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312184 No.312184 [Reply] [Original]

Best translated visual novel.

>> No.312197

in b4 KEYfags and clannaids.

>> No.312202

Phoenix Wright lol

>> No.312205

in before Tsukihime and FS/N and every other visual novel out there

>> No.312210
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in during KEYfags and clannaids.

>> No.312211

I concur with the OP.

>> No.312215

The first four routes weren't really that good.

>> No.312221


>> No.312231

The last one was good enough to forgive all that

>> No.312250


Not really.

>> No.312268

>I didn't play it

>> No.312293

you DARE insult one of the best tsundere girls ever?

leave my tsugumi alone!

>> No.312310
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>Best translated visual novel.
Do you mean the best visual novel that has been translated, or the visual novel that's the been translated the best?

I don't know what Kidink, but the translation is a littLeMMIHxed in quality.

What's your favorite Ever17 massage?

>> No.312329
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Nonsense, you just have bad taste.

>> No.312353


Nice try faggot.

>> No.312370

Only Sora's was not that good, otherwise they were great

Then Coco's was brick shitting fuckwin awesomeness.

>> No.312376
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Tsugumi time

>> No.312381
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>> No.312384
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>> No.312396
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>> No.312401

I like Ever17, FSN and Clannad. Do i win /jp/?

>> No.312403
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>> No.312414
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>> No.312423

Oh god this thread is now awesome

>> No.312426
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>> No.312432
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>> No.312437
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>> No.312446


I didn't say those things!

>> No.312449
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>> No.312457
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>> No.312462
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>> No.312473
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>> No.312489
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>> No.312502


>> No.312515
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: (

>> No.312538
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>> No.312545
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>> No.312554
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>> No.312555
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I'd fuck her even underwater. Like a dolphin.

>> No.312564
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>> No.312577
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>> No.312576

I'm really disapointed she will not be able to suck me off or doing anything with me more complex than play dressup. Lame. Oh well.

Something strikes me: Takeshi is the super-typical eroge hero. A girl asks him some emo-lade question regarding the meaning of life, happiness, strength, or what have you, and instead of cudling with a girl who is obviously hungry for cock and answering the question in an appropriate manner, he comes up with some stupid shit that's just slightly less ridiculous then the fact that the girls eat that stupid shit right up.

>> No.312582

Tsugumi can see infrared light...
Perhaps she can also understand dolphin squeals.

>> No.312597


I have no idea how you just made that connection but I'm not going to argue

>> No.312586
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>> No.312610


I thought the same about Takeshi but he grew on me and it helped when he was exceedingly awesome at the end of Tsugumi's route

>> No.312614

Anyways, my favorite massage was when Tsugumi massaged Chami with both of her hands.

>> No.312625
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And that's all I have fan art wise

>> No.312652

Does Yuu Takigawa's art count as fan art considering she's the actual artist/character designer?

>> No.312669
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Only if she's a fan of her games.

If she hated it, then no.

>> No.312683


I forgot it was official, oops.

>> No.312691


>> No.312704


Takeshi makes wearing dress shirts cool

>> No.312732
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What's the scoop on the Tsugumi clone in this game

>> No.312813

Isn't this suppose to be fuckwin?

>> No.312828

same person as YMK, but considered his best work.

>> No.312846

What ever happens in the end? Do they ever escape? Or BLARGH NO MORE OXYGEN IM DED.

>> No.312903

Never ask to have the story ruined for you in Ever17, go fucking unlock Coco's route and play through that.

>> No.312911

Blick Winkel saves everyone in the end.
Except for You's [grand]father.
And the other scientists who got Hinamizawa'd
And the millions of people who died from the Tief Blau outbreak.
And You, Sara, and Hokuto spent their entire lives for some stupid plot set up by You and Kaburaki.
And Kaburaki wasted 17 years of his life to get infected with immortality and still got jilted by the loli love of his life.
And Sora's memory got fucked around with.

Oh fucking hell. Blick Winkel's a failure at being a hero. At least he reunited a happy family of four... until the parents outlive the children for eternity.

>> No.312943
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I will never ask again...

>> No.312955

>And the millions of people who died from the Tief Blau outbreak.

Didn't they give a lower number than that because many died before transmitting it?

>> No.312968

I don't remember going to school in China...

>> No.312977

Yong? Its me, Trung... the one by the window, remember, everyone hated me and looked at me like a 3rd class citizen? Yeah... great times.

>> No.312990
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>> No.313001



>> No.313206

Oxygen is not the problem.

>> No.314716


Fuck you.
Fuck you oh so hardcore.

