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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 1000x875, Liquorice_wheels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3116526 No.3116526 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with Japanese people not liking liquorice? I've read like loads of reports of Japanese people trying liquorice and barely getting away from it without puking.

I found this very interesting and at first I thought it had to be something evolutionary, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I stumbled over the fact that they use some kind of liquid liquorice thing for flu medicine in Japan? Perhaps childhood memories of having to eat this disgusting medicine makes them react like that to the candy?

I don't know. I just think it's kind of neat. Thoughts?

>> No.3116533

Black licorice is fucking disgusting.

>> No.3116536

This is the strangest thread I've seen on /jp/ in a long, long time. It almost seems genuine in intent.

>> No.3116541

This. Red only.

>> No.3116537

Only sleazy Germans like black licorice

>> No.3116538

I don't like black liquorish either. Shit's nasty.

>> No.3116546

Very interesting. May I propose a hypothesis? Perhaps these Japanese people are so repulsed by liquorice because it tastes like ASS and SHIT?

>> No.3116548

lol amerifag

>> No.3116549

What's wrong with you people?

>> No.3116543

Because it tastes like shit

>> No.3116551

>Black liquorice is fucking delicious.
fixed it for you

>> No.3116554

Low tier ass candy. Liquorish is down there with smarties and candy corn during Halloween.

>> No.3116558

i hate liqourice. it tastes like vodka.

>> No.3116560
File: 6 KB, 100x100, Akira_077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right though. Now that I think about it, I don't remember ever seeing licorice in Japan.

Just different tastes I guess. Japanese people don't like licorice and many Americans I know can't stand anko (which is delicious).

>> No.3116561

I love black licorice, but the OP is right, just about every japanese person I've met can't stand licorice.

>> No.3116567 [DELETED] 

Where the fuck do you buy youd vodka, man ?

>> No.3116566

So-called "red" liquorice isn't liquorice at all, just in case you didn't know. It's just sugary candy colored red and made the resemble the shape and texture of original real liquorice candies. "Red liquorice" contains no liquorice and makes no attempt to taste similar.

>> No.3116568

We don't like putting bad tasting things in our mouth.

>> No.3116571

Where the fuck do you buy your vodka, man ?

>> No.3116572

We still have our tastebuds.

>> No.3116573

oh man, I love some kinds of black liquorish, but other kinds taste like ass.

same thing with black jellybeans, some are soooo delicious, some are fucking horrible.

I wonder what makes the difference...

>> No.3116574

wut? no it doesnt

>> No.3116578

>I've read like loads of reports of Japanese people trying liquorice and barely getting away from it without puking.
Dutchfag here, I think you have to grow up with it to actually like it.

>> No.3116579

It tastes like shit.

>> No.3116581

>and makes no attempt to taste similar.

Which is why it actually tastes good.

>> No.3116583

>"Red liquorice" contains no liquorice and makes no attempt to taste similar.
That's why we like it. Because it doesn't try and taste like shit.

>> No.3116587

Probably because it's shit.

>> No.3116589
File: 151 KB, 375x500, 136450593_5c3e36ab27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here likes horehound candy?

>> No.3116591
File: 46 KB, 440x248, indexunhappyhands4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only had black licorice given to me one time back when I was a kid, but I didn't eat it due to all the other kids spitting it out and saying how bad it tastes.

It can't be THAT bad.

>> No.3116593


>> No.3116608

Kind of like circus peanuts.

>> No.3116614

The problem is it's presented as candy.

It tastes more like medicine than candy.

>> No.3116625

It's spicy and sometimes minty and even salty on occasion

>> No.3116623

>low tier
Get out.

>> No.3116622

I've never cared for the taste of the stuff myself and I'm as white as it gets.

>> No.3116629

>> Now that I think about it, I don't remember ever seeing licorice in Japan.

OP here. That's exactly the thing. You can't buy liquorice in Japan, except as medicine, and googling around in Norwegian I found a lot of blogs written by exchange students describing incidents were they offered some Japanese people liquorice and they reacted very, very negatively too it. So it's weird.

>> No.3116631
File: 89 KB, 872x588, misakasmile3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the fuck?

>> No.3116633


>> No.3116637

I have no idea about japan... but I have the same reaction towards it. The smell makes me gag.

>> No.3116638

So liquorish is natto that pretends to be candy?

>> No.3116639

americans and their shitty taste

>> No.3116646

I like Black liquorice.

>> No.3116647

Licorice is perhaps the most foul tasting substance in existence, and I completely understand the reaction of the average Japanaman.

