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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 290 KB, 404x554, 桜私服04c(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3099960 No.3099960 [Reply] [Original]

Sakura is a fat bitch. Discuss.

>> No.3099967

Also a slut.

>> No.3099969

You mean healthy, and yes.

>> No.3099975

Sakura is hot.

>> No.3099982

At least she's better than Rin.

>> No.3099983

I always considered her "cute" rather than "hot".

>> No.3099985

Everyone agrees, discussion over.

>> No.3099986
File: 64 KB, 443x800, sagubooru-17312411ea4cd243ec5cae57fe31cdf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3099994

Goddamn, look at that fat whore.

>> No.3099996

dem tittays are rude.

>> No.3100006
File: 280 KB, 382x560, 1225018464371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot Sakura >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> normal Sakura

>> No.3100025

They be delicious child bearing hips.

>> No.3100026

There she just looks angry. Still not hot.

>> No.3100030

I agree, Sakura on fire would be a vast improvement over regular Sakura.

>> No.3100037

I kinda find it hot though... Maybe it's just me.

>> No.3100053

Sakura is both hot and cute.

>> No.3100060

Too bad she's a slut with no personality. Only good for the sex.

>> No.3100067
File: 453 KB, 808x581, gonnagetraped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is hot.

>> No.3100068

She has more personality than say, Rin or Saber though.

>> No.3100084
File: 1013 KB, 1956x2804, 1184625868814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always find embarrassed Sakura to be hot

>> No.3100092

>good for the sex.
That's the only thing I need for fapping anyway.

>> No.3100097

Yes, lewd and embarrassed Sakura. Recipe for boner of massive proportions.

>> No.3100123
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>> No.3100126
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The spawn of Kotomine is the hottest.

>> No.3100165
File: 1.00 MB, 3208x4060, 1232679759569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very much so.

>> No.3100198

She may look hotter, but I'd still raep Kohaku the hardest.

>> No.3100207

You can't rape dolls.

>> No.3100216

Unraepability only makes me harder....

>> No.3100242

Ciel, on the other hand, is still fully aware of herself, so (assuming you could get her restrained) the rape would be much more enjoyable.

>> No.3100268

Her fighting ability is close to that of a Servant. Good luck with that.

>> No.3100288

I wouldn't rape Caren anyway. That's like raping part of Kotomine, which is just wrong.

>> No.3100292

Bitch deserves it.

>> No.3100298

Just like most enjoyable things in life.

>> No.3100308

Well, she does like it rough.

>> No.3100330

Your definition of fat is quite strange OP.

>> No.3100336
File: 1.35 MB, 816x1392, 193120aaeca8d0a33144fa5814bb8567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confess your sins.

>> No.3100339

No, anonymous. You are the slut.

>> No.3100359

I keep getting dirty thoughts about about all the girls in this thread.

>> No.3100393

That's just natural.

>> No.3100414

If Anonymous was the slut, he wouldn't be here.

>> No.3100417 [DELETED] 

no anonymous you are the fat bitch

>> No.3100450

/r/ing the set.
I have one pic that has all, but the individual pics are small.

>> No.3100465

I think Arc would be willing to help, don't you? They hate each other. All you have to do is convince Shiki to spend a day or two with Arihiko, get Arc and Ciel within fifty feet of each other, and wait around to pick up the pieces.

>> No.3100480

...It terrifies me how much you've thought about this.

>> No.3100497
File: 325 KB, 636x579, the black widow sees her prey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin is a maneater. Discuss.

>> No.3100545

Rin eats more than just men, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3100552
File: 315 KB, 512x582, Rin Angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No i don't, please elaborate.

>> No.3100570

You're a whore cumdumpster dear.

>> No.3100574

It's all right, though; to /jp/, everybody is. Even Ilya.

>> No.3100582
File: 423 KB, 508x581, luvia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can think of someone who isn't.

>> No.3100583
File: 523 KB, 1096x746, イリヤFD特殊03a(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies! Ilya is the only pure girl in F/SN.

>> No.3100589

You're a whore cumdumpster dear.

>> No.3100594

Basically, she devours sexual fluids.

>> No.3100596
File: 197 KB, 381x445, イリヤ11b(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ilya is a good girl.

>> No.3100597

God, I fucking hate Luviafags.

>> No.3100603

Luviafags are all tsundere for Rin.

>> No.3100605
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1239414235098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3100614

Come back when you actually play FSN.

>> No.3100615

You're a whore cumdumpster, dear.

