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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3114381 No.3114381 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be enjoying Umineko 5 in four days.

Suck it, monolingual fags.

>> No.3114396

Just because I don't speak japanese doesn't mean I'm monolingual.

>> No.3114389

oh my god
I'm not ready yet

>> No.3114398
File: 32 KB, 217x217, fascinating (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3114402

I'll play it too and try to enjoy it.
Though I'm mostly waiting for Majikoi in 2 weeks.

>> No.3114412


Nice damage control, suburban American pigdog.


Good. Anyone who doesn't know more than one language in this day and age will never accomplish anything worthwhile in their life.

>> No.3114409

I hope you spoil it for everyone on /jp/

>> No.3114415

I speak three languages, but only useful ones.

>> No.3114419

Thanks for opening another umineko thread.

>> No.3114421


Same here, actually. I hope it's as good as the OP makes it out to be.

>> No.3114426


I'm going to need to wait for it to be ripped first.

>> No.3114427

>Good. Anyone who doesn't know more than one language in this day and age will never accomplish anything worthwhile in their life.

Guess that explains why I'm a NEET. I should have taken those French lessons more seriously.

>> No.3114428

So what did you accomplish in your life, except for trolling /jp/ with your uber japanese reading skillz.

>> No.3114429

I know Japanese, but if I wasn't a huge weeaboo I'd still be monolingual. What use is a language if you aren't interested in using it?

>> No.3114446 [DELETED] 

I'm monolingual because English is the only language worth using anymore. Fuck your moon runes.

>> No.3114442

I'm gonna learn Japanese in four days.

>> No.3114439

well, i'll be waiting for the translation patch while ignoring umineko threads on /jp/

>> No.3114447


>> No.3114449
File: 61 KB, 412x371, indexmakesaface4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up learning Spanish and Japanese.

Feels good man.

>> No.3114458

japanese sucks

>> No.3114468

I know better English than you.

>> No.3114469

Nothing beats giving up on something.

>> No.3114476

Can I come too?

>> No.3114484

I just came.

>> No.3114485


French is a dying language, but it's still good for picking up the ladies.

>> No.3114488

I gave up on learning French and German, but I can still read German.
I speak 2 languages fluently.
Just not Japanese ;_;

>> No.3114499 [DELETED] 

I only know English. My family is Dutch but I never bothered learning.

>> No.3114525

I'll be enjoying Umineko in around 3 months.
Suck it, multilingual fags.

>> No.3114567

I'm trilingual actually, if I include some decent groundings of French. Who cares about Japanese?

>> No.3114574

I know a shitload of roman languages.
Not Japanese, though. ;_;

>> No.3114577

I know only italian, german, english and polish ;__;

>> No.3114586

so how much japanese can i learn in four days?

>> No.3114601

Can we donate coffee and energy drinks to the people of Witch Hunt?

>> No.3114681
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I can understand German somewhat due it being similar to Dutch. French was a lost cause though

Japanese writing will be a hell.

So ETA of Umineko 5 translations was.. October, right?

>> No.3114706

Inability to read japanese must be tough.

>> No.3114719


I know English and Chinese

Well, I can't read nor write Chinese, but I can speak it

>> No.3114768

I only know English, German and Japanese.

Hey wait...

My copy is schedulded to arrive on the 19th, too bad I'll still be working then. But I get to fully enjoy it (and my Kanji dictionairy...) fromt the 24th on.

>> No.3114769

Enjoy you're ATLAS + AGTH.

>> No.3114786

I don't need any knowledge of japanese. I'll deduct everything just from pictures, music and people killed in TIPS.

>> No.3114865

TIPS was added to the game by the the translators.

>> No.3114870

I will leave /jp/ in 5 days. Suck it, NEET faggots.

>> No.3115137

No it wasn't. Only the "grimoire" part explaining the bit about the Japanese language.

>> No.3115172

How long until the max exodus of /jp/ by us non-Japanese reading faggots?

>> No.3115173

But I know two languages and can read a third one.
Although none of them are Japanese.

>> No.3115177

In 5 days I'll have fucked you're umineko

>> No.3115189

How can one read a language yet not speak it?
I usually think about what I'm reading.

>> No.3115217

mass, that is

>> No.3115230

The second day of C76. So, 16th?

>> No.3115244

1. You're mute
2. You've had a stroke
3. You lack vocal chords
4. The language is only a written language
5. The language is Chinese. Enough said
6. You are a sign language speaking gorilla.
Don't be so closed minded next time.

>> No.3115304

Most of your points are refuted by the fact that he knew two languages and read a third.
>4. The language is only a written language
Is there such a thing?
I'm just going on a hunch here, thinking that the word language is derived from the from the french word "Langue", which means tongue.
In that sense, there is no written-only language.

>> No.3115320

But I know 4 languages...

