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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31403831 No.31403831 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.31403890

Previous thread (???)

Related threads:
Hololive threads: >>>/jp/hololive
Hololive threads: >>>/jp/ホロライブ
Nijisanji thread >>>/jp/niji
Voms thread >>>/jp/voms
774 thread >>31268039
Western Vtubers >>>/trash/wvt
Western Lewtubers >>>/aco/pmg

>> No.31403908

I miss the ghost...

>> No.31404013
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Yashiro Ai is back to sleeping after only streaming for ten hours. Hopefully, it doesn't go for 13 hours again.

>> No.31404060


>> No.31404088
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Please don't include my local Saitama resident in your autism. She's a good girl and doesn't deserve this. Thank you.

>> No.31404107

why are gal-chuubas so underrepresented? I could really only think of a few with any sort of traction

>> No.31404165 [DELETED] 

not wanting to deal with constant holo/niji arguing is cancer?

>> No.31404446

we can't even hit post limit most of the time with VOMS and 774 included. What's the point of splitting threads up like this? Just because Holofags are starting to post like 2hufags doesn't mean the entire board needs to be covered with random vtuber agencies

>> No.31404475


>> No.31404521

Why should holofaggots have a say in what others do?

>> No.31404527

They could come back now if the autists finally stay out but that's probably not happening.

>> No.31404543

Win98 chan...

>> No.31404561

Ok cancel that the thread is over.

>> No.31404634

What's your favourite indie song cover? I recently found this one, I like it a lot.

>> No.31404657

Just ignore the stupid outliers and keep making Virtual Youtubers
eventually they'll come back.

>> No.31404677


>> No.31404707

Every thread has been garbage shitflinging between holofaggots and whoever they pick a fight with. No one wants to use that shit.

>> No.31404753

gals are only good for porn videos

>> No.31404764

You are picking fights with them yourself.

>> No.31404794


>> No.31404810

Yeah yeah holofaggots never did anything wrong, shoo shoo you can fuck off now.

>> No.31404894

Right after you, bitch.

>> No.31404949
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soon to be monetised spider

>> No.31404995

she gives off this menhera vibe

>> No.31405016

she's actually shy and polite

>> No.31405086

are those piercings?
that's kinda hot

>> No.31405137
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>> No.31405237
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New kirinuki about Miru's team chatting about CR cup

>> No.31405314

she's been inactive for a while but I liked her songs

>> No.31405659

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkPpJUJoaEo Reid playing mahjong

>> No.31405702

reid is supposed to be good at mahjong right?

>> No.31405744

he plays it a lot for sure

>> No.31405962

Nice pussy, how much is a night worth?

>> No.31406047

Any Fukuoka vtubers?

>> No.31406062

Will they make it?

>> No.31406162

Easily in a week or so.

>> No.31406164

about threefiddy

>> No.31406176


>> No.31406199

Really? Who has paypigs from that group? Ruri?

>> No.31406230


>> No.31406282

she is very nice. i like her a lot.

>> No.31406328

I wonder how long she'll keep the tts if she gains viewers

>> No.31406335
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I like this raptor

>> No.31406347

thank you!

>> No.31406361


>> No.31406422

is she not monetised?

>> No.31406425

vtubers are poopoopeepee fucking shit

>> No.31406456

A few days ago some anon linked Kotone’s fan who bought 100 CDs of her single. I’m pretty sure every participant has a couple of wealthy fans to sponsor this.

>> No.31406461


>> No.31406484

You forgot your frog pic.

>> No.31406485

are you the guy from the comments?

>> No.31406500

They just need around 1000 people to pay 5000 yen, that's probably doable.

>> No.31406507

Miru isn't really independent and small
(aside from being 1.6m and from the independent nation of Taiwan)

>> No.31406550

she seems to have merch, maybe she's actually paid by fukuoka to promote tourism

>> No.31406572 [DELETED] 
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Exited for her Live 2D.

>> No.31406587

She usually gets less than 1k viewers, the CR cup just boosted her recently.

