ rose garden?

>> No.3149212

Damn those japs are fast fucks. I also got huge ego kick from the fact that Siestas couldnt shoot at Battler when Bern told them to

>> No.3149220

At least you have the game, my download is pretty much stuck on 5%. FUCK.

>> No.3149233


>> No.3149235

Found a way around it.

>> No.3149239

What about Siestas?

>> No.3149246
File: 86 KB, 714x500, erika3456466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And fail at it lol

>> No.3149265

What is the way around it, for anyone who might encounter it later?

>> No.3149272

delete your BGM folder. Copypaste it directly from your iso.

It was Messages fault after all!

>> No.3149285

TY sir.

>> No.3149292

Thanks goes to /jp/ archive.

>> No.3149303

well mine is at 8%

>> No.3149307

What kind of prehistoric connection do you have?

>> No.3149334
File: 112 KB, 467x659, erika4677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho does it feel to be the only DFC in titty wonderland?

>> No.3149342

they failed?fuck.what happen after that

>> No.3149349
File: 417 KB, 770x759, 5544144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beato died.

Guess why BAWfags hate Erika so much.

>> No.3149354

They're with Bern

>> No.3149361

They really didnt fail, it all ends with Battler and Erika clashing together.

>> No.3149365

>Beato died

I know! Isn't it awesome? Finally rid of that bitch of a witch.

>> No.3149371

By the way Erika is game board Bern.
Explains perfectly how she was able to find the gold and shit.

>> No.3149380

>>Explains perfectly how she was able to find the gold and shit.
Only if you are a fantasy fag.

>> No.3149383

They didn't fail, stop trollan. They appeared AFTER Beato was obliterated to aid Battler in his clash against Erika.

>> No.3149393
File: 271 KB, 646x532, fapmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, they promoted Erika in EP5 Tea Party and announced EP6.

>> No.3149394

Even for mystery fags it is not that hard.
Epitaph is not that hard for outsiders since they will not think about unneeded stuff.

>> No.3149400

Bern said she was allowed to place herself on the game board.

>> No.3149409

Erika's presence itself is hard to digest for a mystery fag.
She is someone who appear without ever being mentioned before in the game, meet everyone including Battler so you can't say she was just a fabrication like Kinzo or the Beato of episode 2, and solve everything.

It's either the biggest coincidence ever or you have to accept that the meta world can have some influence on the real world.

>> No.3149412
File: 75 KB, 655x535, trollkastel trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3149419

Battler meets up with Kinzo in this episode. His POV can`t be trusted any longer.

>> No.3149426

Kyrie had a miscarriage.
Rosa is the BEST MOTHER.
EVA manged to raise a normal son.
Natsushi's son who is now 19 years survived in a water and wants revenge(he remember what she had done).

>> No.3149428

So creepy-tan is Berns furniture?
Explains a lot.

>> No.3149433
File: 312 KB, 646x532, betithurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, bet this hurt Erika a bit.
Stakes Fiesta.

>> No.3149438 [DELETED] 

9 vs 1
I hope this will spam some gangrape doujins.

>> No.3149444

10 vs 1
I hope this will spam some gangrape doujins.

>> No.3149445

Red words were used to prove that she was really there in the game though.
Her presence on the island in the real world can't be contested.

>> No.3149450

Well... fuck.

>> No.3149460


>> No.3149466


Piece Battler's point of view isn't reliable in this episode. In fact, I'd say that no one is.

I'm still betting that Kanon = Shannon. Randomly making them appear together in a chapter without any reliable point of view is too convenient.

>> No.3149478

It was fucking gorgeous as Erika hammered Ronove with the blue truth and Ronove had the smuggest fuck expression ever on his face as he kept smashing all the blue truth

>> No.3149480
File: 75 KB, 637x480, erika good girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3149481

Where is my Siesta sex?

>> No.3149484

Maybe since at the core Bern is the one playing for the Anti-mystery side, and she's switched her piece to Erika, Erika becomes the reliable perspective?

>> No.3149487

Unless it's said in gold I don't believe it. It's all too convenient for her.

>> No.3149494 [DELETED] 

I wonder this as well.
> http://at.com/4i = best site on the Web.
> Get your own 4chan signature at: http://users.xoom.net/~m21gy7e/files/4chansig.exe

>> No.3149496
File: 176 KB, 646x532, ugongetsmothered1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3149498


Erika used red text in the real world, showing she has some fantasy knowledge even outside of meta world scenes, so she isn't reliable either.

