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File: 960 KB, 1024x1024, 1224973145458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3148202 No.3148202 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>3146999

US West Coast Hostan

Beginning Suwako
Intermediate Yukari and Alice

>> No.3148206

>Beginning Suwako
>Intermediate Yukari and Alice

Where did this whole thing start from? Nobody cares how good you are with your characters. They'll see when they're fighting you.

>> No.3148211

Announcing mains has been around forever. Where have you been?

>> No.3148219

Beginner/up too late tier.

>> No.3148220

lol i main akuma but im okay with ryu too XD

>> No.3148223

A year ago with Melty Blood? I'm sure it encourages people to play since they know there are others at their level, especially useful with newer players.

>> No.3148230

... what? How is this at all an XD SO RANDUMB thing? what? huh? what? My mind is blown.

>> No.3148241

Wow, that match was kinda glitched.

>> No.3148249

OP got owned by a superior player

>> No.3148255

Jesus i'm still not used to fighting Suwako

>> No.3148257 EU
Not quite beginner Suwako with basic deck will play with anyone

>> No.3148258

Dude, if you main Gouki, you main Ryu/Ken/Dan/That other cheap Ryu knockoff/Sakuya/Gouken as well.


>> No.3148260

When does patch come out where I can have infinite health in multiplayer?

>> No.3148263
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>> No.3148266

Yeah, it's pretty laggy.

>> No.3148269

The lag in online play is unbearable. I'll just stick to Lunatic COM.

>> No.3148274
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>> No.3148281
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>> No.3148285
File: 68 KB, 642x480, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think there was something wrong with those matches. Sorry, Setsuna.

>> No.3148288
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>> No.3148295

I actually won.
I am not all that used to it actually.
It was a good game.

>> No.3148303

Hosting again, gentle anons.

>> No.3148315

I'm done for the night, GG.

>> No.3148322 [DELETED] 


>> No.3148324

>Not quite beginner Suwako
The game just came out, man.

>> No.3148326

>> Re-Hostan sum 12.3
Thanks for the fun games so far.

>> No.3148333


When you play her for 12 hours straight, you'd be surprised.

>> No.3148334

You'll be hearing frog noises in your sleep.

>> No.3148350


I don't care. I'm going to be participating in some tournaments, so I need to be in top-shape.

>> No.3148353

>frog noises in your sleep
>Suwako noises
>in my sleep
I hope to god I will.

>> No.3148355

ugh...yup, it seems i can only beat your suwako, OP
I suck.

>> No.3148357

They have SWR tournaments?

>> No.3148361


>> No.3148367

Hum tee tum, still hosting.

>> No.3148368


They have tournaments for everything in Japan.

>> No.3148374

Whoever that _Akagi_ was, your Okuu killing my Reisen was apparently such a hard-fought battle that it nuked my 12.3.

...Re-hostan >>

>> No.3148381

I can't wait until all the characters are ripped from this game and put into Mugen.


>> No.3148386 EU

Beginner/Shit tier

>> No.3148391

Disconnecting from people in the second round is fun. :)

>> No.3148394


Doesn't work

>> No.3148425


Probably firewall. Try again.

>> No.3148427

Thanks for letting me get off two Mega Flares, Syanhai! I love that card, even if it's pretty useless.

>> No.3148440


Not firewall. I've played 10 other people tonight.

>> No.3148453 [DELETED] 


I meant my firewall, which should be fixed now.

>> No.3148449

Any of you Ausfags? I'd fancy a game in any delay less than 10.

>> No.3148510

GGs, Syanhai. Suwako is a lot of fun to play but I don't think I'll be maining her any time soon.

>> No.3148520

GGs. Suwako is too cute.

>> No.3148531

Those were some great games, our level is pretty close. But those damned spellcards...
I'll be back in 30 minutes or so and host again

>> No.3148534

Well, I won a few matches at least.
I had a good time playing with you.

>> No.3148539


Hosting now for real. Port was mapped wrong.

>> No.3148631

Discuss Meiling's spellcards.

Seriously, they're almost all amazing.

>> No.3148642

Her spinning is cute

>> No.3148650

I haven't even gotten started on using her spellcards. Her skill cards alone are enough to win matches easily!

>> No.3148684

Good games ever, I'm going to go reconfigure my deck.

>> No.3148707


Rehosting. Up for few more games.

>> No.3148725

Remilia players:

Beat the shit out of another Remilia.

Put the umbrella card in your deck.

Never fight in the SDM again.

>> No.3148745

beginner huh...

