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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3145596 No.3145596 [Reply] [Original]

New thread since the other one is at the bump limit.

What does this mean? It gives me this error when I try to connect to any IP.

>> No.3145603


it meanz u sux xD

>> No.3145612

I get the same thing OP and I've forwarded those two ports and everything. ;_;

>> No.3145615

I tried turning off my firewall, and I still get that.

>> No.3145639



>> No.3145642
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It should work the same as it does in SWR netplay.

Also Mima and Shinki look-alike costumes.

>> No.3145652

"The Listener Is Not Started"

TH-12518: listener could not hand off client connection
Cause: The process of handing off a client connection to another process failed.
Action: Turn on listener tracing and re-execute the operation. Verify that the listener and danmaku instance are properly configured for direct handoff. If problem persists, call Touhou Support.

>> No.3145653


See >>3145596, >>3145612, >>3145615, and >>3145639

If it was working, people wouldn't be complaining about it.

>> No.3145658

works fine for me

>> No.3145662

i still got my old set up for SWR, oddly enough, its not working anymore.

>> No.3145675


it also worked just fine for me with the same settings as SWR

>> No.3145681

this is the new hosting thread.

post your IPs and how good you are here.

>> No.3145682

Beginner tier, plays on random.

Apparently some people can connect and some can't, but that appears to be the case for everyone.

>> No.3145687


Nobody cares if it's working for you. We want to know why it's not working for us despite having the ports open and firewall off.

>> No.3145697

do we need a modem for this??

>> No.3145704

Restart your DanmakuNet listener, if that doesn't work restart the instance.

>> No.3145708

prepare for an attack

>> No.3145711


Because clearly knowing that it works for some people without changing settings from what was needed for SWR while that is not the case for others is worthless information that could not possibly allow you to eliminate some possibilities as to why it won't work for you.

>> No.3145715


>DanmakuNet listener

What the hell is that?

>> No.3145744

shit tier

>> No.3145762

GGs Endorph.

Apparently using random doesn't allow you to use customized decks anymore, which sucks. :|

>> No.3145773
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>Touhou DanmakuNet Listener is a separate process that runs on the danmaku server computer. It receives incoming client connection requests and manages the traffic of these requests to the danmaku server.

>> No.3145777


I'm pretty sure random picks a random deck, too, so make sure all four of every character's decks are an actual deck and not the default before random spamming.

>> No.3145782

Mmmkay. How exactly do I do that?

>> No.3145791 [DELETED] 
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High/Advanced Tier

>> No.3145793


Does Meiling have anything that beats out Utsuho's 5C?

>> No.3145798

when you're editing decks, scroll up to the thing with your profile name and the japanese symbol and hit left or right. It should cycle between four decks.

>> No.3145804

Is Utsuho still unplayable in network, or has whatever caused the game to freeze been fixed?

>> No.3145811

my friend mains her and we played for about an hour just fine.

>> No.3145830

All right, thank you.

>> No.3145860

still shit tier, still playing on random

>> No.3145870

Is it just me or does cirno's iceball roll thing out prioritize everything.

Up to and including five cost spellcards.

>> No.3145877

I think you might be right.

>> No.3145884


>> No.3145892




>> No.3145898

Hosting. About average tier. Picking up Utsuho

>> No.3145901

I'm still getting the error guys. Nothing is working. I tried Googling "Touhou DanmakuNet Listener", but nothing comes up, so I don't know what that's all about.

>> No.3145910

not working

>> No.3145918

/jp/ - Not Working

Sounds about right.

>> No.3145920

Ookus blast half the screen attack goes straight through it.
But she is OP as hell at the moment.

>> No.3145933

What port other than 10800 did I need to open?

>> No.3145937

Both ports are open, and nothing is working.

>> No.3145939

>> i tried Googling "Touhou DanmakuNet Listener"
haha, i dunno what's more funny, that you thought it was a real program, or that you fail at networking

>> No.3145942
Central Canada, shit tier.

>> No.3145943

you probably just pasted the IP wrong

>> No.3145944


>> No.3145947

Guys, how many times do I have to state this? You HAVE to have a router or else nothing is going to work.