>> No.31406644

Thoughts about this girl?

>> No.31406692


>> No.31406714

should I know her from somewhere?

>> No.31406763

Well yeah most of her streams are in Mandarin so it's usually her TW/HK fanbase watching. Anyway she's the still highest subbed TW Vtuber and signed onto YahooTV (Hoonie's company) last year, so not small not indie, they call her 老大 for a reason.

>> No.31406861

Roa was better. She should ho back to niji, it's even easier to harass her as a small indie.

>> No.31406875

>still highest subbed TW Vtuber
Not a very high competition.

>> No.31406942

If it's actually her then it's a good opportunity to transfer her hardcore fans into an indie channel where she doesn't have to pay the corporate cut.

>> No.31407007


>> No.31407010

I think making your new character almost exactly like your old character is asking for trouble.
The disabled ratings are a dead givaway too.

>> No.31407125
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>> No.31407196

I'm actually impressed with native they sound.

>> No.31407220

Finnish is an asian language after all

>> No.31407266

to get people like you out of these threads

>> No.31407278

Yukihana is a good girl who tries really hard to get kaigainiki and has a good taste in videogames https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeu5EypIZ0JW0LyHxtVeztQ/videos
Wish that she'd speak a bit clearer though. Her mic is probably shit.

>> No.31407302

>holofaggots and whoever they pick a fight with
nice projection

>> No.31407323
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Hal's vtuber competition

>> No.31407337

is this roa? i what happened for her to leave nijisanji?

>> No.31407361

you should ask in their thread

>> No.31407401

Must feel weird to post that here huh.

>> No.31407411

I'm never sure if they have bad mics or they have some slight voicechanging going because they don't want to be recognised irl

>> No.31407436

There's small and independent vtubers participating

>> No.31407460

Not him but those faggots just pretend that nothing happened and they would either tell him to fuck off or just ignore his post.

>> No.31407506

She's too old to be cunny

>> No.31407531


>> No.31407602

sounds like something we should also implement

>> No.31407612

I'll concede that Uge is 90cm small but is also an independent adult.

>> No.31407632

Uge is a diaperbaby birb

>> No.31407639

Ebio's with Fuwa and Kuzuha.

>> No.31407672

It was the newest list that I found, there's probably been updates though

>> No.31407711

I didn't see a noripro thread, can we post them here?

>> No.31407852

Just post in one of the holo threads, they can't tell the difference.

>> No.31407868

They probably only know Tamaki.

>> No.31407989


>> No.31408074


>> No.31408142
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>> No.31408261

>can't see bulge
>not wearing diaper

>> No.31408301

He shoved it up his ass.

>> No.31408316


>> No.31408358

Someone might've helped with it.

>> No.31408432
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ringo questions my sexuality

>> No.31408646

is she still mostly doing showroom?

>> No.31408656

I usually see her with 600-1k, it surprised me seeing her with over 10k

>> No.31408685

That was because of the tournament to be fair, stylishnoob had like 80k viewers during the tournament.

>> No.31408766
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she's been doing youtube

>> No.31408860

when I was watching her she was mostly doing showroom

>> No.31408928

Asking again, where is the vacuum coming from?
>small company

>> No.31408945

small penis compared to mine

>> No.31408960

It's not even really a company though, it's just a group.

>> No.31409022

it's sticking to the precum on his tucked penis

>> No.31409045

>Asking again, where is the vacuum coming from?
Art magic and/or tucking.

>> No.31409060

What was his size according to the setting? 20 cms or something?

>> No.31409071

zonb speaks hakata ben i think.

>> No.31409167

let me show you an old low framerate video

>> No.31409171

isn't she speaking chugoku dialect?

>> No.31409256

Watch Momo

>> No.31409263

this thread is already a lot better than the other one, good job guys ily

>> No.31409379

There was an attempt to set one up yesterday but it died after like nine posts.

>> No.31409403

Then this is a good place for them.

>> No.31409493

I'm scared of getting too attached to small vtubers because so many of the ones I follow end up becoming inactive, how do you guys deal with this feeling?

