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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 143 KB, 415x480, battler crying with hands on pocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3122246 No.3122246 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /a/ filled with anti-mistery fags?

I went there out of curiosity and it was like talking to a wall.

>> No.3122254

Because they're idiots.

>> No.3122256

i tried talking to them about manga a few times like akumetsu. but completely ignored cause those faggots are only interested in moe shit

>> No.3122260

Because most of the are only watching the anime and are 12 years old.

>> No.3122262
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They are furniture.

>> No.3122266

Because "lol the witch appeared so she must be true right?"

>> No.3122268
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>implying magic doesn't exist
Oh you.

>> No.3122269
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>>Believes that a human could be the true culprit.

>> No.3122278

I'm probably one of the few people on /a/ who has read the vn and I never get a decent theory thread going.

>> No.3122287
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>Thinks she's really an Endless Witch, yet she's just another piece to be used.

>> No.3122296
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>> No.3122297

I think we share around 30% of our Umineko community. But aside from that /a/ is tend to discuss the characters more than the actual story. That's why I'm negatively biased by these "Nice Mom" threads and the alike

They are just a different community about the same show

>> No.3122303

My only problem is that I saw 2 Uminek threads on /a/ today. One discussing episode 3 while they attempt to do theories (mainly Jessica=Beatrice because her hair is the same color lol) ,and another discussing episode 5 for god knows what reason.

>> No.3122306

>Jessica=Beatrice because her hair is the same color
That must mean Battler and Ange are the same person too.

>> No.3122317

They aren't?

>> No.3122321

And then Ange was the main character.

>> No.3122322

'Cept Akumetsu is shit as well.

>> No.3122333
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>>Actually believe that they are important characters.

>> No.3122336 [DELETED] 
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>Actually believe they are.

>> No.3122341
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>> No.3122342


>> No.3122349


Disregard that, hit submit halfway through.

>> No.3122350

It's funny because it's the other way around.

>> No.3122362

because /jp/ has finished all the games and can make theories, /a/ just started watching the anime so why would they build theories if they can be destroyed in next week's episode?

you should wait until the animu ends

>> No.3122368

Witches exist OP

>> No.3122373
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lol witches

>> No.3122375

But many of the people who discuss that stuff also finished the VN and yet they are anti-mystery.

>> No.3122379

So you think they should ignore what makes Umineko so interesting?

>> No.3122381
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>>Actually believes that witches exist.

>> No.3122389

It's different. When one game is released you have a lot of time to discuss theories, since the next game won't be released next week.

Like, you don't start theories just after reading one chapter of the VN, you start once you finished. The same thing goes for the anime.

Well, dunno about that. But you gotta keep in mind that most of /a/ is just watching the anime, only a little part of it read the novels (and those probably discussed it on /jp/).

>> No.3122425

The anime doesnt really make it too interesting.

>> No.3122440

also, when people discuss the theories they want to do so with people on equal footing

like, if someone who just watches the anime makes a theory thread then someone that has played all the 4 games could spoil stuff and say if your theory is right or wrong

and that sucks, it's nice to discuss theories if everyone has the same knowledge that you have

>> No.3122468

>Why is /a/ filled with anti-mistery fags?

Because they're at episode 2. The first two episodes are pretty much the worst parts for anti-fantasy, and shit just goes uphill from there, starting with Vergilia explaining about Schrodinger's Cat. Up until that point, you have to 'believe' in anti-fantasy, because there's hardly anything to support it (apart from common sense). Anti-mystery really is prevalent for those two episodes.

>> No.3122480

I don't know, Episode one was easy enough to be anti-fantasy as no more than 18 people when it first appeared in Episode II was only applicable to Episode II if I remember correctly.

>> No.3122484

Everybody on /a/ seems to believe that the meta-world truly exists and there's no doubting it. And then they went off saying that they were true "Anti-Fantasy" fans.

>> No.3122485
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>> No.3122499

But the meta-world has nothing to with being anti-fantasy or anti-mystery

>> No.3122500

The other one was better.

>> No.3122506

What? The existence of the meta-world and Beatrice's identity are the biggest parts of the mystery. Simply accepting them is just as bad as accepting magic.

>> No.3122512

However, outright denying them is essentially the same as denying the Red Text.

