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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3134204 No.3134204 [Reply] [Original]

anyone that knows about or participate any of the following in 3d?

- VNs
- Touhou
- Doujin
- Nicovideo (bonus if an account holder)
- Figs
- Vocaloids
- Good manga (HxH, Vinland, JoJo)
- Pixiv
- Share, PD, Winny
- 2ch/2chan (and know the fucking difference)

I can only find normalfags and anime-club member level losers most of the time. And the only person that knows any of these is a Japanese-American who uses veoh and fails at torrents.

tl;dr - ever met any comrades?

>> No.3134217


>> No.3134225

Nope. Only seen people who watch/read anime and manga (usually shitty series.).

>> No.3134228

I met a /jp/ tripfriend once, so yes.

>> No.3134230

>- Good manga (HxH
I'm sorry, I stopped there.

>> No.3134242

It is a good manga. Too bad Togashi's lazy as hell.

>> No.3134248

Yes and then I promptly decided to stay in my basement FOREVER.

>> No.3134249

Who the fuck cares about 2chan or nico?

>> No.3134250

It's debatable whether it's god tier or high tier, but it's at least good. Nen is the best powerlevel system I've ever seen.

>> No.3134252

Never met anyone who is into this stuff in real life, if I did, they hid their power level.

>> No.3134256

yes, they know:
- VNs
- Touhou
- Doujin
- Nicovideo (bonus if an account holder)
- Figs
- Vocaloids
- Good manga (HxH, Vinland, JoJo)
- Pixiv

>> No.3134259

My brother. We share a lot of interests and discuss them whenever there's a chance.
Nobody else has come that close though. A shame, but at least I get to learn from the interests of my other friends. I would stagnate if I dedicated only to what interests me instead of branching out.

>> No.3134268

Yeah, that person got me into most of it.

He always downloads lots of stuff but he never watches/plays anything, and just gives it to me.

>> No.3134272


I thought he was dying, had some sort of disease and he can't draw properly now

>> No.3134281

I still say he's playing videogames and hanging out with his family.

>> No.3134296

Here in San Francisco, people are a lot more open minded about these things. I know about three people who've read and liked various visual novels, including Saya no Uta and True Remembrance. Nobody likes Touhou or doujin, weirdly enough. Nobody I know is into figs, Vocaloids, Pixiv, 2ch/2chan, Share, PD, Winny, or good manga. Maybe two people have a nico account.

>> No.3134297

Nope. I'm all alone.

>> No.3134304


>> No.3134305

>>- Share, PD, Winny

i am 12 and what is this

>> No.3134316
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Waifu fits into all of them except, as far as I know, jap p2p stuff and 2ch/2chan.

Though she definitely isn't someone you'd think would be into any of it, let alone even just know about most of it.

also shitthread, sage.

>> No.3134328

>- 2ch/2chan (and know the fucking difference)
Hard to find even on /jp/, your standards are too high op.

>> No.3134330

I know all!
But Pixiv... too many moonspeak!

>> No.3134332


>> No.3134334

>using sage wrong

>> No.3134345

Find shit faster than torrents.

>> No.3134353

We should develop some kind of call sign or gesture that we could use to identify each other, without doing so in an overt and shameful manner. Something like "The rooster is in the clocktower" or whatever.

>> No.3134357
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>> No.3134360

The entire list. My major is full of weeaboos and stealth okakus. Accounting major. I hang out with a friend that I talk VN's, touhous and general otaku shit with every week. Grab some beers etc.


I'm at SF too. I think you have to know where to look for people who collect figs and like Touhou. Your run in the mill anime club probably just have low level weeaboos liking whatever is new they can download on animesuki.

>> No.3134375

I play Meltan once a week with some friends. They seem to be more of /a/ regulars, tough. I only browse /jp/...

>> No.3134380
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I wasn't aware so many newbros were here for comiket, welcome and enjoy your time!

>> No.3134392

The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

>> No.3134417

9 is a stupid number

>> No.3134418

pics or she never happened

>> No.3134420

What's the difference between 2ch and 2can? Also, what's "Share, PD, Winny"?

>> No.3134421

Could be they just don't care about your (possibly imaginary) girlfriend, Curry.

>> No.3134430

Stop trolling, faggot.

