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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3126243 No.3126243 [Reply] [Original]


Touhou today introduced Touhou(r) Danmaku 12g, the latest release of the world's most popular danmaku server. With over 9000 features, 15 million test hours, and 36,000 youkai-months of development, Touhou Danmaku 12g is the most innovative and highest quality software product Touhou has ever announced.

"Touhou Danmaku 12g, built on 3000 years of design experience, delivers the next generation of enterprise bullet management," said Alice Margatroid, senior vice president of Danmaku Server Technologies, Touhou. "More than ever, our customers are facing the challenges of, rapid data growth, increased bullet integration, and bullet intelligence IT cost pressures. Touhou Danmaku 11g pioneered grid grazing, and more than half of Touhou customers have moved to that release. Touhou Danmaku 12g delivers the key features our customers have asked for to accelerate broad adoption and growth of Touhou grids; representing real innovation, that addresses real challenges, as told to us by real customers."

Touhou Danmaku 12g can help enterprises across Gensokyo take control of their enterprise danmaku, gain better bullet insight, and quickly and confidently adapt to an increasingly changing competitive grazing environment. To do this, the new release extends Touhou's unique danmaku clustering, danmaku center automation, and workload management capabilities. With secure, highly available and scalable grids of low-cost servers and storage, Touhou customers can tackle the most demanding danmaku processing, danmaku warehousing, and bullet management applications.

>> No.3126245

cool story bro

>> No.3126267

Real Graze Testing Helps Reduce Time, Risk and Cost of Change

Touhou Danmaku 12g features advanced self-management and automation features to help organizations meet service level agreements. For example, with organizations facing regular danmaku and operating system software upgrades, and hardware and system changes, Touhou Danmaku 12g introduces Touhou Real Graze Testing, making it the first danmaku server to help customers test and manage changes to their grazing strategies quickly, in a controlled, cost effective manner.

Increase Return On Investment for Disaster Recovery Solutions

In Touhou Danmaku 12g, Touhou Spell Guard enables customers to use their standby danmaku to improve performance in their production environments as well as provide protection from system failures and site-wide disasters. Touhou Spell Guard uniquely enables simultaneous grazing and recovery of a single standby danmaku making it available for analysis, backup, testing and 'rolling' upgrades to production danmaku. By offloading workloads from production to a standby system, Touhou Spell Guard helps enhance the performance of production systems and provides a more cost-effective disaster recovery solution.

>> No.3126274

Walls of text, not interested.

>> No.3126285


>> No.3126301

Ah, I haven't seen these threads around for a while. That brings me back.

>> No.3126318

Touhou Fast Bullets

The next-generation capability for storing large bullets within the danmaku. Touhou Fast Bullets offers danmaku applications performance fully comparable to dedicated bullet analysis systems. By storing a wider range of enterprise-class bullets and retrieving it quickly and easily, enterprises can know more about their grazing environment and adapt more rapidly.

Native BulletML

Touhou Danmaku 12g is the first release to natively support BulletML, a feature of Touhou danmaku that enables customers to manipulate bullets in a danmaku in BulletML format. Based on XML, industry-standard BulletML technology also supports GrazeX, SpellCard Specification Requests (SSR)-609 and the Border 2.1 mid-tier danmaku management framework, among other leading-edge enteprise-class bullet management technology standards.

>> No.3126321

A while being a couple days?

>> No.3126329
File: 10 KB, 315x102, touhou12g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126334

Clearly you did not detect the sarcasm in my post.

>> No.3126349


>> No.3126353

Clearly not. One of the many flaws of posting late at night and mildly intoxicated, I suppose.
I'll smack myself for you.

>> No.3126373

About Touhou Danmaku 12g

Touhou Danmaku is the only danmaku designed for grid grazing. With the release of Touhou Danmaku 12g, Touhou is making the management of enterprise danmaku easier than ever; enabling shrine maidens to know more about their bullets and deploy borders more quickly. Touhou Danmaku 12g delivers superior performance, scalability, availability, security and ease of management on a low-cost grid of industry standard storage and servers. Touhou Danmaku 12g is designed to be effectively deployed on everything from small blade servers to the biggest SMP servers and clusters of all sizes. It features automated management capabilities for easy, cost-effective operation. Touhou Danmaku 12g's unique ability to manage all bullets from traditional bullet information to BulletML and 3D/multidimensional graze grids makes it the ideal choice to power danmaku processing, danmaku warehousing, and bullet management applications.

About Touhou

Touhou (GENDAQ: TOHO) is Gensokyo's largest enterprise software company. For more information about Touhou, please visit our Web site at http://www.touhou.com .

>> No.3126384


>> No.3126419
File: 29 KB, 728x415, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up already.


>> No.3126545

fuck, that's gonna take a while to download

>> No.3126566
File: 30 KB, 364x242, beating_a_dead_horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3126584

... You'd best be trollin'

>> No.3126593

I bet 90% of /jp/ still doesn't get it.

>> No.3126598

someone post that image on the Japanese Touhou boards.

>> No.3126698

Somebody make this site already. Please.

>> No.3126892

What you're referring to as Danmaku, is in fact, TOUHOU/Danmanku, or as I've recently taken to calling it, TOUHOU plus Danmaku. Danmaku is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another nonfree component of a fully functioning TOUHOU system made useful by the TOUHOU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by ZUN.

Many computer users run a modified version of the TOUHOU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of TOUHOU which is widely used today is often called "Danmaku", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the TOUHOU system, developed by the TOUHOU Project.

There really is a Danmaku, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Danmaku is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Danmaku is normally used in combination with the TOUHOU operating system: the whole system is basically TOUHOU with Danmaku added, or TOUHOU/Danmaku. All the so-called "Danmaku" distributions are really distributions of TOUHOU/Danmaku.

>> No.3126954

Richard Yukkuri Stallman.
I chuckled.

>> No.3126968


>> No.3126970



>> No.3126972

Take it GNU/easy!

>> No.3126999

Someone draw a richard stallman yukkuri, we need it for future threads like this.

>> No.3127049

Holy shit, BulletML really exists.

Looks like ENTERPRISE QUALITY DANMAKU SOLUTIONS isn't just a joke after all.

>> No.3127057

it was never really amusing in the first place, so...

>> No.3127064

I'm still waiting for my Sussman yukkuri, by the way.

>> No.3127075

It will be if you get a job.

>> No.3127108
File: 127 KB, 655x537, 77260dcb106a0292b71ad42702737055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BulletML is defined by a RELAX grammar.

Yu yu!

>> No.3127122

can someone short it? I'm not interested in walls of text

>> No.3127125

nice catch