>> No.3148755 EU

>> No.3148758 EU

trying if I can host
shitty isp, country has bad connection with rest of EU even if in EU
desperately trying to main utsuho and probably failing at it (goddamn she's slow)

>> No.3148771

>desperately trying to main utsuho and probably failing at it (goddamn she's slow)
I'm not a terribly good Iku, but trying out Utsuho after Iku, Utsuho doesn't seem terribly slow at all. My main problem with her is her silly backdash.

>> No.3148778

I dont care about her slow moving speed, its her slow startups that annoy me

>> No.3148781

this works

>> No.3148784

Good games Akagi. Feeling like it's time for a new opponent, though.

>> Re-hostan

>> No.3148790

Awesome games, had a lot of fun.

>> No.3148792

I fought a person that just used a bunch of those sorts of spellcards only.

It was quite silly.

>> No.3148809

can anyone at least tell me if they can't connect, still waiting

>> No.3148811

All right, let's play again, now with 5% more spellcards!

>> No.3148812

somebody host please?

>> No.3148820

West Coast.

I really need to get some sleep, so I'm up for a few matches only.

>> No.3148821


US East, but I really don't mind lag.

>> No.3148837

Forgot to mention that my PC is not on the top, so please don't mind the few seconds longer loading time

>> No.3148868

Hosted and ready to go.

If you joined/left, i had to make use of the toilet

>> No.3148878

Oh god, Suwako is some horrible amalgam of a frog, Oasis from Jojo Golden Wind, and Satan.

>> No.3148914

Gotta go eat. GGs.

>> No.3148924 EU

trying again, tell me if you cant connect

>> No.3148928

Well, you were better than me without doubt, but I wasn't all that bad was I?
Anyways, I had fun playing with you.

>> No.3148939

> Hostan

Awaiting a new challenger.

>> No.3148945

It's my first time playing Meiling against another player and on top of that Remilia. Was fun learned a lot.

>> No.3148957

What's this? A new fighting game spin-off or what? Is Touhou 12 out yet?

>> No.3148969

it's an expansion to SWR

>> No.3148972

GGs. I really need to get sleep though. I feel like I'm dying.

>> No.3148990

I feel you, GGs Syanhai.
Some of those system cards are a LOT more useful than I thought they were. The wiki makes that timestop one sound pretty mediocre but it's awesome if used right.


>> No.3149020


>> No.3149026
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>The wiki makes that timestop one sound pretty mediocre but it's awesome if used right.
The problem is that it takes like a second or two for it to activate, and it can be interrupted. So you can't use it very reliably, since it might stop when the other person isn't even doing anything, and if it does stop during a move, and you end up on the wrong side, you'll get hit by a move that would have probably missed if you didn't use time stop in the first place.

I still like it though, and I like messing with my system card deck.

>> No.3149039

any australian hosters

>> No.3149081
File: 195 KB, 800x754, 5d921e82627592d58dca76ced06f0ae5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy timestopped me while I was shooting bullets, and he went behind me during the freeze and combo'd me for the final kill.

I was not pleased at all.

>> No.3149092

2 cirno=lol

>> No.3149096
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>> No.3149113


>> No.3149115


>> No.3149124


GGs, had a lot of fun.

Yeah, I need to learn how to defend.

>> No.3149130

Lots of fun. Especially with Suika's lollball.

>> No.3149145

That was a bit laggy, for my taste.
But I am alright with it.

>> No.3149171

Good games! You're really though... I guess I still need some practice.

>> No.3149186

Yeah, good games... your Meiling almost got me, my spellcard saved me

>> No.3149195

Did Komachi get anything new? Because I'm not feeling it.

>> No.3149209
File: 125 KB, 586x794, 1070697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Scythe hitbox narrower, deadzone for many melee attacks increased.
-Only three spirits can be out at a time.
-"Short Life Expectancy" cuts Komachi's health in half too.
-"Flow of the River" now a system card for everyone to use.
-Komachi now has a limited amount of money she can throw around.
-Landing a combo kills Komachi.

>> No.3149210

All right, let's play! With more spellcards again

>> No.3149214

Why nerf Komachi? There were other characters that needed balancing.

>> No.3149216

Any hosts?

>> No.3149230

GGs sorry for the lag, fun games

>> No.3149232
File: 66 KB, 1378x826, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious what the last 3 options are, and can they help make it look good on my 16:9 screen?

>> No.3149234

What the fuck, man.

>> No.3149237

GGs mez. I think that lag actually HELPED since there was more time to plan out what you're doing; Suwako plays like shit in it though.
Anyway, I guess I'll rehost in a few hours or something.

>> No.3149240

anyone got a link for this?

