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File: 156 KB, 576x768, smiling girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3138989 No.3138989 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about how awesome Sakura is.

>> No.3139004

This looks like a good thread.

>> No.3138997

Is she one of the new UFO characters?

>> No.3139010
File: 25 KB, 342x398, dawsonfascinated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating. As if we never had one of this threads before.

>> No.3139008

Bitch, we got C76 shit going on here, and you want to chit-chat over the same shit /jp/ talks about on a daily basis!?

Take that weak shit to /a/!

>> No.3139013
File: 65 KB, 404x554, 32d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So funny.

>> No.3139012

nice picture though.

>> No.3139021
File: 29 KB, 240x320, 1245734032684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura is a good girl.

>> No.3139037

so slutty

>> No.3139043

Why is she so soulless

>> No.3139052

erotical black hole

>> No.3139059

/jp/ talks about how awesome Sakura is on a daily basis?

>> No.3139078

Stop being mean to Sakura. You have no idea what she went through, you bastards.

>> No.3139100

Even if you don't like her, you have to admit you would use her as a maid. Or a prostitute.

>> No.3139111


Of course i'd use her as a maid, a maid is ment to be a cock addict who'll do anything you demand as long as you pay her in dickings.

>> No.3139202

The girl i thought to be innocent when watching the anime, but went "Holy Shit Fuck" when playing Heaven's Feel....

yea, Erotical Black Hole!

>> No.3139222

I can tolerate this slut.

>> No.3139281

I don't think you've ever had a maid.

That's kind of the point.

>> No.3139308

Sakura is only useful as a woman.

>> No.3139368


Are you implying that there is more to women than just being women?

>> No.3139407

Sakura is nice,
what were you expecting me to troll?
She never acts anything less than proper what are you guys bitching about.

>> No.3139448

Useful for rape doujins.

>> No.3139456

So... cooking, cleaning, and sex?

>> No.3139476

She's nice, but I'd rather have her perfect sister.

>> No.3139479

>impure and slutty sister

>> No.3139487

I don't see how she is sluttier that Sakura in any conceivable way.

>> No.3139490

Didn't say she was sluttier, just a slut.

>> No.3139491

This. She is mindblowingly lovely.
Also, so pitiable.

>> No.3139493

Then she's an improvement, and I'd still rather have her.

>> No.3139522

And slutty. That's the most important part.

>> No.3139529

Waifu material, Rin is a boring bitch, Saber works better if she disappears after a week. HF True End is the only end.

>> No.3139567

>MIND OF STEEL End is the only end

>> No.3139569


HF Normal End >= HF True End

>> No.3139573


>> No.3139588

Normal End needed a CG of lonely old Sakura or something, it was just too unremarkable as-is.

I probably would like it more if I hadn't hit it last.

>> No.3139593

Sakura is a bad girl.

>> No.3139622

Always thought I was the only one who liked her, but there are others here, fuck yeah!

>> No.3139635
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A very bad girl.

>> No.3139650
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>> No.3139653
File: 468 KB, 1280x1024, sagubooru-e5f0a38b3ed64f56030680b44024a5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it sad sakura ;_;

>> No.3139665
File: 8 KB, 148x150, moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Sakura, you've got milk on your face.

>> No.3139668

All that cake frosting, gone to waste! Sakura really is a bad girl!

>> No.3139672

She just had to taste it before it went on the cake, didn't she? She went a little overboard, it looks like.

At least she took her clothes off so she won't have to wash the frosting out.

>> No.3139678

I wish to provide her more cake frosting.

>> No.3139684

Don't bother, she'll just eat it like she did with the rest.

>> No.3139698

Fucking this.

I don't know why Shinji and his old man even bothered to let her go to school. Things would have been different around here if Sakura was my sex maid.

>> No.3139717

Sakura can cook delicious meals. Everything else is just a bonus.

>> No.3139733
File: 66 KB, 800x600, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex before breakfast, master?

>> No.3139859

Sex during breakfast makes the food taste better.

>> No.3139889

No, it makes you choke on it.

>> No.3140055
File: 63 KB, 515x555, laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Sakura chokes on cocks.

>> No.3140173

That's clever.
either way , both are sluts . only one acceptable is Saber ,aka Moe tier.

>> No.3140181

Saber's a slut too.

>> No.3140182

Rin and Saber. At the same time.

>> No.3140183
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>> No.3140205
File: 1.18 MB, 1640x2872, tierlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saber is lower than shit tier.

>> No.3140219

>Sakura is lower than shit tier.
Fix'd for you.

>> No.3140233

Sakura is slut tier. That's even lower than lower than shit tier.

>> No.3140226
File: 1.38 MB, 2266x2872, tiers of rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one's missing tier names

>> No.3140260

Why would anyone want two sluts at once?

>> No.3140277

That's because they're all shit tier.

>> No.3140293

Shut your whore mouth. Pajama Rin and Kaleido-Ruby are most definitely not shit tier.

>> No.3140312

>Pajama Rin and Kaleido-Ruby

excellent choice of words

>> No.3140335
File: 66 KB, 797x597, mind of steel 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best End

>> No.3140365

The way every route should have ended

>> No.3140644

Judging from this thread , every girl in Fate/stay night is a slut .
except for Tiger , of course.

>> No.3140930


I do wonder how the fuck Shirou was supposed to win from that position, given how he had no command spells, no servants, no allies, no weapons, and no useful magic.

>> No.3140975

sheer manly balls

>> No.3141012

I'm convinced, best end ever.

>> No.3141023

He doesn't. That's why it's a dead end.

>> No.3141037

He obtains the Twilight Bracelet and proceeds to hack his way to victory.

>> No.3141078

It's not a Dead End. It's a Bad End. Shirou does win the war.

>> No.3141105

Pulls a Kiritsugu and snipes everyone. Fucks Rin later.

>> No.3141128

Oh I couldn't remember for sure. It's just semantics though, dead ends are also bad ends.

>> No.3141168

I'd like to see that. A shirou without morals, just killing for the lulz of being a hero.

>> No.3141478


Kotomine probably gives him Gilgamesh. If not that, he's still allies with Rin at that point.

>> No.3141646


No, dead ends are dead ends and bad ends are bad ends. You do not die in a bad end.