>> No.3100616
File: 46 KB, 400x500, IMG_013219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found a way to improve Luvia.

>> No.3100617

She's a female human-shaped being; therefore, by /jp/ law, she is a whore cumdumpster.

>> No.3100622

Hair dye?

I disagree. The blonde offset her blue outfit better.

>> No.3100624

They're good girls if they don't have sex. Get it straight.

>> No.3100628
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, 1246602791870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luvia can be improved upon?

I was under the impression that Luvia was the upper bound of perfection in a 2D woman: no woman can possibly be more perfect than her.

>> No.3100632

Looks like she had breast reduction surgery too.

>> No.3100639

If only she had an actual role.

>> No.3100641

No, all women are by the very definition of their existence sluts.

>> No.3100669
File: 16 KB, 600x400, IMG_022260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually a certain other character dressed as her.

>> No.3100690

Luvia's got some big tits.

>> No.3100699
File: 79 KB, 1000x707, j5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just from the VN she appears in I can think of a bunch.

>> No.3100712

Hmm... I'm drawing a blank.

>> No.3100738

No, there are good girls.

But none of these sluts are good girls.

>> No.3100740
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1236297086895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a hint: Her name starts with an 'I' and ends with an 'a'.

>> No.3100743


>> No.3100748
File: 242 KB, 600x600, 54342a5813b27b24e31944f6bbb3c278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played, sir.

>> No.3100756
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>> No.3100757
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>> No.3100760
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 1249757240644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rinfags wish their girl was as curvy as her superior rival.

>> No.3100761

Illyasviel doesn't end in 'a'.

>> No.3100767

Illya's name doesn't ends with an "a".

>> No.3100768

Only strangers call her that.

>> No.3100775

Oh God Luvia is hot!

And pure, too!

>> No.3100777

Just what board do you think this is, anon?
The flatter the better.

>> No.3100783

/jp/ swings both ways.

>> No.3100788

I love DFC.

However, that doesn't mean that I can't love a pair of stonking great tits.

>> No.3100789
File: 71 KB, 735x549, breasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your waifu breasts are your favorite breasts.

>> No.3100793
File: 135 KB, 809x1150, Arcueid Ciel underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3100796

Seriously. I'll bet Luvia is even bigger than Sakura, and is therefore an even bigger slut.

>> No.3100800

Since when is she pure? She lusts after "Shero".

>> No.3100807

Admittedly, I was somewhat trolling with that post, hence the sage.

However, there is such a thing as too big. Personally, anything over a B cup is too much for my tastes.

>> No.3100812

Does that mean Rin is a good size for you?

>> No.3100813

Sakura's breasts aren't even -that- big, it's just that she's a pretty small girl.
There are at least 8 women with bigger breasts in the TM-universe.

>> No.3100817

Arc, Ciel, Rider, Bazette, maybe Aoko? Hmm...

>> No.3100818

My breast-preference lies between Akiha's and Rin's.

>> No.3100822

Name them.

>> No.3100825

Ciel's bust size = Sakura's bust size, actually
Ciel,Sakura: B85
Sion: B86
Ichiko Inui: B86
Bazett: B87
Arc,Rider: B88
Misawa Hanei: B90
Leysrit: B92

>> No.3100826

Bust size is not breast size.

>> No.3100827

The meido I can't remember the name of.

>> No.3100830

And we'll probably never see them. ;_;

>> No.3100833

Ah, right. I knew Arc was up there and that Ciel was only 3 below (makes up for it by being 3 above in hips), so I assumed both of them were above Sakura.

85 is still pretty big though, considering all their heights.

>> No.3100834

Sakura is a D cup.
She says so herself

>> No.3100836

Bigger bust doesn't mean bigger breasts.

>> No.3100837

I guess that Luvia fans would be better off switching to Leysritt.


>> No.3100841

Actually, it is.
I think you're confused with cup sizes.

>> No.3100846

Japanese D. That's about a C in the west.

>> No.3100848

That makes it much more appealing, actually.

>> No.3100857

Quick google:


The first two columns are the measurements for "underbust" and "top bust" in centimeters. Column 3 to 6 list the according sizes in Japan, France, America and Europe.

>> No.3100876

The B stands for "bust".

>> No.3100882

That's confusing.
Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.3100888

Yeah, there's no way in hell people like Rider and Bazette are b-cups.

>> No.3100890

That's why I thought it was so strange.
Rider was fucking stacked.
Those crazy japs.

