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3098795 No.3098795 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been playing fate/stay night for a bit now and I don't get something about Saber.

Well not just something mostly all of it. The biggest personal problem she has is she feels she failed her country as a king and that led to it's ruin. But, um, England is among the best countries on earth now. How did she fail again?

>> No.3098800

She had to kill her people.

>> No.3098802

Its because shes a woman.

>> No.3098811

I thought she was okay with sacrificing a village to save the country. The long back story gave me the impression that as a leader she had no problems in sacrificing a couple people to save the country at large.

>> No.3098814

She was at that vulnerable time of the month.

>> No.3098822

You know, the society which occupies that territory is not the same one as the one which she led.

You idiot.

>> No.3098823

>England is among the best countries on earth

No, its not.

>> No.3098842

Spend a night in africa or china or north korea come back and tell me what you think of England o any first world developed country.
Captain obvious. We would be lost without you. Of course it's not the same society you know because societies change and shit?

>> No.3098843

I think she feels responsible that her country fell to ruin at all, so she blames herself. Never mind that England still exists in the present day, or that the British Empire was massive, or that she herself is regarded as one of the greatest mythical hero(ine)s of all time. She's a perfectionist, and if she fails at all, then fuck it, let's have a do-over.

She's kinda like Archer that way.

>> No.3098858

Don't fall in that fucking troll's trap.
This was slated to become a nationalistic argument from get go.

>> No.3098869

>England is among the best countries on earth now. How did she fail again?

That's irrelevant, she still failed to protect the people she promised to protect, and even had to kill many of them. Sacrificing one or two villages for the sake of the majority was fine with her, but when sacrifices amount to half of the whole place, and when the kingdom ends up almost completely destroyed, then she couldn't bear it any more.

>> No.3098882

No it wasn't you illiterate fuck.

>> No.3098890

If this was /k/, I would post the "Bin your Knife, Save a Life" poster.

Which is a piece of shit.

>> No.3098897

Saber thinks she failed her people and wants a do over.
Archer sees the results of his work, sees that human nature doesn't change and is cursed to everlasting cleansing for 'nothing' and wants it to end.
Parallel, but not the same.

>> No.3098909

Yes it was.
>England is among the best countries on earth now
Is pretty much trollbait anywhere on earth.
People will start arguing about this anytime they can.
Also, suck my dick you fucking cunt.

>> No.3099113

Anything that offends your shitty sensibilities is a trollbait. Cry more moron.

>> No.3099135

Claiming a country is one of the best/worst is basically placing a country on a tier list of sorts, and tier lists are always considered trolling since nothing good comes from them ever.

>> No.3099141

Well, that was fun. You two go enjoy your pissing contest, I'll be in another thread stirring up something else to complement your situation.

>> No.3099319

King author supposidely lived during the roman occupation of the british isles. He was infact a roman king. This was before the german anglo-saxon tribe invaded britain and eventually settled as england.

>> No.3099341

>King author
So Saber is a great writer now?

Well i guess the pen really is mightier than the sword

>> No.3099413

Hahaha, what a brain fart

>> No.3099460

>England is among the best countries on earth now

Enjoy your police state.

>> No.3099520

I'm playing it right now , it's pretty awesome.
i'm in my second route .
not sure how come it came to ruin but she got betrayed and felt like she failed as a king becuse of that.

>> No.3099752
File: 59 KB, 1004x406, =win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was going well until about here. >>3098897
Then this shit took over. >>3098909
So anyway, I'm split between two possibilities. Was Saber more upset about having to slaughter her own people to put down Mordred's rebellion, or the fact that her own people turned on her so readily? Saber was blatantly in denial about her success as king, which may be the result of her assuming that the people felt she was a bad leader instead of realizing that the whole misunderstanding over "not feeling human emotions" was the cause.
tl;dr Saber was in denial about her country betraying her.

>> No.3099786

betrayal among allies, bad decisions, etc. the usual stuff from political point of view.

>> No.3099801


That image is fucking great.
I also agree that she was just in denial about her country. She kept having to whack down fat wads of rebels, but she kept attributing it to the few times she overhead people saying she didn't have any humanity.