>> No.31409610

no idea really. all i know is that people usually mention hakata-ben with her as she said and that she says やけん a lot.

>> No.31409623

When is it starting?

>> No.31409641

lean into the pain for a lasting impact

>> No.31409701

January 24 according to Hal's twitter.

>> No.31409704

that's because you're not donating your life savings. you need to dump more into them so they keep going.

>> No.31409731

I don't think my life savings would make a big difference for them.

>> No.31410605

start selling blood to donate to them

>> No.31410635

yuuna stardew valley

>> No.31411412


>> No.31412431

3D yokai is stretching

>> No.31412542

I want to cum in Yuuna's breast valley

>> No.31412556

I just heard my oishi use her "real" voice...

>> No.31412595
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To anyone who missed it last night, Yuki's karaoke session is still available to see in Twitcasting


>> No.31413239

was it ryonaxlove?

>> No.31413261

Any vtubers that plays western strategy games? Tired of these hoes playing kiddie shit like minecraft

>> No.31413439

Go ask on pmg or trash

>> No.31413508

is he wearing a diaper?

>> No.31413528


>> No.31413530

please... someone tell me the name of the babyniku vtuber who did a 3D recently, it was really hot, has white hair with some pink, and thick af in the lower body

>> No.31413558

what do you mean "he"

>> No.31413614

did she not do anything for her anniversary?

>> No.31413628


>> No.31413646


>> No.31413669
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>> No.31413678


>> No.31414044

Oh, this is just a thinly veiled cunny general then

>> No.31414280

>>31413628 >>31413646 >>31413669 >>31413678
bless you anons

>> No.31414290

I'm finally out after two years.
I'm not going to back.

>> No.31414386

Does she poop sticky silk out of her ass?

>> No.31414446

Is that how a voice changer sounds like or is it my sound quality that fucked up?

>> No.31414462

But I didn't sneeze

>> No.31414532

Why do ESLs always have trouble identifying obvious voice changers?

>> No.31414650

I tried a simple search request, and I got Yua who played Northgard for two streams. I think you should listen to this guy >>31413439 and tried your luck in the western vtubers thread, as that type of genre ain't too popular with JP vtubers.

Yua's link: https://youtu.be/59u1h0smCak

>> No.31414868

Because I never heard one before?

>> No.31414888

But I don't want to listen to roasties in baby voice pretending to be cute girls that they never were

>> No.31414936

uh anon where'd you say you were from again

>> No.31415001

Moona Hoshinova general.

>> No.31415023

smal brains

>> No.31415051

checks out

>> No.31415144

Well, if you want to try looking for more just google vtuber with ストラテジーゲーム. Maybe you'll get lucky and find someone (most likely a babiniku) that is addictive to them.

>> No.31415202


>> No.31415242

big foreheads

>> No.31415333

who is this semen demon

>> No.31415818


>> No.31415848

you shouldn't spoonfeed easily acquired information

>> No.31416661

cow where are you

>> No.31416746 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.31416764
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It is a weird feeling being followed by an aspiring indie. I know it is only done to hook me in to watch her debut, but just being notice is enough for me to follow through.

>> No.31416918 [DELETED] 
File: 459 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20201228-232754_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon Lord Zeraxos

>> No.31417439

How little selfawareness you need to have to post this >>31403890 and think this is fine.
Literally what's the point of this thread when /vyt/ exists?

>> No.31417516

for talking about independent and small company virtual youtubers without all the other ones having shitting up the thread, if people didn't continually crosspost from other generals into /vyt/ i can't imagine this thread would've been made

>> No.31417579

Can the good 2018 anons be found here?

>> No.31417683

As someone who doesn't like Calli, I have to say I am impressed with Riri. She hasn't broken 50K subs and only streams to around 500 watchers yet she gets the same amount of superchat per week as Uto.

>> No.31417692
File: 14 KB, 240x240, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is wanting Gundou to find and mindbreak Haachama with power play on stream (like she did with Hoshikawa), considered indy or hololive?