>> No.3134431

>what's "Share, PD, Winny"?
Child pornography sharing programs

>> No.3134437

I know 2-3 people who are into VNs and 2 of them are probably into Share too. One of them maybe has a pixiv account, though I only mentioned the site to him when there was a fuss about closing the registrations and he didn't have an account back then.

>> No.3134446

>look at me, I'm CurryButt, it's okay for me to act like a moron and use sage incorrectly!

>> No.3134460

>Look at me, I'm putting wood on the fire!

>> No.3134469

> VNs
> Touhou
> Doujin


>> No.3134477

This. It's a little disappointing how these so called "hardcore" fans don't even know that Fate/Stay Night, SHUFFLE! or School Days are adaptation of the visual novels, much less know what a VN is.

I have a good friend who's interested in all of the above, but is still new. I showed him YMK, Saya and other entry level VN's so hopefully I have someone else to discuss, debate, etc.

And another one who looks like the stereotypical akibafag, but he's cool. Keeps his powerlevel in check. Used to get my VN's from him back in thed ay.

>> No.3134483

Trolling: fun for the whole family!

>> No.3134496
File: 607 KB, 618x592, wot4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to believe, don't. Most of /jp/ just gives in and either pretends to, ignores, or actually just believes it. Several anon have even talked with her a bit in some other places we go, though even that isn't solid proof. So enjoy your empty assumption no matter which way you believe. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.3134499

MaullarMaullar is on pixiv. He also draws Touhou doujins for Another Dream.

>> No.3134503

They aren't hardcore, they're just upper tier casualfags.

>> No.3134512

Most people in my home country are more like visual kei/dollfie fans than anything else. Also, they had a comic-con but with barely any comics.

>> No.3134524


>> No.3134527

I have both a pixiv and nicodouga account.
Mainly for stalking purposes.

>> No.3134530

>- VNs
- Touhou
- Doujin
- Nicovideo (bonus if an account holder)
- Figs
- Vocaloids
- Good manga (HxH, Vinland, JoJo)
- Pixiv
- Share, PD, Winny
- 2ch/2chan (and know the fucking difference)


>> No.3134536

Nope, closest thing is a normalfag anime-watching friend. Did manage to get him into CrowsClaw though, and introduce him to Touhou, but he doesn't play, and if it ever comes up in conversation, it's just 'those crazy japanese shooter games.'

>> No.3134540

That's fine, but one pointed out that I'm a tripfag, which is enough proof they don't come here often. And I've yet to use sage 'wrong'. I see no reason to bump a thread that's shit just because i feel like calling it shit, so again - fucking sage.

>> No.3134548

Tier indicators, please.

What is the tier for people who constantly prowl hongfire, FGsite, and pixiv?

Also what tier do people belong to if they go deeper and deeper into VN/doujin music, like they go into more obscure and obscure people after getting into the likes of annina, dBu, etc etc?

>> No.3134591



I want to be hardcore, but my mom won't let me.

>> No.3134597

Use a touhou and vocaloid-related password phrase

>> No.3134608

I like following ixy and magaki ryota on pixiv.

>> No.3134619

Would it be weird if your mother/father was into all of what OP posted?

>> No.3134623

Daymn, I'm all check marks!

>> No.3134632

Yeah, I know of one. They fit the categories of being into:

- VNs
- Touhou
- Doujin
- Nicovideo (bonus if an account holder)
- Figs <-- can't actually afford them, but lusts after them like mad
- Pixiv

>> No.3134646

Do they happen to be Akibafags? Is your name a DQN name?

>> No.3134652


I find that the more a person is into all this shit, the harder he tries to let noone know about it. The only reason why I made that friend was because I was playing Super Robot Wars in our VITA training session and we started talking about that. Then he mentioned how he likes Cool and Create's Dark Prison remix. And I casually said I like their Touhou remixes better. Then it just went from there.

>> No.3134659

I believe you, i have a girlfriend too, she isn't into /jp/ related stuff, but more into visualkei bands and stuff. I still hate you.

>> No.3134662

You guys spent the night together, eh?

>> No.3134705

Fill in the blank
_____'s perfect math class

>> No.3134713

People that have met other /jp/ers, where teh fuck do I look? I need people to talk with.

>> No.3134715

When did you became so mean, CurryButt? You used to be such a happy person.