>> No.3100892

So Luvia has no official measurements? How sad.

>> No.3100895 [DELETED] 

She does, she's just smaller than Sakura so we didn't bother listing her.

>> No.3100897

Don't worry Anon, I also learned that the first time someone posted the entire list.

>> No.3100911

I guess she's too minor a character to be given any.

>> No.3100913
File: 167 KB, 274x530, luvia530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3100918

Sion is more stacked than Sakura? What the fuck...

>> No.3100921

But Ilya's maids aren't.


>> No.3100925

The uniform hides it really well.

>> No.3100930

The maids had more than one line in the original F/SN. They are more important characters than Luvia.

>> No.3100932

Leysritt is notable for having the biggest breasts in the Nasuverse.

>> No.3100936

Not necessarily; bust size is just bust size. Breast size is bust size - underbust size.

>> No.3100937

Taiga had plenty of lines and she wasn't given anything other than height, I believe.

>> No.3100941

Since Hanepin is still a young lady, she will grow larger

>> No.3100942

So...pardon my ignorance on the subject. But why is there a difference between Hisui's bust (76) and Kohaku's bust (78), they're identical twins right?
They also have the exact same height and weight.

>> No.3100943
File: 92 KB, 500x700, d76da5c3656dbd63a10af254d7fb7d1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is because Taiga is probably the single most pure female in the Nasuverse.

>> No.3100945

Comic relief characters are only useful for the comic relief, and sometimes not even for that.

>> No.3100950

She masturbated to Kiritsugu when she was in high school.

>> No.3100952

Because twins are only the same from birth and breast size can be influenced by living habits.

>> No.3100954


>> No.3100956

Most noticeably, Kohaku was used as a penis sock so that might influence her.

>> No.3100958
File: 430 KB, 1270x1600, ayako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Ayako has measurements.

>> No.3100962
File: 170 KB, 420x656, 31c2dbc828dde9d26f437f638a250605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-You're lying!

>> No.3100966

Kohaku is secretly pregnant and will use the child in her ultimate plan to ruin the Tohno family.

>> No.3100968

Am I still missing some females with known sizes, or is this all?

From small to large:

Miyako Arima: B60
Ren: B63
Nanako: B67
Tsukihime Souka: B70
Akiha: B71(turned B73 over a year)
Kaede: B72
Saber: B73
Seo Akira: B73
Caren: B75
Yukika: B75
Hisui: 76
Rin: B77
Kohaku: B78
Sacchin: B79
Tokie Jinan: B82
Ayako Mitsuduri: 83
Kane: B84
Ciel,Sakura: B85
Sion: B86
Ichiko Inui: B86
Bazett: B87
Arc,Rider: B88
Misawa Hanei: B90
Leysrit: B92

>> No.3100971
File: 52 KB, 500x500, fcccb4512c8d730a627cb54045d8019f24d3e6f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know all of it.

>> No.3100972

It's true. She was jealous of his wife and wished to feel his massive cock thrust into her.

>> No.3100977
File: 42 KB, 200x260, 17660a098f8ed280d46c8b62220f3b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-It's not true! IT'S NOT TRUE!

>> No.3100988
File: 73 KB, 950x713, 2658f91dcde21eaf8f9e1586d8e225df2e8982a9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or would you rather have us expose what's been going on with that Shirou ?
Surely Taiga wouldn't need "mana transfers" right ?

>> No.3100991

>Sion: B86
I still call it bullshit.

>> No.3100997
File: 181 KB, 480x550, f50b8632818e7a0078f1b775ecf01b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a horrible person. ;_;

>> No.3100998

She just uses Shirou to make up for the fact she will never have the man she really wanted.

>> No.3101000
File: 67 KB, 550x693, faf1d8ed3ebefba605869b2f1c3f04b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.3101003

It's okay. She's barrel chested, her breasts are only 3 centimeters.

>> No.3101007

Again, bigger bust doesn't necessarily mean bigger tits.

>> No.3101009

Why does Sion have an ass on her bust ?

>> No.3101017

I think it was mentioned in Gecha or Gecha 2.

>> No.3101018
File: 59 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Rin might have grown a just a bit.

>> No.3101020

What are those things on Taiga's chest?

>> No.3101025

Those are tumors. She needs surgery.

>> No.3101029
File: 196 KB, 850x637, sample_d786a9979777f5698f5c35b9a843bd9894cfc960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She enjoyed it.
She was bound to grow fat from eating so much.