>> No.3149242

>can they help make it look good on my 16:9 screen?
Nothing can make 12.3 look "good", but the moe makes it very bearable.

>> No.3149253

So, uh, does anyone actually use Sanae?

>> No.3149261

Let's try it again EU

Playing as Suwako, I have some experience. Anyone from anywhere can join, I don't mind the lag and/or beating

>> No.3149319

I'm finished. Thanks for all the games, /jp/.

>> No.3149398

All the flying was a bit annoying but good games.

>> No.3149408
File: 82 KB, 640x480, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slowdown was more annoying. This picture pretty much sums up what I'm feeling right now
Hosting again

>> No.3149442


>> No.3149492

A lot of people are saying Suwako sucks, but defensively she might be among the best, with her unlimited flight and the ability to submerge under melee attacks.

>> No.3149533

Suwako is very different compared to the rest of the touhous, and the game was released yesterday, its like when they put Arakune in Blazblue as midtier at the begining, now, months before(or is already a year after the first arcade release?) he is one of the best 3 characters of the game

>> No.3149540
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>> No.3149546


>> No.3149571

She's good. I use her sometimes.

>> No.3149591
File: 41 KB, 1260x335, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing right?
Somebody tell me: the TH12.3 folder must in the SWR folder to unlock all characters in TH12.3... I start the game and I have not all characters. Whats wrong?

>> No.3149594

Okay, I'll try to host, tell me if it doesn't work. (EU)

>> No.3149600

GGs Yuka, I wanted to beat your Suika at least once, such a shame

>> No.3149602

Not necessary.
Open config123.ini and see.

>> No.3149624

can't connect

>> No.3149629

Put the th105 folder into C:\Program Files\tasofro

Create the file if it isn't created.


>> No.3149630

GGs. Nice Suwako.
It's strange how I chose Remilia in last game. I didn't press random.

>> No.3149635

Hosting EU

>> No.3149637

You did

>> No.3149641

>> No.3149647

not working

>> No.3149668

I have not a "tasofro" folder, I have all of my desktop.

>> No.3149681

Open it. Define 105 path

>> No.3149707 EU

>> No.3149737

No... it not works.
I give this file the name "th105path"...

>> No.3149750

open the ini file and change the file path to where you have SWR installed

>> No.3149756

You should probably give up.

>> No.3149782

lol why

>> No.3149784

Doesn't work.

>> No.3149787
File: 148 KB, 1024x600, 1250354828160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, tel me you are a troll

>> No.3149853

nice face

>> No.3149873

No... it not works!
I put that fucking configex123.ini in my SWR folder!

>> No.3149895

So how do you think your th12.3.exe file will know where you put your conifg file?

>> No.3149897

You should have seen alice in Cirno scenario.
She makes the best face ever.

>> No.3149908

Actually, somebody made a thread with it.

>> No.3149925

Hosting again, let's play

>> No.3149969

GG _Akagi_
If only my Tnhou was good as yours, gotta go eat

>> No.3149971


>> No.3149989


>> No.3149992


>> No.3149998

Get the fuck out.

>> No.3150006

Haha, your th123 is far better than mine, that makes us even. But very fun games anyways.

>> No.3150047

So uh, what the fuck, every time i exit the game it outright forgets that i've completed story mode, do i have to save manually? i can't read moon for shit

>> No.3150062

Maybe your game tries to save into a Japanese path and your US region setting fuck everything up?

>> No.3150063
US Midwest

Trying out some new decks.

>> No.3150081
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I make all what of the pic >>3149787 is.
But it not works.

>> No.3150108

Nah, my PC is set to jap region
and besides, it was never in US to begin with

>> No.3150170

Hosting Northern EU

>> No.3150199

For some reason, my version freezes after the Utsuho battle. Any ideas why? I don't read moon too well.

>> No.3150203
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>> No.3150228
File: 340 KB, 640x480, ZUNfix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short explanation long:

Open your th123.zip or mount your iso.
Install the game into a folder called th123 or hisoutensoku or whatever.

Open the config123.ini in your th123 or hisoutensoku or whatever folder.

Let it open in the background and open your windows explorer.

Search for your Scarlet Weather Rhapsody folder.
Open the folder, then copy the link from the address bar. Mine is E:/Touhou/Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

Hightlight the C:/Programfiles/tasofro/th105 after path= and press Ctrl+V to paste the selected text and overwrite the path.

Start th123.exe

ZUN is a really lazy programmer to not have fixed that bug that came with the MoF engine. This already happened to me twice in a good SA Lunatic run.

>> No.3150231

Sorry, but its too slow for me.