>> No.3145955


really?? that sucks.

>> No.3145959

Alright, tweaked some things. Let's try this again.

>> No.3145968


Still doesn't work.

>> No.3145981

you positive you pasting the IP right? most IPs have a :10800 after them

>> No.3145983

$ lsnrctl

LSNRCTL for GensokyOS: Version - Production on 15-AUG-2008 11:54:13

(c) Copyright 2008 Touhou Corporation. All rights reserved.

Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.


The following operations are available

An asterisk (*) denotes a modifier or extended command:

start stop status
services version reload
save_config trace spawn
dnsnmp_start dnsnmp_stop dnsnmp_status
change_password quit exit
set* show*

LSNRCTL> status

Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=10800))

Version TNSLSNR for GensokyOS: Version - Production
Start Date 17-AUG-2008 18:15:39
Trace Level off
Security OFF
Listener Parameter File /var/opt/touhou/listener.tou
Listener Log File /usr/touhou/10.6.0/network/log/local_lsnr.log
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "LOCAL" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "LOCAL", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

The command completed successfully


>> No.3145985

GGs Kyre.

>> No.3146005

Fairly certain that is my ip. I suppose you could try with the port at the end

>> No.3146021


ggs. sorry about the whole being completely terrible thing

>> No.3146023

>Instance "LOCAL", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Restart the instance.

>> No.3146026

>But she is OP as hell at the moment.
Are you suuuure?

>> No.3146034


Super cool troll there broski

>> No.3146042 west coast

>> No.3146044


Are you guys just trolling? Stop speaking like we all have been playing this for years now. I don't even know what this instance is, much less how to locate it.

>> No.3146055

We're Certified Danmaku Administrators. The instance I'm referring to is your instance of the danmaku server.

>> No.3146056

I was lucky and got touhous I'm used to playing.

>> No.3146058

still hosting

>> No.3146069

Not working for me.

>> No.3146078

Think it would be easier to set up a Hamachi group for /jp/? It'd eliminate any odd connection issues due to teh game being silly

>> No.3146080


>> No.3146085

ITT, the people who can't connect won't be able to connect for weeks because nobody on /jp/ really knows what is wrong and does nothing but troll endlessly

>> No.3146098


Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.3146106
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And I was really looking forward to playing online with you bros.

>> No.3146110

how are we supposed to help if we don't know what's wrong?

>> No.3146114

That's why danmaku admins get paid so much -- this nightmare of a danmaku server is fucking difficult to setup correctly.

>> No.3146132

GGs, whoever I just played!

Pretty rapetastic Utsuho you have there! I enjoyed fighting against it!

>> No.3146137

Especially the listener. They fucked that one up in 11gR1, in 11gR2 it actually works as documented.

>> No.3146140

Fuck you and your working set up

>> No.3146149

LOL, what?

>> No.3146165

It's not too bad if you read the docs, but there's a lot of them and the information you need is scattered everywhere.

>> No.3146185
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>this thread

>> No.3146188

1. Find your model of Modem, or if you have one, router. Go here and find your link: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm

Then click just about any program and substitute the ports they tell you to forward with 10800. Forward BOTH TCP and UDP if possible.
If you have a modem and router, find your modem's DMZ setting and direct it to your router's IP address. Then just forward port 10800 from your router. Simple.
3. If you can't find your IP listed in your modem or router, go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ and type your IP in the format (Replace with your own IP)
4. Profit, fingers crossed.

>> No.3146213

Forgot, the IP you forward to will be listed if you go to run > cmd, type ipconfig and hit enter. The IP you need to forward to should start with either 192.168, 172., or 10.

>> No.3146228

I can't even do half the moves consistently.

>> No.3146236

the only moves that might even be tricky are the shoryuken motion ones.

>> No.3146251

why is the card activate button so unresponsive?

>> No.3146274

If you're using Suwako, a lot of her moves require you be in the air.

>> No.3146282

This game has different frame data than SWR. I noticed when I couldn't land my Reimu corner BnB, and many characters can't combo from their Dial A like they have before.

>> No.3146286


Tasofro changed it so that you can't be holding left or right when activating a spell now.