>> No.315322
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Japan agrees, don't bother them about it.

>> No.315343

wait wait wait

why the FUCK is Tales of the Abyss on there?

>> No.315489


Seems right.

>> No.315546

Any why anyone could take that site seriously is if they haven't played any eroge except outside of the mainstream 4chan titles.

Also, the fact that the PS2 version of Clannad is higher than the PC (H content) version should tell you something about this site as well.

>> No.315569


Clannad has no H-scenes. Only Tomoyo After.

>> No.315605

>PS2 version of Clannad is higher than the PC (H content) version
Oh you...

>> No.315614

The PS2 version is exactly the same as the PC version except it has voice, so yes it's better especially since the voice acting in Clannad is pretty stellar.

>> No.315618

Also, You, Sara, and Hokuto will grow old and die while their parents never will. That has to be fun.

>> No.315620

Go back to Hongfire, School Days faggot.
WTF do you know about the eroge fanbase? You only play them with AGTH and think you are an expert or something? LOL

>> No.315624
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Is this sum ever17 spoilers thread?

>> No.315633 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.315636


Sora dies.

>> No.315640


Sora means sky.

>> No.315641


>> No.315644

Sora means Tsugumi and Takeshi's robot sex slave.

>> No.315648

AND? Clannad, Ever17 and FSN are good, anyone who played them could tell you so. You may not like the genre they are from but saying they are bad would only be you being a faggot.

>> No.315649

Sora means dirty little whore that broke Tai's heart.

>> No.315651


If by popularity, Type Moon beats Ever17 and Clannad. Japan agreed that the best VN as of now is Clannad, dont bother them about it.

>> No.315657

Tsugumi ...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. Ever17 is just written to make her out as the bitch, when really she's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.

What are the main complaints? She raped Takeshi and killed Chami with her own hands?

Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking raped Takeshi. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She fucked Takeshi.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T WANT TO FUCK TAKESHI? You can't even name one fucking character who didn’t want to plug his loose ass! He is the kind of bitch who will act like he doesn't want it when he really does. He'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Tsugumi knew this, she's a fucking man’s lady. She knows what filthy man-whores like Takeshi want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly killed Chami with her own hands.

Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious pet. Is keeping your loved ones from a prolonged death so wrong? When Sora does the same thing to Takeshi it's like 'oh she's so womanly', but when Tsugumi does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect Chami. She probably was going to use LeMU’s technology to tighten Takeshi’s ass back up or cure his syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Sora look good. Objectively, Tsugumi is a far better character than Sora. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Sora, and if she weren't stuck with that weak ass steel pipe in her leg and no plothax she probably could have escaped by herself.

>> No.315687

You're right. It's not Lucky Star being popular that makes it good, but rather Lucky Star being good that makes it popular.

tl;dr: Learn 2 causality

>> No.315690

Tsugumi is so fucking hot.

>> No.315707


Somewhat accurate.

>> No.315716

Except that Lucky Star is not good.

>> No.315726

Ryou...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. Clannad is just written to make her out as the slut, when really she's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.

What are the main complaints? She raped Kappei and used Kyou to get close to Tomoya?

Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking raped Kappei. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She fucked Kappei.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T WANT TO FUCK Kappei? You can't even name one fucking character who didn’t want to plug his loose ass! He is the kind of bitch who will act like he doesn't want it when he really does. He'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Ryou knew this, she's a fucking man’s lady. She knows what filthy man-whores like Kappei want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly used Kyou to get closer to Tomoya.

Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious sister. Is keeping your loved ones from heartache so wrong? When Sunohara does the same thing to Mei it's like 'oh he's so manly', but when Ryou does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect Kyou. She probably was going to study medicine to tighten Kappei’s ass back up or cure his syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Sunohara look good. Objectively, Ryou is a far better character than Sunohara. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Sunohara, and if she weren't stuck with that weak ass personality and no plothax she probably could have fucked the entire cast.

>> No.315741

I'm always surprised at how many people on 4chan suffer from this illusion. Why is this so? Does 4chan just not get it?

>> No.315909
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Everyone always forget Phantom of Inferno.
It definitely has the right to be considered one of the if not THE best VN.

>> No.315934

I just downloaded this but my Daemon Tools/Media Player Classic combo is sucking serious balls; random ass freezing and subtitles not appearing...Currently debating whether to bother buying a DL disc so I can try my DVD player.

>> No.315942

Use PowerDVD or VLC.

>> No.316760

It's one of the few Hirameki translations I haven't had the pleasure of playing yet. I really should.
