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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3103455 No.3103455 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't there a /vn/ forum?

>> No.3103462

Take away /jp/'s vn's and nothing's left.

>> No.3103460

Why don't you make one? Make it a textboard.

>> No.3103463

If there was I'd probably be there.

I really don't care about japan. I'm just here for the VNs.

>> No.3103466

Touhou, Japanese bird, Dawson, and floor pissing.

>> No.3103468


>> No.3103470

Pretty much this, /jp/ is a fine place for VN's, though, there's no need for an extra board.

>> No.3103473

/jp/ isn't about Japan, it's about visual novels and birds making culinary delights.

>> No.3103474

Okay, nothing of value is left.

>> No.3103475


No one else here cares about japan either. You must be new here.

>> No.3103481

Yes, pretty much.

But that's my point, I mean, if you take VNs away you only get like, what? 2 threads left?

That without counting the threads mentioned by >>3103466

>> No.3103486

To be honest I'm only here for VNs, I don't give a fuck about touhou.

>> No.3103490


I stopped caring about Touhou a few months ago.

>> No.3103500

Not nice

>> No.3103503

You're not the only one, I still play touhou once in a while, but I really don't care about it enough to discuss it.

>> No.3103515

I enjoy the games, but don't care for any of the fan stuff.

>> No.3103535

Pretty much this

>> No.3103652

Seriously guys.
The "we hate japan" IS A MEME
Only newfags take that seriously.

>> No.3103670

I never tried / intend to try Touho either, so I just hide those when I see them, same goes with idols, spam, piss/shit on the floor, and the other NEET threads. I'm not really interested in umineko/FSN either, since they are already over-discussed and I dislike to see the same arguments repeated over over again how theory #124261256 is not feasible, or how much of a slut Rin/Sakura/Saber is.

>> No.3103718

We need more VN discussions.

>> No.3103723

/jp/ has too many Touhoes.

>> No.3103725

I would make more threads but the majority is only interested in Umineko or Type-Moon, no point in making some threads that won't have any replies.

>> No.3103727

I'll make a VN for the sake of discussion on /jp/.

>> No.3103728

I'll reply. If I've played it.

>> No.3103740

All of you faggots need to learn Japanese so we can discuss untranslated VNs instead of Shiki can kill servants no 3566234.

Me included ;_;

>> No.3103746

I made a thread about one of Nasu's short stories and even though lots of people hadn't read it yet, it couldn't whip up a decent discussion. I guess people only play TM-stuff for the powerlevels.

>> No.3103813

But the problem is that the majority would only play other VNs if those games are hyped.

>> No.3103818

You just have to hype the games yourself.

>> No.3103840

I'd play it after reading some sort of recommendation for it.
It's not like I have anything better to do.
We had a fun thread yesterday about lesser known VNs which made me download Red Shift.
Might've been a bit short, and maybe a bit generic. But I still liked it.

>> No.3103843


Make a VN about a VN discussion about your VN on /jp/

>> No.3103855

>hype the games yourself.
These are all me:
>>3096841 >>3096948 >>3097047 >>3097196 >>3097704 >>3102351 + the images.
I'm hyping them the best I can, yet I don't think it is possible to convince a large percentage of the umineko/fsn fags, unless a game gets spammed or unreasonably hpyed or something.
And please don't tell me that's only the case with the older games, because we barely had any threads about the newer games. I really doubt that the majority here played those to be honest.

>> No.3103863

I'll make a VN about some dude who is promoting his VN on /jp/.
With lots of "GET OUT KS DEVS" bad ends.

In all honesty though, I've thought about making a VN before. But hey, it's not like I'll ever start, and even if I start. I surely won't finish it.

>> No.3103866

>>And please don't tell me that's only the case with the older games, because we barely had any threads about the newer games. I really doubt that the majority here played those to be honest.

True, Kira Kira was released recently and it was really fucking great, probably the best of its genre available in english.
Yet you basically see no thread about it anymore.
Compared to something like YMK that is really inferior but will get 100+ replies no matter what.
That's because YMK got a lot of hype, not only in /jp/ but in /a/ and /v/, Kira Kira didn't so only few people played it yet.
And I doubt it's going to change.

>> No.3103884
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>True, Kira Kira was released recently and it was really fucking great, probably the best of its genre available in english.
I still have to play that one, but it's definitely on my 'to do'-list.
You also hear nothing about Kanon, even though the translation patch came out 2 weeks ago.

>> No.3103890

What about MOON.? It's ending leaves a whole fuckload of questions yet no ones speculating.

>> No.3103947

/jp/ only likes to discuss shitty VNs

>> No.3103957

That was just the final patch. I remember playing kanon many months ago.

>> No.3103959

because then /jp/ would become /touhou/ and moot would have to nuke it.

>> No.3103966

But good Sir, I'd love to discuss shitty VNs too! Do you think I should start hyping "Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2054", "Prison Battleship" or "Jewel Knights Crusaders" and other such shitty titles, so people would play those? I somehow doubt it. I reckon, it's not about quality or opinion at all, it's more like about the hype around a game.

>> No.3103970

I assumed there were lots of people who were waiting till the final patch was finished.
