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File: 133 KB, 580x800, 18c19ef9cf3b4ac0a77fc2fbcf04c125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3103752 No.3103752 [Reply] [Original]

1. 4chan didn't always have "Report."
2. 4chan frontpage used to have a sidebar, and the homepage was news.
3. 4chan didn't always have the Yotsuba/Yotsuba B stylesheets.
4. 4chan didn't always have the feature where it'll link you the image you repoted.
5. 4chan didn't always suck.

>> No.3103757

4 of those 5 statements are true.

>> No.3103756

>4chan didn't always suck.

Can you say it in red?

>> No.3103758

Who cares about 4chan, let's talk about Nanoha.

I like Nanoha as both a loli and an adult. Am I a bad person for that?

>> No.3103762

Holy shit, what delusions are you going to tell us next, that there was a time when the Internet didn't exist and people actually went outside and accomplished things?

>> No.3103764

>2. 4chan frontpage used to have a sidebar, and the homepage was news.

>> No.3103767

haha did this faggot really forget about the sidebars?

>> No.3103776

Reported for /a/ content.

>> No.3103777

>1. 4chan didn't always have "Report."
Report is a good feature. It should have always been around. It's simply that moot had no other choice but to add it to counteract the influx of idiots and trolls.
>2. 4chan frontpage used to have a sidebar, and the homepage was news.
This indeed does suck, but I haven't used the actual 4chan site since the sidebar was removed. Overchan gives me my sidebar and saves me from seeing whatever kind of horrible state the front page is now in.
>3. 4chan didn't always have the Yotsuba/Yotsuba B stylesheets.
Who the hell cares.
>4. 4chan didn't always have the feature where it'll link you the image you repoted.
>5. 4chan didn't always suck.
"Remember when 4chan was good?"

>> No.3103778

I think that's what counts as an idort.

>> No.3103784

This same thread is on every fucking board, sage

>> No.3103785

>4chan didn't always have "Report."

Thankfully, now it has one and I can use it.

>> No.3103791
File: 283 KB, 744x1000, 1245234066855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer has an adult. Feels good man.

>> No.3103797

I wanna make babies with adult Nanoha.

And adult Fate.

>> No.3103801

Me too, they'd make perfect wives.

>> No.3103811

Frames are still around, and they are still superior

>> No.3103815

This picture makes me angry. Her left leg looks like an amputated stump. Sure, there's perspective but you should still see more of the knee and a bit of the lower leg; just compare her two knees.

Why do people put the effort into drawing things yet leave glaring anatomy flaws.

>> No.3103824

you'll note, if you sit that way (if you still can, fattie) that your left calf and foot are to the left of your thigh, not directly under them

>> No.3103828
File: 139 KB, 698x1000, moe 2406 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I prefer these versions.

>> No.3103830

Really, I cant understand why anyone wouldnt

Originally (with the first two seasons) the whole point of the show was loli fanservice, and everyone knew and appreciated it. Then suddenly the adult versions came and everyone started slobbering over them.
Did all the lolicon fans of this drop, or did they suddenly become normalfags, or something?

>> No.3103835
File: 185 KB, 732x1000, moe 3493 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the fanbase changed. I know I wasn't attracted to them once they got older.

>> No.3103836

Well, each to their own. I find adult bodies more attractive, but the loli versions are cute in their own way. And Nanoha and Fate are both good spirited people who would never automatically turn into sluts when they grew up. (not that that ever happens in 2d anyway)

>> No.3103846

Fine too.

For me, their beauty surpasses boundaries such as age and development.

>> No.3103847

You fail to understand that its not impossible for people to enjoy both loli and grown women.
They're not exclusive clubs which ban you from liking each other.

>> No.3103852
File: 253 KB, 938x1000, moe 32647 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Nanoha and Fate are high-tier lolis.

>> No.3103854


I like anything female. I've fapped to 80 year old women. Fucking women!

>> No.3103857

Nanoha is a high-tier mother.