>> No.3115343

And only one of them is actually useful

>> No.3115345

Isn't it easy to read a language and not speak it? You can recognize what letters and words mean with your eyes, but you don't know how they're pronounced.

It's quite simple really.

>> No.3115355

English, German, French and Spanish are all useful goddammit.

>> No.3115356


>> No.3115358

Yes, but for someone that knows two languages and can only pronounce the phonetics for one other is either stupid or ignorant.
I, knowing french, can easily read most romance based languages, which easily stack up to several.

>> No.3115361


>> No.3115370


>> No.3115371

Take this for example.

He knows Spanish and English, but can only read Korean, not speak it.

>> No.3115380

But how does that go through his mental process?
When he reads those words, what does he think?
Surely you aren't going to claim he thinks of nothing.

>> No.3115391

I'm going to claim it isn't necessary to speak a language in order to read it and process it in thought.

>> No.3115399


Yeah, of what use could it be to speak the languages of America's major trading partners?

>> No.3115400

He thinks of what the characters and words look like, and associate them with their meaning - possibly translating the meaning into another language he can speak.

>> No.3115432 [DELETED] 

You don't need to.
But that's the point, he said he "knows" two languages, omitting the other to simply being able to read.
But when you processes a language in your head, you can vocalize that process and speak the language.
Thus he would "know" three languages.

>> No.3115442

In East Asian languages where each word is represented by unique characters, it's very easy to know the meaning of the character by associating parts of it with another character and assuming that they have similar meaning, but you can't say for sure what exactly sound it makes

>> No.3115447

But, I don't even like Umineko. And I didn't waste a good portion of my life learning a useless language just so I could be more wapanese.

>> No.3115459 [DELETED] 

You don't need to.
But that's the point, he said he "knows" two languages, omitting the other to simply being able to read.
But when you processes a language in your head, you can vocalize that process and speak the language.
Thus he would "know" three languages.
That would land into the "Know" category.
Branches of knowledge.

>> No.3115464

You don't need to.
But that's the point, he said he "knows" two languages, omitting the other to simply being able to read.
But when you processes a language in your head, you can vocalize that process and speak the language.
Thus he would "know" three languages.
That would land into the "Know" category.
Branches of knowledge.

>> No.3115472

What are you all talking about? Being able to read a language, but not to speak it, only means that you know it passive, but not active.

>> No.3115476

I know 4 languages, Japanese included, and I won't be reading Umineko.

>> No.3115482

>That would land into the "Know" category.
>Branches of knowledge.
Ignore this.
Guess I have my answer.
Though it's an idiotic method of education.

>> No.3115488

When you read something you're basically speaking it in your head.

>> No.3115490

I should get around learning Japanese. Nothing better to do with my days.

>> No.3115509

You obviously never learned Kanji/Chinese

>> No.3115539 [DELETED] 

I rather learn a language by it's roots than trying to tie tags on it's every branch.
But I'll take your word for it, repeating a symbol over and over again in your own language is the way to go.

>> No.3115556


Risk management?

>> No.3115564

Kanji isn't a language.

Chinese people talk to eachother and even write e-mails, too.
It can't be that bad.

>> No.3115570

You know pretty much all Chinese people can guess what is written in Japanese by the Kanji?

>> No.3115599

So what are deaf people thinking of when they read sign language, then?

>> No.3115607

Chinese are not people.

>> No.3115614

Huh? I speak chinese in my head when i read it.
I also help in those "what does this say /jp/" thread, without knowing any kanji

>> No.3115623 [DELETED] 

That brings up a good question.
Can deaf people think?

>> No.3115625

So you're the anon who always says "the pleasure of being cummed inside". I guess this was... enlightening.

>> No.3115634 [DELETED] 

They don't really know a language per say,
Just a bunch of symbols.
It's like proclaiming you know the language of traffic lights.
Even though you neither speak it or read it.

>> No.3115638

No i'm usually the only person who get's it right.

>> No.3115658 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, you seemed to have trumped me.
So, what do those deaf people think?
If it is but images, then they are mute as well, no?

>> No.3115656 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, you seemed to have trumped me.
What do those deaf people think?
If it is but images, then they are mute as well, no?

>> No.3115657

So you're that guy who uses ATLAS.

>> No.3115671

No seriously you can guess easily if you know hanzi
I sometimes troll them too by writing the simplified hanzi instead of the kanji to throw people off

remember 放课后

>> No.3115751

I'm finding hits for ep5 up on Share. all trolls I would assume, or can someone confirm otherwise?

>> No.3115853

Better play safe and wait till it's over if you wanna download that.

>> No.3115909

Isn't that the wrong "go"?

>> No.3115965 [DELETED] 

candlejack hear what do you thi
> www.anuntalk.com, nun = non

>> No.3116009

The "ka" is also simplified.

>> No.3116074

You can easily see how 课 is a simplification of 課, so there was no need to point that one out.
后 and 後 are entirely different characters.