>> No.3134717

I met a bro who shares similar interest in Touhou, Doujins, Figs, Vocaloid, and good manga. He's getting me into VNs now. We're still on internet bros though.

>> No.3134722

All touhou, no vocaloid.

>> No.3134729

I've got a few internet bros, but not any 3d ones.

>> No.3134744


Just what are you insinuating curry?

>> No.3134752
File: 5 KB, 85x123, 1231696129171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't eat anything yet today, that's probably all it is.

>> No.3134767

That you two had a good time all night. Master sparking together in some hotel room or something, whatever you're into I guess. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.3134773

Should be phrased as a question.
"Who is the strongest, bestest, perfectest, and coolest?"
We can't ask a fill-in the blank question.

>> No.3134775



>> No.3134780

Black Rock Shooter

Say those two words and see what reaction you get. if good, proceed, if not you were talking to yourself.

>> No.3134781


Well if you must know, he stayed the night at my house when I got Fate Unlimited Code and we played that all night.

>> No.3134789

I know anime club-level people who like Vocaloid, but looking at Youtube comments a lot of these people generally don't have high power levels anyway. ("Miku-chan is KAWAII AND EPIC WIN!!! XD")

One guy is into doujin fighter games and I'm trying to get him into Touhou and visual novels. He has potential.

>> No.3134815

Got a bunch of friends from back in college who are still into various subsets of this stuff. Some of them I got into it myself, others I met through the university's anime club. Good times.

>> No.3134817

Yeah, can't pass up a long night of hot intense man on man action all night, which Codes delivered for you two I hope.

>> No.3134838

replace black rock shooter with supercell.

>> No.3134848


I know quite a few people who got crazy excited when the Reimu nendoroid was announced. I thought they knew more about Touhou, and tried to talk to them a little about it, but that's all they knew... they only knew about Reimu the miko. They don't even know that she's a waki goddess or that she's a greedy bitch. I died a little inside that day. Also, IOSYS. Motherfucking IOSYS.

>> No.3134867

Nah, replace BRS with "huke"

>> No.3134887

me, my brother, my cousins, and one of my friends play touhou games. though i'm the only one who can beat normal mode.

most of my friends watch anime just for busty chicks, so that doesn't count i guess

besides that nothing, in high school i had a lot more people who liked anime and japanese stuff in general we talked about it everyday, but i guess once you get to college you no longer have that.

>> No.3134914

Can someone come up with a tier-list for people?

>> No.3134935

Whites > Blacks=Mexicans > etc
This sort of tier list?

>> No.3134941

God Tier - Other people
Shit Tier - You

>> No.3134955

>Shit Tier: All People

>> No.3134962

One guy and it even was a coincidence that I revealed his powerlevel. Almost 3 years ago I sent him a link of a picture posted on /a/ because I pressed strg + v instead of + c. And then the next mistake happened and while trying to press the backspace I somehow touched the enter-button a bit and it the link got send. ( I was using a laptop back then, fucking sensible keyboard) Seemed to be destiny because right after it he said:
"Waitwaitwaitwait. You browse 4chan too?!"
I'm so fucking glad that this happened.
The story might sound a bit cheesy or whatsoever, but it really is true.

>> No.3134987


>> No.3135002

Gaia tier - Self explanatory

/a/ tier - slightly better gaia tier, pretty much the same nowadays though

light VN tier - Budding /jp/ers

Average tier - Played most of the games discussed, probably lurks sankaku complex or something

High tier - Has pixiv, Nicovideo, accounts, plays untranslated VNs with a translation macro.

Akiba tier - Posts on 2ch/2chan, can read comments on nicovideo, knows how to activate R-18 in pixiv without a guide, sometime translators are in this tier. Possibly uses japanese p2p as well

God tier - True Hikikomori, does/knows everything. Thinks working is for losers, possibly makes money off of adverts.

>> No.3135012

German keyboard. strg = ctrl.

>> No.3135015


Sorry, germanfag here. It's almost 7 am here. My brain isn't working like it should due to the lack of sleep.

>> No.3135019



high tier and above probably lurks/comments on Japanprobe or some shit and has at least some level of what's going on in japan.

>> No.3135040

>Good manga
>HxH, Vinland, JoJo
What next, Naruto?

