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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3128761 No.3128761 [Reply] [Original]

At what age do NEETs and otakus break off from their hobbies?

>> No.3128766

Whatever age they decide to commit suicide

>> No.3128768


>> No.3128764


>> No.3128779

Has any NEET or otaku ever stopped their hobbies?

>> No.3128781


>> No.3128782

My friend did once he got a gf, I no longer talk to him

>> No.3128783

When they cant support themselves anymore and need to find a job/join the working class.

>> No.3128788

Old otaku never die, they just get a new waifu.

>> No.3128791

My friend did once. When we got into college he joined the Asian frats and became a brah. Always drinking and hounding after girls. How barbaric...

>> No.3128799

Getting a job doesn't mean you have to completely give up your hobbies.

>> No.3128830


You find you have alot less time for them. Especially when you get an office job.

>> No.3128948
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>> No.3128949

People who quit their hobbies have quit living.

>> No.3129025

I'll have to agree. My full-time job, while shitty, allows me to browse /jp/ at work, but that's the only thing I do now. No VNs, no touhou, only occasional ongoing episode or doujin, and it's not because I can't find time, I'm just not really interested anymore. Or too tired.

>> No.3129081

Being an otaku is like being gay, you don't choose to become one, you simply are one form the start and you realize it as time goes by. You start watching shit like Ranma or YYH with your friends and then, one day, you realize that you are the only one who still likes it.

>> No.3129085
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For a time in my life I had no privacy to enjoy any of my hobbies, everyday was pretty much shit around the house, and it's not like they wanted me around anyway so I went out and applied for a job at the place closest to my house working in the back of the store.

It was better than dealing with my family and I was getting money to buy weeaboo shit anyway.

I still had my hobbies, but I just indulged in them less and less.

When I quit I had all the time in the world to do what I want and now I watch anime, play eroges, and post on /jp/ all day.

I don't see myself dropping any of this.

>> No.3129099

I've already talked to my parents about this, they're fine with me living at home for the rest of my life. I've got a part time job (<20 hours a week) to buy figures and such and the rest of my times is spent on whatever I want. I love everyday of my life.

>> No.3129120

I work as minimally as I can to support myself. It's easy if you just live simply and don't have a new car or a house payment or children. I could never get a job working 40+ hours a week. My time is more precious than money. Living in my otaku fantasies is WAY superior to anything the outside world can offer, and I have no regrets.

>> No.3129123

Damn you all, I wish I could quit AND not die from hunger.

>> No.3129145

Yeah, me too. As long as I can pay for food, shelter, electricity, water and internet, I am fine

>> No.3129152

Under 40 hours and you can support yourself? What do you do?

>> No.3129257


Kinda like me. I however, have a 44h week job (They would not let stay at home without working). However my parents let clear that should I want to have my own family I should look for my own house. Fine by me, It's a win-win business.

For the work however, it takes a huge amount of time from me. But time and then I find a way to slack, like now.

>> No.3129262

do you know those catalogs with clothing for fat men?
now you know

>> No.3129274

I'm afraid to read this thread because these topics can be depressing.

Why would I ever need to stop?

>> No.3129282

Oh wow...

>> No.3129288

Let's see some sample pictures, anon

>> No.3129302

that's me.
some of us can't be NEETs even if they want. Life is harsh.

>> No.3129308

The day I have to give up my beloved hobbies, my LIFE, I will purchase a bag full of guns, a vest and go for the high score.

>> No.3129603

This former neet can testify it's something of a shock to go from 16 hours of leisure time to something like 5 hours (damn this overtime and commuting!). At least I'm making a lot of money, but currently much of it either goes in my savings pile or to paying off my mortgage quickly. Planning ahead to the day I'm a neet again, lol.