>> No.3099819

Saber is insecure, has low self esteem and always blames herself.
Even when you choose to relinquish your right to being a master, a situation where Shirou becomes a fucktard and leads to a bad end, Saber doesn't even blame you, in reality she blames herself and says "It's a situation where I wasn't able to build trust with my master" and walks away.
In her mind she was the one lacking, not that Shirou was being stupid.

Although I can understand her train of thought.

>> No.3100524

Wasn't Author a Celtic King? Seeing how the Saxons eventually did take over, s/he sure failed alright.

>> No.3100527

I know of no King Author.

>> No.3100586

There are accounts of a Roman Captain, and a Celtic Chieftain that helped reppel a Saxon blitz or two.
Combine tidbits from both, place them in an era a few hundred years at least after, and you get King Arthur of legend.

>> No.3100609

But the Romans or Celts were defeated eventually, right? Defeated by the Saxtons?

>> No.3100620

And your point concerning accuracy and SENSE a legend makes is...?

>> No.3100625
File: 702 KB, 1600x1200, 1217490429230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't frighten us, English pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur Keeng," you and all your silly English K-nig-hts. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of silly persons!

>> No.3100631

ITT We discuss countries we never been in before.

>> No.3100630

>>This was before the german anglo-saxon tribe invaded britain and eventually settled as england.

King Arthur fought against the invading saxons.

>> No.3102048

So hows Japan?

>> No.3102074
File: 35 KB, 290x424, saber_earless_lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you OP. I feel the same way. I guess the point was that, even though she loved her country more than her own life, none of her countrymen ever truly accepted her, she was forced to kill some of her own people in order to contain the invaders, and after everything, her people turned against her in the end. But let's be honest, all Shirou has to do is flip on the BBC and say, "hey don't feel so bad Saber, look England has been a major world power for the past several centuries and is among the most civilized and advanced nations in the world." Ultimately, her nation did thrive, so her overall goal met with marvelous success.
Nasu is expecting the reader to suspend disbelief in that regard, but I couldn't really make the jump either OP.

>> No.3102112 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 1209x768, 1231692160396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess the point was that, even though he loved humanity more than his own life, none of them ever truly accepted him, he was forced to kill countless amounts of innocent people in order to protect the majority, and after everything, the people he saved turned against him in the end. But let's be honest, all Shirou has to do is flip on the TV and say, "hey don't feel so bad Archer, look Humanity has been a major world power for thousands of years and is among the most civilized and advanced species in the world." Ultimately, people were saved, so his overall goal met with marvelous success.
Nasu is expecting the reader to suspend disbelief in that regard, but I couldn't really make the jump either OP.

>> No.3102117
File: 51 KB, 240x340, 4cJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Saber would have her Excalibur confiscated immediately upon entering Britain.

>> No.3102120

ffffffff, don't even get me started on archer

>> No.3102121
File: 915 KB, 1280x1024, Unlimited1280_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess the point was that, even though he loved humanity more than his own life, none of them ever truly accepted him, he was forced to kill countless amounts of innocent people in order to protect the majority, and after everything, the people he saved and the ideals he had turned against him in the end. But let's be honest, all Shirou has to do is flip on the TV and say, "hey don't feel so bad Archer, look Humanity has been a major world power for thousands of years and is among the most civilized and advanced species in the world." Ultimately, people were saved, so his overall goal met with marvelous success.
>Nasu is expecting the reader to suspend disbelief in that regard, but I couldn't really make the jump either OP.

>> No.3102171
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She would give the constable who attempted to do so exactly one warning, then summarily execute him for treason upon his next attempt.

>> No.3102192

"It's all right Saber, all those people you swore to protect, but ended up killing isn't a big deal. The French made Great Britain a pretty cool place centuries after you died."

>> No.3102196


Then she would be arrested for terrorism and sent to gitmo, where she would be tortured by American agents and raped by the insane Muslims that are already there. And by the Americans too, most of whom probably haven't seen a natural blonde in years.

>> No.3102207

Saber and Shirou should've just smoked out and watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail

>> No.3102257

>all Shirou has to do is flip on the BBC and say, "hey don't feel so bad Saber, look England has been a major world power for the past several centuries and is among the most civilized and advanced nations in the world."