>> No.31417693


>> No.31417724

i've been on this cursed site since 2006, but JP has eluded me since 2017

>> No.31417776



>> No.31417805

Utos fanbase is mostly children whereas Riri's new fanbase comes from the same stock of max red superchat Canadians that mori's fanbase is know for

>> No.31417910

I like Rinne, so here's a link to her playing Tetris 99.

>> No.31417984

Why is JP so hostile to the Vtuber scene?

>> No.31418019

Please spoon-feed me the cute spider.

>> No.31418045

people are obnoxious as fuck esp hololive fags here who try to stick their fingers in everything

>> No.31418069

Please understand, the other one was being clutter up by big company vtubers talk. This is for the little guys that get skip over.

>> No.31418146


>> No.31418206

Anon's kitty is live

>> No.31418738

what will she do next?

>> No.31418906

Rinne is such a sore loser, but I like that about her. Always a reaction whenever she loses.

>> No.31418914

she's my queen of daipan, i bought her a new mouse because she broke her old one

>> No.31419051

Who is this?

>> No.31419070


>> No.31419171

Hah, I can see her accidentally breaking her mouse in a moment of rage, and that's very great of you to support her with a new mouse. I try to do the same whenever there's food on my favs Amazon wish list.

>> No.31419511
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>> No.31420380

oh fuck it's real

>> No.31420620

Rin is shilling an indie
shes cute

>> No.31420655


>> No.31420669
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I can't believe inui has another sister!

>> No.31420674

Eve is back

>> No.31420803

time to CUM

>> No.31420876
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>> No.31420960

Looks like she's connected to their circle

>> No.31420979

lol, Rinne smashed her keyboard right now.

>> No.31421109
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, Eb1O2L_U8AESdsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why some vtubers have images of them sucking on a pacifier?

>> No.31421146

they want you to change their diapers

>> No.31421198

because they're baby

>> No.31421200

They want to be pampered and later on fucked mercilessly like any other child.

>> No.31421334

That was a good stream, she's rivaling Nose! in the 台パン department.

>> No.31422434

So how did VMA go?

>> No.31424819

Oni is playing Cats Organized Neatly, a puzzle game.

>> No.31425355


My heart.
That voice is blessed.

>> No.31425534

Funny, I used to have the exact same piercings plus vertical labret.
Wanna marry me anon?

>> No.31425596
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>> No.31425710

No she's pretty sweet

>> No.31425765

Because reddit dragon ruined it

>> No.31425824

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czoKOqxlVp0 Megu!

>> No.31425825


>> No.31425854

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_b6e8x629I 96neko is playing FF14

>> No.31425917

Nice, I really like At God's Mercy, so it will be nice to hear Aoi sing it tomorrow. It will be on Kagero's channel as she's partnering with him and Rin. Here's the og version of the song:


>> No.31425952

I'm skinny I don't have a lot of blood to sell.

>> No.31426013


>> No.31426025

Is she still Tsukasa's favourite or did he forget about her?

>> No.31426300

Why not?

>> No.31426909

Just curious, it was something I notice vtubers doing, so I was wondering if there was a deeper meaning to it than just being cute.

>> No.31427076

Which one?

>> No.31427091

I'm 99% sure its some jap meme
the knight

>> No.31427115

Okay but which one?

>> No.31427159


>> No.31427237

You mfrs really did it huh

>> No.31427521


>> No.31428192

Oh Damn ! Aoi stream

>> No.31428664

You can't post it here. She is not independent vtuber, she's dependent on my cock alright

>> No.31429286

Didn't she become one recently?

>> No.31429426

I think anon was making a joke

>> No.31429598

I need to get back to my JP reps, as I'm getting filtered hard in Cyan's 300 IQ test stream.

>> No.31429725

This thread is for small IQ vtubers

>> No.31429851

There's too many of those.

>> No.31430640
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>> No.31430702
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>> No.31430989

Where's her itchy nose?

>> No.31431126

where's her tail?

