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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31089107 No.31089107 [Reply] [Original]

Let us say a prayer for all the 2hus lost today.

>> No.31089208
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touhou really is reclining huh

>> No.31089278

It's only been two hours at most, any 2hu thread alive by tomorrow deserves my respect.

>> No.31089386

They're just spamming threads at this point.

>> No.31089437

I really don't mind all of the 2hu threads dying because the community is still pretty well supported in other places. What I am really worried for is the niche threads that don't really have a large community elsewhere and don't get many bumps a day.

>> No.31089501

hard times breeds strong 2hus

>> No.31089515

Some of the generals already got pushed off the board.
If anything, just make the threads again.
They'll get bored eventually.

>> No.31089572

I mean, there's a homu thread up for crying out loud.

>> No.31089631
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>> No.31089634

The "other places" to discuss touhou are either /v/ermin boards or reddit. No thanks.

>> No.31089667

so homolive board when. or have meido actually given them permission to have more threads, in which case i must ask what the fuck she was thinking.

all the other communities are beyond shit though (yes even shittier than /jp/)

>> No.31089693

it's not us it's /qa/ doing this we don't want this either

>> No.31089752

Yeah I'm sure regular /qa/ poster has that many hololive images saved

>> No.31089787

homu is /jp/ protected heritage

>> No.31089799

this board is no longer what it used to be, rip jaypee

>> No.31089844

well there is some of those as crossboarders in your threads so in sense it is you.

>> No.31089849

Not sure. The likely case is that this is a different janitor for whatever reason. The flanfly thread form the 20-21st was up well into 19:00 hours 4chan time and the number of usual warnings and bans decreased. Sallyfag wasn't banned for banevading as usual for example.

>> No.31089928

>Yeah I'm sure regular /qa/ poster has that many hololive images saved
Have you even seen /qa/? If it's not an imported thread, there's hundreds of things posted a day. There was a schizo who made one thousands posts by himself on that board. All of them got deleted.

>> No.31090070

There is also https://www.touhou-project.com

>> No.31090081

How new

>> No.31090214

Not even the worst schizo falseflaggers from our threads would go this far.

>> No.31090286

probably the /jp/ spinoffs causing this ota, gn, kissu, sageru, what. all the people who got ran out years ago coming back to spam

>> No.31090302
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pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark alway rember happy day

>> No.31090320


>> No.31091097

I was just thinking that I haven't seen Sallyfag in a while. Except for one or two threads a few weeks ago.

>> No.31095494

It's still mind boggling how Narumi ended up the way she did.
I guess anything can happen in Gensokyo.

>> No.31095501

homora a shit.

>> No.31095589

/jp/ is dead.

>> No.31095838

It turns out Sallyfag was right. If all the holofags get their own threads he should be allowed to make a thread for the otaku idol.

>> No.31095894

that's been dead for at least five years, and unless everyone gets over being ironic fans or something or finding things 'cringe' enough to start reading stories and posting in their threads, it won't come back to life anytime soon.

>> No.31095980

It was fun while it lasted.
[X] Breasts.