>> No.3101039

Ashame we don't know Taiga and Caster's size

>> No.3101040
File: 1.51 MB, 1281x902, 1243703321623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sion's clothing hides her breast surprisingly well, and they are perky, not that huge.

>> No.3101047


Someone like Hanepin is second, despite appearing as flat as a board, and you are complaining about Sion?

Pay more attention to where the real bullshit is.

>> No.3101049

Caster has sizes. I'm not sure what they are, but I've seen them before.

>> No.3101050

And proto-Shion was a little girl.

>> No.3101053

Oh god, brb fapping.

>> No.3101054

Added Caster to the list.

>> No.3101056
File: 349 KB, 804x604, 443e521a90d76373932ef99dcdf72770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is some sort of subtle clue.

>> No.3101075

Hair down Sion is attractive.

>> No.3101083

Oh god, I wanna fuck her right there.

>> No.3101092

Yukika: B75
>Kane: B84
Who are these people?

>> No.3101097

Too bad she's shit.

>> No.3101113

She looks so broken.

>> No.3101118

But she's hot.

>> No.3101124

Good, Sion, you look kind of Bathory.

>> No.3101138

All the more reason to embrace her.

>> No.3101152

I would.
I gladly would.

>> No.3101170

Imagine how slick her skin must feel like that.

Mmm. She is delicious.

>> No.3101172

Why would Sion be broken? Compared to some others I could name, it's not like she's had a hard life.

>> No.3101184


>not a hard life

...you trolling?

>> No.3101193

Compare her to Kohaku and Ciel.

Yes, she's had a hard life, but if Ciel isn't broken- then again, Kohaku caved after way less than Ciel went through, so it's a person-by-person thing. Still, you can keep your weak-minded broken-moe. I'll stick with my strong-willed curry-lover.

>> No.3101196

Read the melty blood manga (yeah, I know, it's not very good). It gives her a backstory with a bit of "nobody likes me because I'm the best" angst, and a failed expedition that gets her friends killed.

>> No.3101202

Compare it to Kohaku's "I got raped repeatedly as a child" and Ciel's "My body went out of control and killed everybody I knew and loved, then I got killed by a super-vampire, then came back to life and was killed some six-hundred and forty-two times in every horrible way the church could thing up", and it's really kinda pathetic.

>> No.3101224

*614-some-odd. 614 confirmed, but we don't know how many after that.

>> No.3101240

>167 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Didn't know you guys were so into chubbies.

>> No.3101243

Enjoy your shit.

>> No.3101257

We're talking about stupid sexy Sion now.

>> No.3101267

>Miyako Arima: B60
Ilya: B61
Ren: B63

It's pretty unbelievable for a girl to have smaller breasts than Ilya and Ren.

>> No.3101290

She's only in elementary school. I doubt she even has breasts, unlike Ren's breast buds.

>> No.3101344
File: 235 KB, 600x800, sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zettai ryouiki is for sluts.

>> No.3101348

Enjoy your old, overused meme.

>> No.3101404

I can't fap to Sion because she makes me think of /jp/ Sion.

>> No.3101415

Sucks to be you, bro.

>> No.3101418

You're not missing out on much, she's shit anyway.

>> No.3101427

That only makes it better

>> No.3101431

Meltan faaaaaaags~

>> No.3101432

Oh Tatarin~

>> No.3101439

Name a TM girl who isn't.

Impossible, I know.

>> No.3101447

Sugoi opinion, aniki.

>> No.3101448

Pretty much all of them, but except Sion.

>> No.3101451

If you mean that you will call shit any female I post for different reasoning that only applies to you, then yeah.

>> No.3101457

>but except
herp derp

>> No.3101460


>> No.3101473

Sion > Sakura

>> No.3101482


>> No.3101490


>> No.3101493

Back to /a/, please.

>> No.3101496

Hello, I just felt like saying that.

>> No.3101499

Nah, that's pretty accurate, bro.

>> No.3101511

I don't think so

>> No.3101516

If you live in a world where 0 > 1 then perhaps.

>> No.3101522

At least Sion isn't a worm-ridden whore.

>> No.3101537

I'm sure some mathematician somewhere can write a proof for that.

>> No.3101543

All Type-Moon women are beautiful in their own ways.

I love every one of them.

>> No.3101547
File: 9 KB, 252x252, idort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3101551

Yes, but he will not be taken seriously by anyone, unless he starts a new math sect, attributed to flying pasta monster.

>> No.3101591

The only people who would take him serious are Sionfags.

