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File: 54 KB, 808x656, hurrdurrpheromone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3137132 No.3137132 [Reply] [Original]

ITT : VN which started out good, and ended up making you feel bad playing it.

pic related; shit was so pretentious I couldn't finish it.

>> No.3137139

Why did you make two threads about this?

>> No.3137138

It was shit, that doesn't mean you need to make two threads you faggot, that's just annoying.

>> No.3137145

ITT: spam.

>> No.3137147

I agree.
I started playing Wanko, but I just gave up before I even finished the first route.

This game is only the the HNNNGGGGGHH and not the drama or plot.

>> No.3137148

Go back to /a/, faggot.

>> No.3137155


Because I'm not the same OP from another thread and coincidence is something that could always happen ?

>> No.3137158

It never pretended to be anything other than a porn game.

>> No.3137159


>> No.3137160


Hahaha oh wow

Didn't know the word "pretentious" is /a/ exclusive, anyway welcome to /jp/, newfag from /a/.

>> No.3137161

Using big words != pretentious.

>> No.3137168

Get the fuck out, please.

The fact that you made two threads for the same thing and are using words like "newfag" show you shouldn't really post in here.

>> No.3137174

> pretentious
if anything it was as low brow as possible, gb2/a/

>> No.3137175


>> No.3137180
File: 4 KB, 210x168, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming OP is the one who started the other thread

>> No.3137184
File: 661 KB, 470x642, 451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished playing Taimanin Asagi, shit was so pretentious.

>> No.3137187

>green text and reaction image.

>> No.3137190


Playing big man in front of girls = pretentious

>> No.3137189

Get the fuck out, please.

Caps lock is not cruise control for cool.

>> No.3137193
File: 3 KB, 126x126, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't think of anything else to say but want to comment anyway

>> No.3137207
File: 58 KB, 337x404, sakura_grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>BAWWW They criticised my favorite porns BAWWW

>> No.3137212

He's a gigolo, that's his job. That's like calling a doctor pretentious.

>> No.3137215


>cruise control

Now that's the word I haven't seen for a month here

>> No.3137220

Pretentious is not just another buzz word you can throw at anything you don't like, it has an actual meaning.

>> No.3137225


Erm, he WAS gigolo, he is now a teacher.

Also he seems to be a lot confident about his smell theory, though as we all know most of it is bullshit.

>> No.3137236


Yes, which in this case is exactly what it's for.

>> No.3137251

I don't know, it seemed to work just fine. I mean, he eats spicy food, his pheromones are released, all the dogs in town go into heat.

>> No.3137263

There was so much forced drama mixed with this pretentious shit that I couldn't even stand the moeblobs anymore.

>> No.3137274


It works that way because this is a fiction, but even a fiction should have some sense of real life in it.

>> No.3137277

Either way, it's not pretentious.

>> No.3138727

>control your pheromone


>> No.3138866
File: 34 KB, 250x357, 699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT : VN which started out good, and ended up making you feel bad playing it.
It started good, but when the shit hit the fan, and I've started seeing the bizarre stuff ("lick your own cum out of my pussy", or the waitress part at the bad ends for example) I felt pretty bad (I admit some H-scenes are still incredibly arousing though).

Albeit the true end was satisfyingly awesome. I really enjoyed seeing that the villain was gang-raped finally in the end.

>> No.3138908
File: 186 KB, 782x725, princess-waltz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's another one I really liked, and I really enjoyed playing it, however when I've realized that whatever I do he's going to choose his own fucking blood-relative, who looks like guy, and he even bluntly tells that to the various heroines, I felt a bit bad.

>> No.3138913

I would never play a visual novel with this kind of art style.

>> No.3138996

Well as they used to say: "Different strokes for different folks". I really like Sei Shoujo's art to be honest. I can't explain why, but it's just different than the majority, and I somehow like it more due to that.

I could put a few other titles here, but those are more like "I felt disappointed for playing it in the end" .
