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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31097622 No.31097622 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion for the best indie Japanese vtuber.


>> No.31097648
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>> No.31097676

Uto and Triangle get threads, I don't get what they have against Aoi

>> No.31097690

she cute

>> No.31097732
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>> No.31097740

Huh, well she does look cute, maybe i'll go check her out... I just hope her voice matches her looks

>> No.31097772


>> No.31097805

Her singing is great actually, probably the best reason to watch her stream.

>> No.31097835

She related to the other "LOVE" girl?

>> No.31097859

She has a boyfriend you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.31097866

No, we're fans of both but they aren't related

>> No.31097913


>> No.31097964
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>> No.31097967

No, outside of the fact that they're both banned from the holothreads, or used to be. Who knows given current moderation.

Aoi is just an indie that got posted in the holothread once during dead hours and went from 10 viewers to 250. She's got it rough because /vyt/ doesn't like her because she's got too much holostench on her for their elitist asses

>> No.31097980
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>> No.31098138
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>> No.31098175


>> No.31098187

I'm always surprised by how good her live2d is for being a literal who

>> No.31098238

I like the choker, it makes me want to rape her throat

>> No.31098251

Paid top dollar in commissions for that model.

>> No.31098392

Oh shit her voice actually is nice, just listened to her King cover. I hope she gets a better mic or something because something sounded off quality wise but besides that she has a pretty powerful voice

>> No.31098622

Her song are really hit and miss for me. For her other streams I don't really care, If I see she's online I will put her muted stream in another tab out of pity but that's it

>> No.31099128

Just checked her out. She has some nice cover choices but her game choices are very lacking.

>> No.31099185


>> No.31099251
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>> No.31099807

Unfortunately she's an arcade rhythm game player so she can't stream what she's good at

>> No.31101598


>> No.31102324
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>> No.31103957

You know, if you guys can actually keep this thread alive until her next stream and actually watch her streams, this thread will probably show up in her youtube traffic sources.

>> No.31104065

Cute, I'll check her out

>> No.31104109

Does youtube actually still show those? She would have seen the other threads in the past if that was the case

>> No.31104231

Her latest cover is really good please check it out!

>> No.31106328


>> No.31106407

as long as it's not King

>> No.31107740
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>> No.31110900

She looks like a watermelon.

>> No.31111041

into the trash it goes

>> No.31111272

whoa isn't it a little indecent showing toes like that?

>> No.31115716

It's been really heartwarming to see her channel grow since then.

>> No.31116152

I went several weeks without watching her and suddenly she's more than 2000 subs higher. Pretty wild to see after the first night she popped up on /jp/

>> No.31116487
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what did you say about all the gifts she got from anons? I never catched when it got to her.
She is such a cutie.

>> No.31116583

She thanked everyone on twitter a bunch of times, especially the guy who bought her taiko no tatsujin

>> No.31116940

She probably doesn't care anymore to see where most of her new viewers/fans came from, she was confused and actually wanted to know where they came from at the start

>> No.31116998

Anon doing their playback reps got the algorithm-kun to favour her, she always gets up to 300 new subs every time she does an utawaku. It's nice that more JOPs are joining too instead of EOPs clogging up the chat.

>> No.31117020

I want to tell her on the anniversary of that date assuming no one does it by then

>> No.31117040

I don't want another Mayuko situation, so hopefully you'll forget about it

>> No.31117132

I would never name the site, anon. I would just explain that it was a silent night in a foreign holofan thread and how she stood out over the other indies that got posted in there the same way.

>> No.31117155

Please don't, I don't want a repeat of what happened to Watamote's author a couple years back. I don't think Aoi will laugh it off like Nico Tanigawa did.

>> No.31117397

What happened there? Did people actually get them to visit the site? That's some reddit level shit if so

>> No.31117907

I assume he's referring to people sending dick pics over Twitter

>> No.31118126

The existence of this thread poses a greater risk of that happening than anything else could

>> No.31119901

I've tuned in to a bunch of her utawakus and suggested some of my fav anisongs that greatly boosted another indie a lot to otaku viewers. Unfortunately, Aoi couldn't a single one of them.
Are most of these indies more into vocaloid and normie anisongs?

>> No.31120058

If it wasn't an unarchived, she's probably not gonna sing anything outside of those because it's a copyright strike risk

>> No.31120232

Well, to begin with, does it have an easy to find karaoke track for her to use? Also, the most likely reason is that some songs she can't sing without getting into legal trouble, and most likely under the same music label, so she tend to skip those requests. Only exception is when she gets a big algorithm boost, but in exchange she privates her video afterwards permanently.

>> No.31120248

Aoi is mostly into vocaloid. What did you suggest to her?

He said his requests helped another indie so that shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.31120288

>He said his requests helped another indie so that shouldn't be an issue.

Not all indies are as careful or smart enough to even consider it

>> No.31120400

True but wouldn't you except the copyright to become an issue fairly quickly? Youtube is pretty fast on the DMCA when it comes to music

>> No.31120590

Lots of things could stop it
A: It's a song that's owned by a rights holder that doesn't care, but hasn't specifically okayed it(pretty common)
B: It's a song that's owned by a rights holder that hasn't added it to youtube's content-id library yet(happens, some companies have large libraries and focus on their biggest stuff)
C: Sometimes the singing or other background noise can throw off content-id

>> No.31122726


>> No.31123572

I've long since wised up and now mostly just request songs in that karaoke YT channel for anisongs that most vtubers use to ensure no copyright shit.

One of the usual I suggest is Trust You/伊藤 由奈 to see how they do it. Very few took it up but
so far the ones that do are pretty good.

>> No.31124243

How can I convince AHG to do an acapella Hajimete no Chuu cover

>> No.31124436

She said she didn't know it when you requested it. I requested Macross Frontier songs before too but she said that she only watched Delta. I think the 00/Frontier era was actually before her time, so she's probably pretty young compared to the Holos.

>> No.31124746

Her tastes make her seem fairly young, she calls things from 2010 なつかしい and her current audio setup is 8 years old.
Not sure where to place her. Maybe around mid 20s.

>> No.31124879

She has talked about college in the past so I'm sure you're right, not that it matters since she just wants to sing and have fun, what was planned for Christmas/Eve anyways?

>> No.31125153

I think her potential age is just good to keep in mind when making requests.
She will be eating christmas cake on Christmas day but nothing special on eve, just some Overcooked 2 collab.

>> No.31125474

You faggots, she's streaming and no link?

>> No.31125503

Should I keep the fanbox subscription or only keep the membership or both? It doesn't affect me that much on my budget but at with the fanbox she actually gets something kind of money instead of my borderline useless currency

>> No.31125554

Why are you membering her with your useless currency in the first place?

>> No.31125625

Shouldn't you be aware of the content you're already getting?
I think youtube membership has better value but I really like reading her Fanbox posts too.

>> No.31125807
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My bank gets uppity when it comes to international transactions
Yeah, I've been on it since the day she got posted but I was kinda on the fence of keeping it since she got her membership stuff finally, but I think I'll keep it, it's nice seeing the card as digital reminder
