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3103520 No.3103520 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel when you're playing a Visual Novel, and you realize that you may never have a meaningful relation like that? It makes me feel awful. It makes me feel like taking up something more manly so I don't feel so weak.

>> No.3103530

Don't care even a little, I don't let little things like that affect me.

>> No.3103524

I saw that twilight poster you enormous faggot.

>> No.3103536

It's not I've actually seen Twilight. I just have that picture for trolling purposes.

>> No.3103534

Feels good man. Because I don't want a meaningful relationship.

>> No.3103541

Of course you do.

>> No.3103543

It makes me want to go to /r9k/'s hookup threads and try to find a female organism near me.

>> No.3103544

The fact I'm never going to have that awesome Hong Kong trip depressed me slightly, but then I remembered I'd probably have died if I did, so I'm all good now.

>> No.3103547
File: 41 KB, 440x248, indexsmilearmup3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relationship centered VNs are getting boring for me, I need something with lots of action and mindfuck.

>> No.3103550

Ugh, I'm not even gonna bother trying to explain, because no matter what you'll still think you're right.

>> No.3103564

Yeah, it makes me kind of sad. Then again I am happy that Im never going to have to go through divorce or any that shit that happens all the time in rea life..
Fuck, why cant real love exist just like in my games, books and anime ;_;

>> No.3103568

I should go to sleep..

>> No.3103569

Well, I succeed to forget it most of the time while playing. Sometimes I get depressed afterwards. I wonder why I like those high school romances that much. I must have missed something back then. All those rejections and people making fun of me because of that...

Is it just me or are most VNs taking place in school life oder school age?

>> No.3103594

Meaningful relationships as you likely think of them do not exist in the real world. Every couple you see is together out of convenience. Sure, they may have thought there was something "deep" when they started out, but that dies within months, and they stick together because it's the path of least resistance.

>> No.3103597

I want to be a mnemonocide.

>> No.3103604
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>> No.3103614
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I wonder if he ever raped anyone.

>> No.3103619

This is pretty much the truth, at least it has been for me so far. I've had a couple girlfriends and the relationships all eventually felt very "empty", it's hard to describe, I've never had the feeling that I actually loved them or that they loved me back.

>> No.3103631

>meaningful relation like that?
Picture unrelated.

>> No.3103635


Deep...doesn't exist. There is no such thing as...deep.

>> No.3103645

It's okay. I'm happy living in a world where such things exist, even if I'll never personally experience them.

>> No.3103656

Does drool really drip out like that while kissing?

That's sort of nasty.

>> No.3103667


If one of their mouths is full of spit then yeah it can happen.

>> No.3103673

If the kiss is... you know... deep.

>> No.3103675 [SPOILER] 
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Feels good bro. I've already come to terms that I'll die alone. I live by my principles and will hopefully die by my principles. I wont let some kind of manipulative woman dominate me with keen psychological mind games that eventually end up in my self degradation.

>> No.3103678

If she ate chocolate before kissing, it would probably taste delicious (depending on the chocolate), but the brown spit dripping would be off-putting.

>> No.3103682

love is a feeling
relationships are a system of give and take (also compromise)
the two don't really have anything to do with each other

whooooaaa dude, that's like totally deep

>> No.3103698


Hahaha, oh man. You are on tonight

>> No.3103713

I felt horrible after finishing my first 5-6 VNs. Now I don't really care anymore.

>> No.3103732

I only feel horrible now that I'm a NEET.
Used to be that I feel happy for the characters. Now I want the main character to die in a fire and the heroines to get gangraped.

feels bad man

>> No.3103736

Guys, women like that don't really exist. You're not missing out on anything, because there's nothing to miss out on.

Romantic relationships will always be coloured by bestial sexual desires and can never, ever be meaningful because of this.

Platonic relationships are the only meaningful relationships because they are not based on lust but rather a recognition of merit. You like somebody, therefore you befriend them. This is very different from "you desire somebody, therefore you enter relations with them".

>> No.3103742


yeah making out often involves drool (although straight out slobbering is frowned upon unless someone has a drool fetish) and sweat and, if someone's into biting, sometimes blood!

>> No.3103743

>Romantic relationships will always be coloured by bestial sexual desires and can never, ever be meaningful because of this.
Hear that, Touhoufags?