>> No.3103860

I was pissed when they changed the front page and made frames optional, then after a while I noticed I wasn't bothered by the lack of frames anymore and I don't give a shit about the front page. If you open up new tabs to hold all the threads you want to read you only have frames on one of them anyway, after a while you stop using it.

>> No.3103867
File: 245 KB, 699x1000, moe 64860 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got rid of frames within a month or two of visiting 4chan by directly bookmarking the boards I was interested in. I never liked them from the start.

>> No.3103869
File: 38 KB, 300x327, Marisa 69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about being a newfag is that I joined after "4chan went to shit" the summer of 2006.
4chan is perfect now for me, too bad it can't be that way fo you oldfags.

>> No.3103873
File: 49 KB, 394x389, 123623662383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am much the same. I fap from anything between flat lolis and big breasted milfs. I don't think I'd go quite to the extremity of fapping to old folks though. Thats just sick.

Can't the loli lovers and healthy lovers all just get along? Its all 2D, after all.

>> No.3103875

I never liked the sidebar or nanoha.

Fate and Vita are better and Fate always had big tits and ass.

>> No.3103876

The beauty of Fate's ass is unbound by a shackle such as age.

>> No.3103877

It got to the point all I needed to do was type a or v in the address bar, down, and enter.

>> No.3103881
File: 131 KB, 364x1000, moe 64947 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Fate too, though without the tits.

PS: I like the fact that they gave Fate a cameltoe in this image. I guess the creators of Nanoha know what we like.

>> No.3103885
File: 200 KB, 1000x705, 55d7a67a7be557dfe403f52cb5aeede7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked the side bars, 4chan is just pure faggotry right now, so many forced meme and /b/ expertise in every board

>> No.3103886

I don't care what age my Fate is. I love her unconditionally.

>> No.3103887

>Can't the loli lovers and healthy lovers all just get along? Its all 2D, after all.
I'm looking at you, !Nipaa0mi0.

>> No.3103889
File: 180 KB, 1000x699, moe 64866 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's an argument here. People are just stating their preferences.

>> No.3103897

My preference is... female. Loli and adult Nanoha/Fate are equally lovable in my eyes.

>> No.3103893
File: 322 KB, 732x999, moe 82173 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I merely stated I prefer their loli versions. I didn't try to start an argument.

>> No.3103900

Well, it was fine 2006. Newfags as most oldfags see them came around 2007. But before then, you could post in /b/, go away for 9 hours, and come back to respond to it. Also, less trolling and more banning. Other then that, it's the same.

OH, and over nine thousand DESU.

>> No.3103901

If you really loved Fate and Nanoha, you wouldn't cast them aside like old garbage as soon as they got curves.

>> No.3103910
File: 205 KB, 707x999, moe 76545 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I didn't really love them; I merely found them to be arousing. Besides, my heart belongs to another.

>> No.3103915
File: 253 KB, 680x1000, moe 58802 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3103922

So you're just a horny dog who would use them for their bodies and then discard them like a used condom when they reached maturity.
You're despicable. Get out of my sight.

>> No.3103927
File: 226 KB, 699x1000, moe 64858 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that is correct.

>> No.3103934



>> No.3103936
File: 760 KB, 922x1286, 2509167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're just a horny dog who would use them for their bodies and then discard them like a used condom when they reached maturity.

Precisely, that's all these two-dimensional (in more ways than one) characters are good for

Like >>3103910
my heart belongs to another, Although I know she'd kill me for fapping to loli. Thankfully, she's too preoccupied with her work to worry about such a thing

>> No.3103938
File: 282 KB, 699x1000, moe 64840 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I want to see more loli Nanoha and Fate too.

>> No.3103951

>>3103873 Can't the loli lovers and healthy lovers all just get along?
Can Israel and Palestine?

>> No.3103969
File: 334 KB, 1130x1600, DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studio Huan's Nanoha doujins are always something I look forward to each Comiket. Especially the loli stuff. Not so much the healthy StrikeS stuff.

>> No.3103978

Yes. Their art is somewhat strange but very arousing nonetheless.
