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3070755 No.3070755 [Reply] [Original]

I was searching through the Bible for the testaments that Maria mentioned, and I came across red text.

Does this mean they are the absolute truth? I'm confused by the text.

>> No.3070763

Jesus is a witch.

>> No.3070772

the writer of the book is a witch

>> No.3070775

That never happened.

>> No.3070777


>> No.3070787
File: 124 KB, 255x480, battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Useless...It's all useless...

>> No.3070790

Jesus doesn't exist.

>> No.3070792

But how do you know she is a witch?

>> No.3070794

You can't prove it, it's a devil's proof.

>> No.3070802

Red text is the word of God

>> No.3070807

Beato is Jesus

>> No.3070808

Uu- God "exists", uuu!

>> No.3070809

Damn, that's a great argument against atheistfags.

>> No.3070814

Oh fuck

>> No.3070815
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>devil's proof

>> No.3070823
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I don't know what you're talking about, but Maria is the absolute truth.

>> No.3070837

Turn the chessboard around again.

>> No.3070858

I can't.

>> No.3070867

you can't prove jesus exists

>> No.3070871

Umineko really reminded me of Christfags with the whole "It's a devil's proof, you can't prove it doesn't exist, and of course the burden of proof isn't on me."

>> No.3070875

It's not, analytical math approved.

>> No.3070877

Oh, I see now. Unless there documents or something like that.

>> No.3070880

Ask a priest to say it in red.

>> No.3070882

You're using the argument of the devil! You're a sinner!

>> No.3070916


>> No.3070935

UUU UU jesus "exists"

>> No.3070937


>> No.3070943

the document's could still be fake.
devil's proof

>> No.3070951

Just like Islam, Judaism, etc.

>> No.3070956

That's not proof of anything in the slightest

>> No.3070959
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It's all useless anyway!

>> No.3070960

Suddenly, it all makes sense.

Ryukishi got the idea for red text while researching the bible for all the references.

>> No.3070961

Fair enough.

>> No.3070963
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You can't prove that WE exist.

>> No.3070967

Yes, yes, I get it now.

>> No.3070969

Holy shit someone archive this thread

>> No.3070972

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that. Although the argument is much more humorous when it involves small bombs in Halloween candy rather than religion.

>> No.3070974
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This guy would like a word with you.

>> No.3070975

Like any other religion in existence, if you were to consider that as proof, you would have to accept the existence of multiple gods, which result in a multiple contradiction, leaving you in the start, hence any kind of that sort of proof is actually considered one.

>> No.3070977

who would want to prove that shit like you exists? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3070987

Without love, hope, and faith, it cannot be seen.

>> No.3070989

And that's not even taking into account the fact that they can be fake.

>> No.3070990
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>> No.3070991


>> No.3070995

Most /jp/ relevant mathematician I can think of.

>> No.3071002

Jesus was history's first great warlock. He invented the red text of truth. His process of turning water into wine evolved into the alchemy Beatrice used to create a mountain of gold. His greatest sorcery was his own revival, a feat magi are still trying to reproduce.

>> No.3071006

I believe in Jesus, he will take me to the golden land

>> No.3071007

You can prove that the bible is full of shit.
That counts as proof for the bible being unreliable, so we can safely assume that everything that's in it is nonsense.
Since the bible is the only 'proof' of god's existence, I proved that god doesn't exist.

>> No.3071015

then how would you explain all those crimes?

I dare you to deny the small bombs or be silent forever!! *cracklecrackle*

>> No.3071024

>>>/rs/God exists.

>> No.3071027

tee hee hee

>> No.3071028


Since when the fuck did he know what he was talking about? Soul in the pineal gland and all that shit. Idiot.

>> No.3071035

The contradiction proving technique has always been my favorite in analytical math and physics.

>> No.3071036
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>> No.3071039

TIPS: Grimoire
>In short, a grimoire is that upon which a magical compendium is written down and transmitted to later generations.

>It is said that today, the most famous grimoire in the world has history of over 2000 years, is currently still in circulation, and continues to acquire new alliance members even now.

>It is forbidden to speak the true name of that grimoire, and it is simply called "Book".

Of note: The origin of the word "bible" is in the Greek for "book".

>> No.3071048

God what?

>> No.3071049



>> No.3071051

2000 years eh...

>> No.3071054

>When the six were killed in the chapel, the culprit was inside the chapel!
Why would the culprit need small bombs if they could just gouge their stomaches out directly?

Occam's Razor, bitch.

>> No.3071055

Yeah so?

>> No.3071057

I forget the name of this logical fallacy

>> No.3071060


>I don't know what logic is.

>> No.3071064

Soul is unimportant if there is no conscience of the state of living.

>> No.3071069

Occam's razor is silly and you should feel silly for using it seriously.

>> No.3071076

>It is forbidden to speak the true name
what is the true name of it? o3o

>> No.3071077

Battler's only option at the moment, even Beato laughed at it, let it go, it's not like Lambda said it was true.

Occam's is not a proving technique. Just shows the correct decision to take between a set of options based on probability.