>> No.31431204

She doesn't want to do any anal today.

>> No.31431228
File: 237 KB, 1534x2048, 1606543395573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoi's Muse Dash stream is starting right now.

>> No.31431242

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1srlUHJI8o Memory singing

>> No.31431327

recommend me some niche or unusual indie vtubers. I got bored of the regular trash, want something spicy

>> No.31431439

Watch this crossdressing ghost

>> No.31431748

Jinsei Tsumiko, she's a very chill vtuber that only covers horror games.

>> No.31431826

Miru's event

>> No.31431916

Is this the thread for Mafu?

>> No.31432029

Nice, Aoi was able to hit her goal in S-ranking the song, and so soon. I don't even care if it was only a 15 minute stream.

>> No.31432184

47k watching what the fuck

>> No.31432238

He usually gets over 10k for his normal streams, this is an anniversary stream.

>> No.31432387


>> No.31432567

Yukihana. Has live translator software that doesn't work particularly well. Likes puzzle games; currently playing Baba is You. Usual viewer count is low, 8 people right now.

>> No.31432786

I didn't notice that female voice is mixed by a voice changer. The technology has really improved these days.

>> No.31432855

I wish she were more interesting, that design is awesome

I can't even make clips to promote her because she never does anything interesting

>> No.31432996

There's nothing wrong with being a chill streamer, the kinds of people that clips attract tend to be not great either.

>> No.31433532

That was shorter than I've thought. Quite nice overall.
His Inochi ni Kirawareteiru cover is still on the top above all others.

>> No.31434043 [DELETED] 

Not into their 3D models that's for sure LOL

>> No.31434115


>> No.31434180
File: 270 KB, 1448x2048, EpUGPkYU0AErhtT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppai Loli Demon Cat is streaming.

>> No.31434354

Uru and Anya

>> No.31434371

...Why? For what purpose did she start Vtubing with the character, name and even the dialect?
Her voice sounds different to me.

>> No.31434448

If she's a copycat (no pun intended) then it's pretty genius free publicity.

>> No.31434491

This meme is getting old, no one actually thinks this is roa anymore, even jokingly

>> No.31434557

Of course she's not roa. She's shiroa.

>> No.31434675

I think she should drop the character, the novelty is wearing out

>> No.31435019

Even if it's wearing out, she probably loves and wants to maintain it, I don't know if she's really roa though.
Worried if she could endure it when found out by tons of anti.

>> No.31435439

She won't be posted here if she wasn't found weeks ago.

>> No.31435861

Fuck that bitch. Meiro didn't deserve this

>> No.31436083

Meiro is a literal menhara and Roa did nothing wrong.

>> No.31436378

Would you mind giving quick rundown about Meiro being menhera

>> No.31436718


>> No.31436760

It's a lot to complicated to explain in simple terms but it prety much comes down to hurt ego's, misunderstandings and mismanagment.

>> No.31436901

Can you come back when Lamp debuts as a vtuber? It's offtopic. Try rereading the title of the thread.

>> No.31436962

Maybe she did, you just don't know yet...

>> No.31438250

I am glad /jp/ vtuber fans are starting appreciating babiniku vtubers more and more. they are really a treasure

>> No.31438407

Sorry, this thread is for small-dick vtubers. Babinikus are known 10-inchers.

>> No.31438742

Tomari is too big for this thread. I guess it's time to unsub and move onto another ojisan.

>> No.31439060


>> No.31439607

Monetised spider!

>> No.31441120
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>> No.31441175

No, I won't pet the cat. But you can discuss them here, I don't care

>> No.31441476

Voice changers are pretty obvious like this.

>> No.31441531

Football's coming home

>> No.31441864

He was pretty emotional so he probably didn't want to go for too long.

>> No.31441976

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NQr0pXYfNw Maru singing

>> No.31442079

what the fuck is that fanart. This is why everyone hates weebs.

>> No.31442119

You're in luck then. That's a babiniku...