"England" isn't Saber's country. Britain was, and Britain was overrun by the Saxons, Angles (hence the name "England," from "Angle-land"), and Jutes, in the aftermath of Arthur's death. The Anglo-Saxons were, in turn, nearly overrun by the Danes, and eventually conquered by the Normans. The Anglo-Normans then defeated and annexed the last bastion of Britons: Wales.

The country that Saber ruled over doesn't exist today, leastwise not in England. Today's England isn't even the country that defeated the Romano-Celtic Britons. The English language isn't even descended from Celtic: it's descended from Anglo-Saxon and Norman French. The closest thing we have to a successor to Arthurian Britain is Wales, but Wales isn't exactly as well-off as England. Wales has spent the better part of the last millennium predominantly poor and oppressed by its foreign rulers.

>> No.3102294

To be a servant you apparently have to have some sort of odd personality characteristic, fetish, or unrequited teenage angst...

That's why we'll never see Rasputin, Teddy Roosevelt, or Jack Churchill as servants...

>> No.3102340
File: 172 KB, 932x811, Britain best country in teh world !!!11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>England is among the best countries on earth now

You are right. Who am I kidding? Britain really is the best country in the world.

>> No.3102339

No odd personality characteristic?

You best be joking, nigger.

>> No.3102346

Teodore is a shota who loves wearing bear fursuits.

>> No.3102347


I bet Saber wouldn't mind exterminating those countrymen.

>> No.3102354

She should cut down the traitorous policemen in the bottom left pic.

>> No.3102360

For a country that got owned by Romans, Normans, Vikings, and currently the Pakistanis, Somalis and Arabs, Britfags sure love to talk big.

>> No.3102429

British now a days are generally not the same people that originally inhabited the island.

>> No.3102435

OP's troll copypasta was shit, this thread is shit.

>> No.3102514

Is it really that weird?

The fact that it turned out like this >>3102257
and the fact that it was her job to make it so that such a thing would never ever happen is basically the fact for why she wanted to do things over again.

Now, Shirou basically tried to tell her that she didn't do anything wrong and that she had led her country splendedly, that she had lived a life worthy of being proud of and that if she were to change that, it would be a disgrace not only to her but to all the people who aided her and who have regarded her as one of the best kings there was.
Shirou wanted to compensate her for all of her hard work now that she had basically gotten a chance for a second life.
It is only that when Shirou made her understand she didn't do anything wrong and that she should be proud of herself she felt happy and that her life actually was good. The thing is that shen she undesrstood all this, she felt that she could/should rest in peace. She had already lived her whole life after all, the time she had gotten as a heroic spirit was nothing more than something extra granted to her by some kind of miracle.
While Shirou wanted her to stay so that she could be compensated, he understood that wasn't neccesary when she felt that everything had been alright and that her life had been a fine one, so he never argued back when she felt it was time to rest in peace.

Now this is only true in the Fate true end, in all of the other endings she is basically fucked for I don't know how long. I never really understood people who called the Fate true end a sad one and I very much so never understood people who thought of the UBW good end as some kind of "good" end for Saber because in that end she still never reached a conclusion.

>> No.3102579
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, 54fdfa25c08dfd2c81da09169b8a2a7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Arthur Pendragon, the real one that is, and his knights of the round are historical figures who fought and lost to Saxons.

However, King Arthur the legend and Arturia Pendragon died on a battle against Mordred's rebellion, before Britain's forces were overrun. She thinks she failed her country because she ended up killing the people she was supposed to protect. She believes that said betrayal was somehow her fault.

She's not that off though, Mordred was able to gather so many rebels because Arturia looked liked a soulless leader. However, that dedicated servant of Britain was what that country needed and asked for at the very beginning. Pretty ironic, if you ask me.

>> No.3102584

>>Implying there was a real King Arthur.

>> No.3102606

The general thought is actually there was some kind of king named king arthur and even the sword Excalibur could have existed. But all that magic stuff is another and the Arturian legends are filled with it.

>> No.3102612


>> No.3102619

No. The general thought on King Arthur is that all references to him were made, a few hundred years after he supposedly existed, and are not reliable.

>> No.3102663

Who cares anyway? A king, whose name could, or could not, be Arthur, got his ass kicked by the Saxons. Big deal.

>> No.3102679

He wasn't really a king either.

>> No.3102715

King Arthur was based on numerous kings and figures throughout history. There wasn't a single person that was specifically "King Arthur".