>> No.3103749

Nonsense, its hot.

>> No.3103754


The only realistic Touhou doujin was the one in which Remi fucked up and turned Reimu into a brainless, shattered vampiric husk of her former self.

>> No.3103755

>women like that don't really exist

Yes, we know. Doesn't make it feel any less bad man.

>> No.3103759

>heroines to get gangraped.
theres games for that too bro

>> No.3103763


Luckily there is several thousand ways to make things seem interesting again. Even if it's only for a little while that's a challenge in meaningful relationships that offer great rewards (if you know what to do that is).

>> No.3103766

I don't see a problem here. I enjoy sex, and it doesn't make my relationships less meaningful to me.

>> No.3103794

Too bad that's all just in theory, right hikki?

>> No.3103805

>Romantic relationships will always be coloured by bestial sexual desires and can never, ever be meaningful because of this.
Balderdash. Stop pretending that humans aren't animals. Intellectual meaning isn't the only kind of meaning/significance/value.

>> No.3103817

Yes it is. It really, truly is.

>> No.3103831


I wouldn't know what that is. Every time I've been in a relationship past about 6 months, we just suddenly stop talking to each other for no real reason. It's even weirder when you run into each other years after you stop talking, and neither of you can even say hi. Both of you just smile weakly, open your mouths, only to shut them with a look of confusion, and wander off your separate ways again.

>> No.3103844

"Meaning" is a horribly ambiguous word. So I avoid it where possible. Tell me exactly what you mean.
-Value: possible to all sentient animals, maybe to plants as well. Water is "valuable" to a cactus.
-Significance: intellectual recognition of value.
-Significance: signifying something, being a sign. Presupposes intellect. Not relevant here.
-Something else?

>> No.3103848

Yes, just a theory ^_^

>> No.3103849

Please stop implying having experienced multiple relationships with real women. I'm not telling you GET OUT UNVIRGIN LOSER or anything like that, but you might cause a retarded shitstorm if some of our worse posters are lurking.

>> No.3103858

I'm actually not fond of gangrape, in fact I actually feel bad when stuff like that really happen ingame. Case in point I raged hard while playing KissX100. In that game the heroine you didn't pick whores herself out to her classmates to get back at you.

I guess I'm just bitter with the main character getting the girls and living a happy life. ;_;

>> No.3103865

As in, you are recognising and rewarding merit in the other person with your company and companionship.

For example, your friends may be creative, interesting, well-read. For a sexual relationship, the other person need only have a tolerable personality and a nice ass.

Not a good way to gauge somebodies value.

>> No.3103899

Fuck yeah, i just started re-reading that

also, hi Ian.

>> No.3103930

1. So you've just equated 'meaningful relationship' and 'platonic love', by definition. Great. I won't pursue that line of argument any more.
2. Someone could be both your friend and lover.

>> No.3103941

>In that game the heroine you didn't pick whores herself out to her classmates to get back at you.
It's nice to see a game actually acknowledge that the other heroines still exist after you've entered a route.

>> No.3103954

>2. Someone could be both your friend and lover.

You'll find that sex soon puts paid to any of the comfort and relaxed attachment necessary for friendship.

it's one or the other.

>> No.3103974

If you know this from experience, then I won't argue.

Instead, I will take a different approach, returning to an earlier unexplored fork in this exchange:
>For a sexual relationship, the other person need only have a tolerable personality and a nice ass.
For a short fling, fair enough. But, obviously, more is required for a lasting relationship. In theory.

>> No.3104000

>But, obviously, more is required for a lasting relationship. In theory.

Of course, but unfortunately a person's sexual side isn't reasonable. Initial attraction is purely superficial and selfish in nature. Once you start to make a relationship with someone you're attracted to work, you're just in damage control mode. You're trying to fix something was flawed from it's inception.

>> No.3104006

Not sure if I want that kind of acknowledgement. Better for other heroines to get forgotten than them whoring themselves out.

>> No.3104052

In my book there ain't nothing wrong with selfishness, superficiality, or the non-rational parts of human nature. I think we've exhausted this dialogue. There is no hope for meaningful (that fucking word again) agreement here. And fortunately, no need!

>> No.3104070

Fair enough, bro.