>> No.3101730
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 69f8769e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...well played.

Also, Sion is love.

>> No.3101751

I agree. I want to love her tenderly.

>> No.3101766
File: 60 KB, 350x491, sion3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes indeed.

>> No.3101782

I want her to shoot me when I climax. Is this normal?

>> No.3101802
File: 88 KB, 753x800, sakurafish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder Sakura is so fat, she eats way too much.

>> No.3101806




see /jp/? Big tits

>> No.3101841

Yes, her tits are fairly big, as you could see at >>3101040

Sion is hot, this cannot be denied.

>> No.3101979


Just proves that Roa > Wallachia in terms of sheer evil.

Not to imply that Roa > Wallacha doesn't apply to just about everything.

>> No.3102011

Roa fucks over a few people's lives by violently killing/draining them with whatever host he is possessing before he gets slaughtered by Arc.

Wallachia creates an eternal night for the residents of entire towns and cities, in which their worst nightmares are embodied and cruelly annihilate them.

Roa's might be more corrupt and depraved in their execution, but Wallachia's evil is carefully prepared and carried out like a true intellectual.

An insane thespian is better than a crazy Michael Jackson.

>> No.3102319
File: 136 KB, 706x1000, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roa pretty much obliterated at least 18 towns, probably more, in the most brutal ways imaginable, corrupted the purest being on the entire planet, drove the perfect species extinct, owned the other DAAs to the point where they had to ignore him, manipulated all of the above parties, and generally had a shitty attitude while doing it all, all while living out the rest of his life exactly the way he wanted. Plus he's yandere.

Wallachia is trying to save the world through destroying it. Like an intellectual, apparently.

>> No.3102366
File: 1.16 MB, 775x1031, 4573785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wallachia wasn't even able to be slain by the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, being a truly endless phenomena.
It was (somehow) going to end an obscure universal constant of assured destruction.
It was made what it was by one of the strongest entities in the universe, and could only be unmade by the same.

>> No.3102374


Oh, and it obliterated (insert unknown number of towns here) towns too.

>> No.3102382


Also, Magic exists.


>> No.3102384
File: 150 KB, 600x750, ort-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ort is the cutest.

>> No.3102401


Let also go ahead and throw in 'Shiki can kill servants"

>> No.3102404
File: 125 KB, 794x1163, Character Material_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's actually unknown as to how all the Aristoteles line up, except that Type-Mercury is stronger in raw power than Type-Moon.

Therefore your phrase of "ORT > EVERYONE" cannot be said for certain, as other Types might be considerably stronger.

>> No.3102414


Way to derail the thread.

>> No.3102457

>>Wallachia wasn't even able to be slain by the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, being a truly endless phenomena.

He wasn't able to be slain by the MEoDP... up until the point where he was after he got exposed to the Crimson Moon.

>>It was (somehow) going to end an obscure universal constant of assured destruction.

Which it turned out to be incapable of actually doing, pretty much, thus the need to shut it down.

>>It was made what it was by one of the strongest entities in the universe, and could only be unmade by the same.

An entity that Roa owned. HARD. In both forms.


More like villages up until Misaki.


Ado Edem is pretty much equivalent to ORT due to Slash Emperor hax. As for Magic existing: one side of your face is already smashed, you baka.

>> No.3102472

Not much of a derailment, honestly. The discussion has long since passed about Sakura's overweight fattiness.

>> No.3102491


>Ado Edem


>> No.3102501

>implying anything can even begin to measure to ORT

>> No.3102521
File: 75 KB, 406x406, rape face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See >>3102404

Angel Notes, Nasu's first little doujin work. Apparently the future of the Nasuverse. Everything went to shit and the Types are fucking up everything. ORT is still being a lazyass Cthulhu-ripoff, though.


Pic related.

>> No.3102524


>An entity that Roa owned. HARD. In both forms.

Roa never met Crimson Moon, only Altrouge and Arcueid.

Additionally, that was First Roa and absorbing Arcueid's power. In other words, a shitty power boost gained by mooching which he was never able to get near again.

>Ado Edem is pretty much equivalent to ORT due to Slash Emperor hax

Ado Edem never fought Type-Mercury, this statement is thereby unprovable.

>> No.3102533

His bone is his sword.

>> No.3102550

And to top it off, it's questionable if it's even canon.

>> No.3102588

>>Roa never met Crimson Moon, only Altrouge and Arcueid.