>> No.3149504
File: 213 KB, 646x532, ugongetsmothered2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3149507

Fuck the bots are becoming real

>> No.3149513

the murders were facilitated by witches

>> No.3149515
File: 202 KB, 646x532, ugongetsmothered3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet taking a hit from Smothered Mate thing hurt Erika somewhat.

>> No.3149517

Blue truth Gungnir?

>> No.3149519

Looks like she was penetrated by some huge thing.

>> No.3149525

Yeah, after Ronove and Gaap have their fun with Erika. Gaap shouts Virgilia and she picks up the fight from there and launches blue colored Smothered Mate at Erika.

>> No.3149526

I want to penetrate gameboard Rika with my huge thing

>> No.3149532

feeeeeeeeeeeeels gooooooooooooooooood maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

>> No.3149543

Porn where?
I would kill for a Battler and Ronove double teaming Erika image.
Bonus points for all the girls and goats watching.

>> No.3149557
File: 17 KB, 569x640, ronove battler gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some bad news for you.

>> No.3149562

Their names, from first to last image:

ドラノール・A・ノッケス (Doranori A. Notsukusu-...what)
ガートルード (Gatorudo-Gertrude?)
コーネリア (Koneria-Cornelia)

Rough translation, of course.

Also, someone explain what's going on, I can't read Kanji.

>> No.3149575

Gertrude? lolwut?

>> No.3149576

That is pretty weird...

So, from what I remember.

Beatrice has raised the human count to 18, right?

Erika is confirmed to be on the island.

Kinzo may be alive in this scenario, but it's still unlikely. (Did Beato say that he was dead in every Scenario? Or just the scenarios that already happened?)

Shannon and Kanon are seen together, but they're seen together, so if the second point is true, then this can be confirmed.

Assuming all of these people are alive at the start, doesn't that put us over?

Rudolf, Kyrie, Krauss, Natushi, Eva, Hidiyoshi, Rosa, Genji, Nanjo, Kanon, Shannon, Mackerel, Chef, Battler, Jessica, George, Maria, Kinzo, Erika.

>> No.3149592

>but they're seen together by battler,
>If the third point (Kinzo being alive, thus Battler is still a reliable narrator.) is true

>> No.3149593

Kinzo is dead in this episode too.
Confirmed with a flashback of Natsuhi.

>> No.3149611

Erika is a person who survived a shipwreck.
Kinzo is dead in every game.
Natsushi has a 19 or 20 years old son(he maybe or is adopted).

>> No.3149648

Man, I just started playing this. Natsuhi is the best fucking wife ever, goddamn. Poor incompetent Krauss is lucky to have her or he'd fall apart.

>> No.3149673

I said it was a rough translation.

>Natsuhi has a 19 or 20 years old son(he maybe or is adopted)
This is just a wild guess, but maybe this son is from her previous family, if he was adopted?

>> No.3149690

This game is becoming a BEST MOTHER EVER contest.

>> No.3149711

That's what I'm thinking too.

In the end the culprit is the BEST MOTHER EVER.

>> No.3149712

Man, she's messed up.

>> No.3149718

So Rosa is the culprit?

>> No.3149741

Anti-Fantasy explanation for EP5:
Erika is Beatos and Kinzos granddaughter.
When she came here by "shipwreck" she already knew how to solve the riddle.

>> No.3149771

Who know?
See this game seems is the contest of who is the culprit.
If you noticed men in this game are kinda incompetent and every game is concentrated on one of the mothers.
So culprit = the BEST MOM EVER seems has a very high chance.

>> No.3149811

Hideyoshi and Rudolf are awesome. Only Krauss is incompetent.

>> No.3149815

Then who was the mommy and daddy?

>> No.3149820

Battler is Krauss child.

>> No.3149827

Natsuhi and Rosas EX

>> No.3149832

Dranole A Knox

>> No.3149833

The mastermind is Natsuhi's son (who is not on the island)

Years later he will take upon the name of Amakusa Juuza and kill Ange. Thus his revenge against the Ushiromiya family is complete.

>> No.3149837

Natsuhi is Battler's real mom.

>> No.3149861

I KNEW it sounded like Gertrude!

That... would be unlikely. Are we talking Real Battler or Fake Battler?

