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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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307493 No.307493 [Reply] [Original]

Ronery threads need to stop.

Most of us here have regular girlfriends or chicks we see on and off, fuckbuddies basically. We don't want to be encumbered with your bullshit. I can bench 130 myself and I certainly dont like being grouped with you losers, so put a stop to it. A lot of us /b/tards lurk this board and we just want to discuss stuff like clubbing spots in Japan and the best place to get wasted... So stop fucking with us and saging our threads.

>> No.307497

>>307493 GAR

>> No.307516

>Most of us here have regular girlfriends or chicks we see on and off, fuckbuddies basically.



>> No.307518


>> No.307525

Do NOT feed the troll ...

>> No.307522

The whole /b/tard bit tipped your hand
Subtlety in trolls is a lost art.

>> No.307534

You just did. And you bumped the thread.

Oh wait you are OP? My mistake.

>> No.307537

Get out of my /jp/, /a/

>> No.307541


>> No.307544

Im forecasting a shitstorm due inbound around half past now.

>> No.307546

>>Most of us here have regular girlfriends or chicks we see on and off, fuckbuddies basically.
Not even a troll. Quite sad actually, and the reason /b/ sucks (more than ever) now.

>> No.307552

>>307544 僕Ⅱ !BOKUfQ/bHY
Also bumped the thread.

>> No.307560


Go and look at /b/'s front page.

/r9k/ was good for the first couple of weeks, but then the 'my girlfriend' and sex threads took over that place too.

>> No.307567

Bumped the thread.

>> No.307566
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>> No.307571

Sage goes into every field.

>> No.307579

>A lot of us /b/tards
>Most of us here have regular girlfriends or chicks we see on and off, fuckbuddies basically.

i know you're a troll, but you can't call yourself a /b/tard. You are the faggots who ruined /b/

>> No.307591

Funny how you just sage the truth.

Cunts, I could smash each and everyone one of you out if ever I met you IRL. You guys are about as bad as a teddy bear, you couldn't take on someone who actually knows genuine street fighting like me.

Oh, and by the way, my brother is doing 3 years for armed robbery, and this is a guy who has fucked over 50 girls. Pity you guys are even worse than a so called 'loser' eh?

>> No.307597
File: 79 KB, 600x500, 1206470211867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandmaster Trolling Rule №1:
Reply to your own posts on regular basis. Replies should be witty.

>> No.307612

/jp/ has less ronery threads than /a/ and /v/.

>> No.307613

first, I call bullshit
second, why the fuck are you on /jp/
thirdly, of course you're a loser if you're on /jp/
fourth, the majority of people here are "losers" and so you become the minority here, so we get the authority as to whether you are a "loser" or not. Since you are a minority, we can call you whatever the fuck we want

>> No.307616

Once you have some sex, you'll realize it isn't the end-all and be-all of human existence. Just saying.

>> No.307608

>Cunts, I could smash each and everyone one of you out if ever I met you IRL. You guys are about as bad as a teddy bear, you couldn't take on someone who actually knows genuine street fighting like me.


>> No.307617

>>A lot of us /b/tards lurk this board
>>us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards us /b/tards

>> No.307618

>>307591 GAR
The truth? You can't handle the truth so you makeup a lie and live by it. This is my last actual message to you.

>> No.307621

/v/ still has ronery threads? I thought they all dissapeared after newfag summer.

>> No.307622

Trolls trolling trolls.
Fuck you, 4chan.

>> No.307626

>>307613 GAR
Sup GARdian?

>> No.307632

Bumped the thread

>> No.307640

it's shit was so cash, right?

>> No.307643


>> No.307646

But we're not in real life. We're on the internet, where the most you can do is cry like a little bitch if we use our internet super powers to ruin your life.

>> No.307648
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>> No.307653

/b/ is filled with retards now uguu~

>> No.307649

Seriously, you guys should motivate yourself towards something and just GO FOR IT.

When I started working out I couldn't do shit, now when I pick stuff up it feels really light and I can feel that power that I generated over the past few months coursing through my veins. It's really easy to pick stuff up now, and you just feel better as a result. Start with the gym!

>> No.307655

I am motivating myself.

>> No.307661

Bumped the thread
>>307649 GAR

>> No.307662

Why did you get a secure tripcode?

>> No.307663

I love you.

>> No.307666

KO from one blow by the badass who can bench 130, lol

>> No.307668

Bumped the thread.

Oh and these new rules that every bump gives the thread more time to live? I LOVE THEM OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO AWESOME.


>> No.307670
File: 79 KB, 812x1173, 1206470757291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you think anyone would judge you positively for that post.

>> No.307676

stuff is really light and you can feel the power coursing through your veins

gtfo thats a fucking lie

>> No.307677
File: 113 KB, 450x1024, 1206470773490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.307690

I take it you're a girl? I usually get that a lot from members of the opposite sex XD

>> No.307710

uguu...if Uguu~ wanted to post as anonymous Uguu~ would have posted as anonymous uguu~

>> No.307712

Disregard this thread, I suck cocks.

>> No.307716

hay guys lets all reply to the troll

>> No.307722

sage for alphamale

>> No.307730

lol all this h8in on me coming from people who encourage incest threads.

pretty fucking pathetic.

>> No.307737


>> No.307746

Pic related; it's my car

Shit was SO CASH

>> No.307753

uguu...sage is because you are a fucking faggot uguu~

>> No.307767


How did you guess?! lol

nah, i hate ronery threads too, you've notched up a mark in my book for taking them on. You're probably not half bad looking too, seeing as how you don't fit into the mould on here (i.e. bitter virgin).

>> No.307775

>>307767 GAR

>> No.307793

You guys are pretty sad really, just keep on deluding yourself.

>> No.307795



>> No.307799

Though physically you're stronger, you still have a weak self image.

If you weren't insecure you wouldn't have to tell us how great you are.