>> No.3150238
File: 1.71 MB, 3300x2400, 1205022425794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. >>3148202 rehostan.

>> No.3150253

lol german text

>> No.3150255

European host where?

>> No.3150261

You're probably using 1.00, update to 1.01:

US East, fairly decent Suwako/Suika but I'll switch around.

>> No.3150262

is your score123.dat for some reason set to read only?
did you attempt to copy your score.dat from 10.5, rather than deleting score123.dat and letting 12.3 convert from 10.5?

>> No.3150267

Any Euro hosting.

>> No.3150276 EU

>> No.3150282

All what you say, I make it. But it not works.
Maybe is this >>3150081 (see the pic) the problem.

>> No.3150283

Wait wait, must select controller AGAIN.

>> No.3150289

Nope, not set to read only, and i just used the score123.dat that came with the upload, i didn't touch it

>> No.3150291

>>3150289 here
forgot to add that it saves my profile settings fine, which seems... odd

>> No.3150303

Good games

>> No.3150315


>> No.3150318

Interesting games P3. Your tactic is a little weird so they were great practice materials for pressure and guessing your next moves. Oh well, hopefully I've got some new cards

>> No.3150349
File: 282 KB, 641x480, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, turns out I got a Yuyuko card that wasn't present in SWR. Nice.

>> No.3150354
File: 222 KB, 638x480, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make that 2 cards

>> No.3150356

GGs. Not sure if I should be disappointed about getting my ass handed to me by someone named ShittyUtsuhoPlayer or what, but either way I lol'd hard at loliball spam.


>> No.3150363

I quit because I was annoyed by how long it took to load.
And don't worry, you're not the first one to die by loliball spam. I laughed like a maniac the first time I did it. That move is just too good.

>> No.3150367

All I keep getting are skill and system cards. Lucky for you, maybe next time for me

>> No.3150384

I also got a skillcard that is new to the expansion, good to see the old characters also got additions.

>> No.3150388

Any translation about what does the character cards?

>> No.3150393
File: 376 KB, 826x1038, 1245751335108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could cry! I'm doing everything right but it does not work!

>> No.3150395

They haven't even translated the storyline yet.
Just try to figure it out in practice mode.

>> No.3150405

I can't figure out what the fuck one of Youmu's spellcard does, seems like a guard but it does nothing.

>> No.3150408


>> No.3150415

If you are talking about her second 5card: Its a counter.

>> No.3150416


>> No.3150419

My fingers hurt.

>> No.3150420

I think its a counter.
Once more: experiment and try to figure it out yourself, translation of spellcards will take days if not weeks.

>> No.3150424

Like it's hard to unlock everything.

>> No.3150429

Easy modo.

>> No.3150439

4 of each spellcard? no problem I'll see you in three months.

>> No.3150440


>> No.3150450

Since most of the cards carried from SWR there's not too much to unlock.

>> No.3150452

Hosting eastern-central Canada. Haven't played since early SWR days tier.

>> No.3150453

Except that they don't. But someone posted a 4x unlocked day 1 anyhow.

>> No.3150459
File: 74 KB, 640x480, th123 2009-08-16 19-51-57-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, what? At least my cards are intact.

>> No.3150469

>Except that they don't.
lol you didn't delete score123.dat

>> No.3150477

Any Euro available? Or someone else.

>> No.3150478

Hosting again

>> No.3150479

Still need a host.

>> No.3150480

Well I could try this out...
Hosting at

>> No.3150487


>> No.3150490
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>> No.3150507

Good games again.
I think we broke the game somehow.

>> No.3150515 [DELETED] 

Sorry, my sister was being annoying.

>> No.3150540
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>> No.3150541

Rehosting for a few.

>> No.3150542
File: 247 KB, 850x850, 1235580493001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What... now works... strange!

>> No.3150605

ggs. I really like what they did with Meiling. She feels like a SF or KoF character.

>> No.3150613

Yeah she's much better now.
You are pretty good by the way. Well, at least not as shitty as me.

>> No.3150622


gg you do alot better with suika, can't even do anything really against her lol

>> No.3150642

gg, got owned alot there.

>> No.3150646

I suck with the new characters though, especially Cirno, I had no idea what to do...

Rehosting for a few more matches:

>> No.3150655

Whoa, wait. Are you fucking kidding me?
This whole time I was under the impression that Raymoo is just a stupidly bad matchup for Suwako and getting into melee range means death so the only way I could ever beat her is by turtling my ass off the whole match, which I can hardly do because there's only one move that can stop her ridiculously thick projectiles. But then it turns out that the big secret is that all I had to do was get close in the air and MELEE her to death? Goddamn, that blows my mind on so many levels that I was doing it wrong this whole time.