>> No.3149909

Have... we... just changed to Lambdadeltas metaworld?

>> No.3149931
File: 27 KB, 642x477, what the fuck is going on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shit-tier japanese does not help!

>> No.3149937


>> No.3149949

its the universe

>> No.3149952
File: 286 KB, 1600x1200, 4873246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Bernkastel just merged some universes together?

>> No.3149959

Episode 1 ~ 4
Challenger: Battler
Game Master: Beatrice
Pawns: Everyone else including chess piece Battler and chess piece Beatrice

Episode 5
Challenger: Battler -> Erika
Game Master: Beatrice (disqualified) -> Lamda Delta -> Battler (recognized by Lamda Delta)
Pawns: Same as before but it is implied that chess piece Bearice is eleminated from the game. (In addition to her also being eleminated as a Game Master)

One of the privileges a GM has is the ability to decalre golden truth. It is like red truth but you can not argue against the wording. ONLY THE GAME MASTER has the ability to do this. (stated by by Lamda Delta)

>> No.3149961

She lined up some kakera then they flew right trough them in high speed.

>> No.3149984


If I'm not wrong, there are 2 battlers. Asumu's Battler (never appeared), and Kyrie's Battler (Meta Battler), that for some reason was on Asumu's care .

To be honest I don't know. but it seems like it's this way.

>> No.3150002

So that means Meta Battler and Piece Battler were separate people from the very beginning?

>> No.3150011

That's an interesting way of looking at it actually.

If we assume that one did indeed die, then maybe Meta battler is the dead one, which has been living on in Surviving Battlers subconcious, rising up to try and help his family.

Or something like that.

>> No.3150012


Piece Battler Is Kyrie's Battler too.

Then again, I may be wrong.

>> No.3150027


I assume it's because both don't know their sin from 6 years ago?

>> No.3150039

I think ドラノール is Dlanor.
Ronald A Knox -> Dlanor A Knox

>> No.3150049
File: 436 KB, 800x800, 5675350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3150057

translation pleaaaaaaaaase

>> No.3150061

Still the best umineko 4koma ever

>> No.3150080


That was so bullshit, how the hell could you still do that for the whole night, fucking trollkastel

>> No.3150085

who is the author and where can i check the new comic??

>> No.3150100


>> No.3150113

omg , what's happening?
my hdd crash a few days and awesome stuff start to appear

>> No.3150116
File: 664 KB, 547x765, 5476665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translation please.

>> No.3150119


>> No.3150130

>One of the privileges a GM has is the ability to decalre golden truth. It is like red truth but you can not argue against the wording. ONLY THE GAME MASTER has the ability to do this. (stated by by Lamda Delta)

Am i the only one who is waiting for Rocks fall, everyone dies?

>> No.3150142
File: 27 KB, 642x524, SAY IT IN GOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3150177

Tentative, not the least bit accurate
>>Battler : Can't you listen in on what they're saying in the next room?
>>Furude Erika : Very well, I shall use my special skills to listen in on the next room.
>>Furude Erika : Humm... Hmmm Hmmmph... Hmmm...
>>Battler : How does humping a wall help?
>>Erika : You goddamn moron.

>> No.3150193
File: 341 KB, 984x1500, 31d4d3f68e0f8a41e13bbb243cec5a60ae7ebedc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3150207



>> No.3150248

Golden truth cannot be defeated.


>> No.3150293

Gold is owned by silver.

>> No.3150299

x Furude
o Furudo

>> No.3150309 [DELETED] 

only in Lunar

but that's a dead video game franchise

>> No.3150319

Neither can anything like that be put below 'that' Kinzo.

It's unstoppable force versus immovable object!

>> No.3150323

Kinzo needs a black truth

>> No.3150331

After all the talk in this thread I decided to upload the Ronove and gang bit to YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq3Jti0Jcyc

>> No.3150339

He has combination attack with Battler

>> No.3150346

Battler + Kinzo + Fusion = ???

>> No.3150359
File: 37 KB, 415x479, 1250351368629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3150376


>> No.3150411

Gertrude should've been the one with the bulge.


>> No.3150414

Dat bulge....

