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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3137691 No.3137691 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday, I was walking when saw this. Is amazing how japanese can stay crouching in this position so much time.

>> No.3137707

Well, they practice a lot in the bathroom.

>> No.3137705

You can't? It's more comfortable than standing.

>> No.3137709

Practice and no fat gut in the way.

>> No.3137711

I do it all the time, but you're tipped over easily.

>> No.3137715

It's only difficult to do if you're fucking fat as hell.

>> No.3137748

Some people also think it's amazing to be able to sit up straight.

>> No.3137752

What's so hard about that?

>> No.3137758

I can't do what that girl is doing for very long either and I'm in good shape. I can crouch all day but I have to keep my heels off the ground.

>> No.3137777

I can do that for some time, but my legs need to be spread a bit for balance.

>> No.3137782

I find it amazing that an entire culture squats in a completely different way to another culture. It must be just some thing we pick subconsciously as kids.. I find it much easier to squat the western way myself.

>> No.3137783

I'm a fat bastard and even I can do this. I think it's just something you have to be used to doing.

>> No.3137788

Dear god is she ugly

>> No.3137807

Oh come on she's not THAT ba-- I mean 3D PIG DISGUSTING

>> No.3137816

I'm sitting like this as I write this message.

>> No.3137817

tell me someone got a picture of her panties too

>> No.3137823
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>> No.3137851

She's cute, I'd let her rape me.

>> No.3137876
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there's something blocking the way to crotching like that.

>> No.3138722
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Im more impressed by the seiza and how polite and neat it looks (weeboo).

Also you can easily spot the gaijin by forcing everyone to sit in the seiza position for a while and see who gets hurt 1st. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTwXKtS6JSA

>> No.3138742

South-East Asiafag here. Cross-legged sitting is superior. You can stay there for indefinite periods of time and foreigners can adapt to it immediately.

>> No.3138751

frog crouching without using arms is easy
injun style is easiest

>> No.3138758

crouching = russian

>> No.3138765


Since when did cross-legs sit become South-East Asian thing?

>> No.3138768


Realno, nah epta!

>> No.3138786


Everybody does cross-legged. Thats why it is no big deal and why foreigners "can adapt lol" to it.

>> No.3138789

Chinese people crouch a lot like this too. It's definitely the toilets.

>> No.3138790

Asians can do that kind of squatting because they have stubby legs. Westerners with their properly sized legs have their balance thrown off because of the length.

>> No.3138796

How is this different from siting on your knees? I sit on my knees all the time.

>> No.3138823
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>> No.3138855
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sometimes they sit down

>> No.3138864

Westerners can do it fine except for the ones who are fat as hell.

>> No.3138887


2nd frame is obv shopped. Anyway what is that fashion/makeup that girl has on called in Japan anyway?

>> No.3138895
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>> No.3138915




>> No.3138929


>> No.3138934

In order to get into a good squat position like that, your hamstrings and glutes can't be too tight. They tighten throughout your life when you sit in chairs for long periods of time and by being a lazy fatass.

Asians also have a long torso and short legs which is a more advantageous set-up for squatting.

>> No.3138965

Are there any exercises to loosen up your hamstrings and glutes?

>> No.3138986


thats right. disgusting.

>> No.3139520
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>> No.3140140
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Blonde hair is nice on asian girls but the tanned skin looks icky. With pale skin it looks kind of angelic.

>> No.3140501



>> No.3140520

When I took full-contact Kyokushin Karate a year or so ago, we all had to sit in Seiza position for about ten minutes.

We also squatted like that.

Thanks to that, I can fit into Jap society perfectly without looking like an awkward weeaboo fuckstick. I would not want to do so, however, because I am not a faggot.

>> No.3140558

I can do it easy... Just not with my feet completely flat.

>> No.3140726


You can go fuck yourself.

>> No.3140770

If I sit like that, I need my hands in front of me to keep balance. Is it supposed to be like that?
OP's pic seems strange to me; it seems that most of her weight is clearly behind her feet, but whatever.

>> No.3140849

mmmmm, Curry Cup Noodle

>> No.3140898


Thats pretty disgusting. I thought Japs had mor class and manners. Eating cup noodles in the middle of a street. Looks no different to a bum/homeless person.

>> No.3141073


You first.

>> No.3141373

dat ass


>> No.3141446

squatting like would actually be frowned upon in my book. but it's just a cultural thing, im pretty she wouldn't be doing it if it was frowned upon, perhaps.

>> No.3141484

She seems to be supporting herself with whatever is behind her.

I still can't squat like this flat footed and I'm skinny as hell so it isn't that.

>> No.3141628

fat asian here

I can do it flatfooted

>> No.3141632

I am amazed by the retards in this thread who can't squat like this.

>> No.3141647

She dyes her hair blond, that makes it pretty clear she doesn't mind doing stuff that is socially frowned upon by society.

>> No.3141695

>Yesterday, I was walking when saw this. Is amazing how japanese can stay crouching in this position so much time.
I used to do it all the time while I was smoking, the only downside though is if you wear jeans that are a little tight your balls fall between the middle stitch line of the jean and they're visible from a mile away.

>> No.3141701

Stop wearing tight jeans, faggot.

>> No.3142177
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>> No.3142181
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Her name is Sayuri Ootomo.

>> No.3142219

Too many fleshy 3D meatbags in this thread.

>> No.3142283
File: 130 KB, 429x838, Wiki_post-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have scoliosis (a terrible spinal condition), so attempting to do the "asian squat" with my feet flat on the ground results in me falling on my back (I have very limited control of my back)

I can only do the asian squat on the balls of my feet, which isn't very comfortable...so I sit cross-legged or seiza style. Fuck this discriminatory style of sitting.