No clue why they did it, other than skill cards cancelling the move if you use one of those buttons. But spells? No reason.

>> No.3146336

pretty sure iku's walking is slower, if that was even possible.

>> No.3146433

You can't hold a direction period and do a spell. I guess it's to stop mashing a reversal spellcard in between someone's string, but honestly, it's annoying. Also, everyone has a 4a now. If you try to block and dialA at the same time, you'll just jab endlessly. I suppose -that's- there so you can't guess where to mash and hope to get a lot of damage.

OP, if you get this problem, it's their side, not yours. Maybe option 2 is bugged, I don't know. You can copy the IP to clipboard and use option number five, that's what I always do and it's never given me a problem, even though I can't host, either.

>> No.3146447 West Coast US

Unyuu~ tier

>> No.3146487

Forwarding ports and turning off firewalls doesn't work. I still get that message.

>> No.3146570

Some Internet providers have blocked certain programs. There's nothing you can do.

>> No.3146581


>> No.3146596

why would they block whatever program toohoo uses for netplay.

>> No.3146611

SWR always worked for me. Let's hope SWRS does.

East Coast host:

>> No.3146646 (east coast)

Done with breakfast, so how about some more touhous?

>> No.3146662

I need tips against Okuu.

>> No.3146715

What the hell was that spellcard?

>> No.3146772

Utsuho is very slow(rather, not slow, just worst movement ever). It may suck, but she can't catch anybody, so you can run away all day, even if all her bullets beat all yours. If she has spellcards at all I'd just back the fuck up and let her waste it. Also if can pin her down, she can't really do anything about it.

>> No.3146788

GGs saje. I need to work on my China.

>> No.3146812

Protip: Shoot at her until she dies.
And suck less.

>> No.3146826

horrible advice

>> No.3146828

So do you think Okuu is our new Reisen?

>> No.3146849

Belatedly, GGs Scramble. Why quit when it was getting good, though?

>> No.3146877

I think Cirno and Sanae are worse than Okuu, but I also think that Okuu is overall pretty damn terrible. China is actually pretty decent. Suwako is a joke but has pretty disgusting pressure. But you know, the game's been out for a day, it's hard to know anything at all.

>> No.3146895

Cirno seems pretty decent.

>> No.3146927

Yeah, I'm done. I've lost to every single Okuu today, I don't get how to approach her at all.

>> No.3146934

The problems I have with Cirno are: 1.) She does horrible damage. She has to lay hands on you like ten times to kill you. 2.) If she does lay hands on you, she's pretty bad at knocking you down. She sprinkles a few icicles on you and you're on even footing again. I don't know if any of her alts do anything about it, but the default set...

Okuu may have a hard time laying hands on you, but when she does, at least she slaps you with gross damage, probably limits you and is right on top of you ready to bop you one again.

>> No.3146935
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Reisen wasn't awful. Okuu is a different kind of bad and potentially much worse. Terrible, terrible movement.

>> No.3146941

Here's how you approach Okuu: You don't.

>> No.3146950

Is story mode only for sanae, cirno and meiling?

>> No.3146953

If you want, you can practice against me; I'm pretty terrible with Okuu (or at least keep losing to everyone).

>> No.3146959

GGs to you too. No worries about it. The game is new, everyone needs to work on their characters both old and new.


>> No.3146960

I dunno, I thought Okuu played a lot like Iku.

>> No.3146961

>1.) She does horrible damage
I think your using her badly because I manage to deal a ton of damage using cirno

>> No.3146967

I don't know, I see Sanae as the worse of the bunch. Also, I see the majority of her use will be manipulating her attacks by changing the wind and when she airdashes.

Suwako's piss poor ground dash will only be supplemented with IADs, and then she'll become a real pain.

Cirno's and China were done PERFECTLY! Cirno has lag on most of her attacks, but has so much space control and setups, it's ridiculous! China you should already have a general idea about, but her mixups and corner pressure is going to make her extremely dangerous and loved.

>> No.3146962
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3146962 West Coast US


>> No.3146964

Yeah, sure. My ego is basically crushed at the moment.

>> No.3146971

>but her mixups and corner pressure
How do I do this with Meiling?
