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3093902 No.3093902 [Reply] [Original]

Umineko is a masterpiece, one that rivals even the greatest mystery novels. It is proof that visual(sound) novels are superior medium than books.

>> No.3093910

Shitty troll is shitty.
I like VNs and books, it's a completely different experience.

>> No.3093922


OP, stop being so monotonic.

>> No.3093923

I like Umineko, mind you, but it's not a literary masterpiece by any criteria. It's just entertaining.

The actual literary qualities are doubtful. It's decidedly lowbrow. But that's fine. It is what it is.

>> No.3093932

>Umineko is a masterpiece


>rivals even the greatest mystery novels

Also true

>It is proof that visual(sound) novels are superior medium than books.

More potential at least. Most visual novels have shitty, amateurish storytelling. If you get a great writer, and then have them construct a visual novel, they'd be able to do much more with it than they would with print media.

>> No.3093935
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I like VNs but comparing them to books is kind of silly. They are different things.

>> No.3093943

How are VNs and books so different that they aren't comparable? VNs ARE novels, just with pictures and sound.

>> No.3093960

Visual novels allow you to do things that books can't really do well, which is construct suspenseful situations that don't contain a lot of dialogue well. Also, scenes with lots of action.

In place of "HE SWUNG HIS SWORD. THERE WAS A SOUNDING CLANG", or descriptions thereof, you can have a sound for the swing/clang and a flash of light that indicates it happened. Now, the dialogue is not solely interrupted by describing the physics of what just happened.

Imagine them making a visual novel out of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series of novels. Dear God, I would shit myself for most of the action scenes.

>> No.3093966

> If you get a great writer
Hamlet : The Visual Novel

Yeah, never gonna happen

>> No.3093969

And if books aren't entertaining, they just aren't great. I have read few mystery novels that weren't simply, heres a puzzles, and here are some clues. Theres some hints along the way if you get stuck.

I find far too often mystery novels abandon plot, character development and storytelling in general, since they are not related to the genre, and only take away from the experience according to them. Authors of such novels often criticize other such mystery novels, which is unfortunate.

A mystery novel should not just be an intellectual puzzle. As a novel, it has other literary obligations.

>> No.3094000

Action-focused novels can easily be translated into the VN form. Now try to do it with something like Notes from Underground...

>> No.3094007

And if eroges aren't entertaining, they just aren't great. I have read few eroge that weren't simply, heres a sexscene, and here are some CGIs. Theres a hint menu along the way if you get stuck.

I find far too often eroge abandon plot, character development and storytelling in general, since they are not related to the genre, and only take away from the experience according to them. Authors of such eroge often criticize other such eroge, which is unfortunate.

An eroge should not just be mollusks. As an eroge, it has other literary obligations.

>> No.3094012


>comparing porn to mystery novels

Oh U

>> No.3094017

Hey, I'd like to have some goddamn plot and character development before I start fapping.

>> No.3094026

Wait till you get to the point where you can't fap without the right music playing.

>> No.3094029

If you relate too much with the slut, you won't handle her future degradation.

>> No.3094054

VNs are inferior to every other medium.

Ignoring that, though, Umineko made me try some Agatha Christie, and so far I prefer Umineko, mainly, I think, because it has time to give actual depth to the characters with the Groundhog Day thing. I think I definitely would have preferred to read it as a book, though; all of the "special effects" stuff (bouncing stakes, goats eating people, etc) is horribly cheesy. Maybe some illustrations sprinkled in to still get the character designs.

>> No.3094056

I'm not really into mystery novels so I like Umineko more because it offers more than just mystery.

Most VNs aren't action-orientated though.

>> No.3094067

It's funny; my memory is good enough that I can play back large chunks of songs in my head, and since VN music is short and looped, it's not difficult at all.

>> No.3094070
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>VNs are inferior to every other medium.

>> No.3094081

I don't mean "fights" by "action". I mean that it isn't focused in an interior monologue, but rather in exterior events.

>> No.3094093

It's true, I need Nicol Armarfi's shitty music to get off

>> No.3094091

VNs are superior to every other medium except actual books.

>> No.3094095

Christie gives character development to two main characters over several books (Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot) and if you read plenty of her novels, you will end up liking them quite a bit.

That said, she does have her fair share of not-so-good novels. I personally think she's just a little bit overrated, but gems like Ten Little Indians and Murder on the Orient Express are indeed fantastic.

>> No.3094111

>VNs are inferior to every other medium.

I don't see why. It's like a combination between a book, a comic book + music.

it's just that nobody cares about them so the writers aren't very good.

>> No.3094128

VNs often have a fair amount of internal monologue. Although I do agree that there are some narrative limitations to visual novels.

>> No.3094134

I already like them both plenty, I mean the people actually under suspicion/the victims. Eva, Rosa, and Maria are interesting. The characters I've run into in Christie books so far don't usually (although there are exceptions; The Hollow spends like 100 pages developing the characters before the murder) go beyond "in this social position, this temperament, has these acquaintances and motivations." Of course, that's about all there is, so really it's just the amount of pagetime they get, I guess.

>> No.3094156

Pressing space/control all the time, and poorly done visual effects, for me. I think I'd like a plain book+music (changes songs on certain page turns?), though.

>> No.3094164

Umineko immediately reminded me of ten little Indians, I bet it was one of the major influences.

>> No.3094167

yeah, except unlike comic books they aren't portable. A comic book you can take to places, like to read during your commute or during lunch.

>> No.3094172
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>> No.3094176

Well, I meant on the visual aspect.

>> No.3094184


What the fuck portability have anything to do with the quality of a medium?

And there are plenty of portable VNs out there on the PSP and such. Japanese even play VNs on their phones.

>> No.3094186

Buy a netbook and install some VNs in it.

>> No.3094192

Flandre Scarlet confirmed as Beatrice?

>> No.3094200

not as accessible means less people are going to bother with it or stumble upon it.

>> No.3094210

I will only accept VNs as a superior medium when they run with clean energy are are made of fully degradable components. I also won't tolerate violence against animals in my VNs.

>> No.3094278

I don't tolerate fags in my internet

>> No.3094301

VNs will always be the third class citizen.