>> No.3122528

To being anti-fantasy the only thing you have to explain are the murders. That, there was no magic involved on the 4th and 5rd of October in Rokkenjima. Finding the true meaning of meta-world whatever it is is not part of denying Beatrice

>> No.3122533

Regardless of whatever you might say about purgatory, the meta-world hosts a number of witches. Usage of magic is commonplace. It even talks about things happening in other worlds.

No matter how you look at it, it's a complete fantasy.

>> No.3122548

No, that is what Battler must do. The reader is not Battler, and we are not limited to playing the witch's game.

>> No.3122567

See >>3122528
You don't have to deny it. Following Ange's logic from Ep4 you can even accept it as long you don't believe in it's existence in Rokkenjima on the said two days

>> No.3122568

Enjoy your shitty theories of "hurr metaworld is all in battler's head, he's delusional" or that it's all Maria's dream.

>> No.3122578


We are not, but the chances are high that the meta-world is really magic.

>> No.3122582

Enjoy missing out on a core point of the story ┐(´ー`)┌

>> No.3122592

Yes, I too enjoy explaining something that is magical in nature with delusions and/or dreams and never coming up with anything new.

>> No.3122600

Hold on, denying the meta-world is a little far from the core of the story

>> No.3122607

Actually, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation to the meta-world, but it requires you to actually pay attention to what Ange discovers in her investigation.

The Episode 4 TIPS are there for a reason.

>> No.3122614

Why do you have to resort to delusions? We've been given ways to look at it.

>> No.3122620

It's about the voyagers who've created a fake reality for a wannabe witch?

>> No.3122632

No, because voyagers are still witches. Anti-fantasy means that you explain all supernatural phenomena.

>> No.3122638

Checked the TIPS VERY FAST
Replace fake reality with territory and fake witch with witch

>> No.3122643

Such as?

>> No.3122656

Why does /a/ hate mist? Mist feels good, man.

>> No.3122660

The Mariage Sorciere theory, for one.

>> No.3122748

What's that?

>> No.3122788

It's basically one of the tips

>> No.3122826 [DELETED] 

It's basically saying that all the gameboards are merely fabrications written by a person named "Beatrice". Of course, this brief description doesn't really explain anything, but I'm not in a tl;dr mood to type up paragraphs that reveal the logic behind the theory.

If you want to know how it makes sense, go read up on Episode 4, and make note of what Ange discovers in 1998. Keep in mind the TIPS for that episode, and think about how the whole thing could've been made up.

>> No.3122841

It's basically saying that all the gameboards are merely fabrications written by a person named "Beatrice". Of course, this brief description doesn't really explain anything, but I'm not in a tl;dr mood to type up paragraphs that reveal the logic behind the theory.

If you want to know how it makes sense, go read up on Episode 4, and make note of what Ange discovers in 1998. Keep in mind the TIPS for that episode, and think about how the whole thing could've been made up.

>> No.3122843

I see where you're coming from. Basically, only one of the games actually happened and all those letters represent the other games, correct?

>> No.3122859

Something like that.

>> No.3122863

That theory isn't bad but it does have one hole in it.
Namely EVA.
If you accept 98 as the only "true" future, when all the letters are found, that must mean the events of episode 3 are the only ones that took place, or at least something close to it.

>> No.3122878

I guess I'll have to read more on that because right now I don't see how that could explain the meta world, red text, and the magic that meta Battler witnesses.

>> No.3122889

You don't have to accept the metaworld or red text. Allow the future of 1998 to be your evidence.

>> No.3122962

You can't just pick what you can and can't believe based on whether it supports your theory.

>> No.3122973

I for one ignore the Metaworld. Two reasons.

You can just look at it as a fun literary device.

You can consider it inconsequential to the game. Does Battler really need to disprove all these wacky visions he's having? Can't he just solve the mystery of Rokenejima? Maybe it's like Higurashi. In the end it all turned out to be (psudo)science rather than a malevolent god. Except for the mechanism of the time loop. So maybe it's another combination solution, and not everything is required to win.

>> No.3123009

Yes you can. You start with the axiom that magic doesn't exist (at all) and build a theory from there.

>> No.3123046

>Maybe it's like Higurashi.
Except that Ryuukishi said that people approach Umineko in the same way as Higurashi will get burned.

>> No.3123090

>You can just look at it as a fun literary device.

