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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3124267 No.3124267 [Reply] [Original]

So who here has a girlfriend?

>> No.3124271

>who here has a girlfriend?
Reported for trolling out of /b/

>> No.3124272

We don't have them; we ARE them.

>> No.3124273

every single one of us has one

>> No.3124269 [DELETED] 

all of us have

>> No.3124280

Okay, fine. Who here has a girl for a friend?

>> No.3124286

irl or in the internet?

>> No.3124291

I have 4 girlfriends at the same time.

I'm such a stud.

>> No.3124292

in life.

>> No.3124295

I'll have to work on getting a male friend first.

>> No.3124306
File: 80 KB, 645x900, 170614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me introduce you to my wife

>> No.3124310

I do.

>> No.3124317

Why? Are you gay?

>> No.3124323

I thought that was just the natural progression of things.

>> No.3124336

I had, till a year ago.
In during ronery.

>> No.3124344

I have 13GBs of girlfriends

>> No.3124348

normal > learn to love loli > learn to love rape > learn to hate other people > learn to shut yourself into your basement > learn to shit and piss on the floor > you are qualified to be on /jp/

>> No.3124364

If I bother to say I have a girlfriend in this thread, or anywhere else on /jp/, I'll automatically be considered a troll, so there's no point.

>> No.3124381


>> No.3124405

I gave up on women after my last girl-'friend'. Fucking whores. True love can only exist between two of the same gender.

>> No.3124461

I don't have a girlfriend, I have some girl friends, and a lot of waifus

>> No.3124493

Used to have. Had only 3 though and I'm 23.
Troll, normalfag, etc here is my advice to /jp/ (Advice they should already know very well.)
Girlfriends are too much of a hassle, a bother and a headache to consider having.
You leave your cellphone lying about? She will go through your entire contacts list, delete any female contacts (had one delete my own mother and sister), go through your text messages looking texts from other girls, if she does not approve of your guy friends she will demand you stop hanging out with them, the mind games...THE FUCKING MIND GAMES and the list goes on and on. Basically you'll end up sacrificing your own happiness to keep her happy.

Having one is akin to repeatedly beating yourself in the dick with a hammer until you both break up with one another.

Now, I'm not shallow minded as to think ALL of them are this way, there are a few, FEW, whom are decent and not batshit insane but..........they are few and far between.

Stay ronery /jp/, in the long run it's actually healthier for you.

>> No.3124505

I think you've just had bad luck, bro.

>> No.3124561

Maybe...........and I'm not your bro.

>> No.3124569

>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.
I'll be reporting this soon.

>> No.3124577

You're not the /jp/ police

>> No.3124593
File: 17 KB, 256x353, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows I'm the only one on /jp/ this thread applies to.

>> No.3124599

I've never had a girlfriend.

>> No.3124643
File: 84 KB, 444x476, NEET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rent the basement in a house, and a couple of girls my age rent the upstairs. About 20 minutes ago, I was bored of playing through a VN, so I went into my bedroom and was laying on my bed. Anyway, the two girls were outside my bedroom window sitting on the porch (I had the blinds up obviously, so they can't see me) and I was listening in on their conversation.

"So, you ever see the guy downstairs?" "Yeah, I saw him walk down the alleyway at midnight last night, pretty weird" "Don't you think?" "Yeah, and he never has friends over, I don't think he has any, sometimes I think he's out of town but then I hear him moving around downstairs." "He creeps me out."

I'm still hurting inside, my left-shoulder is all tense from the anxiety of hearing that.

>> No.3124651

Have a friend who has a girlfriend, if that counts...

>> No.3124658

You're on your way to becoming a neighborhood legend, anonymous

>> No.3124661

Do creepy shit like carry a shovel around in the middle of the night.

>> No.3124660


>> No.3124667

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>> No.3124675

start to really creep them out. Think what would Freddy Krueger do.

>> No.3124677

I have one, she just blew me.

>> No.3124683

I lol'd hard

>> No.3124692

That might be fun at first thought, but I don't want a bad reputation with the land lord, because if I ever have to rent somewhere else my land lord is my only reference, because I really don't have any friends or family anymore.

>> No.3124693

;_; Anonymous

>> No.3124700

A relationship with another person that isn't in your family is always one that will take something away from you. You will not have as much time for yourself, very little privacy, you have to cater to their preferences and emotions and you will always have to deal with the other persons attitude. I could go on but I believe i have made my point clear, if you want free time to yourself and true happiness you will stay away from relationships.

>> No.3124727

You should have started knocking the blinds to make them freak out.

>> No.3124728

Girlfriend? No, thanks!
Girlfriend is 3D pig disgusting.
I am not bad-looking and a lot girls want me as boyfriend.
But, I want to be alone! Go away damn 3D girls!

>> No.3124744

It always is.

>> No.3124736

So incest is awwright?

>> No.3124747

I had one for about 3 days.

>> No.3124748

>I am not bad-looking and a lot girls want me as boyfriend.
This is what some of you actually believe.

>> No.3124750

Of course. Everything stays in the Family.

>> No.3124752

What happened then?