>> No.31442243

You came late to the party. People always made lewds of the Saitama resident. Even more when she wore her classic attires showing she has bandaids covering her nipples

>> No.31442516

what the fuck is that fanart. This is why everyone loves weebs!

>> No.31443942

>both cat ears & human ears

>> No.31443951

I think we should make a separate thread for each individual vtuber.

>> No.31445364

She explained it, they're not cat ears, they're her demon horns, they're just enchanted with magic to look like cat ears.

>> No.31446396


>> No.31446749

If she wasn't Roa she wouldn't have disabled ratings.

>> No.31446787

Kill yourself you dumb fuck.

>> No.31446865

You have ears right? You can compare the two and see they're clearly different. Or are you retarded?

>> No.31447121

If she's a copycat then she's really good at imitating her, her laughs and screams are the same.

>> No.31447123

You think Roa's voice wasn't fake and that she can't do any other, and you have the nerve to call someone else retarded.

>> No.31447411

What? There's a whole popular meme about her voice being fake, everyone knows that. You sound like some retard who found out about her last week.

>> No.31447656

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLccWAoMHZc monetised spider fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAER-SEm-T0 Miwao bar

>> No.31447734


>> No.31447751


>> No.31447767

Hold up now.

>> No.31447812


>> No.31447818

Indie vtubers not Indian

>> No.31447839

That's not a small or independent vtuber.

>> No.31447889

ah, ok

>> No.31447893

>N-n-no you!
Kill yourself.

>> No.31448049

what about this?

>> No.31448050

Thought so, newfag.

>> No.31448075


>> No.31448083

I'm unironically inviting you to post in the Nijisanji thread. We don't see Hayamafags anymore in that place.

>> No.31448091


>> No.31448104

I'm not going to delete the post though

>> No.31448113

>what about this?
you had one job

>> No.31448115
File: 66 KB, 700x980, 747539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31448131

Can I post her in here?

>> No.31448160

post wat?

>> No.31448184


>> No.31448194


>> No.31448791

I'm posting what the algorithm shows me

>> No.31448802

My FFXIV fix

>> No.31448833

but you missed the pun

>> No.31448992


>> No.31449223

Anyone remember akunetty

>> No.31449302

did she ever come back as someone else?

>> No.31449320

Yeah, I miss her.

>> No.31449354


>> No.31449398

Dunno but I do remember following her with a handful of other anons, I suppose she's gone for good

>> No.31449478

not indie

>> No.31449560

What about this then?

>> No.31449722

where's the pun?

>> No.31449818

It's been a while.

>> No.31450369

Nice to see Rin appreciating herself for hitting all her milestones this year. Positivity is best, and it looks like she will continue vtubing going forward.

>> No.31450480

i was almost hoping she didn't make the goal in the singing stream for the funny tweets

>> No.31450547

Oni early morning chit-chat stream is happening.

>> No.31450638

Morning Mishiro

>> No.31450959

if you guys like independent vsingers I'd recommend checking out gilzaren's playlists on his channel, lots of good stuff you'll find there.
also didn't know this thread existed until today.

>> No.31450995

That's because this is the first one.

>> No.31451117

Reid apex

>> No.31451365
File: 31 KB, 112x112, Petomi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31451474

thats cool never noticed those playlists before

>> No.31452102

Wrong thread bucko

>> No.31452692

Yashiro Ai still at it in her 168 hour marathon.

>> No.31452705


>> No.31452888

tell me when she's sleeping

>> No.31453922

Morning Ringo

>> No.31454639

Oh, Itou Life's doujinshi are all available on DLsite already like he said in the Tomari drawing stream.

>> No.31455470

Nice, Aoi is playing Splatoon after so long ago. I wish I can join her, but Splatoon is region block.

>> No.31455596
File: 244 KB, 1228x1600, EI23d9jWwAwzNNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has always been canon.

>> No.31455724

shave that disgusting bush

>> No.31456259

it needs to be bigger

>> No.31457181

I like his works, so one day I hope I can personally buy one from him in Comiket.

>> No.31458198