I agree on this. However, meta-world cannot be ignored completely. If red text didn't exist, the game couldn't advance properly. I just ignore meta-Battler's "I'll deny witches despite getting repeatedly killed by hot girls who can turn into self-propelled stakes and revived" act and look at the arguments.

Meta-world is Ryukishi's way of delivering some hints (how do you include the Kuwadorian flashback without Beatrice reminiscencing? How can you flat out say "those ways of explaining the mystery are not the answers" if not for the red text? ) and spicing things up a bit.

>> No.3123115

Who knows what meaning he meant though. He could be referring to people who expect a Rokkenjima Syndrome or something.

>> No.3123132

Ok. Well I'm going to claim that magic exists by believing that the magic fights all happened and anything that suggests that magic might not exist never happened. See how this gets us nowhere? The game has rules for a reason.

>> No.3123147 [DELETED] 

I see it two ways. The meta-world is a literary device allowing both Battler and the reader to solve the mystery. Secondly, the meta-world is only allowed to exist because the truth behind the events is still clouded with doubt, helped along by the letters that "Maria" penned.

In my view, the umineko universe isn't entirely anti-fantasy, magic is somewhat real, but it's bound by the rules as Ange discovers them. If only one truth is known, the anti-magic venom is too strong for magic to exist.

>> No.3123155

I see it two ways. The meta-world is a literary device allowing both Battler and the reader to solve the mystery. Secondly, the meta-world is only allowed to exist because the truth behind the events is still clouded with doubt, helped along by the letters that "Maria" penned.

In my view, the umineko universe isn't entirely anti-fantasy, magic is somewhat real, but it's bound by the rules as Ange discovers them. If only one truth is known, the anti-magic venom is too strong for magic to exist. Before the box is opened, (before the mystery is solved) however, both truths can exist.

>> No.3123157

Anti-fantasy is full of religious like bigots. They ignore everything they can't prove, harp on things they can "prove" and have the arrogance to think that "A man did it with <insert least plausible means that they have no way (or inclination) to prove did it>" and fold their arms and say "we won".

Arm chair detectives the lot of ya.

>> No.3123158

Then you have already lost.

>> No.3123168

>Arm chair detectives the lot of ya.
No shit, isn't that the point of the VN?

What, do you want us to bring in a professional detective and have him play and come up with theories?

>> No.3123169

Magic existing is not a rule of the game

>> No.3123195
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I believe that the theory that battler's sin is related to Mariage Sorciere, 12 year old battler in some way offended the person who would later develop the Beatrice personality. Most likely Jessica or Shannon.

And thus "they" (they being Beatrice and the original personality) started planning the murders hence the message in the bottles.

However things do not go as planned, and Eva survives.

>> No.3123210

I didn't throw the term out there because you're all amateurs, I threw the term out there because you're all incompetent.

>> No.3123218

Not as incompetent as anti-mystery fags who don't even try and just accept everything they're told.

>> No.3123229
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Quiet, Beato.

>> No.3123240
File: 29 KB, 415x526, Battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started watching Umineko. From the way you guys carry on I was expecting Battler to be some super cool guy. Instead, he's just picture related.

>> No.3123245


Why do people use this words when discussing a VN that is COMPLETELY NON-INTERACTIVE?

>> No.3123247

Well there's your problem.

>> No.3123255
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Yes because clearly small bombs is a logical, well thought out explanation that deserves praise.

Or relying on a mythical "trap x" is any better than relying on a witch.

>> No.3123264

In it's context small bombs does actually make alot of sense.

>> No.3123281

No it doesn't. This is 1980's not 2009 where it maybe conceivable to put an explosive in someone's food.

>> No.3123283

This reminds me of something someone said to the effect of "imagine if you brought in a world-class detective to investigate a crime, and after a few weeks he presented you with an extremely thorough proof that it wasn't done by witches." I can't remember the context but oh did it make me lol.

>> No.3123284

You don't think they had small bombs in the 80s?

>> No.3123304

I lol'd.

>> No.3123305

>>An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: party games; word games.

>> No.3123310

Depends. It's not the right word to use when referring to ourselves, but "game" and "play" come into play a lot when talking about Battler's situation with Beato.

>> No.3123315

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo...

>> No.3123316

More butterflies = bigger lie.
Rosa killed Maria.

>> No.3123323

Not small enough to ingest without knowledge.

>> No.3123354

Okay, first they were drugged, then they were given not-so-unnoticable small bombs, which they were too doped up to spot.