GGs though, even though I figured out what I have to do your one main is still a pretty tough matchup for mine. Your Reimu's still hella fun to play against though since I have to actually think to get anything done. Anyway, I left since I need to go outside but I'll be back in a little while, bro.

>> No.3150657

Ive been using my old play style for awhile, its really not working anymore, I have to take advantage of the new ones.

>> No.3150662

Why do Reisen's bullets feel so weak now?

>> No.3150682

GGs Duckator. If you want, I'm up for more after a quick bathroom break.

>> No.3150692

Good games.
I can't believe I ran out of all my cards twice.

US Midwest

>> No.3150695
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 123_came_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU hostan for a while

>> No.3150713
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>> No.3150750

Still waiting...

>> No.3150756

eh? for me it was just graze boolet, shoot boolet, melee when close, don't stand under her.

>> No.3150757


>> No.3150768

They got nerfed, along with their range. Fucking dumb

>> No.3150805

Any EUs hosting, I want to try something.

>> No.3150820

Great games, I hope I didn't bore you despite my lack of skill.

>> No.3150823

GGs Akagi, you win at least once, but is Suwako's movements confusing you somehow? You keep running into my bullets and hits

>> No.3150827

Hey, that's not me...

>> No.3150850

Hahaha, no, it's just that I'm bad, I guess. But yes, Suwako's movements are confusing, I never know if you're getting closer or if you're getting away.

>> No.3150854

Hosting again. Finally got one decent spellcard

>> No.3150858

You are far from being bad

>> No.3150867

Good games.
You really need to lean when to shoot and when to melee. I caught you with graze attacks way too many times.


>> No.3150875 EU
noobish/mediocre hong/reimu/yuyuko

>> No.3150877

Good games random youmu player


>> No.3150878 [DELETED] 

Tourneyfriend ahoy. I can't play with you, not even mashing.

>> No.3150882

Doesn't work.
Also, cut that shit, 'noobish' makes you look like a 13 years old or something.

>> No.3150913

Sorry. I'm not for you, haha.

>> No.3150928


>> No.3150940 hostan

>> No.3150944 hostan

New player, don't know any combos, don't know strategy, play for the hell of it

>> No.3150947

Get out.

>> No.3150950


>> No.3150964

does not work

>> No.3150971

Stage 2 midboss tier.

>> No.3150973

Good game, even though the connection was lost.

>> No.3150976


>> No.3150979 [DELETED] 

What happened?

>> No.3150982

How do I set this game up? Wasn't here when it came out

>> No.3150983

Sorry bro, the computer got messed up. Good games, I'll host again once I sort things out

>> No.3151008

Hosting eastern-central Canada. So-so, trying out different characters.

>> No.3151010

Can Reiuji deal less than 1000 damage with a single attack? Good games though

>> No.3151017

Yes, one or two non melee, but all her attacks are bound to do a lot if they hit properly.

>> No.3151021

Hostan from EU.

>> No.3151025 [DELETED] 

Can't connect.

>> No.3151026


Doesn't work

>> No.3151027
US Midwest and shit.

>> No.3151030

Hmm, will check.

>> No.3151043


>> No.3151044


new thread

>> No.3151048

Good game, sir.

>> No.3151051

Alright, forgot to forward port.
Should be okay now i think.

>> No.3151054

Where are you from. The delay was horrible.

>> No.3151071


>> No.3151080

ggs. So Okuu is the new Suika in the expansion? Her C fireball would be a super move on a lesser character.

>> No.3151107

sry 4 disc during the last game. ggs
also, rehosting.

>> No.3151114

GGs. You slapped me around in quite a lot of those, but it was fun.

>> No.3151141


>> No.3151200

>>3150646 Thank you for the good games

>> No.3151203

So I've been trying to mess around a little bit, and I have a question about Hong Meiling.

Can she combo into something after she does her 623B/C? I can't seem to land anything after I've done that move.

>> No.3151212


>> No.3151217

Good games

>> No.3151228

Good Games. Those were some of the best matches I've had, thank you.

Now that I have some new cards, it's time for me to set my decks.

>> No.3151251

Man, you're a though stage 2 midboss... I hope I haven't bored you with my China, I'm trying to improve and gather some cards. Great games anyways.

>> No.3151258

Nice fightans, Akagi.


Those were some great matches. Hell, you probably deserved to land at least a half dozen of those spell cards you didn't hit.

>> No.3151287 [DELETED]

I require a couple more games just to get all the Yuyuko out of my system
