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File: 138 KB, 812x1161, saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
307665 No.307665 [Reply] [Original]

You know, I've always been bothered with the limited classes that exist for the holy grail war.

I know 7 is supposed to be a holy number, but twelve would be a more compelling number for a war between magi for such an object.

Then again, I guess T-M thought it was too much work to actually create even another 5 classes + servants + masters. Which is a shame, as I could think of the classes and servants on the fly.

A variation of the Assesin (which is infested with Hassan's family), who is actually more like a justice seeker who was exiled from society than an actual villain. This class is almost impossible to detect for the servant blends perfectly into each war's society based on instinct and kills the other servants or masters silently or by ambushing them when they let their guards down.
Ideal Characters: Romeo (from Romeo and Juliet (swordmen)), Mata Hari

You see, I think the saber class is messed up. It should rather be split into Knights and Saber. Knights would be real landlords with a honor title (think of Arthur, Nobunaga and such) while Saber would be a more general title for plain warriors who have little to no sense for such things as honor or just have other worries. Also, Knights might rely on more than just there sword (mixing swordfighting abilities with maces or archery, as well as commanding large number of troops via noble fantasms (the less efective their normal attacks the more effective this noble fantasm)). Sabers would rely more heavily on their sword-fighting abilities (maybe in conjunction with their horseriding abilities?)
Suggested Knights: Arthur, Nobunaga, Caesar, Alexander the Great
Suggested Sabers: Musashi Miyamoto, Siegfried/Sigfrid from the Norsk/Nibelung Sagas, El Cid

>> No.307679
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Not religious, peaceful people but rather spiritual fighters in ShaoLin fashion who played out important roles in their time who can obviously hide in front of everybody without being noticed for religious standards of vestuary and manners remaining unchanged for centuries.
Suggested characters: Father Grigory of the Half Life 2 Series, Jesus. Nah, I don't know ones of my hat but I know there were important buddhist revolts as well as some popes actively battling in the christian raids to get back Jerusalem

Martial Artist:
I'm just talking about people who use no special weapon or magic to fight but do it barehandedly and rely purely on the strength of their fists/feet. May it be with boxing, grecoroman fighting, tai-chi, karate, etc.
Suggested Heroes: Sagata Sanshiro (not to be confused with Segata), Bruce Lee, Hercules (non-Berserker modus)

Mythological human-like creatures. I think they should be their own class even though they can still be summoned in other classes (Archer class has shown us that both Gil and Shirou are not "real" Archer but actually were summoned into that class because of them just being able to fit into it rather than because they just long-ranged attacks). Characters in this class would include Vampires, Valkyries, Grecoroman mythological creatures, inmortal warriors of asian mythology, etc.
Suggested characters: Dracula, Brünhild, Medusa (well, actually she'd probably still be Rider), Son Goku (mythological Ape from "Journey to West" not Mr "Over 9000"), etc.

P.D.: Stop messing with Heroic Spirits' and their master's gender. It messes up the story.

>> No.307713


>> No.307731

Fuck, I'm having a /tg/ moment. Oh well.

Generic Flexible Classes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>> Specific Rigid Classes

It's always better to make a few classes that can fit many characters instead of making many classes that fit few characters.