>> No.3123359

You are not playing with the novel, you are playing with the writer. Ryukishi slightly shapes the story based on how his readers react.

It was actually said in an interview that he was supposed to reveal that Kinzo is already dead in a later Episode.

>> No.3123392

Battler didn't present the small bombs theory because he actually believes it. You should understand that much.

>> No.3123393

I'm rooting for Japan also being awash in Shannon=Kanon, and the very first scene of Ep5 is Battler arriving on the island and being greeted by Shannon and Kanon side by side as Ryukishi07's answer.

>> No.3123406

Small bombs is the only theory of Battler's from the ep4 tea party that is actually true. It's made to be so ridiculous and even Bern doubts it, but in the end Lambda didn't deny it and we're just supposed to accept it's so ridiculous it can't be true. That's the trap. Small bombs are real.

>> No.3123410

If Shannon isn't actually Kanon, Ryuukishi07 at least strongly wanted us to believe she is.

>> No.3123420

Ronove states that in red The scenario where Rosa killed Maria and then died is false

>> No.3123421

Oh, and any of the other crazy theories he came up with are more believable? How about the one where Nanjo, Kumasawa and Genji all shoot each other?

>> No.3123432

The point is to either get these theories by Beatrice, or have her deny them in red. If she has to actually explain how the crimes did/did not happen, then that puts the burden of proof on her.

>> No.3123438

Huh? Battler eventually pinned that on Eva.

>> No.3123442

No, the problem is Battler. He's a fag regardless of which medium you put him in.

>> No.3123444

Since that theory has been denied in red, there is literally only one person who could have killed those three.

>> No.3123447

That's only if you assume everyone was actually dead in the shed.

>> No.3123451

Do not even try to say Maria did it. It's more likely one on the people in the shed wasn't dead.

>> No.3123453

Kumasawa did it because she's really Virgilia.

>> No.3123460

You don't even have to go that far. Kanon was perfectly capable of doing it.

>> No.3123461 [DELETED] 

No, no. I wasn't going to say that.
That's true, disregard what I said, there are actually people - if Shannon = Kanon crossdressing is true, it could have been a mystery 17th person, maybe human Beatrice. It could have also been Kanon. If Shannon = Kamon isn't true, it could have been Shannon.

It can't be any of the others in the shed because Shannon's corpse is the only one not to be confirmed via red text or via Battler's eyes.

>> No.3123471

No, no. I wasn't going to say that.
That's true, disregard what I said, there are actually three people - if Shannon = Kanon crossdressing is true, it could have been a mystery 17th person, maybe human Beatrice. It could have also been Kanon. If Shannon = Kamon isn't true, it could have been Shannon.

It can't be any of the others in the shed because Shannon's corpse is the only one not to be confirmed via red text or via Battler's eyes.

>> No.3123478

Which means Nanjo's in on it. But wait...

>> No.3123479

I'd only be willing to believe this is Kanon was working under orders from someone else, say Jessica or Natsuhi.

>> No.3123491

I bet jessica was the culprit for episode 1 just because jessica shooting natsuhi in the face would cause the most DRAMA

>> No.3123497

How does she shoot Natsuhi while in a different room? Does she have the Farsight gun?

>> No.3123506

And where do you think Jessica was at the time? If Jessica was the culprit, she'd need an accomplice.

It makes sense that it's probably Shannon. She's the only one that could have dressed up as Beatrice and trick Maria into thinking she was Beatrice near the end when they're in the parlor. Then Shannon can just kill Natsuhi in the entrance way.

>> No.3123507

He's likely always involved to some extent. He did need money badly.

>> No.3123510

She was with George, Battler and Maria at the time when Natsuhi was shot, wasn't she?

>> No.3123513

but the bodies in the storageroom were confirmed

>> No.3123517

Jessica is one of the few people that absolutely couldn't have done that.

>> No.3123519

Of course he's in on it at least slightly with Kinzo being dead from the begining and all. For most of Episode 1 he has no Alibi, what so ever.

>> No.3123520

Only the unidentified bodies. Krauss and Shannon's bodies were seemingly identified.

>> No.3123525

Hideyoshi and Nanjo were clearly the episode 1 culprits. Hideyoshi was found in a warm bath to hide his body temperature, and was able to move freely after the room was sealed.

