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3112308 No.3112308 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3112316

Mammon = Belphegor
Kyrie = Juuza = Battler
Gaap = Shannon = Kanon

>> No.3112353

Satan > Lucifer = Belphegor > Beelzebub > Asmodeus = Leviathan > Mammon

>> No.3112372

Satan > Kanon > Lucifer = Belphegor > Beelzebub > Asmodeus = Leviathan > Mammon

come on guys, we can do this

>> No.3112376

also, it's stated that lucifer is the weakest of them all

>> No.3112377

Belphegor and Asmodeus are only the best stakes.

You're opinion is wrong.

>> No.3112382


I wasn't listing power.

If I were to consider their power, I'd have to say...

Satan > Leviathan > Belphegor > Mammon > Beelzebub > Asmodeus > Kanon > Lucifer > Goat-kun

>> No.3112395

Satan > Leviathan > Belphegor > Mammon > Beelzebub > Asmodeus > Kanon > Lucifer > Krauss > Rosa >Goat-kun

>> No.3112397

and kyrie > leviathan, so by default kyrie > everyone else except satan

>> No.3112400

Battler's power level is maximum.

Where does he rank?

>> No.3112401


No, no, no. You don't know powerlevels at all.

'Demon' Rosa > Krauss' Punch > Satan > Leviathan > Belphegor > Mammon > Beelzebub > Asmodeus > Kanon > Lucifer > Goat-kun > Krauss > Rosa

>> No.3112407

Beatrice > Virgilia > EVA-Beatrice > Ange > Satan > Kyrie > Leviathan > Belphegor > Mammon > Beelzebub > Asmodeus > Kanon > Lucifer > Krauss > Rosa > Goat-kun > Kinzo > Battler >

>> No.3112412

Lambda > Bernkastel >>> Beatrice > Virgilia > EVA-Beatrice > Ange > Satan > Kyrie > Leviathan > Belphegor > Mammon > Beelzebub > Asmodeus > Kanon > Lucifer > Krauss > Rosa > Goat > Kinzo > Battler >

>> No.3112413


If you want me to comprise a full roster, I will.

>> No.3112411

Beatrice > Virgilia > Maria > EVA-Beatrice > Ange > Satan > Kyrie > Leviathan > Belphegor > Mammon > Beelzebub > Asmodeus > Kanon > Lucifer > Krauss > Rosa > Goat-kun > Kinzo > Battler > Gaap = Ronove > George > Jessica >> Kumasawa

>> No.3112414
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>this thread

>> No.3112417

Why is Battler so low when his magic resistance is maximum?

>> No.3112419

he gets killed by everything regardless of his resistance anyway.

>> No.3112420

Please do.

>> No.3112422


He has absolutely no personal power and found a way to be killed that isn't suicide while being the only living inhabitant on the island.

>> No.3112438

Why are Gaap and Ronove lower than common furniture?

>> No.3112441

I like Lucifer the best.
Her long, straight black hair, oh yes.
And Belphegor, yeah.

>> No.3112444



MARIA (full potential) > Lambdadelta > Bernkastel > War God > ANGE-Beatrice > Beatrice > Virgilia > MARIA (Endless magic) = EVA-Beatrice/Black Witch > Magically-enhanced Jessica's suicide-haymaker > Ronove > Gaap > 'Demon' Rosa > Magically-enhanced Jessica = Magically-enhanced George > Krauss' Punch > Siesta Sisters (difference negligible) > MARIA (current) > Shannon + Kanon > Six Sisters (difference negligible) > Kanon > Lucifer = Shannon > Goat-kun > All humans with no magical backup (difference negligible)

>> No.3112448

he couldn't take the trolling anymore and died of a heart attack.

>> No.3112456


Jesus god damn stop it stop it stop it

>> No.3112462

>>War God

what is this

>> No.3112467


The God Virgilia summoned to take out Beato in EP3's magic fight.

Basically Odin.

>> No.3112470 [DELETED] 

>War God

Who's that?
Also, pretty good list
Also, pretty good list, would have more impact

>> No.3112477


Someone who can take out Beato in 1 shot, apparently.

>> No.3112479


>MARIA (full potential) > Lambdadelta > Bernkastel

Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are basically above everything. How can anyone be ahead of them?

>> No.3112485


MARIA at her full potential would be a Creator-class witch, above the Voyager-class which Lambdadelta and Bernkastel are.

MARIA has not reached her full potential and will not for an abstract 1000 years.

>> No.3112486

MARIA (full potential) can supposedly make something out of nothing, which is stronger than miracles or certainties.

>> No.3112497

Maria cant revive Sakutarou.
Ange>Maria>Lambdadelta > Bernkastel

>> No.3112504


Maria at her current state cannot.

At her full potential she could not only rebirth Sakutaro, but create an entire family and city and continent and planet and solar system and galaxy and universe comprised of nothing but Sakutaros.

>> No.3112511
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But Voyagers are afraid that they may someday become Creators, so supposedly they have more potential to grow as well.

Not that any of that matters.

>> No.3112515


They have the potential, but they steadfastly refuse to achieve it.

Maria's goal is dead set on becoming the incomparable Witch of Origins, so her journey is inherent in becoming a Creator.

>> No.3112532

Umineko powerlevel thread ? For god's sake, /jp/.


>> No.3112534

Fine, you know what? I don't wanna play witch powerlevels with you anyway.

Also Belphegor and Lucifer are the best stakes.

>> No.3112540
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But everybody is already dead.

>> No.3112546
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>Fine, you know what? I don't wanna play witch powerlevels with you anyway.


>> No.3112789


Any more profiles?

>> No.3112809
File: 61 KB, 303x455, satan-fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satans hair can launch multiple Giga Drill Breakers at once.
No one can beat that.

>> No.3112851

>MARIA (full potential) > Lambdadelta > Bernkastel > War God > ANGE-Beatrice > Beatrice > Virgilia > MARIA (Endless magic) = EVA-Beatrice/Black Witch > Magically-enhanced Jessica's suicide-haymaker > Ronove > Gaap > 'Demon' Rosa > Magically-enhanced Jessica = Magically-enhanced George > Krauss' Punch > Siesta Sisters (difference negligible) > MARIA (current) > Shannon + Kanon > Six Sisters (difference negligible) > Kanon > Lucifer = Shannon > Goat-kun > All humans with no magical backup (difference negligible)

Reread that battle.
Virgilia summoned Gungnir for massive damage.
Beato countered with ultimate defense.
Spear said "screw this!"
Virgilia summoned Odin > Odin grabbed spear and threw it again.

Virgilia and Beato can beat Odin.

>> No.3112945
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