Guess that isn't really a problem since Wallachia didn't get his powers directly from the Crimson Moon either, but Altrouge, who Roa really did beat the shit out of. Arcueid, too, who had to run over to the Burial Agency and have them gang up on him with her before they were able to finish him off. All this albeit with Arcueid-hax, but look down...

>>In other words, a shitty power boost gained by mooching which he was never able to get near again.

Lol? Wallachia's entire Reality Marble is the same shit, as you yourself have admitted, just lesser. And Roa had Overload, his whole "I get EX bullshit" RM before he mooched off Arcueid, so if you're going by how they were before they each got their personal hax, Roa is still higher up.

>>Ado Edem never fought Type-Mercury, this statement is thereby unprovable.

It's unprovable, I admit this, but then Slash Emperor is a sword that can cut through anything (including dimensional shit, hence the sky deal), grow to whatever size Ado Edem wants, and slash at whatever speed he wants it to. If Nasu delivers and somehow makes ORT even more hax than that, I'll be, like, "whoa, man." Still, you're right, it's an unprovable statement, but it's one that has some merit.

>> No.3102624


>Guess that isn't really a problem since Wallachia didn't get his powers directly from the Crimson Moon either, but Altrouge, who Roa really did beat the shit out of

You apparently missed the backstory.
Zepia went to Altrouge, yes, but to materialize Zepia's wish, she had to summon the Crimson Moon itself. Likewise, the Night of Wallachia would continue until the Crimson Moon returned, not Altrouge.

>Lol? Wallachia's entire Reality Marble is the same shit, as you yourself have admitted, just lesser. And Roa had Overload, his whole "I get EX bullshit" RM before he mooched off Arcueid, so if you're going by how they were before they each got their personal hax, Roa is still higher up.

Zepia didn't siphon Crimson Moon's power, he was merely altered into TATARI by it. Different circumstance.

>I know Slash Emperor's attributes already

And Nasu's been so vague as to what Crystal Valley is that I can simply say that that might not even work in a new reality.

>> No.3102636

I was under the impression that Nasu already stated ORT to be top of the foodchain in power

>> No.3102645


>> No.3102670


In terms of pure, raw, unfiltered power, ORT is on the top as of the world around the time of Tsukihime.

In the time of Angel Notes, the OTHER things show up.

>> No.3102673


>>Zepia went to Altrouge, yes, but to materialize Zepia's wish, she had to summon the Crimson Moon itself. Likewise, the Night of Wallachia would continue until the Crimson Moon returned, not Altrouge.

It's still decidedly not Crimson Moon who created it, however, but an offshoot of his power. Same kind of power Roa stole, and definitely the same power he defeated.

>>Zepia didn't siphon Crimson Moon's power, he was merely altered into TATARI by it. Different circumstance.

Hence the "lesser" comment.

>>And Nasu's been so vague as to what Crystal Valley is that I can simply say that that might not even work in a new reality.

ORT brings its planet's atmosphere with it wherever it goes. Just because the rules of the planet have changed doesn't mean that the rule ORT is imposing has changed. Thus, I'd say it's much more likely to continue working.

>> No.3102689

Still ORT > Everyone else still works

>> No.3102714


Not necessarily. Type-Saturn was considered the "leader" of the Aristotles (or at least an information relay conduit of some sort).


>It's still decidedly not Crimson Moon who created it, however, but an offshoot of his power. Same kind of power Roa stole, and definitely the same power he defeated.

It's only what modified "Zepia Eltnam Oberon" into "TATARI". The Night of Wallachia is still his Reality Marble, his internalized world and his own power.

>ORT brings its planet's atmosphere with it wherever it goes. Just because the rules of the planet have changed doesn't mean that the rule ORT is imposing has changed.

It's a "leaking of alien order", not just atmosphere and terrain. You can't say ANYTHING would remain the same.

>> No.3102778

OP is a fag.

>> No.3102786

>>It's only what modified "Zepia Eltnam Oberon" into "TATARI". The Night of Wallachia is still his Reality Marble, his internalized world and his own power.

My point is that, regardless of the exact specifications, he still got a "shitty power-up" from the same source Roa did. It was just shittier.

>>It's a "leaking of alien order", not just atmosphere and terrain. You can't say ANYTHING would remain the same.

That "leaking alien order" is like a Reality Marble in that it is imposing a rule upon the world around it. Again, just because the world has changed doesn't mean that ORT has to change. I'm just stating my interpretation of the matter. Besides I can only guarantee that it'll work the same as much as you can guarantee that it won't.

Devil's Proof lol