>> No.3116654
File: 41 KB, 440x248, indexsmilearmup4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see if I can find some the next time I'm forced out of the house.

>> No.3116680

Liking black liquorice can't be that much of an acquired taste, can it? I fucking love the stuff, I remember during Halloween, all the kids would give me the stuff because they couldn't eat it and I loved it.

>> No.3116684

Get triple salt licorice, it DESTROYS your taste buds and is fucking amazing. It feels like it's burning a hole through your mouth.

>> No.3116690

Japanese can't handle delicious Salmiakki:

>> No.3116689

It's very difficult to describe the taste of it. Something like spicysweet kerosene and mothballs, earthy, camphoraceous, gingery.

>> No.3116691

Liquorice understandably tastes foul to most people because it contains high levels of a toxin that damages the liver and causes hypertension if excess is eaten.

>> No.3116694


So... nothing like actual FOOD.

>> No.3116704

Yeeeeah basically.

>> No.3116712


So basically your body is saying "don't eat this shit."

>> No.3116716

Source or I claim shenanigans.

>> No.3116717
File: 258 KB, 983x967, 2313505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably a genetic difference. There's probably some molecule in black licorice that some can taste and other's cant

It's the same reason that some people describe the taste of broccoli like an extremely bitter mix between tree sap and gasoline, and others describe it as savory or even just unremarkable. It's in the genes.

Myself, I love black licorice, the taste is very similar to that of sweet anise (although anise may taste terrible to people with the genetic difference as well)

>> No.3116719

Pretty much, it's possible (maybe) that genetically some people are genetically capable of tasting the toxin and others aren't. That's just random guessing though.

>> No.3116721

Okay, I love black licorice, but salmiakki is just plain awful.

>> No.3116722

So basically the people who enjoy black licorice are mentally ill?

>> No.3116724


>> No.3116727

It actually does taste a lot like anise and tarragon and spices like those now that you mention it. All disgusting though to me.

>> No.3116730

Sounds out right

>> No.3116736

Of course not! They're just genetically inferior.

>> No.3116739

It says the effect varies among individuals and the toxicity is significantly higher in those who can't tolerate it than those who can.

Regardless, everything should be taken in moderation. Of course if I eat a novelty food for 2 weeks straight I'll be fucked. If I only eat liquorice every now and then, it should be fine.

>> No.3116740

No, it means that others can't taste things you can taste, and you can't taste some things others can taste.

>> No.3116742

Not saying the stuff is dangerous, just that it probably tastes bad due to the toxin in it.

>> No.3116747

Salty licorice + ice cream is a great combination. Salty licorice vodka can be fun as well, especially when you're 14, and need something to hide the taste of alcohol.

>> No.3116750

This is humorous to those like me who tolerate straight vodka better than nasty liquorice.

>> No.3116749

That's basically all it tastes like to me, a gummy candy that tastes like anise and undertones of something savory.

If you've ever had absinthe or greek ouzo, it basically tastes like that, minus the alcohol, in candy form

>> No.3116757

/jp/ - Candy/General

>> No.3116805

So I am the licoriz collector, I collect licoriz.

>> No.3116818

Your horrible person. Liquorice is intended to be eaten and savored, not hoarded.

>> No.3116831

How to make liquorice vodka at home:

>> No.3116857

How does /ck/ view liquorice? Do agree it's good or bad or does it turn in to a angry, long, and childish shitstorm like they do on everything else?

>> No.3116871

As you can see from this thread liquorice is a polarizing candy in general. Even many non-Japanese hate it. So please stop trying to ascribe everything to race, it's foolish.

I've only had it once but it was pretty damn good.

>> No.3116872

Why don't you go ask them than?

>> No.3116893

Liquorice is fucking horrible.

I mean really, who would eat it as a treat? If you want some confectionery, anything ice-based is god-tier.

>> No.3116913

it's not even real candy
it's just a fucking old world superstition panacea that they decided to keep around

>> No.3117278


god damn that name pisses me off

I mean, look how its spelled, "Liquorice" what kind of hyped up shit is that. Just spell it right damnit, Lickorish.

>> No.3117436

Motherfucking Halo-Halo. Delicious.

>> No.3117437

it's delicious and anyone who says otherwise is obviously a fag

>> No.3117486

I'm an American.

I fuckin hate black liquorice.

>> No.3117522


flawless logic as always, bravo anonymous

>> No.3118278

is there any other real liquorice which isn't black?

>> No.3118356

Technically no. But strawberry flavours do exist.

>> No.3118356,1 [INTERNAL] 

kisama mada

>> No.3118356,2 [INTERNAL] 

this it wild arms