>> No.3071085

I guess...

>> No.3071090
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You're defending small bombs and I'm the silly one?

>> No.3071105

because they got tired of gouging people after the garden shed scene.

having people gulp down some small bombs and seeing how they explode inside of them is a lot funnier, don't you think?

>> No.3071111

The "small bombs" thing is just Battler shoving the burden of proof onto Beatrice. The more red she uses to deny his theories, the closer he gets to the truth.

>> No.3071114
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>> No.3071118

But then again, nobody ever said anything about the insides of the bodies being burned. I'm assuming a bomb inside them would burn their flesh, at least a bit, right?

>> No.3071122

Why the hell would they check out the insides of the bodies?

>> No.3071130

I'm not saying they checked, but it'd be pretty obvious.

>> No.3071137

"small bombs" just refers to the concept of the death, not the mechanism, that's why it sounds so ridiculous.

>> No.3071143

Huh, I see.

>> No.3071145

meh. they were too stuffed with candy to see anything.
also; the devil's proof. you can't prove the burns weren't there.

>> No.3071153

That said, they could be nanomachines and still achieve the same result, the mechanism DOESN'T matter, that why even if Battler refused to explain the mechanism itself, Beato couldn't counterattack.

>> No.3071156

Goddamn it.

It's all useless indeed.

>> No.3071178

Its use has been forbidden for so long that it has been forgotten.

Alternately, since it is a compendium of many lesser 'books', perhaps it has no true name of its own.

>> No.3071180

Not really, you have to think as if you were a Laplace demon faking ignorance and assume there's only ONE OBSERVED quantum state.

>> No.3071199

I went away for dinner and this is what I return to?

...I'm all for the Second (or is it Third?) Coming of Jesus-Beatrice.

>> No.3071215

wait, no, it's the opposite of that, or isn't it?

>> No.3071224

tiny explosives

>> No.3071234

mini bombies

>> No.3071239
File: 479 KB, 884x583, OHGODWHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we were done with this.

>> No.3071301

If Virgilia said Rokkenjima was some sort of Schrodinger's cat experiment then it's the opposite, there's no Laplace demon, modern quantum mechanics has proven so.

>> No.3071307
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>> No.3071316

I miss the cool pope. The new one is boring.

>> No.3071334


>> No.3071368

He'll be dead soon. JP II only lasted as long as he did because of his awesomeness.

He's just a placeholder between the awesome popes. They almost always do that when an awesome pope dies, and they need a quick replacement.

>> No.3071378

What if I told you the old pope died in a locked room with 2 white circles around his eyes.
It was not a natural death and he had the only key of the door. Alle the windows were unopened.

>> No.3071379


>> No.3071388

And he had a magic circle carved in his back.

>> No.3071391

Of course, in reality as 2D characters.

>> No.3071399


>> No.3071402
File: 11 KB, 209x183, 124953833957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A witch did it

>> No.3071416


>> No.3071429

I'm pretty sure physics or some other science can prove that wrong.

>> No.3071449

Repeat it: The windows were locked.

>> No.3071452


>> No.3071476

Yes, but I fail to understand what this /rs/2D thing is.

>> No.3071493


Actually, as a purely historical document the Bible is fairly accurate.

>> No.3071496

The argument of whether 2D objects can exist in 3D space comes down to whether space is is discrete or continuous.

>> No.3071514

When it comes down to important facts, it's accurate, but everything inbetween is just fantasy.

Umineko is the Bible. Cut away the crap and you'll find valuable information. The hard part is figuring out what's crap and what isn't.

>> No.3071517



>> No.3071527

How can you argue over that? It's discrete, again, quantum mechanism proved so. So no 2D objects, but >>3071452 does say they exist as 3D, a most disturbing thing to imagine if you comprehend the implications of that.

>> No.3071535

Or even better. Jesus VN where he tries to show the existance of God to a jewish version of Battler.

>> No.3071542

It'd be worse than people using those anime masks. Creepy as fuck.

>> No.3071561

as a historian, I can tell you it's not really accurate, It's mostly mythology till the time of Joshiyahu.

>> No.3071582

Creepy as fuck indeed

>> No.3071597

And fuck, it's mechanics, not mechanism, I'm too hungry.

>> No.3071603


Fighting, political intrigue, rape, incest, magic. It sounds like a winner to me.

>> No.3071674

Well, you're a historian, so you must be correct.

>> No.3071690

Can he prove he's a historian?

>> No.3071729

Yes, why do you even ask?

>> No.3071733

For the sake of asking, of course.

>> No.3071734

He can't.

>> No.3071735


It's a Devil's Proof

>> No.3071762

Think about it, it's not.
You must have misunderstand the meaning of a devil's proof.

>> No.3071785

He can't prove it.

>> No.3071855

I said THINK, you're not even trying

>> No.3071888
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It's all connected now...
He and Billy Mays went back in time to write the bible, waiting for people to find this...
Billy Mays is not dead...
It was all to show us that the bible is a lie... Even if most intellegent people know that already...

>> No.3071910

no opposite, red txt=jesus talking