>> No.3123541

Nah, It was Rudolph and Kyrie
it was just a fleshwound

>> No.3123543

Nanjo is a pure man, and would never be involved in this sick game.

>> No.3123555

Pure as my dick. He needs money to fund his loli sex ring.

>> No.3123579
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>>>/rs/ I'd be sad about your images' quality. But I can't.

>> No.3123588

Fake witches can't red text.

>> No.3123603


>> No.3123611

Not discussing the crimes here, but the background of the island. Do you think the setting is the same for all crimes until the plane and boat trip, or not ?

From Rosa's story and Beato's flashback in Banquet (if they are true), one may suppose that anti-fantasy setting is sci-fi : cloning exists, and Kinzo cloned the original Beatrice after her suicide. This Beatrice II, living a life in cage and unknowing of the world, die again because of Rosa. In Banquet, there seems to be no more Beatrice, but in Turn, Beatrice III may be another 20 year old clone, created after Beatrice II's demise.

Going further that way, the furnitures may be genetic experiments of Kinzo. Genji is a clone of someone (maybe someone named Ronove), and Shanon and Kanon not clones but artificial beings created from genetic material from different donors (and the "orphanage" of Kinzo the scientific facility that creates those artificial being). Thus their debt of life, loyalty and furniture status.

Of course, all this seem very sci-fi for a 1986 background, so it might be even sillier than very small bombs.

>> No.3123612


>>>/rs/ I did a small mistake, so ignore it.

>> No.3123624

It may sound impossible for 1986 technology, but I wouldn't put it past Kinzo.

Either way, impossible sounding technology is always more likely than something like magic.

>> No.3123625

I thought we agreed that all non-magic scenes not during Oct 4th-5th could be taken as true. Or true atleast to those who remember it in the case of flashbacks.

>> No.3123631

Yeah, that's getting pretty far into the anti-mystery category. Beatrice II could have either been the daughter of the first Beatrice, or simply a girl who had a similar appearance.

As for the "furniture", I don't see any reason to doubt the information we've been given. Genji is a long-term servant and friend, and the -ons are just orphans raised into servants. I'm sure Kinzo had an ulterior motive with the orphanage, but I doubt it's anything that ridiculous.

>> No.3123650

Do you really think that applies to all of them? How about Maria's diary interpreted through Ange? There's plenty of information that could have been lost/added there.

>> No.3123664
File: 36 KB, 821x480, Endless 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Can't even use red text right.
>>Is a granny.

>> No.3123675

I'm not sure quite what you mean.

>> No.3123676


The furniture are mysterious enough as it is. Kanon and Shannon may or may not be the same person, and Genji's the guy carrying on Kinzo's legacy of batshit craziness. Whenever Genji dies - No more magic circles for that episode.

>> No.3123683
File: 95 KB, 505x480, Bern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses images with bad transparency too.
>>>/rs/ They're ugly.
I won't blame you.

>> No.3123685 [DELETED] 

r u babboon
> www.anystalk.com, nys = non

>> No.3123708

Sure Genji is suspicious, but I don't think there has to be anything sci-fi about it. He's known Kinzo since they were Battler's age, so they're obviously as close as can be. It's not a stretch to think that he would carry out Kinzo's wishes.

>> No.3123719


I think we were agreeing with eachother without realizing it...

>> No.3123737
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>> No.3123753

This was actually my first thought when I heard about the episode 3 piece Beato as well. Not as deep as the entire staff of furniture being 'fake', but I definitely thought of cloning as a possible explanation.

>> No.3123777
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Oh, okay! Nice! Great job! Can't see anything going wrong here!

>and all I got was this shitty butthurt.

Sick anecdote, dude.

>> No.3123793

Beatrice II died in the world of 1967, and had the appearance of a girl in her late teens, right? No matter how rich grandfather may be, I can't see him cloning anyone in the 40s/50s.

>> No.3123795


Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.3123798

You are the Taiga of /jp/, do you know that?

>> No.3123837


Who's that? And why should I care about them?

>> No.3123845

Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.3123853

Jesus christ Arc, stop samefagging up the thread.

>> No.3123901



I don't really see a reason for Kinzo to need clones in the first place. He believes in magic, he would probably believe that the dead lover he's obsessed with has been reincarnated into some little girl he found on the street. So Beato II's the portrait girl, and Beato III hasn't been seen for a long enough time to assume that she's not a disguise.