>> No.3150426

You now realize that there's no:
in this EP

>> No.3150434
File: 377 KB, 848x480, Rosa mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic

>> No.3150444

Ok thinks are really breaking the 4th wall now

I'm up to this scene where Dlanor declares in red that "She will not allow the existence of another secret passage in this room"

Beatrice is shocked that she able to say a thing

Erika counters that this is a mystery, and thus, Ronald A Knox's 10 Commandments are in effect.

Dlanor invokes the 3rd commandment of Knox "Not more than one secret room or passage is allowable" and since one has already been used she will not allow another one. Erika declares this in red.


>> No.3150463

2. # All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course.

>> No.3150467

Alot of these kanji I don't have a single clue what they mean. Is there any easy way I can translate them or copy them?

>> No.3150471

Were there any magic fights? Or was it just EPIC DEBATING?

>> No.3150489

No. Epicness of the EPIC DEBATES stylized as magic fights makes up for it.

>> No.3150492
File: 138 KB, 478x1000, erika343435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don`t know what Erika Basher think.
Sh i pretty likeable so far.
on my way clearing epitaph.

>> No.3150494

it's kinda like a super robot show where everyone scream out their reasoning before attacking

>> No.3150498

Well I'm not complaining, I liked the EPIC DEBATES more than the magic fights

>> No.3150499

I think that YouTube link has one fight and there were few others but I guess it all depends what you mean by magic fight

>> No.3150502


>> No.3150510


>> No.3150514


it's more like a martial arts movie where they argue back and forth while throwing dangerous things at each other

>> No.3150519

If this is a mystery, then there really aren't any supernatural things in reality, as Battler thinks... ofc. it is funny that supernatural beings are use arguments that hold that are connected with the second 'commandment'...

>> No.3150521

>>#5 . No chinaman shall feature in the story.
How can they respect THAT one? Everyone in the story is Asian, I'm pretty sure that would go against the INTENTION of that rule.

>> No.3150529

Supernatural thing says there are no supernatural things.
Not sure if I can trust this.

>> No.3150534

There are severeal methods. My preferred is to get the original script file using NSDEC (http://nscripter.insani.org/sdk.html))
About translation... google translator, babelfish, or ATLAS translator. I prefer google.
About looking up kanji, http://www.saiga-jp.com/kanji_dictionary.html was the best I found so far.

>> No.3150537

The "chinaman" referred to the Deus Ex Machina type of character who appear in the middle of a story without any foreshadowing whatsoever.

>> No.3150556

For the first four games, http://witch-hunt.com/
This one, however, hasn't been translated yet. (And won't be for a few month, at the very least.)

Don't take that literally, it refers to a cliche that was overused at that time, not as racism.

>> No.3150558 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 600x800, 5139684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Erika allowed.
This is the rap Ryukishi was talking about.

>> No.3150560
File: 68 KB, 600x800, 5139684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Erika allowed.
This is the trap Ryukishi was talking about.

>> No.3150615

Fuck yeah Bronove, if Ronove is Bronove. What are Gaap and Virgilia then?

>> No.3150635
File: 391 KB, 607x500, 20090801a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are members of the Moe Troll Brigade.

>> No.3150932 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 646x524, yym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Your Majesty.

>> No.3150965

Good morning /jp/. Sorry for sounding like a newfag but did any one got the "Loading Error: Cannot open the バリア_03.wav"? 4chan's acting up again so I can't upload the picture.
I tried to reinstall it but it didn't help. How can I fix this problem?

Also, did anyone else get a bunch of _______.ogg and _______.wav files? I guess these might be the causes.

I thank you and apologize in advance.

>> No.3150984

Let me guess: you crash at rose garden with maria?

Delete your BGM folder and copypaste i directly from your iso.

>> No.3150991


>> No.3150994


Sorry for betraying your expectation but no. It occurred right at the beginning of the game. I heard the waves' crashing sound, then the glass breaking, then that error took place.

>> No.3151001

Delete your SE folder and copypaste it directly from the iso.

>> No.3151004

Your iso was rar`ed?
Try another program to unrar it. Winrar has a bad habit of renaming japanese to _____

>> No.3151162


Thanks for the suggestions. I extracted it with IZArc and it seems to work now.

>> No.3152167

So Erika doesn't exist.

>> No.3152191

Am I the only one scared to be disappointed by Umineko's end?

>> No.3152203

It will most likely be very disappointing.
Satisfying resolutions are extremely hard, especially for this genre.
The more things Ryuukichi07 adds to his story, the harder it will be for him to end it well.