>> No.3135069

Your personal taste is absolute

>> No.3135071

Pixiv, Nicovideo accounts are easy to get, put that on low tier.

>> No.3135072

I think a point based system would be better. Like 'Have a Nicovideo account = 5 points' or something. More points, the higher your tier/level.

>> No.3135080

HXH is good, bro.

>> No.3135097

I'm Akiba tier by that standard.

>> No.3135148

Gaia tier - Self explanatory

/a/ tier - slightly better gaia tier, pretty much the same nowadays though

light VN tier - Budding /jp/ers, uses sankaku complex to view nicovideos

Average tier - Has pixiv, Nicovideo, accounts, Played most of the games discussed, probably lurks sankaku complex or something

High tier - plays untranslated VNs with a translation macro. this tier and above might read Japan-Probe or some similar Blog site to follow Japan related stuff.

Akiba tier - Posts on 2ch/2chan, can read comments on nicovideo, knows how to activate R-18 in pixiv without a guide, sometime translators are in this tier. Possibly uses japanese p2p as well

God tier - True Hikikomori, does/knows everything. Thinks working is for losers, possibly makes money off of adverts.

>> No.3135161

Feel free to add a point system to this/rearrange, etc..

>> No.3135182

i think i skiped from /a/ tier to high tier by never playing VNs or going to sankanku, yet wasting all my time on nico/pixiv

>> No.3135184
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Yeah but only like...two or three people that I hang with. It's damn difficult to find people like that. One of them I found at a cafe. They were looking at mecha pics on their laptop and I leaned over really far to look at it and got noticed, lol.
I won't be satisfied until I find someone at Madarame level though.

>> No.3135198

Fixed, you're average tier on the new tier chart.

>> No.3135213

>God tier - Pisses on the floor

>> No.3135234

That's Easily Impressionable Fagot Tier, just below Gaia.

>> No.3135235

Your tier list is stupid because enabling R-18 in pixiv just takes common sense and recognizing that 18 means porn, and you can use Japanese p2p without actually knowing any Japanese and working from a list of words.

>> No.3135236

>>Shit tier - Shits on the floor

>> No.3135239

Gaia tier - Self explanatory

/a/ tier - slightly better gaia tier, pretty much the same nowadays though

/a/ tier plus - nicovideo/pixiv + /a/

light VN tier - Budding /jp/ers, uses sankaku complex to view nicovideos

Average tier - Has pixiv, Nicovideo, accounts, Played most of the games discussed, probably lurks sankaku complex or something

High tier - plays untranslated VNs with a translation macro. this tier and above might read Japan-Probe or some similar Blog site to follow Japan related stuff.

Akiba tier - Posts on 2ch/2chan, can read comments on nicovideo, knows how to activate R-18 in pixiv without a guide, sometime translators are in this tier. Possibly uses japanese p2p as well

God tier - True Hikikomori, does/knows everything. Thinks working is for losers, possibly makes money off of adverts. Pisses on floor.


>> No.3135276

My uncle fills almost all of those up.

>> No.3135284

That makes me high tier then.

>> No.3135291

Guess this makes me Akiba tier.

>> No.3135301

And I just know you need to activate R18 in pixiv.
Mine's showing R18 pictures since forever

>> No.3135333

I found one guy who really likes figs though he is a total Haruhi lover. I never met anyone even close to him before so I was surprised. Besides that, he mostly just watches a whole lot of anime so he isn't much of a /jp/ bro.

>> No.3135409

You would think there would be more comrades because it's San Francisco but they are really hard to find. I know it sounds really normalfag to say this but discussing /jp/ type stuff in 3D does have its perks. Trying to bait people by exposing mild powerlevels makes me feel like a big douche and mostly fails.

It only worked once ever and he barely meets OP's criteria.

>> No.3135457

>knows how to activate R-18 in pixiv without a guide

Come on, I'm practically a normalfag and I figured that out on my own.

>> No.3135465

Here in Sacramento, the most you can get is probably some animesuki fag. I have yet to met any /jp/ anon.
I know a guy who's a big fan of Gundam though. He collects Gundam model kits and shit.

inbefore fascinating/ran_smirk.jpg

>> No.3135466

If only I can find a cute girl who is at least average tier.

>> No.3135549


>> No.3135585

You're lucky if you find anyone in 3D who is average tier.
